Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Environmental Poetic Justice

I was quite amused at this article, which shows that tap water in the U.S. actually has more microscopic plastic fibers than tap water in...drumroll, please... Uganda or India. We have more of everything in the U.S., so why not microscopic plastic fibers in our drinking water, too?

What do microscopic plastic fibers do to the human body? Who knows? We are conducting an experiment on our bodies, you see. Just an uncontrolled, high-risk experiment, for funsies!

My best guess is that the super-rich, like Donald Trump, probably put their water through a lot of filtering which removes all the pollutants, including microscopic plastic fibers. I could be wrong, but that's what I would do, if I were super-rich. I'd also be nice and purchase filters for police and fire stations, to ensure they have clean, safe water. You don't want your heroes coming down with cancer or whatever it is.

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