Friday, September 24, 2010

Ahmadinejad at the UN

One of the less irritating aspects of Iranian President Ahmadinejad is that I always have to copy and paste his name. The spelling is not intuitive.

I disagree with his assertion that "the majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world" agree with the view that "some segments" in U.S. government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. No one I know believes such a thing, and I mingle in liberal groups. I certainly have more faith in my government than to think a stunt like that would be pulled. The news would be explosive, many times worse than Watergate. It's unthinkable. Unless some excellent proof were made available, I would not even consider it. There is no parallel in American history, at least to my knowledge. Besides my faith in government, there is also my faith in government incompetence. A system that can't cover up Abu Ghairab certainly couldn't have gotten away with staging 9/11. They're just not that clever.

Now the Iranian government, on the other hand, is a different story. They indeed engage in deceit against their own citizens, having fixed an election, and they employ violence against peaceful protests. Perhaps Ahmadinejad is projecting his own values (or lack thereof) onto his enemy, failing to appreciate that his enemy is more scrupulous than he. Ethics are not understood by those who lack them.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Thursday, September 23, 2010

HIV Infections

The gay community continues to suffer a high infection rate from HIV. When I was young, I regarded getting tested as a rite of passage, besides a source of free condoms (they gave them out at the clinic). I was all about safe sex and could recite all the major recommendations. I'm not sure many young people are as vigilant about disease as they could be. Instead of approaching the ritual with the reverence it deserves, young lovers rush into things under the influence of hormones and alcohol. Sometimes things that should be remembered, such as a condom and how to use it, are forgotten. Then begins a lifetime of coping with unpleasant maladies such as gonorrhea, herpes, genital warts or worse, HIV. Worse is the knowledge that one may infect future lovers. Not everyone is forthcoming with crucial information regarding their infection status. It is the rare individual that is honest about such a matter.

Our college professor preaches to us about political subjects, even though she is supposed to be teaching chemistry. Today she offered us her opinion on sex education, which to her mind ends with abstinence. That road leads to death. Young people should be aware of condoms and how to use them. There is nothing gained by withholding lifesaving information. Her opinion about condoms is that "well, they don't always work." Condoms are the best known defense against HIV during the sex act, period, end of story. No, they are not a perfect protection, but what is? I have yet to meet anyone that contracted HIV while engaging in safer sex.

Abstinence is a good idea for those that are still in high school. I'm all for it. I am also in favor of monogamy, although it is not the choice of everyone. But teenagers should be taught about condoms and supplied with condoms and other forms of birth control if they request them. Today, with HIV, it is a matter of life and death.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments


I knew zucchinis were good for you, but I didn't know they could protect you, as well.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saxby Chambliss and a Call for Murder

Recently, someone traced to an IP address associated with the office of Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) posted on a blog, "all faggots must die," which summarizes the Republican viewpoint. Although some are protesting this, I think it is a rare example of honesty on the Republican side. Republican hate is real, motivating all of their actions. The rest of their argument against "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is composed of lies.

If Saxby Chambliss or his out-of-control henchmen go gunning for gays, then I am prepared to defend myself and my property. I am not afraid to die and do not fear cold-blooded murderers.

Update: Chambliss apologized and fired a member of his staff, who remains anonymous. That's good enough for me. I have always been impressed by apologies. It always surprises me to learn that someone has a bigger heart and a wiser head than I had assumed based upon a previous observation. I think that Chambliss did the right thing in this instance. I would have done the same.

However, I do hope the incident causes Chambliss to reflect upon his positions on other issues involving gays, and in particular, our brave gay soldiers. The comment had said, "all faggots must die." The "faggots" serving our country in uniform are willing to die to protect our country. They should be treated with dignity and respect, not kicked out of the military. I don't think it is much to ask to request that their sexual orientation be left alone. We are lucky that they are willing to put their lives at risk for us.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bravo for Zuckerberg

Bravo to Mark Zuckerberg for pledging $100 million dollars to the Newark public school system in New Jersey.

I don't care what the movie says about him. I think that with philanthropy, no one should look a gift horse in the mouth. It a fine thing when a wealthy person gives back to the community. I think it is a good way of polishing one's legacy.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sen. McCain, Nothing but an Empty Suit

"I regret to see that the long-respected and revered Senate Armed Services Committee has evolved into a forum for a social agenda of the liberal left of the Senate," Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) said last week on the Senate floor.

What's McCain talking about? An attempt to lift the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rule that discriminates against gays in the military. Someone needs to point out to Mr. McCain that a majority of Americans now support lifting the ban.

I used to like Sen. John McCain when he was running against George W. Bush. He used to favor allowing gays in the military. He used to be a rare maverick in the Republican party about ten years ago, but for the sake of political expediency, he degenerated into an empty suit filled up with prejudices from conservative Christian groups. I have lost all respect for McCain and will be pleased when his time in public office has come to an end.


Even though military leaders, rank and file service members, and the majority of the American public wanted to end the discrimination, the US Senate was unable to block a filibuster on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Led by John McCain, Senate Republicans have stopped the recall of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" for now.

For more information, check here.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, September 20, 2010

The DEA Should Relocate to Iran

In a CNN article on Proposition 19, which will legalize marijuana, there is a link given that supposedly explains why the former DEA chiefs frown on legalization. The real reason is that they want to continue soaking taxpayers for billions of dollars to wage war against American citizens. The proper place for a former DEA chief is in Iran, where he will feel right at home. The country founded by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson--both marijuana farmers--is not the right country for them.

Proposition 19 certainly has made some odd bedfellows. The Mexican Mafia, pot dealers, and pot growers are on the same side as the DEA. Both sides of the drug war want the war to continue, because it has proven extremely lucrative for their selfish interests. The same scenario applied during Prohibition (of alcohol).

by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Here's to Home Depot

I've opened up the "good news" category because most news tends to be bad news. Worse, most of my blog entries tend to criticize the negative elements in the world. Writers everywhere often focus upon the negative--political writers more so than others. The reasons why are obvious. What is the point of extolling something that is already working fine? Most people will agree if something is working without any problems, so there does not seem to be any point in discussing it.

My electric Black & Decker weed eater broke after three years of service. I imagined I'd have to buy a new one. I emailed the manufacturer and got the runaround. They told me I did not enter the model number in the correct space in my email. They have an automated email bot that requires all information to be entered in a precise location. After my second email bounced, I called the toll-free number, was put on hold, and then spoke with a CSR, who told me the nearest repair facility was a hundred miles away. I called the repair center, and they said the weed eater's warranty had probably expired, but they weren't sure, so they suggested that I take it back to the store I bought it from, Home Depot. Trouble was, I didn't have any receipt.

The CSR at Home Depot said, "Go ahead and pick out a new one." I was flabbergasted. I expected to come home empty-handed, and at any other store, that would have been the case. I felt grateful and picked a box that had been damaged in shipping, although the weed eater itself was fine. That was my way to pay back Home Depot for doing the right thing.

Some people probably abuse the privilege of return. In areas where returns are abused, store policy may require a valid receipt.

I remain a big fan of the Home Depot chain and prefer it over all competitors. I have had good experiences there on a consistent basis.

by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We are Marvelous Machines

The complexity of human physiology intimidates me. I find myself more sympathetic of doctors. Their job must be the toughest one of all, with such high stakes. One of the problems with medical science is that there is a great deal we still don't know. Mysteries remain. Research continues in order to verify new theories and test new treatments.

My college updated our textbook after only two years, leaving students like me stranded with an unsellable edition. However, I think it will be a good reference to have on my shelf. I may want to do some recreational reading in the future. Many of my long-standing questions about the human experience seem to be answered in its pages.

