Friday, March 16, 2018

Guns Vs. Pot

It is amusing to contrast the police response to an active shooter situation at a Florida high school with that of a pot dealer. Tipped off that there's a large stash of pot, eager swarms of police bust in the doors of the pot dealer, looking to score cash, guns, and drugs, some of which can be siphoned off, but at any rate all opportunities for promotion, because the police department gets to keep the cash. Now, active shooter on a school campus? What's the hurry! We could get hurt, yo? No money in that, either.

It is a symptom of the collective schizophrenia in the world today that marijuana is perceived as a crime that must be answered with deadly force. China, Singapore and Malaysia, among other barbaric outposts, are known to execute those that traffic in large quantities of marijuana. For this reason, among others, an alien intelligence evaluating H. Sapiens would be wise to conclude that our species is not worthy of rescue, of enlightenment and education; that we should be left to our own devices, which means, to self-destruct in our own toxins and nuclear weapons. Rather than continue to contact us, they withdraw, leaving no trace.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Oh, No! A Professor Speaks Out

I read about Prof. Amy Wax's disparaging of black college students. In essence, she simply said that black students underperformed academically, but then she went on to point the finger at presumed causes--not genetic or racial, mind you, but cultural--rap music culture and the like. I think it is important to listen to what people are saying before jumping to conclusions about their ideology. Professors tend to carve out idiosyncratic world-views that borrow a bit of this, a bit of that, here and there. It is seldom correct to pigeon-hole them. But people are obsessed with labels, because they hate thinking.

There probably is merit to her observation, which was not denied, regarding underperformance among black students. Who benefits by her pointing out this discrepancy? Actually, if I were a black student, her words would serve as a spur to prove her wrong. Indeed, utter the inconvenient truth, say that the Emperor has no clothes. Truth is refreshing, liberating, and once truth is known, people can act based upon what they know. Prof. Amy Wax could potentially be the best friend of a high-performing black student. What she is demanding is better performance. She has not said that black students are incapable or biologically inferior at all, and they are not. She has said that rap music culture is brain-dead, and it is. Rap music prepares a mind to commit violent crime. Period. This is irrefutable, and there are tons of blacks in prison today, producing nothing, contributing nothing. A black student listening to Tchaikovsky, reading books, writing poetry, playing chess, and studying diligently--well, that would be a different kettle of fish, wouldn't it? I think that Prof. Amy Wax would be taken off her guard and might even write a recommendation letter for such a student.

The knee-jerk reactions of people in academia are insipid and do cause a reaction from the right. In the end, there is noise and little light.

Now, someone may say, but Igor! What if you were a college student that had to deal with a homophobic professor! Wouldn't you want him / her fired? Well, that did happen to me. I took two courses in microbiology from a very politically active, Republican (of course), right-wing, rabidly homophobic professor who equated homosexuals with pedophiles. She occasionally used the classroom as a platform for her views, although she was limited in this regard, because we had so much microbiology to cover that we had little time for extras. She had to contend with hundreds of pages, and it was a terrible confinement upon her clear and powerful desire to drone on and on about socially conservative politics, against the Godless liberals that wanted to normalize sexual perversion. Nevertheless, I liked microbiology and found her explanations of it tolerable and performed at the top of her class. I even gave a presentation on a disease that was quite well-received by the class and her comments and A+ led me to conclude she liked me. It is often thus with politics; people do not relate the solid and visible of everyday life with the invisible abstract, the boogieman homosexual that she conjures up in her fevered thinking about politics and public policy. Thus people persist in misguided views and generalizations based upon little but jokes, fancies or rumors they heard long ago.

It is possible to "prove 'em wrong" and there is a satisfaction in doing so. Yes, people begin by believing such and such, but they are mistaken, and if you are right, you must demonstrate to them, by your actions, they are wrong, and must revise their opinions, that is, if they want to be true. Not everyone wants to be true, but a great many people do, and upon descending into their world with clear and tangible evidence of a contradiction, one delivers a challenge to change.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Death Dream

I dreamed I was twenty again and driving my father into a deserted parking lot behind a closed shopping mall late at night. There was something work-related I had to check, a malfunctioning outdoor gadget of some kind, and I parked the car beside it. Another car pulled up. I shined my flashlight at the occupants. They got out, two men, armed with pistols. I was face down on the ground, begging for my life, and one thug smiled at my pleas, then put a bullet through my brain, which ended my life. What happened to my father, I don't know, but likely the motive of the attack was robbery, and the callous killers could brook no witnesses. It is deplorable, the tiny amounts of lucre that people are willing to kill other human beings for. It is not like I drive an expensive car or wear gold jewelry.

Upon awakening, I observed that the dream bore little relation to my current life, as I have no mortal enemies and have not been a victim of violent crime, at least recently. Perhaps I was visited by a traveling spirit that had seen the scenario. Or perhaps it was a memory of a television show. Television displays murders often. I guess it gets peoples' attention.

Of course, I will die in a certain amount of years, and that fate is unstoppable, even if I manage to elude the bullets that zip by in mad, modern-day America, where every hothead ends his life while taking out ten or twenty others.

So, what of it? I will not have any worries after I die. I will rejoin the earth, become one with it, and give up this individual identity known as self. The constituent atoms will reform into something else. And eventually, the earth will die, along with the universe itself.

I do not believe the self is so precious that it must be preserved forever. I believe the self is disposable rather, a base thing, prone to selfishness, driven by needs such as hunger and greed, and not really that fine. The dissolution of self could almost be regarded as a liberation of sorts. We cling to self and to life out of nostalgia and familiarity. One comes to realize that what we think of as the uniqueness of our self is actually replicated in many other people, who have the same drives, the same motives and desires. We are not really that different in the end. And the world keeps on spinning even after we are gone.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Pelosi on RuPaul

I have always admired Nancy Pelosi. That she is on one of my favorite shows, RuPaul, is something for me to look forward to. Pelosi functions as the conscience of a Congress that has problems mustering up compassion for the working poor, the sick and the vulnerable among our population. Congress spends too much time figuring out ways to help the rich get richer without any effort The rich must be awfully stupid, if they need so much help from the Federal Government to get even more billions on top of what they already have.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Checked Out Wal-Mart's Web Site...

...And, it looks like old WallyMart hasn't learned zip in ten years about how to design the web site. The whole thing looks like it is designed to sell paper cups and toilet paper, nothing more than that. It may be that they are just not intelligent enough to understand the digital age. Too many fossils up at the top of that company.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

We Probably Do Need a Trade War

Trump's certainly correct that a trade war would be in U.S. interests, until the rest of the world stops exacting high taxes and barriers to American products. The reason so many of our people remain unemployed or underemployed in poorly paid, part-time jobs with few or no benefits and no retirement plans is that the rest of the world has been crucifying the U.S. on trade. Free trade is a great concept, but only the U.S. has been playing by the rules. The other countries block American goods at the border. This is why cities like Detroit are crime-ridden hell-holes. China is probably the worst offender, but the other countries certainly have problems as well. I think that Europe needs to start doing some soul-searching and stop raping the U.S. on trade. The U.S. can't foot the bill for everything for ever. Just because Europe is completely to blame for WW2, and the U.S. pulled their feet out of the fire and nursed their economies back to health, doesn't mean the U.S. is now the permanent nurse of Europe and has to give, give, give and never take. Trade needs to be equal, or else there does not need to be trade at all. I am sure that Europe has plenty of farmland to grow food, or else they can turn to Russia and ask for food, and maybe while they're at it, negotiate with the Russians as to surrender terms, and how many of their citizens need to be transported to slave camps in Siberia. Europe needs to think first of all about what they can do for the U.S., rather than imaginary obligations that the U.S. has to their ungrateful, bickering, backstabbing and freeloading societies. If the E.U. can't even keep calm, cool U.K. in the fold, it is not worth the paper their treaty is printed on.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


AMD may be a cpu worth considering for Windows gamers, but no one else. AMD doesn't care about Linux. Never has, never will. So for me, it's Intel all the way. And the same goes for the hundreds of folks I buy PC's for. I don't even look at or consider AMD products, ever, under any circumstances, and for all of us, INTEL is worth a sizable premium. In fact, there is only INTEL, and they can charge whatever they want.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Republicans and Corruption Go Hand in Glove

It is amusing that Ben Carson, respectable Black Republican, talks against welfare for the poor, but greedily grasps welfare for himself. He is not O.K. with a $5000 budget to redecorate his office. He needs $31,000, or an ordinary person's entire salary, in order to buy a fancy gold-plated chair, diamond-studded desk and so on. What a hypocrite, grabbing bread from a child's mouth to sell it off so that he can put a feather in his cap. Stealing from the government is the Republican way. They talk against welfare for working people, then they take welfare for themselves.

It seems every member of Trump's team has indulged themselves, enriching themselves and their families at the public expense. Indeed, why work? Just mouth a bunch of lies and make people believe, and you can make a killing just hanging on the coattails of the Liar-in-Chief. I imagine Ben Carson finds taking handouts from the government easier than difficult, risky neurology ever was. In fact, the same motive is behind all of Trump's henchmen.

What we need is a good Democrat to go in and drain the swamp! Sell off the gold-plated chairs and expose all the excesses and theft of the entire Trump Administration.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Is the U.S. Doomed?

