Friday, July 15, 2011

A Few Words about Wordpress Security

A recent widespread attack that has damaged many Wordpress blogs exploited the file permission of wp-config.php. The permission for that file absolutely must be 400 or 440. Search for yassine edder on Google, a scum that is running an automated script out of Tunisia. The hacker I will henceforth call "Asinine" hacked a friend of mine, who was terrified of losing everything. I worked for three hours to analyze and then undo every last bit of the damage. But now I know some things about Wordpress security. And I have added tens of thousands of IP addresses in Tunisia to my blacklist, just in case Asinine hops over to a different cafe.

I cannot stress enough the importance of setting the file permission of wp-config.php. Lock it down tight. Don't delay, do it today.

No one, and I mean no one, should install Wordpress without first becoming very familiar with the security requirements. There are precautions that should be established prior to going public with a site. Setting the file permission of wp-config.php is #1 on the list. Until it is set in a proper manner, the site can be hacked by any idiot from here to Tunisia.

Make regular backups of your Wordpress site. I prefer using the excellent Snapshot Backup Plugin for Wordpress by Jay Versluis. I don't know whether he is any relation to the Versluis who created the excellent HV Menu, but such a connection can only be flattering. Indeed, the reason I downloaded the plugin was because of the name recognition.

I use .htaccess rules to secure the archive files on my Apache server. This will prevent unknown parties from downloading archive files, which remains a security risk until or unless the archive is deleted.

Copy and paste the following into the existing .htaccess in the wp-content directory or create .htaccess there if it does not already exist.

The above code uses a whitelisting strategy. Replace the IP address 111.222.333.444 with your own static IP address. The code will prevent anyone from downloading the .tar file--or any file with the text "sql", "old", "ini", "bak", "gz" or "log" in it, except for someone at the specificed IP address. If placed into the .htaccess in wp-content, it will control access for all files and directories within wp-content. It does not affect the parent of wp-content.

Another way to protect archives, instead of using a whitelist, would be to demand that the downloader enter a password. This is also possible to do in .htaccess, but I went with the whitelist, because it's more convenient for me.

Incidentally, the same whitelisting strategy is highly effective for the .htaccess located in the wp-admin directory. Do not allow anyone except one IP address to access the adminstration log-in. This will lock down security on your Wordpress site. Wards off brute-force attacks and other games hackers play. It could be adapted for sites with multiple admins, as long as the IP address of each admin is known and remains static. Could be a problem with a mobile admin, though!

I wonder who is? That individual sent me an email mere hours after I had posted this:

Hi Igor,

I've find your blog through Google and I hope you can help my. My blog is hacked by this guy from Tunisia, how can I restore my blog and password for wp admin?

Kind regards,


I wrote back asking for more information, such as the blog ID and some reasons I should volunteer my assistance. No response. Well, I can't help anybody that does not communicate. Said individual may well be the hacker responsible for the attacks.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Absolutely Brilliant

I saw Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (the April 27th, 2011 episode), and he was absolutely brilliant and absolutely right. Sanders represents what is good and right in America.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Alcohol & Cancer

Alcohol has been linked to cancer, again.

Weed is linked to cancer, too; it fights cancer. It is non-carcinogenic and non-toxic, properties not shared by alcohol.

The U.S. government displays abject ignorance by enforcing draconian laws against harmless weed, while booze causes health costs to skyrocket.

Human beings have long sought an inebriant of some kind in order to take a break from the relentless calculations of everyday living. It is unrealistic to expect that everyone is going to choose sobriety all the time and forever.

A simple legal and cultural switch from booze to pot would save the U.S. trillions in long and short-term health care costs. Yes, trillions. Alcohol kills; pot does not. Period.

One cannot expect the U.S. government to do anything sensible. Considered more important are foreign wars on behalf of Iraq and Afghanistan, where we are despised in return for providing trillions of dollars in aid. Considered more important is the never-ending drug war against drug users that costs hundreds of billions of dollars and fills the prisons with nonviolent offenders. Considered more important is aid to enemies disguised as allies like Pakistan. Basically, the U.S. government flushes half our taxes down the toilet every year. That is why the country is in the situation it is in today.

