I think applying for credit cards should be far more difficult and involve DNA matching, in-person. Only one credit card per person is really needed. Anymore is nonsense. The more complicated finances are, the more opportunity for abuse, fraud and negligence. A lot of credit card companies and banks are worthless, including Equifax. I think Equifax betrayed the country. Is the Equifax betrayal worse than what Chelsea Manning did? Apples to oranges, but I think so. The executives at Equifax basically said, who cares about the American consumer. We can save a little bit of cash by skimping on security, so let's do it. Meanwhile, they played golf. They should have treated the confidentiality of our personal information like they were transporting gold bricks, but they acted like it was used rubber tires.
But I am a voice in the wilderness. Apparently, tons of people apply for credit cards online daily, and many people have multiple credit cards. No one will listen to me, and every day, the list of identity theft victims grows. But I bet you one thing. I bet you the identity theft victims agree with me.
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