The United States will one day be one great big desert, with slave camps for all its people, who will be used as body bags by foreign conquerors--fresh organs, blood, tissue. One reason is other countries take science seriously, like Japan with its new cure for flu. How come the U.S. did not come up with that miracle drug? What's the reason?

All that Trump wants to do is buy bullets and bombs to blast the ragheads in the Middle East from afar, just like every Republican since 1988. Other than that, no medical care for the poor, no science, no space exploration, no infrastructure. The U.S. decays from within, while the Republicans have a jolly good time running up the deficit in a race to see how fast they can bankrupt Treasury and deplete our Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

The number of young people interested in pursuing a career in actual hard science (not just computers and nursing) is abysmal and paints a picture of the slave camps that will stretch from California to Florida. Sex slaves and organ bags are what our defeated people will become, to whichever nation or group of nations takes science seriously enough to gather up the secrets to future tech. China has already stolen a great portion of our technology, due to our leaders being asleep at the switch. No one in Washington, D.C. cares about or even really understands cybersecurity or science. All they care about is bombing ragheads, looking tough, standing tall, and partying all night in their drunken reveries of arrogance over their temporary power in this world. They will be forgotten, just like the old Weimar politicians.

Time is not on our side. I wish the Republicans would think for one second how many Ph.D.'s are graduating in China as opposed to the U.S., and how many new discoveries are being made, not in the U.S., but in competitor nations. It is not just because of resolve or toughness that the U.S. won WW2. It is because of what? Because of science. Without science, there would have been no radar, no breaking Enigma, no advanced bombers, no nukes.

Instead of a stupid border wall, which is a great big admission of defeat in the failed war on drugs, the Chinese are building dams, internet, highways, universities. Instead of invading worthless cesspool countries, the Chinese are investing in factories.

Who is going to rule the world in the future? It won't be the U.S., twenty trillion in debt. Our economy collapses the moment investors wake up and realize the debt is never going to be repaid. Inflation will turn into hyperinflation, and no one will have any retirement savings.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

American Steel

Damn straight that steel should be produced in America. 100% of all steel used in the U.S. should be produced in the U.S., because steel is a vital national security resource, as is aluminum and many other metals. It is completely ridiculous that our leaders were asleep at the switch and let all these foreigners dump steel on the market. If there is ever a war or international disaster, then there are going to be a lot of problems as we will not the material necessary for the war machine, let alone domestic needs. And there is no safety margin in letting Japan supply our steel over China. An ocean, a language, a culture, and a vast distance separates the U.S. from Japan. It is entirely possible China could take over Japan in the foreseeable future. I can see letting Canada supply our steel, but not any other country. Canada is practically an auxiliary of the U.S., anyway. Canada would be an American state, except that Canada is better than the U.S. in so many ways, mainly in knowing not to get too involved in foreign wars.

Friday, February 16, 2018

The Mental Illness Defense

I'm not sympathetic to those murderers pleading mental defectiveness to escape the death penalty. They should be hung from the neck just the same, regardless if they suffer from every mental defect in the book. Although their brain may not understand the rope, their neck will understand perfectly and behave according to the laws of physics. This business where a murderer pleads insanity, then gets the taxpayer to foot his bill the rest of his days, is complete nonsense.

If there are some who want to pay to keep a murderer alive, then they should donate the cash, after compensating the victims' families a million dollars per life, and compensating the state for all legal costs, police overtime, etc. Perhaps some of these people that want to keep the insane murderers alive can sell their homes, cars, clothes, kidneys, fingers, eye-balls etc. to raise money. It is not the responsibility of the taxpayer to keep an insane murderer alive for the next hundred years. It is a violation of my rights as a human being to compel me to finance a murderer's food, shelter, and so on. The amount I am willing to pay for that sort of thing is zero.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Lenovo doesn't want to make money. Lenovo is in the business of losing money. I've seldom seen a company so determined to avoid acquiring new customers. The salesmen don't seem very interested in making sales. You're lucky if you can get one to call you back. Of course, their computers aren't any better than anyone else's, either. The Lenovo desktop has zero room for upgrades. Want to add another hard drive? Forget it. Open up the Lenovo desktop, and you are in Nightmare Alley. There's no space for anything, and working in it is a nightmare. But the worst part about Lenovo is that it is based in China, so their hardware probably comes with built-in hacks to let the Chinese spies in.

And, word to the wise: the defect rate of Lenovo products is high, while their technical support is extremely poor. Their tech support staff speak poor English, the kind of English that a third-grader in China learning English as a second language might use, and frequently Lenovo staff will return a product without performing any repairs at all. The amount of time Lenovo requires to perform a simple repair is 2-3 months; a complex repair is completely impossible. Those who invest in Lenovo as a company or as a customer have a desire to lose money and lose time. They would be better off playing video games, because at least they would have fun that way.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Opioid Epidemic

I hate what opium and meth do to our people. Hate it. Rational human beings, good folk, transform into Cavemen, Cavewomen. Hurt themselves and others. Ruin their lives. Ruin others' lives. I sympathize with the desire to wall off Mexico, with its vast criminal drug network. Mexico has had a lot of time to reform itself and become like America, but is left behind in progress, because its people are stupid, in general. What else is to blame for drug lords running rampant in Mexico? What is to blame for the high level of corruption and crime in Mexico? Is everything the Yankee's fault? Mexicans should look in the mirror, and look at their kin and look at their neighbors, before pointing the finger North.

We should legalize marijuana from coast to coast and let that be our people's drug, because it has little harm, even next to alcohol. The resources devoted to locking up pot users are resources wasted. Pot is tea. No big deal. The biggest downside is potheads get thick-headed and lazy, but they aren't addicts and can quit tomorrow, with a bit o' willpower.

The other drugs, should they be legalized too? Yes and no. I would support legalizing methadone and other mild things to help addicts wean themselves off the hard stuff. I would not support the legalization and availability of meth, heroin or crack, because people are stupid, and they will take poisons until they die, and unfortunately, addicts have a nasty tendency to wreak ruin on those around them.

The Stock Market

I'm bailing.

The question is when, not if.

I'm quite satisfied with my gains thus far. Thanks, Obama. Oh, and a tip of the hat to Trump for not following Republican tradition in launching a new war. Yet.

True, bond interest rates are abysmal, insufficient to keep up with any rational projection of future inflation.

But, so what? Interest rates should catch up in time. Nice to have a hefty chunk of change in the bond market, dry powder for future use in the event of a stock market meltdown.

Right now, foreign stocks look interesting to me. I like the look of Asia. A war with North Korea just isn't something the U.S. really wants to do at this time, because our trade with Asia is such a huge part of the U.S. economy. Also, North Korea is nothing but a hundred-pound baby, with needs, not anything useful to offer the world. Bombing them just sort of reinforces their already existing bunker mentality, and they don't have anything worth bombing. If peace prevails, then Asia stands to gain, because China is highly rational when it comes to economic and trade policy.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Intel Slipped on its own Banana Peel

Intel's handling of the Meltdown/Spectre has made a quagmire, a nightmare for I.T., and I think many businesses around the world will be more receptive to AMD chips in the future. My biggest reason to avoid AMD is its abysmal performance in Linux, and the strange problems with its Catalyst video driver in Windows. I have not even looked at AMD in years and have no notion of what Catalyst looks like now, but perhaps I will be willing to try AMD again in 2030 or so. I figure by that time, AMD will have beta-tested Catalyst sufficiently. It was a horrible mess, worse than Meltdown/Spectre, ten years ago, and one thing I know about AMD is that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

How to Handle Afghanistan

This business where the U.S. just bankrolls a corrupt Afghan government into perpetuity is foolishness. The way to handle Afghanistan is to let the Taliban take over--after we have dumped all nuclear, biological and heavy metal waste on every acre in Afghanistan. Let the Taliban spend its energies on the environmental clean-up and enjoy the fun experiments in three-headed sheep. Do the same over in Pakistan, to impress upon that country's leadership the downside to betraying the U.S. after taking our money. What the Muslims need to focus on, instead of building bombs, is their three-headed sheep, poison in their water and air, and a host of communicable diseases. Perhaps the islamabads of the world can start cracking a book once in a blue moon, instead of a grenade pin. They need to learn about science and medicine instead of chanting the Koran every day. Maybe after a couple of generations, there will actually be some science going on in those worthless barbarian regions.

A bonus to dumping waste in Afghanistan is that the opium crop would have a built-in deterrent for all the drug users. They could get a hefty dose of radiation with every injection. That would cut down on the drug epidemic.

I don't understand why the U.S. has not recovered reparations from all the mines in Afghanistan. We should be rolling in gems and rare and precious metals now. Every taxpayer should receive a box filled with treasure captured from Afghanistan. Instead, all we receive is a big tax bill, and the tax money has gone over to help the ragheads, who hate us anyway. Worthless waste of money, getting involved in raghead nonsense. All they live for is martyrdom, they have no life and no culture.