The workers are just as creative, hard-working and educated as ever, but the leaders, such as Lamar Smith (R-Tx), are hardheaded political hacks without the slightest capacity for creativity.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, July 11, 2011

Thumbs Down--First Alert Smoke Alarms

First Alert smoke alarms were designed by a cretin. It is nearly impossible to extract an old 9V battery. One has to pry it out using a knife, and the fit is so tight that it is possible to destroy the battery or the alarm in the process. After one connects the battery, the alarm emits a shrill scream that could trigger a heart attack.

A handy device for consumers would be a portable database with blacklisted manufacturers, so that one knows which brands to avoid. First Alert is a brand to avoid at all costs. If another smoke alarm costs three times as much, purchase it. At least the other manufacturer may have given some thought to the issue of battery replacement.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Fusion Power

Fusion power seems to me a better investment than either Iraq or Afghanistan. I don't see why those two countries merit many trillions of dollars, whereas $30 billion can't be found to develop and exploit fusion energy. We should leave the lunatics in the Middle East to war among each other, and develop a replacement for oil.

Big defense corporations want to feast on the money cow known as war, and they control Congress. That is why there always has been and always will be war.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Republican with Sense

At least one Republican Presidential candidate has a lick of sense.*

* - Well, alright, there's also Ron Paul. That atypical Republican has got more brains than half the G.O.P. as represented in Congress. Not only does he know how to read, he wrote his own book. But he never wins, and nobody seems to take him seriously. He and Bozo, above, are the only Republicans that could really give Obama a run for his money--and split the Democratic constituency. The other Republican candidates are obvious, forget about it, dyed-in-the-wool hardcore conservatives that want to turn the clock back to 1950, forgetting that 1950 stank like rotten eggs. I don't even know how to spell their names and won't try.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tariffs for Tyrannies

A tariff should be imposed on all goods and services originating from tyrannies to reflect the moral cost of such items that were manufactured using slave labor. That would have an immediate effect of reducing unemployment in the U.S. to zero percent as the U.S. begins manufacturing products again.

China, Syria, and Iran are obvious candidates for a tariff, but even countries like Malaysia are not free, but only masquerading as free nations. Upon closer inspection, Malaysia is revealed to be a tyranny ruled by corrupt oligarchs. A country is not free where peaceful protests are not allowed, and people can be arrested merely for wearing a yellow shirt.

Whenever tariffs are mentioned, there are some that fret over a trade war. They have in mind specific imported goods that might become more expensive for their company or themselves.

Other countries fear a trade war. The U.S. has little to fear from a trade war. The U.S remains the biggest consumer market in the world. The U.S. receives far more imports than it sends out as exports, a disparity that has cost millions of American jobs, a disparity that tariffs would address in a direct and effective manner. Let the rest of the world launch a trade war tomorrow. The New World has always been, throughout its history, self-sufficient, by necessity. What does the Old World have that the New World does not? Nothing, except slaves. There are sufficient stocks of petroleum, coal, uranium, iron, copper, aluminum, and rare earth metals throughout the New World. Nor would a trade war be comprehensive of all countries in the Old World; few countries would wish to sign on to a trade war against the largest consumer market.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Betty Ford, R.I.P.

Betty Ford's tenure as wife of President Ford was before my time, or rather at the very beginning of it, and I can't say I recall much about her, but from what I've read, she sounds like an interesting, forthright and candid person, who preferred the unvarnished truth over the lie.

I sometimes find that I prefer the wives of Republicans to their husbands, because even if the wives are Republicans themselves, they may have unexpected enlightened views on various subjects. It may be due to their being women. In general, I agree with women more often than men. The trouble with some men is that they have a tendency to think in cold blood without heeding the impulses of their heart. They lack a certain amount of compassion, moderation, and most of all, a desire to cooperate with others rather than compete with others. In any society, the desire to cooperate is very beneficial to all.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Too Many Spaces to Criminal Cases

Criminal cases seize too many spaces in the media. The audience has a morbid interest, but is it good? The easiest way for a nobody to be somebody is to kill somebody. This is well-known among nutcases, from what I've read. There's something wrong with that. The media should make an attempt not to dwell upon trivia and negativity. They do exert an influence upon the reader's opinions and beliefs. On my blog, I try to avoid discussing criminal cases and sex scandals. Such topics receive more than adequate exposure on other blogs.