We are marvelous machines.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

A Stimulus Story

$800,000 of the stimulus money was used to teach African men how to wash their uncircumcised genitals.

Perhaps the stimulus managed to stimulate something after all.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Can't Refute Calderon

I have to agree with Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

Five seconds ago, CNN posted his remarks, and then deleted them. However, I remember what was posted.

"We live next to the world's largest drug consumer, and all the world wants to sell them drugs through our door and our window. We also live next to the world's largest arms supplier, which arms our criminals."

The legalization of marijuana would crush the Mexican drug lords. No other illegal drug approaches the popularity, safety and usefulness of marijuana. Legalization of all drugs would be the best scenario, but even the legalization of marijuana alone would have a most profound impact upon the underground economy.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

50 Cent: Talentless Airhead

I saw 50 Cent on The Graham Norton Show and thought him a talentless, egotistical know-nothing. Now he has proven himself beyond doubt to be exactly what I thought he was.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Iran Sets a Ransom

Iran has set a ransom of half a million dollars for the kidnapped American female hiker. The nerve of those barbarians. No one should visit that barbarous region of the world without a stockpile of grenades, a machine gun, and a cyanide capsule in the event of imminent capture, because the fanatics are fond of torture. Sadism is institutionalized in Iran.

If the kidnapped hikers were spies, then it is a great pity they were apprehended without inflicting any Iranian casualties. They should have slain the maximum number of fanatics prior to capture and then detonated their own suicide vests to give the fanatics a nice little dose of their own medicine. The more of the regime's henchmen converted into fertilizer, the better for the race of men.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mongolian Mormons?

The largest groups converting Mongolians are American Mormons and South Korean fundamentalists. Those possessed by memes become zealous proselytizers in much the same way that a cell, possessed by a virus, becomes a propagation factory for the virus.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Burning the Koran?

It is an ill omen that the action of a small-time backwoods preacher compels the President of the United States, our top generals, and our Secretary of State to speak out. Much ado over nothing, if you ask me.

Whether someone decides to burn the Koran in public does not seem worthy of notice to me. In the past, fundamentalist preachers have burned greater works of literature than the Koran. Works by Charles Darwin have been burned along with other tracts deemed homosexual, atheist or socialist. Record albums by the Beatles have been burned that are of greater merit than the Koran.

If someone decides to attack America based upon the independent actions of a small-time preacher, then they would probably attack America anyway, and are just looking for an excuse.

I never burned a Bible, but many years ago, I did deface a Gideon's Bible in a hotel room by sticking used chewing gum in Leviticus, which has been used by fundamentalist preachers to condemn homosexuals. They had persuaded me that the Bible was an anti-gay hate book. Later in life, I encountered moderate Christians, which changed my perspective. I had been ashamed of my book-defacing for years until I read an interview with a famous gay actor, who confessed he ripped out the chapter of Leviticus in a Gideon's Bible in a hotel room, while leaving the rest intact. I was relieved that such a great man committed the same minor sin as I did. It was a childlike expression of anger, but caused no great harm I think. Few Christians find their favorite passages in Leviticus, which is a boring list of dietary and cultural rules that the vast majority of Christians do not follow.

I never burned or defaced the Koran, but that is probably due to lack of opportunity more than anything else. I would not burn the Koran today, for one good reason--I would have to buy one, as I don't own one at present. Buying a book just to burn it seems counterproductive. The act of buying it increases its sales figures and helps to promote it in the eyes of publishers and the reading public. Burning is a futile gesture that only satisfies those possessed of a childlike nature and understanding of the world, similar to the burning of effigies of the preacher by Muslim crowds or the defacing of Leviticus by yours truly. Besides, the book is of historical interest.

I'm not entirely hostile to Islam. Under different circumstances, I could be a Muslim. It would have to be a liberal, intellectual interpretation of Islam, under Sufi auspices and a dense haze of ganja, of which the Sufis were known to partake in order to bring them closer to God. The five-times daily prostrated prayer would have to go, as well as the alien garb and prohibition of pork. But a liberal tradition such as I describe is often persecuted in the hardcore Muslim nations such as Iran. The adherents are marginalized in their society.

Postscript: I read the excellent New York Times article on new developments in the case and was impressed with Obama's explanation for speaking out. I am now persuaded he was right to speak out against the Koran burning. I agree it is foolish to make an intentional insult to another group of people. Perhaps it seems like a small thing to me, but small things become magnified through the lens of the media. If it were not for television, who would know or care what a small-time preacher does?

Perhaps there is a great simmering anger towards the West in the Muslim community for perceived offenses. It is true that our forces have invaded two Muslim countries, Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm sure that doesn't play out very well in public opinion. It is even worse that our cultures are so different. War enforces interaction between the two groups that would seem to be incompatible in many ways.

I believe the media gives too much ear to agitators on both sides, which serves to inflame and polarize public opinion. The level of discourse is now being set by the media, whereby the lowest common denominator gets the most attention.

Postscript #2: Sounds a bit like the person behind the proposed mosque two blocks from Ground Zero is profiteering over the situation. He is a bit more cunning than I thought. The entire thing may be nothing but an elaborate charade designed to make a substantial profit upon resale.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Big Words

There is no doubt in my mind that video has defeated writing and even standalone music as a medium. Next on the horizon is 3D video, which will defeat 2D video in the long run. I missed the boat to the video revolution. There were no cheap cameras available to me growing up, other than a single $69.95 Polaroid that I bought and used on many occasion, each grainy, low-resolution instant photo costing $1-$2 in 1980 dollars! Video was beyond the reach of a young person of my means.

I have been invited, along with many people in a group, to tell my story in front of a video camera, but I'm camera-shy and convinced I would not make a good showing. I've never liked public speaking, which is essentially what videos are.

I like writing better. I love the delete key. Writing allows me to parse my thoughts in a more organized fashion. Only in writing do I feel like I have a measure of control over the final product.

I have a love of big words, and my prose has a business-like or legal flavor to some ears. Some people find me arrogant because of my word choices and the way that I speak. But I was brought up to speak in the way I do, both my parents being involved in education. I loved words from the start and was an avid reader. The SAT and other standardized tests informed me that my verbal aptitude outstripped my mathematical aptitude.

In class yesterday, I was discussing grocery stores with another student, and said, "I like Publix, but would not suggest Food Lion." She looked away from me and said in a derisive tone, "He said he would not suggest Food Lion." I've noticed that she has the stick for most people, including our innocuous professor, so I was not offended, but I found it interesting that my manner of speech was an issue again. That has long been the case.

In my teenage years, I adopted an urban Southern slang, with many words and phrases borrowed from the black culture, in order to deflect criticism. I used words like "ain't," except I shorted it to "ain," just as most words became shortened. Slang tries to render English briefer, more fluid, and obscene. Every other word was "f*" or "s*" in order to express the emotional context. The four-letter words functioned as verbs, nouns, adjectives, and sometimes adverbs. I had to drop this cant in college in order to receive any respect from students and professors. There is such a thing as going too far in the other direction. So I reverted to my indigenous style, which is also the way I write.

I remember as far back as the eighth grade, I was standing up on a bus facing the other boys and trying to tell a funny story that I had heard from a comedian. I thought I was doing a good job, until my old enemy, who harassed me through first grade to eighth, crept behind me and kicked me in the butt, which aborted my story-telling, not that anyone cared. In retrospect, I wasn't a natural at story-telling. The comedian did a much better job. Besides, the comedian was not a popular one, but a regional comedian that had been popular ten or twenty years ago. My parents liked him, but not many other people did, a point I was not aware of at the time.