Monday, January 15, 2018

500% Tax on Turkish Imports

Anything imported from Turkey should be taxed 500%. I think that Turkey has, for a long time, allied itself against the United States in every possible way, and the only thing that Turkey dreams about is killing Christians and sowing the seeds of terrorism throughout the Christian world. It's another Muslim-fanatic society, dedicated to genocide against non-Muslims. The markets of the West should be closed to Turkish goods, or else taxed at such a rate as to make them out of reach. Turkey's natural partner should be Iran, a similar society. The two of them can possibly merge one day to become Greater Persia. The only things they need to teach their children is Islam and how to make bombs. That is about the summit of the Muslim mind's imagination. Allah and bombs. Turkey needs to make reparations to one of the ethnic groups they practiced genocide against already, and then stop committing genocide against their own people, the Kurds.

Sunday, January 7, 2018


Influenza does make me wiser, in the ancient meaning of the word. That may be its only benefit. Nice that there is a positive mingled in with so many negatives. To take advantage, it is necessary to sleep long and undisturbed. The more bed rest, the better. Flu is wasted on those who play video games or sit at the computer all day.

Religion in Iran

Religion in Iran consists of the systematic serial rape of the people for generations. Their deity, which it is convenient to name Allah in contemporary times, is like the demon-god, Tsathoggua, that finds ways to insert itself into everyone over there and give them a jolly good working over. Tsathoggua's vast priest-class reigns like princes in that closed society and enforces piety and religiosity with the whip and the rifle. They steal, rape, plunder, torture, kill, all in the name of their demon-god, yet with every outward appearance of piety. A more pious nation than Iran would be hard to find, yet it is steeped in evil and corruption, because it worships, not goodness and light, but evil and darkness. Interesting that Rohani's recent budget included a 20% increase for the Supreme Leader's enforcers embedded in universities. So he is their liberal?

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Trump Administration Drama

The drama in the Prez's Administration isn't too surprising, given the actors and their ideology. I wonder whether it will harm the U.S. or the U.S. economy. There is the possibility of the so-called Black Swan event. It might happen because Trump goofs, as he tends to do. He's not anywhere even close to a genius. Just an above-average ballsy loudmouth with a knack for giving speeches and for communicating his particular point of view. I have watched him on television speak before MAGA crowds--his supporters. In truth, he gives better speeches than Clinton ever did, and he connects with people a lot better. After a bit, I turned the sound off, and watched him. He is better than any other politician I know of at one particular thing. He has great body language and knows how to use his hands. Clinton had no idea what to do with any part of her body, always came across as awkward and, her detractors said, phony. It's because Clinton was more of an introvert. She was, after all, just a nerdy scholar who happened to get swept up by Bill Clinton. She definitely got promoted above her abilities and competence, but that happens quite often in politics, and one could argue the same could be said of Trump.

Trump is a natural extrovert and basks in any kind of attention, negative or positive, and he has an impressive, thick skin. I don't imagine he is really upset over the whole Bannon deal or over much of anything else. Instead, he keeps his eye on the game at all times, always looking at how to win. That, I think, is his secret. He comes across as emotional and passionate, and to an extent, he is genuine, but in reality, at his core, he is calculating all the time. It is probably true that he pays little attention to details, has little knowledge of world affairs, lies frequently to make himself look better, traffics in deceit and corruption, harbors numerous personal vendettas (he's a game-player), and is suffering from early stage Alzheimer's, but he may get through his term, nonetheless. Key is whether Ivanka can exert a moderating influence and remain as a close advisor. After four years, he's done. No way people will sign up for another four years with Drama Queen, I think.

I just hope Trump doesn't get us into yet another war. It seems to me, the U.S. has borne the heavy weight of the Cross for far too long. Time for other countries to shoulder the burden of World Policeman. We are twenty trillion in debt. This is no time to take on new commitments. I am for investing, not in war, but in infrastructure, here in the U.S. I place the need for better infrastructure even above health care, because better infrastructure would result in better health care. I am talking about better, safer, faster trains, better roads and bridges, Universal, Cheap High-Speed Internet in every mile of this country, whether rural or not, and better services from the government. It is rather shameful, some of the things I see and hear about regarding government services. For instance, some government offices still run on Windows XP. There is nowhere in the world that Windows XP should still be in use. I don't care how much money it costs, people need to upgrade, or else go Linux.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Alas, Iran!

My father bore a striking physical, although not intellectual or spiritual, resemblance to the raghead mullahs of Iran, including the so-called Supreme Leader, an asinine dolt that plunged vibrant Persia into economic depression and cultural and spiritual decline with his sexual and social hang-ups and long-nourished bitter enmity against the United States and Israel. That fool has punished his people, rather than the U.S., which could care less for all his whining, in truth.

Proud Persians are tortured, imprisoned, psychologically crippled, sexually maimed, and sometimes murdered, for no good reasons at all, but just due to the whims of the ignorant mullahs, who think they have a direct line to the Omnipotent. They do not. The gods hate them, without exception. They are hated and reviled universally. They must continue to imprison, to murder, and to torture their own people, for that is the only way they can cling to power, and that is their curse and their damnation, to be compelled to such acts. Both the tortured and the torturer suffers and both become bankrupt in spirit.

I am glad I don't live in Iran, among the savages. If I did, then I'd probably be investigating all of the ins and outs of cyanide, strychnine and like substances for ending my life, but only after, don't you know, only after taking some of the oppressors with me into the grave. I believe it is a duty to resist such tyranny as is exhibited in Iran. It is a solemn, spiritual duty, and to die without taking the life of an oppressor is a grave Sin in Iran. I would seek at all costs to maximize the loss of life and the suffering among the oppressors, which is to say the mullahs, and take every precaution to ensure that my goals were obtained, prior to my own destruction.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Swatting Gnats

The U.S. could yet emerge victorious in the current world scenario, if our people proved worthy, which remains to be seen. The odds are in our favor. The U.S. is fantastically powerful in every way. North Korea barks about its nukes, but through science, we could neutralize nukes, even ICBMs, from North Korea, Russia, China, Iran and all comers.

I doubt, however, whether our people are ready to devote resources to complicated, hard to understand science and scientific research, instead of the usual, par for the course: bombing ragheads in the Middle East.

The problem with bombing ragheads is they just reproduce like rabbits and make more ragheads. What's the point? The fanatic, despotic Muslims never were a realistic threat to the U.S., just a distraction and an annoyance. They are miserable savages, yes. They should be sealed off from North and South America, Europe and Australia and contained in the miserable Third World region with the other savages. Instead, our myopic leaders squandered the nation's treasure bombing places that were probably improved by the bombing and never were anything special to begin with. Meanwhile, Asia and the real threat, China, crept around and surprised us with a nuclear-armed NK.

North Korea is just a sock-puppet for China, yet another distraction while China wages economic warfare, seizing all manufacturing, and the U.S. transforms into a service economy unfit and unprepared for any serious endeavor, useless and dependent.

The United States, twenty trillion in debt and lagging in scientific research and development, with Trump wanting to spend money, not on science--goodness no!--but on military hardware, bullets and bombs and gadgets, in order to enrich his crony friends, and possibly wage war against the next annoyance, the outlook for the U.S. does not appear all that great. China's long-term strategy, meanwhile, is apparent to those who watch and listen. China's strategy must succeed, if the U.S. does not change course and focus on what is real, rather than swatting gnats.

The proud old lion gasps in the jungle as the bold hyena comes to claim dinner.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Trump's Right about USPS. USPS Sucks.

Trump's right here. Even a stopped clock will be right twice a day.

The USPS is managed by morons, who should be placed in a facility. It operates at a loss, because the management does not know what to do, other than play with their thumbs. Management wants the USPS to be privatized, so they are doing everything in their power to destroy the USPS.

The USPS gives money to Amazon for no apparent reason, charging half what UPS and FedEx charge to deliver packages. Meanwhile, they pay the drivers $15 an hour, with no benefits at all, and no full-time hours. They use part-time, disposable temp workers. Very few drivers are full-time, with benefits. The USPS does not provide good jobs to most of its employees. Instead, it is far worse than Wal-Mart. The driver jobs are noisy, dusty, long hours for little pay, and the vehicles are unheated, uncooled, violent, and liable to cause severe, permanent hearing loss in drivers. For $15 an hour, a driver can expect to lose 25% of his hearing for life, suffer injury to joints, bones and tissue, and possibly lose a limb, because the little jalopies the drivers run around in on dirt roads for twelve hours at a time are unsafe, antiquated WW2-style jeeps.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Lawsuits are Good for Apple

I'm glad Crapple is finally facing the music over their Iphone batteries. The problem with Iphones is simple. How do you replace the battery? Yeah, it is complicated, and that's Crapple's fault, for putting users in a pickle. Either pay to replace the user's battery every 3 years, for eternity, or else design the Iphone to be easily serviced by the user, as all devices used to be, just ten years ago. This planned obsolescence bit is tricky and tiresome.

Apple is a tax dodger anyway for hiding all their profits overseas and refusing to pay much of anything in taxes to anybody, even poor old Ireland. They have no goodwill as far as I am concerned. Microsoft is a better corporate citizen than Apple, any day of the week, and that's saying something.

While I'm on Crapple's case, why did they move all the jobs to China? They should stop calling themselves American. List Apple in the Chinese stock exchange and just call themselves a Chinese company. They don't need U.S. protection. Their executive types need to move over to Beijing and learn all about the tender mercies of Chinese law and attend all those Communist Party meetings.