Many conservatives I have spoken with express a cynical view of human nature. They assume that everyone is motivated only by selfish interests. They are reluctant to accept benevolent motives in others, because it conflicts with their theory of human nature. They have a pronounced fear of crime. They purchase handguns for their personal protection. They believe that people will do evil whenever they can get away with it. The creators of South Park express such a view. I believe that the media encourages their point of view by dwelling upon crime and other negative and unpleasant matters.

The millions who live in a decent manner, work hard and do what's right are not reported, but live their lives in anonymity. Why are they worth any less verbiage? They should be reported too, upheld as examples for others to follow. In fact, the coverage ratio of decent people versus psychos should be 10,000:1, or equal to their actual representation in the general population. Today, the ratio almost seems to favor psychos.

I think human nature is open to amelioration and that is why I am a liberal. With education, progress, and successive generations, it was possible for Europe to evolve from the Dark Ages to what it is today, which is grand and splendid, the envy of everyone throughout the world. But I spend more time reading about history and science than I do reading the media.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, July 8, 2011

Vote Democratic

Republican policies under G.W. Bush smashed the economy so soundly that it couldn't be fixed in a mere two years. Obama's notable accomplishment was that the country did not slide into another Great Depression.

Republican philosophy is built around tax breaks for the rich and never-ending, financially ruinous foreign wars. The Democratic party would be even better if it were more liberal, but of the two parties, it is the better one. A Democratic Congress will pave the way toward a more robust recovery. If the Republicans lose seats in Congress in 2012, then America will gain intellectual power.

The body is strong, but the head must be as well.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Trusting Foreign Technology

I'm pleased to see that Congress is waking up to the fact that moving jobs and manufacturing overseas comes with another cost--computer viruses.

This is not rocket science.

U.S. citizens are more trustworthy than strangers from Russia or China.

That single sentence is so obvious, yet so often dismissed, that it should be tattooed to the forehead of every CEO in the U.S.

To frame the issue in familiar terms for a CEO, U.S. citizens are shareholders in this country. Their destiny is intertwined with the destiny of the U.S. in a thousand different ways. Their loyalty is assured.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fox News has a Nasty English Cousin

Looks like one of Murdoch's properties has been sullied by unethical behavior, this more shocking than anything in recent memory.

Am I surprised? Not in the slightest. The incident confirms my opinion of News Corpse.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Broken Controllers" Classifies Me as a Sports Writer

I noticed that one of these content aggregation sites subscribed to an RSS feed of my blog. I can't think of any reason I should mind.

This blog is averaging about 35 visits per day, nothing to write home about, although a bit better than last year's average of 20 per day. I interpret my blog as a journal that I share with strangers Just Because. I don't even know all the reasons why. At least on a blog, there is a chance someone other than myself might read one of my entries, if only by accident. There is also a chance they might benefit by doing so, although I'm not placing any bets on it.

However, this aggregation site classified me in a forum called "Sports Club," which I find amusing. When have I ever blogged about sports? I think Philosophy, Politics, or even Computers/Internet would be more appropriate. I doubt they have a Dungeon Crawl forum.

Well, at least one question is settled, that of whether Broken Controllers' webmaster ever bothered reading anything on my blog before subscribing to an RSS feed.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

How to Miss Some of the Web

Many users have Google set as their home page. To visit a site, they enter its url in the Google search engine. If Google does not find the site, then as far as a novice user is concerned, the site cannot be found.

Not all sites have been exposed to Google. In order for Google to know about a web site, someone has to take the trouble of introducing the site to Google through a public link that is crawled by the Google robot.

The most effective way to visit a site is to enter its url in the browser's url input field, located at the top of the screen in mainstream browsers. However, one cannot expect a novice user to be aware of that.

There is no perfect solution for a novice user. In some cases, users seem better off entering urls in the Google, due to the risk that a typo could connect the user to a malicious site without any warning. Google at least flags some malicious sites, offering an early warning, prior to making that second, fatal click. However, when Google does not find a site, it may suggest a different site in its search results, possibly a malicious site.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Proofreading Obsolete?

Corporations today seem to assume that editors and proofreaders are obsolete. After all, Microsoft Word has built-in spell checking, as do many other apps. Who needs an employee with writing ability?

I found this whopper on ABC News without even trying. It confused me at first until I realized that the journalist goofed.

In the picture caption, it is claimed, "The longer the ring finger compared to the index finger, the longer the penis, Korean researchers say."

The first line of the article reads, "The longer a man's index finger when compared with his ring finger, the longer the length of his penis, according to Korean researchers."

Either the Korean researchers need to make up their minds, or ABC News needs to hire a proofreader.

I'm sure the glaring mistake will be corrected by somebody at ABC News, but not before thousands of people have already read it.

Downsize at your peril, corporate America. Not every job can be farmed overseas or replaced by technology.

There is an urgency to being the first on top of a story. I know all too well that is not possible to achieve perfection in a short amount of time on a consistent basis. Only with reflection, which requires time, is it possible to detect and correct mistakes and oversights, and even then there is always something that seems amiss. Humans are by nature pragmatic and imperfect creatures who create things that work, but are not necessarily elegant or without flaws in their first version. That is why new versions must be generated all the time.

I am sure the journalist in question would have preferred a seven-day grace period in which he could examine his articles prior to their publication. But is it possible in a high-turnover, high-pressure media company? If the answer is no, then such a company had better hire a team of proofreaders and editors for the sake of quality control.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Microsoft Allies with Baidu

Microsoft has allied with Baidu* to censor information from the Chinese people and help the authorities hunt down pro-democracy activists. Baidu is a Chinese search engine that, unlike its competitor Google, works hand-in-glove with the Chinese tyranny. On the web site I admin, I ban all activity from the Baidu search robot without exception. I view it in a similar light as pre-1946 Krupp.

While Microsoft invests heavily in China and other countries, having moved many of their middle-class jobs outside of the U.S., American consumers remain eager to purchase Microsoft products.

I am reminded of an Aesop's fable. I don't know whether children today read Aesop. I read my book cover to cover several times over when I was a boy. I thought it was strange and mysterious that these fables had survived for thousands of years, and I liked to imagine people of long ago retelling these stories. Many stories did not make sense to me until I read them several times. In some cases, I asked my parents for further explanation and elaboration. This story, however, speaks for itself.

A man asks an eagle for a feather for his cap. "Why sure," said the eagle, "I have many to spare and am flattered that you want one of my feathers." "Oh yes," said the man, "your feathers are the most useful of all." The man tipped his cap to the eagle and went on his way.

Several days later, the eagle was flying home to feed its young ones when an arrow pierced its wing. As it plummeted to the ground, it recognized its own feather in the arrow and saw below the same man he had helped before.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, July 4, 2011

A Dream Given, Then Taken Away

No, I'm not being metaphorical, this time. Honestly, the dream metaphor is overused.

I had a real dream last night fueled by two cups of passionflower (dried, cut leaves of the beautiful flowering Passiflora incarnata) tea, but the dosage I fear was too strong. Although I remembered the dream as I emerged from sleep, I drifted in and out of sleep for an hour, and when I woke up, it was erased. Such is the danger of imbibing too much passionflower. I still feel groggy as I write this.

The trouble with concocting herbal teas without the use of prepared teabags is dosage. One never knows the precise potency of a stock. It is clear to me now that my particular stock is very potent indeed. The effect was startling as I lay in bed last night. I felt tendrils of the herb wrapping around my body and drawing me into the realm of sleep. I had half a mind to jump up, drink coffee and fight it off, just to demonstrate that I could, but decided that would be the act of an amateur, and besides, frittering the night away at the computer would annoy me even more than being shoved into sleep by an aggressive herbal entity.

If I dose again--which I don't plan to do for several days--half a cup should be sufficient for restorative sleep and a remembered dream.

