Thursday, November 1, 2012


I've learned not to wrestle with ornery computer problems late at night, when my patience has ebbed. Just about blew a gasket yesterday trying to get my computers to talk with each other on the network. I'm much more patient about things like that in the morning and afternoon.

Yesterday around midnight, I was all set to kill my Linux Mint 13 Mate 64-bit install, sell the new motherboard, and fall back to my old motherboard and Windows XP 32-bit SP3. In fact, I had the case open and the old motherboard right there on the floor and a screwdriver in my hand, ready to take the new motherboard out. But oh, the thought of defeat, that rankled, the thought that I couldn't figure things out... call it nerd pride--I couldn't, I just couldn't. Besides, there were the forty hours I had already invested in configuring Linux and learning about it. In for a penny, in for a pound. One of the reasons I'm good at computers is I just don't give up, that's my ace in the hole, when every other sensible person would call it quits and cut their losses, I'm just too hard-headed, and I have confidence in my ability to see things through to a satisfactory solution. I'm not about taking it easy, I'm about maximum efficiency.

Today I learned more about Linux, and I think I do see light at the end of the tunnel, insofar as I'm getting better at things and there are fewer mysteries.

To be sure, Linux is much easier without a network to deal with. I would really rather not learn quite so much about networking as I am, but it looks like Linux is determined to give me a crash course. I find networking a bit boring, a matter of running around from hole to hole, knocking gophers on the head, and just when I think I've got them all another one pops up, and another.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

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