I don't give a hoot about new Iphone models, because they have zero features that interest me. There is one feature that would interest me: a replaceable battery. Will Apple ever design such a phone? No, because they're greedy, irresponsible idiots.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

It is a law of the Universe that no good deed goes unpunished. People fear change of any kind, whether it is for good or not. By doing good, one disrupts the status quo, and it is the familiar that is preferred and trusted, whether the familiar be good or ill, while change of any kind arouses suspicion, because many cannot understand the desire to do good, and instead brood over imaginary deeper plots and schemes.

Because Guns are Everywhere

One of the many problems with simple-minded folk is they see conspiracy and malice where there is none, as in police shootings such as this recent one. The actual problem in that case was caused by a fleeing felon and thief.

Guns are about as good as we've got at this stage, but they are brutal, klunky weapons, and we have to be willing to accept that accidents will happen--often. Police require the ability to exercise deadly force simply because deadly force is widely distributed amongst our criminal class. If our criminals were not armed with deadly weapons, then yes, the police could be kinder, gentler, and have fewer accidents. But that's not the case. We have to get used to reality. The reality is that yes, the police will off innocent folk by mistake from time to time, because it comes with the job, and there is always going to be a certain percentage of accidents and misjudgements, both due to the human factor and due to the fog of war. People casting blame blindly upon police do not grasp the challenges that the police are up against in today's heavily armed society.

Relocate Israel

The simmering problem of Israel and the Middle East could have been solved long ago, but radical solutions were not fully considered. Israel should relocate its citizens and materiel to an unused, sparsely inhabited land-mass five times its size in the Australian continent, and pay Australia for the land. If they don't want to move, due to sentimentality or religion, then the U.S. should withdraw all protection and all funding, and let the Israelis duke it out with the surrounding countries. I am willing to bet the Israelis would come around, faced with annihilation by their hostile Muslim neighbors. It is high time that Israel stop being a drain on the U.S. Treasury. One day, the U.S. may not even be able to help Israel. One country can't count on another one being there for it indefinitely. That's a bad long-term strategy.

There are very few people in Australia, with the consequence that much of Australia goes unused, being desert and scrub, and the Israelis have the knack of knowing what to do with that sort of land. Australia would benefit not only from the money down on the purchase, but by having an industrious, well-educated neighbor (possibly a quasi-independent state) which could join the Commonwealth. The smart Israelis would set a good example for the Australians and teach them a thing or two about military endeavors, as well. I bet a lot of Australians would eventually want to go live and work in their new neighbor. Israel can then focus on what it is good at, science and technology, without the distraction of fanatical, stupid, know-nothing Muslims blowing things up and killing people.

Meanwhile, all materiel currently in Israel must be dismantled and shipped to the new homeland or destroyed, leaving nothing behind but a wasteland, where the U.S. can dump nuclear waste and other highly hazardous materials, to deliver the Muslims a Pyrhhic Victory, a victory they won't want and won't be able to exploit for a thousand years. Any buildings, farms or equipment left behind should be destroyed by fire or bomb. The Muslim fanatics now spending billions of dollars on terrorism can learn about the virtue of work, and spend billions to rebuild roads, shacks and sewage systems. Nothing should be left behind for them, and they can spend the next couple centuries cleaning up nuclear and biological waste. They don't deserve to profit from the unhappy situation they created, and it will be a good lesson for them to farm on radioactive soil filled with viruses, bacteria and heavy metals.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Arguing the Case for Hanging

This insect certainly argues in favor of the restoration of hanging as the death penalty in the U.S. There ought to be a scaffold erected about every hundred mile radii where specimens such as this are hung from the neck until the crows get bold and peck at dainty little snacks.


To be a good operator in this world requires replacing stock H. Sapiens blood with ice water. Sang froid, I believe it is called. For we have many opinions, don't we, about the way things are, but opinions do get in the way, and after all, aren't we wrong some of the time? The superb operator listens to realpolitik, to the sense, not the appearance, of reality. Because reality is not as our opinions seek to make it, but rather is independent of us and our beliefs and preferences. The Universe is greater than any--or all--of us. These things I accept.

This was the reason I stayed fully invested in the United States stock market after Donald Trump became President. I sensed inflation would rise, but so would the stock market. Donald is simple, and it is not difficult to walk though his mind and lounge about on his mental furniture while deploring his atrocious taste in decor. He telegraphs everything he thinks the moment he thinks it, all the time, and is remarkably consistent, and even his many lies are transparent, for he is rather a buffoon. This makes investing easy, even with little knowledge of the market.

Just because I am making money does not mean I support Trump or the Republicans. Money is not everything to me, and I don't think it should be. Money does not equate to morality, as those right-wing Christians that adhere to the Prosperity Gospel seem to think. I know that, a hundred years ago, John D. Rockefeller helped finance the whole theology that linked Christ to the Almighty Dollar. But this idolizing of the rich has a whiff of sulfur about it.

I don't think that removing all of the safety nets from the poor and the ignorant and the stupid is a very nice thing to do. I think that there is a danger that those millions may turn extreme, rather than passing into that good Night gently and quietly. The Opiod crisis, the meth epidemic and the alt-right are warning signals from the poor. There are many guns among the people, more than in the militaries of many nations, and the right to own them is enshrined in our Bill of Rights.

The simple, ultimate and universal answer to the problems of today are both philosophical and technological. We must control the production of our new humans and optimize this production to create the very best from birth. No more defects, no more sub-par, only the very best and the very brightest. This is a very radical concept, unpalatable to many, but will be adopted by other nations such as China even if we do not. This question will decide whether democracy survives, or whether totalitarian dictatorship is the only rational and effective system of government. The United States and its people will be overtaken and enslaved in brutal servitude if we do not adopt a system of Eugenics. This is not to say that the system cannot be humane, gentle and yet effective. There is no need for human suffering or for callous or insensitive treatment of existing humans. There is only a need, and an urgent one, to improve future generations, to be better than me, than you, and better than anyone we know. The brave new world is now, and let's not let China steal it away from us.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Splendid Serenity of the Dead

My little familiar, Fra, is angry whenever I drink. But she doesn't understand. Thinking's overrated. We drink so as not to think. Or to think less. That is all.

I think, today, people think far too much, and that is why there are problems in the world. Most problems are the result of people over-thinking.

Now, tell me, what problems do rocks have? Trees? Water? Fish? Perhaps trees and fish do have problems, after all, but the problems only result from thinking--aspiring to survival, to prosperity, to reproduction, and so forth.

Were living things to emulate the dead, and not think, then they would be equals of the dead and share in the splendid serenity of the dead.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Suffer & Die

After reading about the fraud and corruption in the new Republican tax bill, I'm persuaded the ultimate objective of the Republicans is to gut Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and basically every other government program out there. It's a rifle-butt to the teeth of the lower and middle classes, a removal of the social safety net, and a return to the way things were in the 1880's, but the change is set in slow motion, not taking effect immediately. In other words, the government is being set up for inevitable bankruptcy and failure to meet all its obligations, because not enough tax will be collected to finance everything. The giveaways to big business will just result in CEO's and investors pocketing the difference and taking it home.

All of this must delight Trump supporters, who want Evolution to take its course and weed out the weak, even if that means grandpa, aunt Suzy or their best friend, Annabelle down the street. Either they love Evolution and the bones that produces, or they don't understand the simple math, in which case, Evolution again, upon the thinker that failed to think. I asked a poor Republican once why he supported the Republicans, and he said it was because of the Abortion issue, and that that was the main, possibly the only, issue for him. Well, abortion in this case is abortion of the sick, elderly, and the marginal types. Basically, society will have a harder edge, with suffering and death being more likely outcomes, without Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid around. When folks get too old or sick to work, and don't have enough money, they will just buy a gun at the corner store, and blow out their brains. Republican Heaven!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Trump the Grump

Trump called a grieving war widow to tell her that hubby knew what he signed up for. That may be the single stupidest thing he has ever said, although there is tough competition from among the many stupid things he has said. One day a book will be published, just a list of all the stupid comments Trump made over the years. If he's the best this nation can put forward, we are in big trouble ahead. Young people look at him and think what's the bother, don't work too hard, don't study, don't care, just lie, cheat and steal, and as long as you don't get caught, you're fine, you can be President.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Republican Tax Bill

I've been reading a pretty good article on the final version of the tax bill. The BBC is really an under-rated news source for Americans. I often find it superior to anything America has to offer. WaPo comes off as too biased, as does FOX. The other television channels just do television well, but don't write anything worth reading, and their articles frequently contain spelling, grammatical and logical and factual errors. I think they let the high-school interns pen the articles. BBC is different.

To my surprise, I like the tax bill, as it effects me. I am less sure about the parts that effect others, like corporations and wealthy people. I don't feel qualified to judge. All of that is out of my league. But I will benefit, because I do not itemize on my taxes. I pay my taxes in a simple and straight-forward way, and I may miss a couple loopholes here and there, but I have never been audited, either. The Republican tax bill doubles the personal exemption, which will help me a great deal.