Time for a cup of tea. The black stuff.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I would like to know the providence of Plato's writings. It seems to me that much of what Socrates espouses is proto-Christian. I know that Christians were in the habit of destroying pagan art and literature and sometimes appropriating it for their own ideological ends. It may be that Plato's works were revised or censored by later Christian scholars.

I don't understand why my translation of Plato makes frequent references to God, when the Ancient Greeks were polytheistic. Elevation of philosophers who reject the material world seems much in line with the early Christian hermits. Socrates looking forward to death and expecting rich rewards in the afterlife--Christian. Rejection of sexual, sensual and dietary pleasures--Christian. I'm no Ancient literature scholar, so I don't know, but I do wonder. I wonder whether scholars have an answer.

I enjoyed the part where Socrates talked directly to Phaedo. But his dialogue with Cebes put me off the book for good. I'm not willing to question whether or not eight plus two equals ten. It seems to me the ratio of verbiage to ideas is high, and many of his ideas seem mistaken, a matter of semantic tricks only.

Whenever Socrates describes the soul, or psyche, it sounds an awful lot like the brain, which underlines the Ancient Greeks' ignorance about the brain. I think that if Socrates had been aware of the functions of the brain and become familiar with our modern knowledge of medical science, he would have abandoned his ideas about the soul.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, July 1, 2011

The House

I dreamed I was renting a room in a large old Southern house. I don't know why. Was I selling antiques or living there or both? Was I alone? I don't know. There were many other renters with various agendas. I don't remember their traits, only that there were many. They would talk among each other and with me, and it sounded like a murmur, and I cannot remember what was said.

The door to my room became locked or jammed one day, and the landlords wouldn't or couldn't do anything about it. Other renters faced the same predicament. The doors to their rooms were also barred.

After many inquiries, I talked to someone that revealed a secret entrance to my room through an adjacent room. I had to remove the shelves, which were full of white towels, and open the cupboard door, because it was actually a secret door to my room. Several people were with me because they wanted to gain access to their rooms as well. I don't remember who they were or what they wanted.

I don't remember much more. Upon waking, the dream did not make immediate sense to me, but the house and the landlords remind me of The Skeleton Key, which may be the best horror film ever made. That movie has a way of creeping into the unconscious. I don't recommend anyone watch it unless they want elements cast into their dreams.

My interpretation is that the dream depicted an underworld where my soul was kept until I found a way to get into this world. The way was barred, as it was for many souls, until someone or something revealed to me a secret entrance or until I found it myself after much searching. Many souls wanted to get in, but I was there first, and so I was born. The others must find their own ways.

I think the dream was inspired by reading several more pages of The Last Days of Socrates by Plato*, in which the old man is going on about immortal souls and the underworld. I read all that with disbelief. It seems to me he was flattering his ego by claiming that people like him, philosophers, would get rewarded the most in the afterlife, a typical thing for a man to believe. Humans wish to assert control over things. Death is the ultimate usurping of control, and so men weave fantasies to assert control even over death. And Socrates wished to put on a brave face before his friends as he faced death.

Then again, what if he were right, and there were souls, and what I think of as me derived from another substance, immaterial and more or less permanent? Then in that case, the dream about the house and the secret doorway was a recollection of an actual event rather than a busy exercise of a human brain in the REM stage of sleep.

* - my progress in The Last Days is slow because I seldom agree with Socrates about anything and don't think he is wise at all at least by modern standards. I can only manage a couple pages per day without putting the book down in boredom or annoyance. He was a tragic figure, not meaning harm to anyone, a seeker after truth, and I feel that he was unjustly condemned. I think instead that he should have been engaged in debate and made to defend his ideas, but maybe that is an unrealistic expectation for that time period. He had probably offended one too many of the rich and powerful.

Every time Socrates makes a pronouncement and his chorus of yes-men chime in with their immediate and unquestioning approval, I want to say, now wait just a minute, this makes no sense at all, because of X, Y, and Z. I think the book reads better when Socrates speaks in a monologue, without all the yeses, as during his Apology.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions