Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Alas, Iran!

My father bore a striking physical, although not intellectual or spiritual, resemblance to the raghead mullahs of Iran, including the so-called Supreme Leader, an asinine dolt that plunged vibrant Persia into economic depression and cultural and spiritual decline with his sexual and social hang-ups and long-nourished bitter enmity against the United States and Israel. That fool has punished his people, rather than the U.S., which could care less for all his whining, in truth.

Proud Persians are tortured, imprisoned, psychologically crippled, sexually maimed, and sometimes murdered, for no good reasons at all, but just due to the whims of the ignorant mullahs, who think they have a direct line to the Omnipotent. They do not. The gods hate them, without exception. They are hated and reviled universally. They must continue to imprison, to murder, and to torture their own people, for that is the only way they can cling to power, and that is their curse and their damnation, to be compelled to such acts. Both the tortured and the torturer suffers and both become bankrupt in spirit.

I am glad I don't live in Iran, among the savages. If I did, then I'd probably be investigating all of the ins and outs of cyanide, strychnine and like substances for ending my life, but only after, don't you know, only after taking some of the oppressors with me into the grave. I believe it is a duty to resist such tyranny as is exhibited in Iran. It is a solemn, spiritual duty, and to die without taking the life of an oppressor is a grave Sin in Iran. I would seek at all costs to maximize the loss of life and the suffering among the oppressors, which is to say the mullahs, and take every precaution to ensure that my goals were obtained, prior to my own destruction.

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