I support drilling for oil in ANWR, because I'm a realist. We have to get oil somewhere. Period. If not ANWR, then the Middle East, which supports terrorism. I would rather inconvenience the deer up in ANWR then give a bunch of money to Al Qaeda and ISIS. Those raghead idiots over in the Middle East do not deserve a skinny dime, all of that money should be kept here in the United States, which should always be self-sufficient where energy is concerned. The U.S. has so much going against us, due to the stupidity of our leaders, so let us at least gather together what advantages the land offers, in order to offset their stupidity a little bit.

Friday, December 15, 2017


I do feel let down by the system, because so much of our peoples treasure was squandered on meaningless, pointless gonad-waving exercises overseas, from Viet Nam in the 1960s and 1970s all the way to Syria, resulting in our national debt, some twenty trillion last I heard, which will crimp U.S. prosperity in the future.

All that dough could have found a cure for Alzheimer's by now, along with cancer and other things, and maybe folks wouldn't be suffering so from horrible diseases. If only our leaders spent one minute of their time thinking about what could be truly awesome and wonderful and inspiring, instead of listening to their generals and the arrogant millionaires, who want to control everything, everywhere, even though they can't, and even though, deep down, they know they can't, and yet they still try, because they're morons with no philosophy in their vapid souls.

Scientific education, research and development is not prioritized in the United States, which is why our people will become organ bags for the Chinese, and nothing else. There won't be jobs, work, or good living going on over here, just prison-farms where people live their whole lives until their organs are needed for harvesting for a rich foreigner. That is my prediction for the U.S. and other declining countries.

I think the Mr. Robot television series is quite prophetic, and that the entire political class should be watching it on a nightly basis, before they go to bed. Indeed, China. So, tell me, how many trillions of dollars has China wasted on invading other countries? How many dams, roads, factories, and universities have they built instead?

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Bad Decisons

Humans have a high error rate, when compared to machines. We see a lot of political leaders going down for what are simple errors of judgement, or "letting the little head think for the big head." But leaders make mistakes all the time, and the costs are high. There are a lot of problems in the world that could swiftly be fixed, if the leaders even cared about fixing them, but in reality, what most leaders want seems to be the satisfaction of their personal urges, petty desires and whatnot. They seem completely unconcerned about their moment in history. They don't aspire to anything greater than the slightly modified primates that they are.

Turn out we fought both sides of the Syrian conflict, supplying arms to both ISIS and their opponents, and fighting both Assad and his opponents (ISIS). War truly is a monumental waste of taxpayer money. Republicans cringe at the idea that, somewhere in the U.S., a child is getting medical care for free, yet they pour trillions into the war machine to kill babies around the world, and for what? How is the world any better or safer because we support one side or the other somewhere? I think ultimately 100% of all problems are caused by simple stupidity in our leaders. They are simply not intelligent enough to make the decisions that should be made. They fall for simple ruses and very easily deceived. Meanwhile, those that profit from war are laughing all the way to the bank.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

In Close Proximity to Another Person

I was sitting up in bed, late at night, and next to me was a woman, also sitting up and using a laptop for business. A television played across the room that I seemed to watch while actually lost in a daydream. Both of us were, at a minimum, naked from the waist up, with our lower halves concealed under the covers, and clearly we had a history together, possibly a long one. I felt comfortable, and then confused, because all at once I remembered that this was not my life, and I could not possibly be the person in the bed, and who were these people, anyway? Then I woke up.

Possible influences: last night, I watched two intense episodes of Mr. Robot. They are always intense, though. Mr. Robot may have been the conduit. Also, one beer with strong Hops content, decaffeinated tea, and Ramen noodles.

Most folks would, I imagine, brush off as a mere dream the above, but my eyes have been opened to the possibility of soul flight by a Mr. Donald Tyson, among others. It may be just possible, I think, that in a severely limited, weird, often ineffective manner, our minds are capable of visitation with other minds. This is not to be understood in the manner it is portrayed in film, but rather in a prosaic, and as I said, severely limited manner. It is like walking through the fog of war, and catching glimpses betimes of things, elusive, fleeting.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Can't Wait 'Til Amazon is Amagone

Amazon isn't the unstoppable juggernaut some know-nothings think it is. In reality, Amazon sucks, and I can't wait to jump to the next big retailer. In fact, I've replaced Amazon for lots of things that I buy. First, they can't handle purchase orders properly. That means, no Amazon for business or government, unless you have a full-time purchaser willing to spend 5 to 10 hours per month dealing with their incompetent Synchony Bank. Second, Amazon is impossible to use with any intelligence or efficiency for computer parts--or any part, for that matter, more complicated than a pencil. Their filtering mechanism is about 10 years behind the state of the art. Just try shopping for motherboards, cpus or RAM. Third, the reviews are both gamed and censored, and most are pretty worthless one-liners that should be thrown out right away.

All these things are on top of the fact that Amazon treats its workers like crap, so there is really a moral downside to patronizing Amazon, knowing that Amazon drivers are driving around with a piss jar in their lap, because Amazon won't give them time enough for bathroom breaks. One Amazon driver was caught on video defecating outside a suburban home. First time I saw that video, I blamed the driver, but now I know all their drivers are under the gun and are rushed to the point where there is simply no time for the necessaries. In reality, Amazon's CEO was taking a crap outside somebody's house, not the driver.

Not Even Looking at AMD's Ryzen

I always filter chips for Intel when I shop, because I know AMD chips don't play well with Linux.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

For Amor Fati, I am Grateful

For Amor Fati, I am grateful to the Deity, because without it, I would have been held by random souls I met along the way, distractions without any ultimate truth to show me; my energies diverted and wasted in pointless exercises in futility. To have a functioning Off switch is a grace for which I am immensely grateful. I have used the switch again and again, and it has never failed me.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Book of Enoch

I've been reading the Bible lately, or rather, the forbidden books, the Apocrypha, which are new to me. The Book of Enoch, specifically, which was canon until the Dark Ages. I am impressed by the similarity between Biblical tone and that of rap music. So much energy is expended establishing a mighty ego; I am the Lord Thy God, etc. I do not know why a powerful entity would need to descend to such theatrics. I am not impressed by rap music, either. I suspect most rap musicians would cry like a baby if they get stubbed their toe.

Many Spirits are named in Enoch, but it is, so far, difficult to take Enoch very seriously; I suspect it is a tome designed with an ancient, forgotten political agenda, rather than a spiritual one, like a goodly portion of religious scripture, if we are honest.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Christmas Spirit

Where's the Christmas spirit? Looking at cold statistics, you'd think most folks would be happy. Stock market up, inflation tame, jobs increasing. However, instead, what we have is a country that doesn't seem too hopeful to me. I don't really know all of the reasons for it. I think change probably hits people too fast and too soon, amid smartphones, the internet, and artificial intelligence. The first two, we can sort of handle, but the last, artificial intelligence, is a doozy. Already, computers beat us at chess, drive cars, guess what we are about to say or type. Computers have gotten awfully good at figuring us out. The scary part is, in case you haven't gotten the memo, computers can take all our jobs, from A to Z, and that future is not too far off.

People really do not know how to deal with all of that, at all, and probably won't figure it out. The trouble is, we are organisms which evolve to adapt to our environment. Well, we have not had nearly enough time to adapt. The reality is, we are all going to be obsolete. There is a sense of dread about that. I feel smug only because I don't have kids, but I do fear for my brethren, H. Sapiens. I have always wished H. Sapiens the optimal outcome in things, and I dislike feeling as though things are hopeless for my own species.

My hope, when I try to rationalize it, centers upon science rescuing us from science. Surely, in the end, couples will listen to a scientist prior to reproducing. They will consult with a laboratory, which will determine the optimal genetic outcome for their future offspring. Reproduction will occur in a petri dish. Sorry, romantics, but that's the way it has got to be. However, birth can take place as usual. Nothing needs to change about birth, although women may have a different viewpoint. My hunch is, I don't care about refining birth, because I'm a man, but a woman would say, let's change things, and make birth take place in the lab, too. If I were a woman, would I want to give birth? No, certainly not, if it were optional, if I could reproduce by some other method, while conveying my genetic code to the next generation. Although, I'm not really sure--I might change my mind, if there were advantages to gain by birth.

Also, in the short term, I am worried about Trump. Now, I also worried about other Republicans in the past, but Trump seems to be a worse rendition of Republicanism. He is the type of guy that plays to his base all the time and never extends an olive branch to the other side, never tries to expand his base. So, I don't think that the Republicans are going to do too well next election, and whatever nasty things that Trump does now is quite likely to be reversed in time. My chief fear is that Trump will start yet another war. We have had so much of war, and it is not good for the economy. Most of our debt is tied to all of these wars, great and small, and the preparations for war. An honest Republican will look at the budget and agree--"Sure, but we spend all that dough to keep the world safe. This era is the Pax Americana!" And there is some merit to that argument, that we are able to sway global outcomes, and that could be potentially positive. However, the outcomes in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq were far from optimal, and I don't think anyone can say that our investments over in those blighted lands was rewarded in any way. I would rather that we invest here, in the U.S. Imagine if we did that. Better highways, railways, shipping, high-speed internet from coast to coast, medical care for everyone. These are some of the things we could have had, if we had foregone the foreign adventures so pleasing to the pride of the well-to-do, who love power and control over others, and wish to extend their power and control to foreign lands.