I knew my enemy was stronger, so I did not have a chance of prevailing in a fight, but he was also intelligent and would listen if I argued with him, because he thought he could out-argue anyone, in addition to out-fight. I moved to the front of the bus, where he sat. The bus driver scolded me for moving, which I thought was ironic, because he had said nothing in the case of my enemy. Nevertheless, I apologized and stared straight ahead until the bus driver quit looking at me through the mirror. Then I turned to my enemy, calling him by his name. He could not ignore me, although he tried. I was not to be deterred by insults, but stared into his eyes. Nothing else had any moment for me, not the bus, the bus driver, or the others. Eventually he turned to face me. When I asked him why he did it, he said it was because I had a big head and thought I was better than everyone else. I told him that was not the case. Why did he think so? He said that I used big words, and the reason must be that I was showing off. I was not aware of using big words, so I asked him which ones in particular he had in mind. He said words like "beyond" were not used by anyone else, and I was just showing off by using them. I told him I didn't think "beyond" was a big word. It was used by many people and showed up in many books. He begged to differ.

He was at that moment, as always, in the company of the prettiest boy in the school. While we argued, my eyes darted to his long-term companion and then back to him, and I grinned, as if to say, "I know your secret, and if you bother me again, I will tell others."

He never hit me again and endeavored to avoid crossing my path. The last time I saw him, he was standing by the flat tire of his car, looking perplexed. I walked past him without a word. Anyone else, I would have helped, because my house was just a block away. He said nothing to me, knowing I had the memory of many wrongs committed by him, not just the one I have recounted.

His father dropped dead in his manager's office of a heart attack. I do not think the lemon fell far from the tree. Egoism sometimes rewards the bearer with material success, but it is a lonely and fretful existence.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Colonizing a Distant Planet

I wonder whether there is intelligent life on other planets or moons in the Universe. If so, what is the nature of the alien race? I also wonder whether there are planets conducive to supporting intelligent life that are as yet vacant. It would be beneficial to colonize another planet in order to hedge our bets in regards to the planet Earth, which could succumb to global warming, an asteroid strike, warfare among humans, or the explosion of the Sun.

The vast distances between planets seems like an insurmountable problem when it comes to the possibility of contacting an intelligent alien civilization. If we were ever to make contact with aliens, or if we detected a vacant but inhabitable planet, the distance may be so great that a visit from us would be high risk, though not impossible.

In the case of a planet located a thousand light-years away, a space craft could transport a human female, who could clone herself multiple times for as long as needed, each time producing a perfect copy to replace her when she reached retirement age. Imagine a continuous series of women, spanning hundreds of generations, maintaining and operating the spacecraft until such time as it arrives at the destination planet.

Sending only one human, rather than a proverbial Adam and Eve, reduces costs. Everything I have ever read about space travel leads me to believe that the smaller the craft, the faster and the farther it can go. Furthermore, sexual reproduction introduces the problem of inbreeding, unless there is a population the size of a village aboard the spacecraft. Also, it must be acknowledged that wherever humans come together as a group, there is a possibility of discord, a possibility that that would be increased over hundreds or thousands of years. The smaller the group, the more cohesive, and a solitary individual might stand the best chance of all. If these difficulties are overcome through various means, then the cloning procedure mentioned above may be discarded. Admittedly, I'm charmed by the idea of a single person cloning herself for hundreds or even thousands of years. But perhaps a solo flight would be unnecessary in a nuclear-powered spacecraft. Yet another possibility is that the flight could be unmanned, and the spacecraft could carry little more than a pod containing human DNA, which a robot would then clone upon landing. But that is a less interesting scenario. I prefer to return to the solitary female astronaut.

Upon landing, the woman would set up a base camp and expand the cloning program to generate large numbers. Bonus for a planet with a water supply and oxygen-rich, breathable air. The human race could then establish itself upon its first permanent extraterrestrial outpost.

Eventually, sexual reproduction would need to be reintroduced in order to add an element of variability, which offers many advantages, such as adaptability. Is it possible to freeze sperm in a way that allows it to remain viable for thousands of years? I don't think so. Some method may be found to reintroduce the Y chromosome. Another possibility is that the cloning technique could be altered to introduce mutations on its own without the need for sexual reproduction.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Professional Sports--Another Scam

Professional sports have been draining taxpayers dry since I don't know when. Here's the latest story on the waste of state and local tax money.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Surprising Words from Fidel Castro

Castro appears determined to make amends for discrimination against homosexuals in Cuba's past.

Perhaps it is time for the U.S. to lift sanctions against the tiny island-nation, which is not a realistic threat to anyone anymore.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, September 5, 2010

More Torture News from the Islamic Republic

I think that the Islamic Republic is using the case of the woman facing stoning for adultery as a means to instill terror in their citizens. Only through fear can the Islamic Republic retain its grip upon power.

Today I read that, in addition to stoning, the Islamic Republic has added a sentence of 99 lashes for another supposed crime. This is to be carried out prior to the stoning to death.

The Vatican has protested the sentence. Many Western nations have expressed disagreement with the sentence. Where are the protests originating from Islamic nations?
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Democrats Flubbed the Stimulus

I think that voters' discontent with Democratic incumbents centers around the fact that the stimulus package has not produced the desired results in our economy. People ask, "Where are the jobs?"

I have to agree. I think the stimulus package failed in many of its objectives. As Jon Stewart pointed out, it seemed designed to help fat cats, not the common people, i.e., the voters. Much of the money was wasted, resulting in nothing except an increase in the budget deficit. Quite naturally, the voters intend to punish the incumbents who pushed it through.


If only the Democrats would quit trying to be Republicans! If the Democrats had been a truly left wing and liberal party, they would not be in the unpleasant situation that they now find themselves.

I will vote for the Democrats in the upcoming election, as I always do, but without much hope.

I think an FDR-style jobs program would have been more to the point. An existing program, Americorps, should have been expanded tenfold, soaking up the unemployed and training them in viable occupational skills. All that is moot now, because once the Republicans get into power, the economy will only worsen. There would be grounds for hope if the opposition had good ideas, but their policies led to our current problems.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Nicolas Sarkozy's Immigration Proposals

Immigration laws should discriminate. There are many law-abiding, honest, talented, civilized and highly educated people eager and willing to abide by the laws of their host country. I know of one--my partner.

Sarkozy's proposals as outlined in a recent CNN article do not seem all that bad to me. The Islamization of France is indeed of concern, not just to France but to people who love the image of old France. Female circumcision, street crime and terrorism are not activities that should be tolerated in immigrants. Those who are not worthy of citizenship should be deported without any right of return.

Western countries have been far too liberal in their immigration policies in the past in the interest of cheap labor. France could degenerate into another barbaric and intolerant Muslim nation. When traveling in Amsterdam, the former gay editor of Southern Voice was viciously attacked along with his partner by a trio of Moroccan immigrants who disapproved of homosexuality. Criminal immigrants, along with their extended network of families and friends, should be forcibly repatriated to their home country and never allowed to visit again, lest they gain a foothold in their host country. Liberal groups that support the right of Muslims to create their own shadow state should review the status of their counterparts in the Islamic Republic of Iran, where liberals meet a quick and dirty end in Evin Prison. None of the protests in France would be tolerated in Iran, but would be met with the clubs, tear gas, water cannons, and bullets of the Basij.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

The Best Gift to Loved Ones

For people who are HIV negative and not suffering from any other incurable disease, and who do not expect to be a victim of violent death or suicide, body donation is an admirable method to eliminate all costs of burial and funeral from being passed on to surviving loved ones.

