It is unfortunate that a racist video surfaced from a Ron Paul supporter. Unfortunate because, as Cindy McCain hinted, Ron Paul does have somewhat of a history in regard to unpleasant and uncivilized rhetoric. Yes, the newsletters.
I'm opposed to videos. I hate the way videos are replacing the written word. Videos are stupid. But racist videos are even stupider than regular videos.
Definitely a candidate's children should be off-limits in any kind of campaign, unless the children insert themselves into the public eye. I'm not sure how I feel about Americans skipping American orphans and going overseas to import foreign kids. It does smack of anti-Americanism. Probably they are doing it in order to get dibs on the healthiest and youngest and most attractive kids they can get. But there are a lot of older orphans that could benefit from adoption. What about them? However I feel about this issue, it seems mean-spirited to bring it up during a political campaign.
Ironically, the video reminds me of my chief reservation regarding Ron Paul. I'm afraid he is a mean-spirited crank. I hate to say it because I'm disposed in his favor based on some of his positions on the issues. However, it seems like he's opposed to the rights of the individual, but in favor of the rights of big business. That's his brand of Libertarianism. He's against abortion rights, against gay marriage, and on the campaign trail, he never says anything about the drug war, whether he wants to end the DEA or not. The only thing I like about Ron Paul is that he has enough common sense not to want to meddle in the affairs of other countries. For this economy, especially, that is a wise policy. I say let the other countries start chipping in for their own defense. We don't need to be policeman of the world unless the world starts paying the policeman a salary. How many cops work for free? We do, and that's just stupid.
I like Ron Paul in Congress very much, but I'm not so sure about him in the Executive role. I'd much prefer Jon Huntsman, who is in favor of civil unions for gays and who seems to be a modern man in many ways, not a Neanderthal like the G'rinch.
Youre a day late and a dollar short. The " Ron Paul Racist Video" has been discredited as a hit piece uploaded from one of Huntsman's Campaign Headquarters computers. Even Rachael Maddow who is no friend of Paul acknowledged that it was suspicious in nature and has a trail that leads to Huntsman.
If that were so, then it would instantly discredit Huntsman as a candidate in the eyes of most people. Where's the evidence? The Huntsman family is known to be generous philanthropists, unlike most multimillionaires, and I would have a hard time believing that Jon Huntsman would stoop to a trick like that. That would be really low, much worse than Ron Paul's racist and homophobic newsletters. Also, the video has the potential to cut both ways, i.e. hurt both the Huntsman and the Paul campaign, like a grenade rather than a snipe attack at Paul. I don't think it helps Huntsman in any way. It just makes the Republicans look like clowns.
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