Perhaps the corrupt, selfish elite of China are correct, in their cold realpolitik, that democracy is doomed, that the best governance is obtained by dictatorship or oligarchy, because democracy results in Mr. Average ascending to the levers of power, and Mr. Average just isn't very good at anything, as we see with Trump. I am philosophically opposed to dictatorship, because it can also turn very bad in a very short amount of time, but China has been lucky, so far, in some ways, although their leaders are playing with a stacked deck. China had been destined to rise for centuries, and merely needed mediocre governance in order to do so.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Nationalize the Cable Companies

Cable and DSL companies should be nationalized, because internet is only second in importance to water to a community. I see the whole net neutrality argument as a symptom of a larger problem, that just a few companies monopolize internet access. There is no free market in internet providers. Instead, I have to pay one company, if I want fast internet. The internet provider stinks, by 2017 standards, and overcharges, and engages in deceptive practices. Every American should be getting 10G speed right now, even in the most rural regions, for the exorbitant prices we are paying.

But the Trump supporters are elated, and why? Because they love to suffer, and poverty for them is the only path to Grace. Every dollar they earn, they want to give to a rich man. They want the cable companies to charge them a lot for slow internet, because they feel like no one deserves fast internet, and who needs it anyway, when you have FOX news to watch 24/7.

Friday, December 1, 2017

I Wonder

I had a millenial friend that didn't bother to vote, though he supported Bernie Sanders, because he feels the system is rigged, and there's no point in participating. I wonder how he feels now, with Trump in power, and Republicans doing just whatever they please, as though they had a mandate, which they do not, but they don't care. I expect he feels raped; welcome to the world of realpolitik, wherein one either uses the system or is used by it. The system is all-powerful, greater than any of us, and can reduce us. I pitied him then, for there was much he did not yet know, but I also perceived, I was once like him, just as unaware of the light, gray and dark forces in the world, just as self-assured, just as deluded. It is truly not necessary, I concede, but it is convenient, to observe the solemn formalities, accept the petty indignities, and display the expected piety in this world. He chose not to do so, and so chose the hard road. I say that, by all the gods, our ancestors died for the privilege, and it is better to vote. Rigged or not, fair weather or not, destined for loss or not, I will vote.

In 2020, we will see, won't we? We will see whether White Nationalism is where the nation wishes to go. I only hope that the Democrats can retire the old dead wood and bring in fresh new blood. Out with Pelosi, out with Franken, out with Schumer, in with young Turks that understand the age in which we live and feel comfortable with a computer in their hands. I am sorry to disparage gray heads, but they are fossils in a rapidly changing age, and we need people that are all over data, computers, and artificial intelligence. What we need are people that read science fiction for pleasure. We have always needed that, in truth.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Precious Metals are Preposterous

The prices of precious metals are preposterous and fueled by irrational chimerae. The popularity of role-playing and video games drives demand for gold, as millions have been trained to think of gold as highly desirable, and the only possible currency, within the gaming system. In reality, in jewelry, gold has been supplanted already by other shiny metals that can mimic its properties or indeed surpass them. Gold is not what anyone will want in an apocalypse; food and guns are what people will want. It is not at all likely that precious metals will ever again occupy the position of currency within any future civilization.

As for precious metals other than gold, similar logic applies. For what reason should a man pay $1000 an ounce for platinum and $16 an ounce for silver? Silver is destined for long-term decline, because it is no longer needed in film. Platinum is destined for $500/oz., because it will soon be no longer needed in catalytic converters. The temporary aberration that saw a spike in precious metal prices is destined to peter out as the oldsters that clung to the shiny metals die off, and their descendants take the metal and sell off.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Windows 10: An Interesting Toy

Windows 10 is an interesting toy for children, but it is inappropriate for any sort of business enterprise. When a professional needs to work, Windows seizes that time to perform unrequested updates. Microsoft believes it owns the computer, rather than the customer. I look forward to the day when our businesses and governments are free of Microsoft malware, and a new operating system is in place, based upon the principle that people need to get their work done without delay and without distractions.

Men & Women

What men don't get is that women don't have the same sex drive, about ninety-nine times out of a hundred. Women don't want it. Men acting as though they do (or should) is the cause of much scandal and now, the ending of careers of the offending men. I feel sad for the men getting scourged in the media without much chance to defend themselves before a disbelieving public. In a way, it seems unfair to be called to the carpet for something that happened ten or thirty years ago. In the first place, the offense is a distant memory, if remembered at all, and the person is a much different person, having aged and grown.

Probably the optimal adaptation, for an average man of modest income and average mental and physical endowments, is the obvious and simple expedient of self-pleasure. Complete reliance upon others for fulfillment of basic needs has pitfalls in today's society, where lawsuits can be filed, charges brought, careers ended overnight.

Technology in the form of Artificial Intelligence will come to the rescue of the many lonely, homely, uncouth men--and women--who seem incapable of finding fulfillment with eager, compliant sexual partners. Robot prostitutes will sell to a vast market, and the value of said market will easily exceed that of motor vehicles. This will arise faster than anyone thinks, because there is bound to be a bright fellow somewhere among the rich who will perceive the same things and pour the necessary investment into crafting an adequate robot-whore that can be sold, rented or borrowed by techno-pimps. Anticipate the next Microsoft.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Marijuana Edibles

Marijuana edibles are pure evil, and there is no valid reason that a person would transform an otherwise beneficial substance into a dangerous, concentrated, stealthy poison, which is what an edible is. Only demons in human form take what is good and twist it into something bad. The only way marijuana can harm H. Sapiens is if these demons concentrate it in the laboratory and concoct a THC liquor that they use to poison candy and other food.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Media's Fixation on the Death Penalty

I don't know why the media goes bonkers everytime a killer gets offed. In my opinion, this lethal injection business is ludicrous. What we need is a nationwide return to hanging as the sole method of execution. Simple, effective, humane, and low-cost. Those with some kind of rare medical condition that aren't suitable for hanging can experience the guillotine, also a humane method of execution. Playing around with injections has always seem bizarre, risky, stupid and expensive to me. Whether the death penalty is right or wrong is a separate matter, but the optimal method of execution quite obviously exploits the primary weakness on the human body, the neck.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Tax Bill Should Please Trump Supporters

There's an article on how the Republicans' tax bill will screw the poor and middle class in order to help the rich. Some in the media seem to think these facts will disenchant folks from voting Republican. Not a chance. Trump supporters love this sort of thing. Deep down inside, they don't really value themselves or their own families very much. Take away their health care, and they feel happy. They want Washington to bring down Judgement on them, because they feel like they deserve it, being worthless sinners and all of that. The folks that matter, they feel, are those blessed by God--the rich, like Trump, who ought to be idolized and worshiped, for those with big bank accounts sit at the right hand of the Father. Welcome to the Cult of the Rich, a modern heresy.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Republicans, Craft What Will Endure

A bit o' turbulence in the stock market of late, due to dawning realization that the Republicans cannot accomplish Jack, due to being incapable of compromise with their Democratic colleagues. The proper way forward is straight-forward, simple and elegant: ensure long-term success, not just now but twenty years from now, by incorporating the Democrats into any plan, any bill, because why? Because gerrymandering and voter-suppression tactics aside, the Democrats represent over half the country is why. That is enough reason. America is Democrats, period, end of discussion, we are the country. You go against the Democrat on every bill, and guess what? Whatever you do won't last. It will be reversed next election cycle. So compromise, and why not? Do something intelligent for once. Listen to wonks, listen to policy experts, listen to the voice of experience. Learn, grow, gather intel, and act based upon what is optimal, not based upon your base base. It is entirely possible to craft a Republican-slanted bill, with a good Conservative color, and get Democratic sign-on, maybe not all Democrats, but some, and the goal should be, what can endure, not what is politically expedient for the current election cycle.

Fanatical buttheads is the problem with the world today, terrorists, fanatics, people convinced that the only way is their way or the highway. Refusal to listen to the other side once in a while, or at least take other people's feelings into consideration. Any man in a marriage of more than twenty years knows that compromise is key.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Trump Has Some Good Ideas

I recall a smart writer opining that "even a stopped clock is right twice a day," and that applies to Trump. I like some of the things he says. For instance, on trade. Yes, the U.S. is getting raped by China, among other nations, and that's a big concern of mine. Yes, we need to curtail some of the immigration coming in from the Middle East, and we need to end the refugee program. The damn refugees can go live in Africa or Russia, where there is plenty of space for them. We don't need a massive influx of Muslims coming to change our ways and build mosques in every village and holler out a call to prayer five times a day where people kneel in the middle of business, pointing their turban-covered head toward Mecca. No, we don't need that.

The trouble with Trump is he grew up rich and spoiled, having had everything handed to him on a silver platter, because Daddy gave him millions. He dodged the Viet Nam war because of Daddy's money. So the man has never really worked for a living and doesn't care about people who aren't millionaires. He pretends to care and does a good job at pretending, but you know, it is not really that difficult to see through him, if you have eyes that can see. A lot of people just go through life with blinders on. They can't see past their tribal allegiance to white supremacy. The only thing Trump cares about is helping the rich get richer, and pushing the poor to the boneyard.

