Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Lenovo doesn't want to make money. Lenovo is in the business of losing money. I've seldom seen a company so determined to avoid acquiring new customers. The salesmen don't seem very interested in making sales. You're lucky if you can get one to call you back. Of course, their computers aren't any better than anyone else's, either. The Lenovo desktop has zero room for upgrades. Want to add another hard drive? Forget it. Open up the Lenovo desktop, and you are in Nightmare Alley. There's no space for anything, and working in it is a nightmare. But the worst part about Lenovo is that it is based in China, so their hardware probably comes with built-in hacks to let the Chinese spies in.

And, word to the wise: the defect rate of Lenovo products is high, while their technical support is extremely poor. Their tech support staff speak poor English, the kind of English that a third-grader in China learning English as a second language might use, and frequently Lenovo staff will return a product without performing any repairs at all. The amount of time Lenovo requires to perform a simple repair is 2-3 months; a complex repair is completely impossible. Those who invest in Lenovo as a company or as a customer have a desire to lose money and lose time. They would be better off playing video games, because at least they would have fun that way.

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