Funerals and cemeteries are overpriced, with the purveyors of such services enjoying a ghastly profit margin. Getting hit for thousands of dollars to dispose of a mere body adds debt to grief. I suggest the UCLA Body Donation Program. UCLA will cover all costs related to disposal. Other universities may have similar programs in place. I learned about this while reading an article in one of my favorite American newspapers, the Los Angeles Times.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Gold as a Long-Term Investment

I would be skeptical of placing too much confidence in precious metals as a long-term (say, twenty-year) hedge against inflation or economic or political turmoil, due to the possibility of creating or extracting synthetic precious metals. The old dream of the medieval alchemists has been achieved. At the moment, synthetic gold is not economically viable, but who knows what the future may bring.

Precious stones are already being synthesized in an economic fashion. I purchased a four-carat synthetic blue sapphire for my mother ten years ago.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

British Media

Of British news sources, I prefer the Guardian, the BBC, and the Telegraph, in order of preference. I learned today to avoid the Mirror, because that infernal web site disables the "Back" button on my internet browser.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, September 3, 2010

On Reproduction

As I study human reproduction in my anatomy and physiology class, I have been reminded of my own destiny. I believe that human reproduction is a fascinating and miraculous process, which is also true in the case of reproduction of other life forms. I feel a temptation, when studying the human body, to forget that many other species share similar traits with us. We are unique in our mental capacity alone. Therefore, we should always try to use our brains to our own advantage and that of our beautiful planet.

I often hear my professors express wonderment that we were designed in such a perfect manner. Their allusion to the Deity is understood, but they neglect the role played by evolution, which knows nothing about design and is unaware of any advantages to our apparent design. Evolution is not God, or let us hope it is not, because if it is, then the last man standing is the Chosen. Evolution proceeds by the inefficient and wasteful trial-and-error process, whereas a Heavenly Engineer could indeed design Adam and Eve from the ground up in a single day, without the necessity of hundreds of millions of years. Evolution is a slow, bloody, cruel and ugly process. The weight of evidence does not disprove, but gives a contraindication for the existence of a benevolent God, although a stronger case could be made for an evil God. Richard Dawkins, one of my favorite scientists, has covered all of this territory admirably in his marvelous books and lectures.

Anyone who reproduces is making an input into the evolutionary process. Those who fail to reproduce remove their genetic configuration from the gene pool. They have been culled. A stigma is attached by the phrase "survival of the fittest," implying that those who do not survive or reproduce are less fit than those that do. I have asked myself, "Am I less fit? Am I an inferior specimen?" I don't know the answer to that question. Compared to some people, I do feel inferior. Compared to others, superior. Still others, roughly equal. But I avoid comparisons, because it is impossible to perceive everything about a person at a glance.

My genes are not my master. Instead, I am the master. It may be true that my genes are unrewarded by evolution, in that they are not passed on to future generations. Does this mean I "lose?" What exactly do I lose? I think that all of us are equal in death. Those who "win" by having more descendants bear more responsibility for the outcome of the human race. I can only hope they know what they are doing. The future is unclear, and I don't think anyone can assume they have won anything without being able to see until the end of the Universe, at which point everyone will be equal anyway. The Universe, physicists tell us, is finite, and life will one day be extinguished. Placed in that context, what exactly is "won?" Instead of winning or losing, we are building castles in the sand to be erased by the coming tide.

In my younger years, I was motivated to raise a family and have a long line of descendants. Many men have a dynastic ambition. Children and grandchildren are an enviable achievement that accrues honor in human society. There is also an ambition to influence future generations of men. Although one may be relatively unimportant, a hope for greatness lingers as long as there is a seed.

On a scale of sexuality, with 1 being heterosexual and 6 being homosexual, I'd probably be a 5. Homosexuality puts one at a disadvantage in pursuing heterosexual relationships. There isn't enough zeal. For a heterosexual, pursuing the opposite sex is an all-consuming affair. No expense is spared. Heterosexuals possess a certain spark that arises around the opposite sex. There have also been studies that show that heterosexual men exude pheromones that women find enticing.

Despite the uneven playing field, I chose several women and had a modest measure of success in terms of landing dates, second dates, and even casual relationships. I would like to say that I chose on the basis of merit. That would be ideal, but how often does it happen? Not very, from what I gather. I think I fell in love with physical appearances, the same as heterosexual men tend to do, although I preferred a more masculine face and body, even if the equipment were female. At the time, I thought these women were the most fascinating things alive. I was indeed in love or thought I was at the time. Later observations indicated my optimism was excessive. In any event, the relationships ended in a very short amount of time, though not in any dramatic fashion. It was just not meant to be, as they say. Time passed, and at my present age, I do not believe it remotely possible that I could win over a worthy female of child-bearing age. I am not willing to dilute my blood with such women that I could still obtain. In my view, each generation should surpass the last and not represent a decline.

Many people have low standards. They settle for what they can get and produce children simply because they want to have children or because of an accident. Other people remain sterile for lack of a worthy mate. I have noticed a surprising number of women opting not to procreate, and why should they, if they cannot find a proper man? Quality is indeed important. Settling for whatever comes one's way explains many of the problems in the world. There would be no more criminals born if men and women scrutinized their prospective mates more closely. Men should look beyond beauty. Women should look beyond rank.

Dreams of a dynasty have altered into an acceptance of the finality of my own death.
There are consolations. I am free to think, to imagine, and to write, or to spend my time however I please. Much of parenting seems like drudgery, and parents are blamed in our society for things beyond their control. Also, reproduction is a gamble, because there is no telling--at this time--whether the offspring will carry a genetic defect, in which case there is no refund, no exchange, and the government requires eighteen years of loyal servitude.

If my parents foresaw that I would be homosexual, there is little doubt I would have been aborted. Such a reflection does not give me any dismay, because in that case, I simply would not exist. If I did not exist, I would certainly have no cause for complaint, now would I? All things considered, the world would probably be better off with just one sexual preference, rather than two, because the human race is intolerant of differences of any kind, an innate weakness in H. Sapiens that has resulted in more problems than any other.

The world is much easier for straight people. My offspring would be a kind and thoughtful person, but such people tend to be taken advantage of in my experience. The early years, in particular, are a trial. I would never wish my childhood on anybody. War and devastation of the population may prove a bitter medicine for the world's ills, and I doubt my genetics would be any good at that sort of mischief. Others will supply the necessary genetics. Sometimes I catch glimpses of what will be and am glad I will not be there to witness it. What the world needs are fire-breathing dragons that can grip enemies in their talons and rip them apart. I have nothing of the dragon in me, being more elf-like on the whole.

It is a comfort to know that I've led a blameless life, all things considered, not creating any new problems. Some people appreciate my presence. I enjoy a healthy and strong monogamous homosexual relationship. I like having a clean conscience and not being entangled in any sort of unpleasant or dramatic relationship. Too often, it seems, heterosexual relationships end in divorce. I do not know whether it is the fault of men or of women in general. It is probably a little bit on both sides. When I look at married straight couples, I seldom feel envy, even though I realize that they will inherit the world. My own line is doomed. I hope that they make the right choices in regards to politics, the environment, and the economy. But if they don't, it will only trouble me for a brief time before my candle burns out. Then it's their barrel of monkeys.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

A Real Drug Problem

Marijuana has long constituted an imaginary drug problem in America. In reality, it is less harmful than aspirin. It is impossible to overdose on marijuana. Any competent doctor or nurse will inform a patient that it is possible to overdose on aspirin, and some patients do just that.

What is a real drug problem in America? "More than 500,000 children and adolescents in America are now taking antipsychotic drugs, according to a September 2009 report by the Food and Drug Administration." That is quite a lot of psychosis--or over-diagnosis. Big Pharma is laughing all the way to the bank.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is God Necessary?

ABC News' web site, of all places, carries a lively forum debate over the existence of God.

Ideally, both believers and nonbelievers hold similar views on most other questions. Faith in God is immediately replaced by Faith in Goodness by an ethical person who subscribes to atheism. God is not necessary for any equations, theories, or other practical matters in our daily lives. Believers and nonbelievers share similar concerns, interests, and passions.

I feel ignorant about science and do not understand as many things as I would like. I'm not quite confident enough to withhold any chance for the existence of supernatural beings, or for that matter, extraterrestrial beings. If I had been told that there were Martians living on Mars with an advanced civilization, then I would probably believe it, if enough people of my acquaintance seemed convinced. If I heard people speaking with God on a regular basis as though he were present, particularly at a young age, then it might influence me to believe and to begin talking to him, as well. As a boy, I did pray on occasion, although it concerned me that none of my prayers ever came true, and often the things I prayed not to happen, happened anyway, and I never seemed to receive any divine communication whatsoever. I remember listening for a voice, but never heard one, which perhaps is for the best. If God was there, he was doing a good job hiding his presence.

Based on what I've read and heard about from other people, and based on the explanations given to me by devout believers, I think that the atheist camp probably has more truth on its side. Atheists do not believe in what they do not know about, and that seems a commendable policy. They are the same as agnostics, except they keep a tighter lid on the djinni bottle. Nothing exists until it is proven, in their view. The agnostics prefer to say, nothing is either proven nor unproven, which is a very liberal policy indeed, leaving the door open to all kinds of nonsense, such as goblins, vampires, wizards, demons, dragons, a flat Earth, an immobile Sun, and so on.

However, the existence of God is a narrow topic. It does not touch upon ethics, society, science, or human behavior. Both the atheist and the theist can believe the same way in regards to politics, music, art, and everything else. I do not see where God enters into the picture. God seems minor by comparison with other things of more importance to human beings. The believers tend to dwell upon God, as though he is more important than other concerns, when he is not, because being God, he can take care of things himself, without our action or advice. Indeed our only duty should be to one another.

It is interesting that few of the believers have ever really described God in his physical aspect, or described the means by which he obtains energy and moves around, so to speak. Pagan writers were far more explicit about their gods, including their amorous lives. The modern religions prefer to imbue their deity with the gravitas bestowed by mystery and elusiveness. Perhaps the early Fathers learned a lesson from the indiscretion of the Pagan writers and endeavored not to commit the same mistake. Once a god's sex life has been disclosed, it rather removes the aura of mystery.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments


Anyone pointing the finger at American forces for supposed crimes has to take into account the opposition as well. On the whole, American forces have conducted themselves far better in Afghanistan than the Taliban. There is simply no comparison between the two sides in terms of ethics. I find it hypocritical of Wikileaks to publish military secrets of the Americans, because it seems unlikely Wikileaks would ever have the courage to publish military secrets of the Taliban, or another Muslim insurgency, for fear of reprisal.

I find it difficult to comprehend why a Taliban sympathizer, whatever his religious beliefs, would attack a girl's school with poison gas, or attack schoolgirls with acid, just for the supposed "crime" to trying to become educated.

I think it is fair to depict the Taliban as absolute evil, without any capacity for ethics. They attack soft targets, lacking defenses, and they attack innocent non-combatants. They are enemies of humankind, no different than virulent strains of viruses or bacteria. Whether we should be in there attempting to eradicate them on our dime is another question. But I certainly think that fighting the Taliban is a worthwhile and honorable occupation, whatever might be determined by a cost/benefit analysis of the overall conflict. The more Taliban put beneath the soil, the better for the race of man.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

"I want Obama to fail." -- Rush Limbaugh

This sentiment, repeated by conservative commentators, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy so far in 2010. Rush Limbaugh spoke for all of his constituency. Rich right-wing business owners want the President to fail. They want the Democrats to fail. They are doing whatever is in their power to ensure a lackluster economy. Even those owners who are neutral have been persuaded by a climate of doubt and uncertainty. The right-wing media distorts and exaggerates to achieve political ends. Faux News is nothing but a continuous negative ad aimed at Democrats. Repeated on a continual basis are charges that Obama is socialist, Muslim, or racist. Due to the efforts of Faux News, a surprising percentage of Americans believe that Obama is Muslim. Meanwhile, the Republicans in Congress block measures that would provide relief to American workers. Some Republican governors spurn Federal relief money for the sake of partisan politics. It is considered acceptable to inflict suffering upon the middle and lower classes in order to score partisan points.

Economists dwell upon numbers, but hearts and minds are just as important. If the racist and reactionary owners want the economy to be bad, just for the satisfaction of seeing Obama portrayed as wrong, then the economy will be bad.

Faux News is the enemy, a fair-seeming villain that speaks with a forked tongue. It may defeat America by exploiting the weakness that Americans have for superficial forms, such as patriotism and prayer. A cunning villain will not wear a black hat, but will wear the garb of a preacher and wave the flag, borrowing some of the dignity and authority of God and Country.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Believe the Vatican

I don't see eye to eye with the Vatican on many issues, but I think it is probably correct in its accusation that most of Pakistani flood relief is being distributed to fundamentalist Muslims, while Christian victims receive less aid.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Count Me Out of the Target / Best Buy Protest

Although I sympathize with the gay boycott of Target and Best Buy, I do not intend to join in any street protest or do more than simply avoid the stores. I find it a bit unseemly that a gay group such as the HRC is essentially hitting Target up for a donation. I can think of better protests to make than over that particular issue. Also, Target and Best Buy are noted for positive treatment of their gay employees. I would think that Faux News or Wal-Mart would make a better target of protest.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Laura Linney on The Daily Show

The August 11th, 2010 episode of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart surpassed my expectations. It was my first glimpse of actress Laura Linney, who gave a thoughtful meditation on the cultural and philosophical significance of humor. No Hollywood airhead there. She actually dominated the tone and substance of the conversation, which is rare on Jon's show. It is always refreshing to listen to someone intelligent speak on television.

I do agree with her thesis that Jon Stewart is indispensable to the American political scene. Nobody expresses the liberal and left-wing point of view better than he. I am not sure anyone could replace him at this time. His presence helps to counterbalance the pernicious influence of Faux News. Although he has less air time than the entire Faux News lineup, it is a case of quality versus quantity.

The only problem I see with his show is consistency. Some shows are better than others. The quality depends upon the material provided to him by right-wingers. If the opposition has done something particularly hypocritical or self-serving, then his show profits. If the Republicans have only committed minor transgressions, then his show suffers. Sometimes Jon is forced to look outside the political sphere, on occasions when the Republicans have not done anything particularly bad. Times were easier for his show when Bush was in the White House.

A key difference between Faux News and Jon Stewart is that Jon is willing to criticize Democrats, liberals, and the Obama Administration whenever warranted. He is not completely partisan. Faux News, however, is completely partisan.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

The DEA Doesn't Need a Warrant?

A recent case in which DEA agents entered a man's property and planted a GPS tracking device on his car without a warrant is shocking. Even more shocking is that the courts upheld their right to do so. This is an unprecedented power-grab. Apparently it is OK for police to enter anyone's property for any reason and do whatever they like, without notifying or getting approval from a judge. That does seem Orwellian.

The judges who ruled in favor of the DEA must not be aware of the U.S. Bill of Rights, which protects against unreasonable search and seizure. I am not sure what country the judges think they are living in, but the last time I checked, California was a state of the United States, not a province of Iran. Let us all hope that the court ruling is overturned.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Independent Thinking

One of the weaknesses in the military is that it creates absolute commands for soldiers to obey without question. Any deviation from rigid rules is punished. The entire military experience is calculated to eliminate independent and creative thinking. There is a danger that soldiers may devolve into little more than killing robots, inept if not incapable of independent judgment.