Whereas Obama, on the other hand, had nothing handed to him. He worked and struggled and succeeded on merit. He found a way. That is the reason to vote Democrat, because the Democrats know what it is to work for a living. They have worked a full-time job in their day and know what it is to pay bills.

My, My, Roy Moore

Next time Alabama's Roy Moore goes off about "the homosexuals," he'll invite a sharp rebuttal. Worse than Clinton, by any measure one might care to apply. So all those long tedious tirades the right launched against Bill Clinton ring false now, as they beat the drum for Chester.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Interest Rates Artificially Low

Interest rates are artificially held down by the Fed's policies and by oldsters auto-investing in low return bonds and CDs. There are a lot of retirees right now, and their money is doing diddly-squat in bond funds and CDs, and they are scared to move into stocks because they haven't the time remaining to recover from any downturn.

So, the right investment right now, for those with a ten-to-twenty year investment horizon, remains stocks, particularly seeing as how a good value stock fund returns just as much, if not more than, a typical short-term or intermediate-term bond fund.

Interest rates have nowhere to go but up. Ironically, bonds now seem the "high-risk" investment, due to the threat of inflation and rising interest rates. I'll talk to long-term bonds when they bust the five per cent ceiling, but not before.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Robots Taking Our Jobs

Once again, I'm glad to be old, after reading this article in Mother Jones about machines taking our jobs.

Right-wingers, of course, never worry about the future, either global warming or the threat of automation. They still grind old horses, abortion, gays, marijuana, blacks, Jews, and other religions. All important issues, no doubt, but what about a world that is too hot? What about a world where there are no jobs?

I'll be dead before robots take over, I think. So, this is something the younger people will have to deal with. I really doubt they are capable of rising to the challenge, because they let Trump get in and don't seem to really be doing much of anything to take control of the country. I see young people as doing just what they are told, meandering about, going with the flow just like their elders, and hoping against hope things get better on their own, although things won't. They are not wired to do what is needed to change anything. The elite have bred a global population that just goes along with the tides of change created by the elite and by technology. For better or worse, that is the way of the world.

First to go will be the drivers. No more uber, no more truckers, no more taxi, no more chauffeur, no more delivery, no more airline pilots or train drivers. Robot cars will drive everything. That is huge in itself, but then, no more receptionists, secretaries, clerks, and so on. There will be a ton of people jobless and incapable of ever getting a job in the first place, no matter how much training.

Mother Jones agonizes over what to do, what to do. A social program, they think, to give benefits and money to the jobless, a permanent and persistent class of jobless, mind you, simply for doing nothing? Oh yeah? How long will that last? I just don't see that happening. There is no free lunch.

Meanwhile, the right-wingers don't care. They don't care about anything, seems like, except ghosts from the past, old axes to grind, against the gays, or marijuana, or women. I imagine they'd like a war and lots of people to die.

It does seem likely that war will break out quite often in the future, as joblessness spans the globe and billions of people are left in poverty and even starvation. I think that robots will be unleashed to deal with the situation and exterminate vast numbers of rebels. The human population, one way or another, will have to decline by 90 to 99 per cent, in order to accommodate a jobless future, where there is no way to earn a living, and humans are simply obsolete.

The only survivors will be the smartest and, more importantly, the richest, who will use the new genetic technology to craft ever more-capable versions of H. Sapiens, disease-resistant, extremely intelligent, strong, thin, obesity-resistant, and longer-lived. Robots will be unleashed to deal with the unhappy, starving multitudes.

Perhaps this is why China refuses to embrace democracy. Their leaders foresee a future where most of the population must die. Not only must most people die, but the survivors must not reproduce. They must have the capability of reproduction removed altogether, in fact. Reproduction in the future will be a crime, punishable by death.

Any other solution runs into the problem of national diversity. If we try to craft a gentler world in the United States, say, other nations will go the more expedient route, and they will gain the advantage. There is no world government, so in the end, what is expedient will win. We see this now. Republicans know. The social safety net of the West is imperiled, and I see nothing but more suffering for ordinary citizens in the future, which will be darker and crueler, with much pain, disease and misery. The reason is that all our jobs can be exported to China for cheap labor or else replaced by robots, so the Western worker is of little value anymore and might as well let him suffer and die, is the brutal logic employed by the masters. There is really not a way of preventing this trend without giving a huge advantage to nations like China and Russia that just don't care about their own workers in the first place. The absence of a functioning world government means that whatever is expedient, wins. This was the chief failure of H. Sapiens, to come together as a single species. Perhaps the future species will possess more of a sense of community and belonging.

Unfortunately, there just isn't a place for people, at least our current species, in the future. People are just too lame. Computers are smarter than we are. Robots are faster, stronger, and longer-lasting. No one alive today can compete with a robot at a specific skill set, at least the robot of the future, after the technology has been refined. It is possible, with a ton of genetic engineering, that a faster, stronger, smarter human can be cooked up in the laboratory, but that's still a long way off, and even then, the future race will probably be an amalgam of both computer and organism.

Killing off the humans solves two problems: no more threat of nuclear war, because the ones remaining will be too smart to mess around with nukes--and no more climate change, because the ultimate cause of climate change is too many people. Although it is an evil to eliminate 99.9% of the human race, in the end, those that remain will have a paradise at their feet, with minimal pollution and endless potential. The main cause of problems in the world is simply too many human beings of little intelligence and little value. They cause trouble with terrorism, warfare, violent crime, corruption, pollution, cruelty to themselves and to the animals, and meanwhile they keep reproducing like mad, because that is all they know how to do, and in the end, they are like rabbits, no better, no worse. There really is no way of persuading people not to reproduce. The way to reduce the human population remains the time-honored, traditional method, through warfare. It may even be that nuclear war on a vast scale is deployed, with an end to preserving certain outposts below the surface of the earth that will allow the elite to survive. North Korea, in fact, already foresees this and invites it, as does Russia and the U.S. and very likely, China. In these nations, secret little headquarters stacked with supplies, weapons and technology exist where the elite can endure decades if need be until the threat of nuclear contamination subsides on the surface of the earth.

Already the future is foreshadowed by the deployment of drones against Islamic barbarians and the invention of the self-driving Tesla. In the future, automated robots will patrol the earth, seeking rebels to destroy. Had we drones in sufficient quantities, we could have taken care of Afghanistan within a year. Of course, drones will only get cheaper to produce over time, as their manufacture becomes increasingly automated. In the future, our soldiers will be robots. The first side to run out of robots, loses.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Why was an Uzbeki Terrorist in the U.S.?

An Uzbeki terrorist mowing down bicylists in New York City while screaming "Allahu Akbar" is the poster child for why Muslims must not be permitted into the United States. Keep them in the Middle East, which they have ruined already. Don't let them ruin North America or Europe.

All of his family should be immediately arrested and confined in Guantanamo Bay until such time a prisoner exchange is arranged for the return of U.S. captives, now or fifty years from now. That would wipe the smirk off the scumbag's face.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Homophobic Crackdowns No Worry

In Russia, Africa, and the Muslim world, there are crackdowns against gays, with the death penalty, prison, and torture all on the table, either being considered or being actively implemented. Look at Chechnya, Russia, Zimbabwe, Iran, Egypt, Uganda.

It is useful for repressive regimes and corrupt politicians to scapegoat a minority--preferably an unpopular minority--and gays fit the bill, having a sexuality outside the norm. So that's the reason. The right-winger Satanists over in the U.S. (those charlatans that claim to be Christians) are delighted, and do everything they can to finance/enhance/support any homophobic laws or brutality that they possibly can. The more killings, the better, in their book.

Question--Will all those tortures and murders result in fewer gays? Well, with an eye to history, my answer is a firm No. In the past, gays had it far, far worse. About every country killed a gay, as soon as he was known. That policy obviously did not result in fewer gays, but in more gays, because the gays kept in the closet, and then tended to get with women and reproduce, thus producing, ironically, more gays. This is known as "poetic justice."

In the end, there will be half the world, the West, that is good to gays, and another half, the evil side, Islamic, Russian and African, that is wicked. I think that the good side will have the advantage of a vast hidden network of sympathizers, who will want to help the good side of the world, whereas the bad side of the world is never really going to know who is gay and who is not, and is going to make a lot of false assumptions and false arrests in their frenzy to detect and apprehend the harmless gays. In any event, going around punishing people for being gay is not a profitable use of time and resources. Meanwhile, the wicked side of the world falls further into corruption, vice and ignorance, as is the case with evil-doers.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Alternative to Organ Donation is Rot

The BBC reports that families often block organ donation, because of sentimentality. The cemetery should live-stream the corpse for a couple of years and show them what happens to a corpse buried in the ground. Instead of the organs being donated, what happens is worms eat the eye balls, and bacteria and funguses start a-sprouting, and all kinds of bugs and creepy-crawleys dine on a great big feast--instead of a nice, clean, organ donation that saves another person's life. It is complete nonsense that people can be so weak and mean-spirited as to deny others any use of a dead person's organs. They need a refresher course in morality or else need to spend time in a mortuary and learn what happens to dead meat. It would also be poetic justice if they need an organ and are told, No, we need to let this organ rot and provide food for fungus, bacteria, worms and crawley bugs, so you can just take some Tussin to shut up your fussin.

