Thursday, March 8, 2012

Listen to Kofi Annan

I respect Kofi Annan, who has impressed me as an ethical, objective and intelligent spokesperson for the United Nations. Annan advises against Western intervention in Syria. I think we should heed his words. Turkey is also opposed to intervention by non-regional powers. It is not our responsibility to be the policeman of the world. I think that the Arab powers can pony up some cash to fund and arm the opposition, if they so desire. The Arab nations are certainly not lacking in either money or weapons. They need to back up their words with actions. The United States has carried the cross for freedom for far too long, and we have discovered through bitter experience that many people don't care as much about freedom as they do about their narrow tribal interests. Afghanistan and Iraq may prove to be gigantic wastes of U.S. taxpayer dollars.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

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