Lack of independent thinking resulted in this tragedy, in which a young Palestinian girl was needlessly shot by an Israeli captain. The captain should have disobeyed his orders in the name of common humanity and common sense. To shoot anyone, child or adult, male or female, in the back while they are retreating and not carrying anything that could be used as a weapon and have not committed any harm to anyone, demonstrates poor judgment.

Terrorists have created the conditions that resulted in this tragedy by using civilians in plain clothes, of all ages and both genders, to conduct terrorist operations, including surprise suicide bombings and other atrocities. Every Palestinian civilian is potentially a suicide bomber or else an accomplice intended to distract soldiers. There have been bombings directed at Israeli schools, marketplaces, and civilian homes, in which Israeli civilians, including children, are targeted. Terrorists want to kill all Israelis, whether they are soldiers or not. Their strategy betrays a kind of madness and is counterproductive.

Why did the captain shoot his weapon? Violence begets violence, and atrocity follows atrocity. The threads of civilization break down as people observe their neighbors, friends and loved ones getting injured or killed as a direct result of not being paranoid enough.

It was just possible that the girl was sent by terrorists in order to probe Israeli defenses and draw the soldiers out of their positions. A calculation may have been made by the terrorists that, if the girl were shot, it would hand their side a propaganda victory. Terrorists have proven themselves willing to sacrifice anyone and anything in order to achieve propaganda victories. They are aiming for the hearts and minds and do not seem to care about casualties.

Israel is a republic with proper mechanisms in place, including a free press. Therefore, I believe that the Palestinians should seek redress for their grievances through democratic, legal means, and renounce violence, in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi. I believe that the Israelis would respond in kind, although patience would be required.

Violence is not the answer. Patience and understanding is the answer. The past cannot be changed. It is recorded in the history books. Everyone can read about it and judge events for themselves. Only the future can be changed. A future with peace, understanding and shared purpose is better than a future with continual conflict and violence. A future with prosperity, education, and freedom of speech is better than a future with poverty, war, and animosity.

Violence is necessary only in regimes where there is no freedom of speech, and the government is a ruthless dictatorship. An example of this would be Iran, the chief sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East.

A case in point would be the Roman conquest of Britain. The Romans committed many atrocities. They were ten times worse than the Israelis by any measure one would care to apply. However, in time, the natives accepted the Roman Peace. There were historical wrongs committed by the Romans, but the natives set those events aside and moved forward. They realized that there were advantages brought by the Romans, such as unification, order, trade, luxuries, entertainment, technology, roads, and law. The Romans were not all bad, but were better than some of the alternatives at the time, such as the various barbarian tribes, bandits, and warlords. In time, the natives came to think of themselves as Roman. Like the Romans, the Israelis are not perfect. However, the Israeli state offers many advantages. It is one of the better systems of government in the Middle East. Those who expect a perfection solution or a perfect government will always be disappointed. They will never find what they are looking for.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Spain: More Advanced than the U.S.

Spain now has a nasal spray for medical marijuana patients. Spanish patients can say goodbye to the ill effects arising from smoking.

It would be available in the U.S., too, but--well, we have the DEA to thank for that.
The DEA is opposed to scientific or medical research and all democratic efforts by citizens to remove even the tiniest brick from the wall of Prohibition.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

In Retrospect... Why Not?

I used to think all Christianity was opposed to homosexuality.

That seemed to be the case in the 1970's, with the exception of MCC, Metropolitan Community Church, which was formed by and for gays.

There used to be so much hostility expressed by Christian leaders, as represented by Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, that I despaired of there ever being peace, and viewed Christianity as the great enemy. Voices of moderation seemed few and far between.

Jump to 2010. Now it seems even the Presbyterians are jumping on the gay boat. They join the Lutherans, Anglicans, Episcopalians and who knows who else. That is quite a significant chunk of the mainstream Protestant Christian community.

In retrospect, why not? There is nothing inherently about homosexuality that opposes Christianity in any way, shape, or form. As a matter of fact, there are practical benefits that arise for the denomination that welcomes gays. Rather than driving gays and their families away from the Church, the Church is saying, listen, we need you, stay, and join us. Let us worship together.

From a historical point of view, gays have been in the Church forever, and there have been gay Popes. It could be argued that Christianity would not exist today without gays. I think that gays have played a central role in the Church throughout history, in part due to the policy of the Catholic church, which required priests and nuns to remain celibate. Of course, such a rule encouraged gays to join the Church in large numbers and receive the protection, dignity and privileges of the religious class. The rule was intended to keep heterosexuals out of the religious orders, to avoid misunderstandings and resulting scandals, and it was effective.

Before Christianity, gays played the role of medicine man, shaman, and seer.

I remain atheist on philosophical grounds, although I must say, Protestant Christianity is looking more impressive by the minute, especially in contrast to other beliefs such as Catholicism or Islam. The one key ingredient in Protestantism, beautiful and powerful, is its adaptability. Other religions seem carved in stone, fixed in time, denying the reality that is all around them, withering before the piercing light of science. Protestant believers, like their marvelous ancestors, adapt and thrive, as they always have throughout history.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Labor Strikes in China?

What's that? You didn't know that workers had strikes in China? I didn't, either, before today. Officially tolerated strikes, at that. The Chinese workers are fed up with a wage freeze that has lasted two years. So they walked.

My reaction: good for them! Nothing could make me feel better about China than a sign of democratic activity, especially if it is met by official toleration. I think that world leaders should commend China for its respect of worker's rights in those instances where strikes occur that are organized by the workers themselves.

Not everyone feels the way I do, of course. In recent talks, the Japanese government scolded China's Premier for permitting the strikes. Japan has called for "transparent labor policies in China." Translation: no strikes should ever be tolerated for any reason, and workers who strike should be sent to China's version of the Gulag.

I read about this in a recent news article from the Associated Press, which was strangely altered in The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal, because all news regarding workers' rights is ignored, whenever media sources calculate that they can get away with it. Other media outlets chose to focus on China's position regarding North Korea or China's export of rare metals, topics that seem boring by comparison.

Democracy in China would be like a dream come true for the entire world. No greater guarantee of world peace could ever arise than a genuine Chinese Republic--with representatives from Tibet and Taiwan. (Taiwan would probably unify with China, if China evolved into a Republic.) I would like to see the Dalai Lama serving as Speaker of the House in the first Chinese Congress.

The substance of the Associated Press article: "Premier Wen Jiabao told a visiting Japanese delegation Sunday that Japanese companies operating in China should address workers' unhappiness over low wages that he says led to labor disputes this year."

I feel no sympathy for companies that have exported American, Japanese and European jobs over to China, throwing millions of their fellow citizens out of work, all in the name of cheaper labor costs and feeble environmental regulations. Outsourcing to China is an obvious attempt at exploitation, either of our shared planetary environment or of the Chinese.

Our government has permitted the exportation of middle class jobs due to the influence of money in American politics. All the Republicans and many of the Democrats have sold out to wealthy interests. However, the consequences of global warming will harm not only the poor, but the rich robber barons as well, whose descendants will inherit a much different planet Earth from the one that I grew up in. America will be a much different place, as well, with many poor, few rich, and just a tiny middle class.

The rich thought they could dispense with the middle class, but as it turns out, their own destiny is intertwined with that of the professional classes. The wealthy classes, too, will find their privileged lifestyles exported to China or eliminated altogether, although the process is likely to take longer than a single generation.

The biggest problem confronting H. Sapiens at this time regards the inability to appreciate and evaluate very long-term consequences of actions. It is rare to encounter an individual who can plan twenty years in ahead; how much rarer to encounter an individual that can forecast a century ahead. It is clear that many of the rich owners lack the capacity to foresee the long-term consequences of their business decisions. Hence, the problem with global warming and with the reduction of the middle class, which has been historically important in maintaining social order. The appeal of extremes, either communism or fascism, has always been greater to those without much property than to those with vested interests, such as a house, a car, and a college education.

H. Sapiens never needed to see far into the future before, because the environment took care of itself for the most part, barring the occasional flood, drought, earthquake or volcanic explosion. But the times, they are a-changing.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Iran's Barbarism

Iran's barbarism knows no bounds. They are preparing to stone a woman to death.

The manner in which Iran treats an innocent woman gives an indication as to how Iran will behave once in possession of nuclear weapons. If Iran shows no mercy, justice, or wisdom in its treatment of its own citizens, how much forbearance can the citizens of foreign countries expect?

Here is a description of how the sentence is to be carried out:

The Islamic Penal Code of Iran is very specific regarding the details of how stoning should be executed. Article 102 states that men shall be buried up to their waists and women up to their breasts for the execution. Article 104 states, referring to the penalty for adultery, that the stones used should “not be large enough to kill the person by one or two strikes; nor should they be so small that they could not be defined as stones (pebbles).” In some cases, if a victim can escape from the ditch during the stoning, they will be freed. However, because women are buried up to their breasts and men only at their waists, women will have a smaller chance of escaping than men.

-from The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women.

It is the radical Muslims who discredit Islam. Not the U.S., Israel, or any other Western country. Incidents such as this explain the distaste that many Westerners have for Islam, including the so-called "far-right" political parties in Europe, who have no desire to see this kind of barbarism introduced into their own society. It is high time for Islamic countries to emerge from the Middle Ages and respect the rights of women, gays, and minorities. Abandoning torture as a punishment would be a good first step. Freedom of speech would be a second.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Chilean Miners

I have been impressed by reports of the thirty-three trapped Chilean miners organizing their activities and living environment and deporting themselves with courage and common sense. I was disappointed that their story was bumped off the headlines of Google News today. I would rather read about them than about the latest Republican shenanigans.

I find it difficult to imagine how I would fare trapped in a subterranean cavern for four months without sunlight and with a high heat and humidity (85 F by one report, 95 F by another). I am glad that the miners have each other for emotional support and that they seem to get along well with one another. A single bit of bad blood could change the situation. Having worked together for a long time must have resulted in a cooperative spirit among the miners. Other positive aspects are that the miners have access to artificial light and have three lifelines to the surface, through which rescuers pour food and water.

These miners are really cool. Here's a great article on what they're doing.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Negative Ads

It is unfortunate that negative advertising can sway elections. Educated voters should evaluate the source as well as the message of a television commercial.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Reporting on Science

This scientist's editorial on resonated with me. I have been disappointed with the sensationalist journalism regarding scientific research. Too many reporters seem to have the idea that great leaps are made with every incremental bit of research. Or perhaps they are just trying to grab eyeballs through any means possible.

NORML makes a persuasive case that the media censors all research on cannabis, unless there can be found a negative angle to said research, in which case the research will be misinterpreted, exaggerated, and placed as a top story. "Cannabinoids fight cancer" is deemed unsuitable as a headline, but "cannabis causes cancer" has been used many times. In case my reader is curious, certain cannabinoids do demonstrate cancer-fighting properties, although no one should claim "cannabis cures cancer," which would fall into the same bad habit of our mainstream media, exaggeration. Chocolate also possesses cancer-fighting properties in the form of antioxidants, but no one should claim "chocolate cures cancer," either. As for cannabis smoking causing cancer, I am sure that in time, it would, as would smoking anything at all. The responsible consumer should use either by vaporization or through digestion. However, cannabis smoking is much less harmful than cigarette smoking. For one thing, cigarettes contain harmful additives that cause additional damage above and beyond that caused by tobacco. Also, the THC in cannabis activates the coughing reflex, which helps to expel foreign material. Finally, a typical cigarette smoker smokes far more cigarettes per day than a cannabis smoker partakes of joints or bong hits.

Even politicians are often frustrated with the media, because it instigates continual conflict, even when there is none. Some politicians pander to the media's love of conflict and tension.

On another note, I saw a recent photo of Obama yesterday and was struck by how beautiful he is. He had a serious, even somber expression, befitting the times. He seems to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. The occupation of President must be incredibly demanding, more so than in times past. He has a team to help him make decisions, but being a perfectionist, agonizes over every miscalculation, in sharp contrast to Bush, who was only concerned with his poll numbers.

It does not help matters that the Republicans oppose all his legislation just for the sake of opposing. I wish he had a worthy and virtuous opposition to contend with, but there is only one sane choice for the electorate, the Democrats, whatever their shortcomings. The Republicans are "looney tunes." The list of subjects that Republican politicians do not understand is a mile long. That they have sold out is understood. Their allegiance to their own party is unquestioning and absolute, which is why they vote as a block. It would be refreshing if some Republicans were mavericks and voted based upon their conscience. They seem to have no concern over the consequences of their actions, consequences that must be endured by the electorate.

Concern voiced by Republicans over the national debt ignores several important facts. Reagan spent his way out of a recession, too. Also, Bush spent trillions on pointless foreign wars. Why is it OK to spend trillions on Iraq, but not billions on the U.S.? I prefer the U.S. over Iraq. I think if a person pays taxes, he should be confident that his money will be spent on his own country, rather than another country.

It is true that the national debt is too high, but now is not the time to address that issue. There was a President who should have addressed that problem. He inherited a robust economy. His name was George W. Bush. Instead, he overspent, just as Republican Presidents do on a consistent basis, ever since Reagan.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How the Republicans Might Win in November

If the Republicans do pick up seats in November, it will be due to the combined propaganda of The Christian Science Monitor, FOX News, and The Wall Street Journal. These media sources are dedicated propaganda factories. They are always on the side of the rich against the poor. However, not everyone is aware of their agenda. They may confuse enough voters from the lower and middle classes to vote against their self-interests. If that is the case, then the standard of living for most Americans will continue its long and steady decline.

I used to imagine that Republicans, who often talk about job growth and economic expansion, were competent stewards of the economy, even if I did not agree with them on social issues. For this reason, I invested much of my 401(k) savings in stocks, rather than bonds. All such illusions vanished during the Bush Presidency, when the Republicans created the conditions that resulted in the economic meltdown. America has a short memory indeed if it runs straight back to the party that abused her. The Republicans have changed nothing. They think and behave in the exact same ways that they did while they were making catastrophic blunders. They have not learned anything from previous errors. Blind faith in free market capitalism is not a formula for success. Government regulation and oversight of the markets is necessary in order to prevent "boom-and-bust" cycles.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, August 23, 2010


The professor told several students today that I upset the grade average curve, which makes her less likely to award the class bonus points. My buddy turned to me and said he was glad he wasn't taking any more classes with me, because I did so well on the tests. I said I didn't blame him.

I treat studying and test-taking like a game. I like taking tests. I find it exciting. One student called me an overachiever. I want to score higher than anyone else. I look at it as evidence that I've still got "it," and will be able to handle whatever comes my way in the future. I feel more confident about the future, because I am doing so well. I thrive on the validation that I receive from others. To observe people nodding when I speak and to see admiration in other people's eyes is pleasant.

I was pleased by the way I handled the rude guy in class. After several students and I got together and told him the law of the land, he shut up during the lectures and let the professor speak. I thought he would carry resentment and bitterness, but I was mistaken. He too wants validation from others. He feels a constant need to talk and receive feedback from others. He talks incessantly only due to his craving for continual stimulation. Perhaps that is also the reason he is a chain smoker. He is friendly, though, and has learned to respect the boundaries of others as best he can.

My policy is to ignore him whenever possible, without ever seeming obviously rude. I respond to his questions in order to avoid any appearance of hostility, but my answers tend to be brief, without followup questions, and certainly without suggesting any new topics for discussion. In time, he gets distracted and begins rattling off to a less discreet student, and I am left in peace.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Spam-Free Since May

My blog has been spam-free since the end of May. My secret is not dumb luck or even my obscurity, though it is true this is a rather obscure blog, receiving twenty hits per day, half of which are robots. (I'm amused by webmasters that brag about their number of hits, unaware that many are robots rather than human beings.) I am not prepared to believe that hits from Russia, Estonia, China, Japan, or Brazil represent human beings.

I have modified the default behavior of Blogger in order to deceive and ensnare spambots. Spammers continue in their attempts to post on my blog, but such attempts fail. Their posts disappear into cyberspace without my being aware of them, while the IP addresses are captured and exposed. My efforts have bagged over sixty different IP addresses so far.

The only comments I ever have to moderate are the ones from human beings, and I do appreciate the vast majority of them. Since disabling the "Anonymous Comment" feature, there have been no more idiots.

Anthony Cea over at Forum Poster's Union suggested that two percent of spammers might be able to defeat my anti-spam defense. That may be so. However, I have not observed any breach so far. I think that spammers don't bother trying to defeat unusual defenses. They move on to easier and more common varieties of prey. Penetrating the defense of this blog would be like invading Sealand. What would be the point?
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Where has the Sense of Adventure Gone?

From Dutch Teenager Sets Sail, "in April she won a court case against Dutch social services, who had argued that the voyage could harm her emotional and social development."

It sounds to me like the Dutch social services have much to learn concerning emotional and social development.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

I Would Definitely Join the Green Party

I love Australian politics. The five profiled in that article are not representative of the whole of Australia's Parliament, but they sound like a breath of fresh air, compared to American politics. Perhaps the allure is based on nothing more than the novelty to me. We do not have a viable Green Party in the U.S., due to our winner-takes-all electoral system, which prevents candidates from minority parties from winning any seats in Congress.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

"Encompass the Whole World"

The dictator of Iran threatens the entire world. For the moment, his threats are idle boasts from a madman, reminiscent of Mussolini. I wonder what will be the case when his words are backed up with nuclear missiles? Perhaps the U.S. invaded the wrong country. I would have preferred to see Ah-madman dangling at the end of a noose, although Saddam's head-popping was popcorn-worthy. Whatever one feels about the Iraqi war, the end of a tyrant can only be applauded.

Ah-madman has suppressed moderate Iranians, denied the Holocaust, spoken in favor of the obliteration of Israel, supported terrorism, and is now pursuing nuclear weapons with a single-minded mania. I believe that, should he acquire nuclear weapons, he will use them. He discounts the suffering of others in order to pursue a narrow agenda of egoism.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, August 20, 2010

Junk Science

How can a scientist who fudges research retain his job, let alone a publishing contract for yet another book? Moral minds, indeed.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

The Boy That Drank Tea

I drank milk substitutes, such as soybean milk, as a child. I don't remember the reason why. It may have been thought that milk gave me a sore throat or caused a rash under my chin. My father was indeed lactose-intolerant and still is. Lactose intolerance is common among non-European peoples, and in particular sub-Saharan Africa and the Far East. Milk was a daily and required complement to our school cafeteria lunches. Due to my note from my doctor, I was allowed to drink tea instead of milk, which engendered envy and hate from a few of my peers. I remember that there was one boy who believed the whole milk-allergy was a scam. One day at the end of the school year, he pointed his finger at me and screamed, "Ya lie about the milk! Ya lie! And ya lie all the time! Motherf--er!" I thought he had lost his mind. He was voted most popular boy in school, so apparently he did not scream at everybody, just the boy that drank tea.

I had not been aware of conducting any scam. If anyone had concocted a scam, it was my pediatrician. He probably did the best he could under the circumstances. It was the 1970s. How much did doctors really know back then? They were telling people not to eat eggs because of the cholesterol. They were telling people margarine was healthier than butter. I remember eating margarine on toast all the time. Now we know that butter is better, and eggs are OK, because they have equal amounts of the "good" cholesterol and the "bad" cholesterol, and plenty of nutritious protein as well.

After that incident, I stopped drinking tea, and found that I liked milk and even preferred chocolate milk to tea. Today, I drink milk without any concern. I can drink as much milk as I please. A Chinese friend of my acquaintance is also able to drink milk, despite statistics showing that 95% of the inhabitants of China are lactose-intolerant. I think that exposing oneself to milk products is the best way to cure lactose intolerance, at least for those with a mild aversion such as I had. The wikipedia article on lactose intolerance notes that Japan has a high incidence of genetically-determined lactose intolerance, yet milk is becoming more popular and lactose intolerance is declining. This observation suggests behavior can modify the body's innate problems with lactose. It may be that certain bacteria in the intestines can take care of lactose after they have had a chance to colonize the intestine.

In a similar way, the best way to avoid allergies is to expose oneself to the maximum number of allergens on a regular basis and also to germs. I believe that most people are far too concerned about germs. Germs are good practice for the immune system. I eat food that has fallen to the floor, and I do not bother with bandaging or disinfecting minor cuts. If the immune system does not get any practice, then it will go a-gunning for the body and start destroying bodily tissue. Besides, I want my immune system to have a long and comprehensive memory about all the pathogens in my environment. When the day comes that I really do suffer a serious infection, I hope my immune system remembers the bug and swats it with just the right flyswatter.

It is an unwise experiment to attempt to live a sterile existence. We are not individuals, but teams, and the human component is outnumbered by the microbial component by about a billion to one. Bacteria produce vitamin K and several B vitamins in our large intestine. Mitochondria in our cells have their own DNA, separate and distinct from our own, and are thought to derive from an ancient microbe. I quote from the wikipedia article: "they are believed to be originally derived from endosymbiotic prokaryotes." Mitochondria are essential for life. A fascinating wikipedia article on the origin of the relationship between mitochondria and ourselves is found here. Some bacteria act as our allies and fight the truly harmful bacteria. I do not know of any instances where viruses benefit humankind, but perhaps one day viruses will be used to replace defective gene sequences.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Possible Cause for Hyperactivity

Pesticides have hidden costs that seem to be borne by random individuals of the population.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Good Riddance to the Shock Doc

It is with pleasure that I observe Dr. Laura's on-air implosion. For decades, she has been a minor voice of arrogant ignorance, doing discredit to her academic credentials. Once again, she has been exposed for what she really is--only this time, everyone is paying attention.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Beg to Differ with LA Times

A recent L.A. Times editorial laments the boycott of Target by, describing it as "distasteful."

Since the Supreme Court ruled that corporations can give as much as they please to political campaigns, the only way that ordinary citizens can counter the influence of money is through collective action. To pretend otherwise is to live in La-La Land, which may be where the L.A. Times writer lives. Could the L.A. Times, which receives significant advertising revenue from Target Corp., be biased? Heavens, no! Perish the thought!

As to whether the boycott will be effective, I think anyone connected to the gay community has a good idea that it will be. I know that my partner and I have steered several people to "Tar-gay" over the years and praised it, acting as free advertisers for the company. Will I praise Target in the future? No. Will gays continue to shop there? Yes, but the boycott will have an impact as word about it spreads through the community. The $150,000 contribution to the bigot in Minnesota will have a $15,000,000 price tag attached to it before it is over. If I need something, I can buy it at Old Navy or Home Depot, which have better systems of inventory control. The last two times I went to Target, they did not even have what I was looking for--common items such as colored pencils and rechargeable batteries. Target either has a poor system of inventory control or the local store has an incompetent manager.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments
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