A Spoonful of Tussin Shuts Up Your Fussin

Another friend of the Trumpette without health insurance, after Trump's latest moves to gut Obamacare, is Robitussin. Take 'tussin for whatever ails you. It is said to be the cure for everything. You don't need no Obamacare! Be a true Republican, and go without health insurance, as your leaders desire. A spoonful of Tussin shuts up your fussin.

Stocks are in Wacka-Wacka Land

True, stocks are in Wacka-Wacka Land, with P/E ratios through the roof in comparison to historical norms. But with bonds, even high yield, yielding well under 5 per cent, is there really a choice for investors? Anyway, dividends on stocks often match or exceed the bond market. I have to stay in stocks, at least until bonds recover from their low interest rate disease.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Roy Moore

Alabama's Roy Moore, he's a live one, a typical specimen of hatemonger that, while professing his piety, is steeped in wickedness. To what entity, then, is his piety directed? For transitory power in this world, men estrange themselves from the other--a poor bargain, in any event.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Take Some Bufferin to Ease Your Sufferin

Those that voted for Trump now stand to lose their health insurance. Oopsy-daisy! You voted for Trump, now do what he says. Trump says you don't need health insurance, all you need is to take some Bufferin to ease your sufferin.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Arab's Women

I read about an Arab up in New York who left his date to burn to death while he hailed a cab. With the influx of refugees in recent years, that's what we're bringing over from the Middle East, the idea that a man's minor discomfort is of greater moment than a woman's whole life. That fits in with the way the Arab culture treats women in general, beating and whipping them for minor infractions of the rigid religious laws. Women that go along with that sort of thing must have a taste for fist.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Sadistic Religion

The attraction of harsh, dogmatic, judgemental religion, like most strains of Islam, and some strains of the other religions, for some people has little to do with the spiritual. Such faith is hostile to spirituality. Instead, some people view religion as a rule-based system for sado-masochistic role-play. For them, it is fun, pleasurable, giving a new lens to their life-experience. Politically, they seek "religious liberty" to indulge in their sado-masochistic role-play. There is a considerable attraction for such people in a well-defined system to denigrate both themselves and others, to spread derision upon all and everything, and obtain pleasure through suffering and the infliction of suffering, while reserving all their devotion for a hidden entity, a Master unseen. Their actual god is Thanatos, son of Night, whose history with H. Sapiens is long and storied, but they are ignorant of the name, and suppose it is another entity, that out of respect, they dare not name. They dare not name, because the name is known, and is not conducive to trust. Ultimately, what they crave most of all and look forward to is dissolution from this world.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Trump is the President Some Americans Deserve

Trump is the President that a big segment of our fellow Americans richly deserve. The Vanity Fair article says it all. Trump reflects a big segment of our population, say around 46%: fat, lazy, old, and grasping for quick, simple, easy solutions to a complicated and changing world. People just don't want to be bothered to think about things. They want everything to be easy, across the board, quick and easy, most of all, first and foremost. But the world isn't easy, never has been and never will be. Thus, we have a President with a fundamental disconnect from reality, living in an alternative Universe of his follower's making, based on Fox News and Sean Hannity and little else. That everything they believe is false, is a thought that never occurs to them. Perhaps they deserve Trump. As for the rest for us, we have merely to survive and nurture hope for the future. Perhaps it is too early to advise teaching one's children Chinese.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Treatment of Animals is the Ultimate Moral Litmus Test

When one reads about the needless torture of lower life forms, such as pigs--a grave sin committed in an effort to maximize profit--and probably ineffective--and the alarming footnote, that this torture is now defended with all of the vast resources of our Federal Government, by directive of the Trump Administration, it is a shock indeed; and one wonders whether the moral divide between the U.S. and other countries, such as N. Korea, has diminished from a mighty chasm, to a hop, skip and a jump. Our enemy tortures humans for no good reason, for sport; we torture pigs for no good reason--and persecute those who would show any consideration at all to the animals. We are better, still, but there is a stain.

How can it be that the "Conservative Christians" that are all for Trump can turn a blind eye to the needless suffering of animals, committed out of pure callousness? The question must be posed: if their god would approve callous cruelty against animals, then what sort of god is it?

We may one day by judged, if not by God, than by an alien race, based upon how we treat other life forms on the planet, and if that day comes any time soon, then I certainly hope we are judged individually, rather than collectively.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Trump the Motivator

Trump is doing more for the Democratic Party than any of his predecessors ever did. I think, for all those Democrats, Independents and IDunnoKnow's, next time election-day rolls around, they are going to feel like voting. Thank you, Trump, for motivating the people to vote.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Emotional Support Pets

A Muslim woman was dragged off a plane merely because she mentioned she had an allergy to dogs. The pilot freaked out and ordered police to remove her by force. Turns out the dog on the plane was for so-called "Emotional Support," not because there was a blind person on board. And, by the way, seeing-eye dogs are exceptionally well-trained and well-behaved, and in all my days, I've never seen one act up. Seeing-eye dogs are better-behaved than a lot of human beings. Emotional support dogs get no training at all. You can have a toy poodle that barks its head off all day, and that's your emotional support dog that you can bring on to a plane.

Those morons that insist upon bringing animals into public spaces due, not to blindness, but to the supposed "emotional support" should be required to complete Army Basic Training as a condition of release from a psychiatric labor camp. If they fail to complete Basic training, they should stay in the labor camp to work out all of those emotional issues and help clean toilets, garbage cans and ditches in public spaces. I think, after either Army Basic Training or twenty years cleaning toilets, they may not have a need for an emotional support pet any longer. Of course, at either facility, pets would not be allowed.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Iran's Reparations

Iran should be paying the U.S. reparations for all the terrorism over the years. About a hundred billion a year, for ten years, would be about right. They have plenty of oil, they can pay. Terrorism should not be a risk-free or cost-free business. If Trump does go to war with Iran, then he should make sure the U.S. does not wind up footing the bill for the entire exercise.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

With Age Should Come Dignity

As one ages, the most important thing to hold on to and nourish is one's dignity. Check out this article, about a fracas between a young, eloquent, smart, attractive college student and an old, haggardly, unemployed and, certainly by now, unemployable, ex-professor. What a way to end a career. That entire episode was undignified and an example of how not to behave. The main moral of that story is that with age should come calmness and philosophy. That is why I plan to remain sober and avoid vendettas. Better to remember the New Testament and turn the other cheek, than to make a big scene in a grocery store.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

How to Live in France

If one lives in France, definitely one should travel armed and ready to slay a terrorist dead, along with any of his accomplices. France should institute nationwide defense training to educate its population on the most efficient methods of slaying terrorists, and everybody over there ought to be armed with something, be it mace, knife, or even a pistol. There shouldn't be a single woman walking in public over there without a fully loaded pistol in a holster on her hip, with additional cartridges in her purse along with a can of mace. The obvious solution to terrorism is to arm the populace, to militarize it. Terrorists treat civilians as military targets, so might as well in fact make them military, with the capability of slaying the terrorists. The only reason civilians are targeted in the first place is that terrorists are low-life, rotten cowards looking for a soft target. A good old bullet to the brain is the best cure for a terrorist, and there's no reason a civilian can't serve it up, when needed.

This is the consequence of letting in all those Muslims that hate democracy and hate the West. You have to arm everyone in society and be ready to kill in an instant. Basically, the Middle East is exporting itself, its instability, craziness and senseless violence.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Sonic Warfare on U.S. Diplomats in Cuba

I am tired of reading about the so-called "mystery" surrounding hearing loss of U.S. diplomats in Cuba. It is no mystery. It is obvious and transparent. A sonic generator was deployed. Those gadgets, anybody can buy for a hundred bucks or so. Whup-de-doo. Where's the mystery? It's not rocket science. You plug it in, hide it somewhere, and a sonic wave emanates below the range of detection by human hearing, yet quite damaging. The only tip-off the victim has is that they feel bad in a certain area of a building. There is no mystery, repeat, no mystery. As to who did it, I think that will never be known until somebody squeals. Most likely, it is North Korea or Iran, because these are the declared enemies of the United States, and these countries have a huge interest in cultivating animosity between the U.S. and Cuba. At any rate, blame Iran or North Korea, because those regions are completely worthless, full of evil-doers with no value to the world, and deserve whatever punishment gets meted out. Ultimately, who cares who is to blame? Iran and North Korea are the default scapegoats. Iran actually says "Death to America!" on a regular basis, and North Korea threatens to nuke us, so their intentions are clear.

Trump is Right about Puerto Rico

The reality is, Puerto Rico won't be around in a couple decades. It will be under the ocean. To invest money on rebuilding anything else on that doomed island is ludicrous. Hand out birth control and food, and that's it. Temporary shelters at most. Anything built will become homes for the fish of the future. All we have to look forward to is more and worse storms in that part of the world. Rebuilding New Orleans was stupid, too. I think people need to educate themselves on climate change and what exactly it means, then reconsider investing billions on the coast. Maybe billions of their retirement savings, but not of taxpayer dollars. If they want to go bankrupt flushing money into the ocean, that's their business. But it shouldn't be the taxpayer's.

As for the debt, default. Wall Street should have known better. Maybe they can recycle whatever is left on that island or sell the land to carnival ships, who can use it as a tourist destination until it disappears.
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions