Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Republican with Sense

At least one Republican Presidential candidate has a lick of sense.*

* - Well, alright, there's also Ron Paul. That atypical Republican has got more brains than half the G.O.P. as represented in Congress. Not only does he know how to read, he wrote his own book. But he never wins, and nobody seems to take him seriously. He and Bozo, above, are the only Republicans that could really give Obama a run for his money--and split the Democratic constituency. The other Republican candidates are obvious, forget about it, dyed-in-the-wool hardcore conservatives that want to turn the clock back to 1950, forgetting that 1950 stank like rotten eggs. I don't even know how to spell their names and won't try.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

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