Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Opioid Epidemic

I hate what opium and meth do to our people. Hate it. Rational human beings, good folk, transform into Cavemen, Cavewomen. Hurt themselves and others. Ruin their lives. Ruin others' lives. I sympathize with the desire to wall off Mexico, with its vast criminal drug network. Mexico has had a lot of time to reform itself and become like America, but is left behind in progress, because its people are stupid, in general. What else is to blame for drug lords running rampant in Mexico? What is to blame for the high level of corruption and crime in Mexico? Is everything the Yankee's fault? Mexicans should look in the mirror, and look at their kin and look at their neighbors, before pointing the finger North.

We should legalize marijuana from coast to coast and let that be our people's drug, because it has little harm, even next to alcohol. The resources devoted to locking up pot users are resources wasted. Pot is tea. No big deal. The biggest downside is potheads get thick-headed and lazy, but they aren't addicts and can quit tomorrow, with a bit o' willpower.

The other drugs, should they be legalized too? Yes and no. I would support legalizing methadone and other mild things to help addicts wean themselves off the hard stuff. I would not support the legalization and availability of meth, heroin or crack, because people are stupid, and they will take poisons until they die, and unfortunately, addicts have a nasty tendency to wreak ruin on those around them.

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