Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Uber is another loser corporation that provides crappy service using scabs working at subsistence wages, just enough to buy McDonalds for a treat on Sundays. Uber is another company run by irresponsible, childish executives and another tool to destroy the middle class. The basic model of Uber replaces moderately-waged jobs with crap jobs that have no benefits. Uber doesn't want to comply with any licenses, rules or even the basic law of the land, so good riddance if it gets the boot in Quebec and London.

The only way a spoiled, know-nothing corporate executive earns his keep is this: he figures out a way to pay the workers less for more work. Uber is no exception to the rule that pervades all industry and all commerce.

People working for Uber need to ask themselves, why did I wind up working as a temp scab for a company that pays next to nothing and will fire me just as soon as self-driving cars become a thing?

Going back to the land may be a good adaptation in today's economy, where so many manufacturing and service jobs are getting replaced by automation. Farm, as our ancestors did. At least by farming, one is assured of having enough to eat and enough land to dwell in.

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