Friday, November 10, 2017

Republicans, Craft What Will Endure

A bit o' turbulence in the stock market of late, due to dawning realization that the Republicans cannot accomplish Jack, due to being incapable of compromise with their Democratic colleagues. The proper way forward is straight-forward, simple and elegant: ensure long-term success, not just now but twenty years from now, by incorporating the Democrats into any plan, any bill, because why? Because gerrymandering and voter-suppression tactics aside, the Democrats represent over half the country is why. That is enough reason. America is Democrats, period, end of discussion, we are the country. You go against the Democrat on every bill, and guess what? Whatever you do won't last. It will be reversed next election cycle. So compromise, and why not? Do something intelligent for once. Listen to wonks, listen to policy experts, listen to the voice of experience. Learn, grow, gather intel, and act based upon what is optimal, not based upon your base base. It is entirely possible to craft a Republican-slanted bill, with a good Conservative color, and get Democratic sign-on, maybe not all Democrats, but some, and the goal should be, what can endure, not what is politically expedient for the current election cycle.

Fanatical buttheads is the problem with the world today, terrorists, fanatics, people convinced that the only way is their way or the highway. Refusal to listen to the other side once in a while, or at least take other people's feelings into consideration. Any man in a marriage of more than twenty years knows that compromise is key.

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