Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Equifax Debacle

The American people have been told, yes, Equifax had all your permanent, private, personal data: your Social Security number, birthdate, et cetera. No, you are not allowed to ever change this data. Yes, anyone can apply for a new credit card with that data, thus placing your credit history, privacy and even freedom in jeopardy. Care to play dice with your financial future? There goes your retirement, chump. All your hard work, down the toilet.

I don't recall consenting to give Equifax all my information. They invaded my privacy and then gave my information away to criminals.

Personally, if I have to go through identity theft hell at some point down the line, then it seems only right that Equifax people have to suffer, too, because that's not my cross, it's theirs. The amount of time I am willing to spend cleaning up Equifax's mess is zero. I will not lift a finger to resolve any kind of identity theft problem. Equifax makes me whole. There is no other way. If my dinner gets taken away by identity theft, then they feed me. My life is not about cleaning up after Equifax; otherwise it is no life. But if millions of people suffer identity theft, then our entire financial system is called into question.

The proper response, which would have already been taken by a benevolent dictator, is to make credit card applications much, much more difficult. Credit card, loan, or any kind of financial account application must be done in person and require a DNA sample, retina scan, or something else that is very individualized and extremely difficult to fake. That is the simple, elegant, permanent solution, not just to Equifax, but to all the other scandals that have hit our sorry, stupid, negligent and corrupt business community, driven by greed and completely unconcerned about the country.

However, none of the above is going to happen, because the Republican Congress is just as stupid as the business community. Maybe more so.

Congress has proven again and again it is incapable of acting, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that action is justified. Marijuana was proven non-toxic and harmless way back in the early 1970s, during the Nixon administration, and due to stupidity, Congress never did anything about the laws that equate pot with heroin.

So, is social collapse on the horizon? No, because the American people have a high tolerance for pain and suffering, a limited memory, and are easily distracted by social issues like bathrooms, prayer and abortion. What will happen is that millions of "nobodies" like myself will go through identity theft hell, and nothing will be done, and there will be a lot of hand-wringing but ultimately no changes, and the cycle will continue with more scandals, more data-leaks in the future, and future generations will deal with the problem as well. Because stupid rules the land.

In the end, the only hope for H. Sapiens is that genetic engineering creates a smarter species, capable of seeing through obvious lies and falsehoods. Then the electorate might become capable of electing good people into public office. Such a species might demand more accountability from the corporations that control so much of our lives. But today's people? They just roll over and take it, again and again. They focus on what's important, like Hillary Clinton's email server, or Anthony Weiner's weiner.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Dumbsday Prediction

That a Doomsday prediction of Sept. 23rd received widespread, mainstream media coverage, followed soon after by "what exactly does dotard mean?" betrays the cretinism in the American population. Cretins played their Trump card in 2016, and now Stupid rules the land. Goodbye, several trillion dollars, hello, waste and corruption. Poetic justice will be served if medical care is stripped away from the cretins that voted for Trump.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


One reads, everywhere, that alcohol in moderation is good for you, or your heart, or your general state of mind, or your immune system, or something. A glass of wine with dinner, say, or a beer with your buddies, is supposed to enhance well-being. It helps the heart, well, they don't know how, but they think it may, due to statistics, or something.

On the one hand, we have trillions of dollars made through the global marketing of alcohol-based products. Of course, with so much money at stake, funding will be readily available to any scientist that wants to find virtue in a shot-glass.

On the other hand, we have zero dollars to be made, by the business-criminal class, from healthy, happy, high-functioning human beings.

It is clear to me where the truth lies. For the business criminal, the suffering and death of billions is of small concern, whereas their corporate stock price, and the luxuries afforded by their trade, is everything.

In the beginning, after I cut alcohol from my diet, my thinking was actually impaired, as my body chemistry took time to adjust. But after time, I see that I am stronger and in fuller possession of my powers. I sleep well, long, and deeply, awakening each morning refreshed, renewed, eager to begin the working day. My emotions are calmer, held in a tighter rein by the higher reason, which is of vast benefit. Money that was spent on expensive piss instead remains in my pocket. In addition, I lose weight.

There is a pleasure to be had from alcohol, but many paths lead to pleasure, and alcohol is neither the best nor the only way.

The trouble with a glass of wine at dinner is this. Those with ambition want more. If one glass is good, two must be better, after all.

Dyslexia of Spirits

"Many threes," "four at the end," and a "a three-long sequence," showed in a found crystal. But the drawing had, instead, many fives, a four at the beginning rather than the end, and, yes, a three-long sequence, not of thirties, but of fifties. The failure, rather than being worthless, hints at accuracy tinged by dyslexia. Observe that the Arabic Three, with a single line transposed, resembles the Five, an effect most pronounced on old-fashioned calculators. And looked at from a mirror, or upside down, it is not obvious whether a number is at the beginning or end. Therefore, a better strategy is to choose not just the revealed number, but possible interpretations of it, given the risk of transposition.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Iraqi Asylum Seeker, Stupid England

I read that an 18 year-old Iraqi asylum seeker committed the latest act of terrorism in Great Britain. In the first place, he should get the death penalty, whether it killed anybody or not, and it should be a hanging.

I don't think the Brits know what time of day it is, if they are letting in asylum seekers from barbarian territories that follow the cult of death. Anyway, why do asylum seekers need to come to the developed, rich West? Britain is a crowded island as it is. Is Africa so bad? Send them over to the Sudan, Kenya, or Zimbabwe, and let the folks over there deal with 'em. Definitely I would vote Conservative in every British election if the Conservatives are the only ones that have common sense on this particular issue. The Labour Party needs to sit down with the bombs and think about those nails, knives and screwdrivers penetrating their eyeballs. I think then they could "see" the simple truth, that granting asylum to every Tom, Dick, and Harry is stupid and wrong, and a poor use of taxpayer money. Those people can go over to Africa and live there. There is surely some African nation that will take them, or they can just slip off into the jungle and live off the land. Beggars can't be choosers. I can't even immigrate to England, so why should some 18 year-old Iraqi who doesn't know anything except how to kneel before the demon-pig?

Hopefully, the educational system over in England will improve to the point where politicians can trace the obvious line between letting terrorists into the country, and people getting blown up in bombs. Hopefully, they will learn that letting in terrorists in not such a great idea, and that includes all the Muslims, who are always going to feel alienated from Western culture and will always hate the West and are really just ticking time-bombs, destined to kill Westerners at some point in time now or later. To accelerate the learning process, politicians that don't get it should be voted out of office.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Identity Theft

As far as crime goes, my #1 concern in life is avoiding becoming a victim of identity theft. I read this morning this poor chap's story. Credit ruined, flagged at airports, taxes in disarray, collectors hounding him--I'd rather get beaten and sent to the hospital than have to go through all the paperwork hell, sitting on hold with disinterested, zero-knowledge customer service representatives, to restore my identity. I am pretty careful about safeguarding my personal information. Unfortunately, with the Equifax hack, everyone's a potential victim, whether they adhered to proper precautions or not. If the system cannot be trusted to hold confidential information, then where are we? The Wild, Wild, West, I'm afraid.

I think applying for credit cards should be far more difficult and involve DNA matching, in-person. Only one credit card per person is really needed. Anymore is nonsense. The more complicated finances are, the more opportunity for abuse, fraud and negligence. A lot of credit card companies and banks are worthless, including Equifax. I think Equifax betrayed the country. Is the Equifax betrayal worse than what Chelsea Manning did? Apples to oranges, but I think so. The executives at Equifax basically said, who cares about the American consumer. We can save a little bit of cash by skimping on security, so let's do it. Meanwhile, they played golf. They should have treated the confidentiality of our personal information like they were transporting gold bricks, but they acted like it was used rubber tires.

But I am a voice in the wilderness. Apparently, tons of people apply for credit cards online daily, and many people have multiple credit cards. No one will listen to me, and every day, the list of identity theft victims grows. But I bet you one thing. I bet you the identity theft victims agree with me.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Equifax, the Know-Nothing Company

A college music major was the top Equifax executive for security--but it was a she, and probably she was good eye candy at those executive luncheons, is my guess. That she knew nothing about security is no surprise. Most corporate executives are lucky to know how to tie their shoes. That is why the United States has a huge trade deficit and has so many problems without solutions. The idle rich at the top know nothing and do nothing, while the workers at the bottom that actually get things done are given more and more responsibilities for less pay, until they eventually drop the ball due to overwork. Without effective management, how is a company supposed to innovate?

The only thing an executive knows how to do is fire Americans and send the jobs over China for less pay. Steve Jobs, often held up as a shining example of a corporate executive, hated America with every fiber of his being, and that is why he told Obama "Hell, no!" when the President asked him to think about his country for one moment, think about American workers. Steve Jobs had the most ironic name in history, although Steve Traitor would have been more accurate. When I look at an Iphone and see "Made in China," I think of him, and think what a traitor he was. He sent all those factories to China, those factories that can be easily converted to produce military hardware.

My opinion is, we need fire executives like that and put people at the top that are actually capable of leading companies, instead of spending all day playing golf. Looks like Equifax did indeed fire their security officer and chief technology officer, although they sure did take their time coming to a rather obvious conclusion. Equifax owes the U.S. taxpayer a couple trillion dollars for negligence. Really, there is no need for a company like that, if it is going to give all our data to criminals. Equifax should be investigated for criminal negligence, let alone the civil lawsuits.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Inviting Terrorism

Hopefully, the Europeans have added one plus one and concluded, in their infinite wisdom, that it equals two. After so many terrorist incidents, is it not clear that inviting all the Muslims over to the West, for cheap labor, or whatever, was a bad idea? They hate the West, want to kill/rape Westerners, and if they had their way, every one of you would be dead. Now, how many you want to immigrate into your country, again? Maybe reconsider that thought?

St. Louis Shooting / Protests

After reading this story in the New York Post, I'm persuaded that the officer involved in the shooting of an urban heroin dealer, who was driving 87 m.p.h. on wet roads, was justified. Or at least, there is insufficient evidence to conclude it was murder. People don't listen to the facts. They just weave what they want to believe about the police and about society. I doubt anyone rioting bothered to read the judge's carefully crafted 30-page explanation for his verdict. Violent protesters that destroy property should be placed in prison. It may be that St. Louis needs martial law, and the National Guard needs to be activated. There is no right to destroy the property of hard-working home owners and store owners. No "letting off steam."

In the U.S., there is a certain element of blacks that make a living out of racism complaints. They feel like any sin can be excused based on the color of their skin. They are not without sin themselves. In reality, they are the racists. Every white person they see, they call racist. I have seen more black racists in my day than white racists, and I have encountered racism from blacks more often than I've seen black people on the receiving end. The only time I see blacks on the receiving end is in Hollywood movies.

The way to end racism is simple. Act decent, obey the law, work for a living. Any other proposal just smacks of reverse racism. There are plenty of black police, and local departments are eager to hire. Want to improve the police? Join them! They are looking for a few good men and women. Color of skin, unimportant.

The Pledge

The Pledge of Allegiance, like praying, should be voluntary. Observe that praying is compulsory in barbarian territories, so-called Islamic "countries" ruled by despots, where "morality police" punish those caught skipping prayers.

Teachers shouldn't assault kids over prayer or the Pledge. That is a foolish thing to do. In the first place, it won't make a kid patriotic; quite the opposite. In the second place, it is a poor excuse for an assault. Teachers that do that probably should not be in the profession.

The reason people pledge, or don't pledge, is a feeling of belonging to a nation and its system.

I remember back in the day, when I skipped the Pledge, as a fourteen year-old high school freshman. The reason had to do with complete alienation from the school and the country. It seemed like the school was run by the bullies, that is, the mean teachers and the tough kids, who seemed to recognize one another on some level and work hand-in-glove in many ways. The teachers turned a blind eye to bullying, and the mean kids just had a field day and ran the school. It was like prison--no different, really. There was violence, a good deal of it, and a lot of ugliness. Under the circumstances, I did not feel motivated to do the Pledge.

One day, one of the mean teachers, the Phys. Ed. instructor, who hated my guts anyway for being queer and was always working with the bullies to tear me down, yanked me up out of my seat, just like in this media story. I returned his hatred. "Big Red" can thank his lucky star nothing came of it--at least, that is, in my case. With an eye to the future, I absorbed, rather than reflected. Of course, violence begets violence, which is a basic lesson that people forget, and so the cycle continues, from prehistoric times to the present. I concluded that it is better to look toward the future than to dwell in either the past or the present. There is nothing about the high school years worth remembering. It was all wasted time.

Today, I pledge without a second's thought, and the reason is, I feel a part of the system, and a devotion to the country that is genuine, based on my good life, and a comparison of other countries around the world. Other countries, generally, stink. The U.S. is far superior in many ways, until you start comparing the most enlightened, such as Finland, Norway, Sweden, or Canada, for example. Canada, of course, has the better health system and many other things, but even so, the U.S. is definitely worth the pledge. And, I think for a black person, the U.S. is worth the pledge, because black people have it far worse in any given African nation. Yes, even with a certain level of background racism, even with the occasional police shooting, black people generally have it pretty good in the U.S., as demonstrated by the sizeable black middle class. If I were black, I'd certainly prefer the U.S. over any African nation, and I'd try to prove the racists wrong, by living a decent life.

Police Reforms

There need to be reforms to law enforcement in the U.S., because police shootings are out of control. However, the political will just is not there in many states, for various reasons. I think aversion to crime is a bigger reason than racism. People fear thugs more than police officers, and in the final analysis, people are willing to turn a blind eye when the occasional cop pops the occasional fleeing felon. The constant accusation of racism simply cheapens it, until people are inured and ambivalent to the charge.

One of the biggest problems of law enforcement today is that people take drugs or drink and then get behind the wheel of a large automobile. Where politics has failed, technology will succeed, and self-driving cars are the ultimate answer to the problems besetting law enforcement. If there are no drivers, then there is no need for quite so many police, and no need for chases. Every vehicle can have a "kill switch" installed if the vehicle ever becomes a problem. Whether stupid people drink or not, their cars can get them to where they are going. The police will then be confined to foot patrol, investigators and S.W.A.T. teams, resulting in a reduction of their manpower and significant savings to the taxpayer.

At any rate, there will be no jobs in the future, because robots are going to do just about everything, including driving. In a low-employment future, where so many of our current professions have become fully automated by robots, people will be willing to die for a job, and only the best of the best will be selected for a nice salaried job with benefits, such as a police officer. The top 1% will become police officers, while the vast majority will be unemployed, selling their organs or bodies in order to make a living.

My guess is that the vast hordes of the unemployed will become bandits, stealing and pillaging to make a living, and law enforcement will then need to be robotized. Vast armies of machines will fly about killing bandits and composting their bodies for agriculture. Mass-production of the flying killers will be necessary in order to reduce the human population by 99.99%. For the super-rich, this is all about forging a wonderful paradise for themselves and their future genetically-enhanced generations of godlike beings. After all, our ancestors did give Neanderthals short shrift. We cannot expect easier treatment, now, can we?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Chelsea Manning

The former CIA Director Mike Pompeo was right to oppose Manning's presence at Harvard. Manning wants to make a career out of her treachery. I think that she should be working the drive-through window at McDonalds, and anywhere else needs a strong backlash from the media and the social media. There is nothing she has to share with the world. Instead, she has much to learn, and should be listening to others. She received excellent treatment by the U.S. government, all things considered, and was not grateful to Obama for getting out of prison. In times past, she would have been hung, and indeed, there was a good argument to be made in favor of hanging. Had she picked the wrong document to upload, in her confused state of treachery, she would be on death row.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Martin Shkreli

If all rich people were like Martin Shkreli, then all good people would have to become communists.

Now, it's not rocket science. The other rich folk know that he makes their whole class look bad.

Just goes to show, a rich man has to act abominably, and make the other rich folk nervous, before the law comes after him. If Shkreli acted nice, played silent and listened to his lawyers--that is, if he had a lick of sense--then he'd get off, despite his alleged crimes, because money buys the law, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. Money buys the law, except in the case of a fool.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Shoe's on the Other Foot

In no way is Islam even remotely equivalent to modern Christianity or Judaism.

Over in Burma, the shoe's on the other foot for Muslims. Instead of Muslims butchering Christians and other minorities, in Burma, the Muslims are the ones getting kicked out. Well, too bad, so sad, real glad. How do you think the Muslims got there in the first place, if not by butchering and war? That's how Islam spread in the first place. Anywhere the Muslims are, they are in the business of getting rid of other religions and even giving the atheists a hard time. Either beheading, rape, or milder persecutions in the case of so-called "moderate" Muslim nations like Indonesia. There is probably a good reason the Burmese want the Raping-ya gone, and the Western media isn't reporting on that. Instead, the media just blindly treats the whole spectacle as a human rights crisis. In reality, Burma is cleansing itself of a dangerous, evil cult that always kills or marginalizes outsiders. Look at any Islamic country, and the truth is clear. They want the non-believer gone, period. They serve evil and behave accordingly. Muslim countries tend toward dictatorships, and the populations tend toward fanaticism, terrorism and brutality. The less Muslims, the better.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Neighbor's Dog

My neighbor got a dog recently. I like it. I like hearing the sound of the dog barking when I go outside. You know what's worse than a dog? Human beings. A good guard dog, contained within a fence, will sound the alarm at any approaching human. Humans are the real danger, coming to steal, vandalize, urinate or defecate, or something similarly undesirable. A dog, we can deal with. A dog's no trouble, unless it wanders freely, in which case it will leave countless reasons arguing in favor of a fence. As long as a dog is kept in a fence, it is a net asset to the neighborhood, and people should be grateful. Never would I complain about barking. It is music to my ears. Dogs are the friends of mankind, and I have always gotten along with them.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Environmental Poetic Justice

I was quite amused at this article, which shows that tap water in the U.S. actually has more microscopic plastic fibers than tap water in...drumroll, please... Uganda or India. We have more of everything in the U.S., so why not microscopic plastic fibers in our drinking water, too?

What do microscopic plastic fibers do to the human body? Who knows? We are conducting an experiment on our bodies, you see. Just an uncontrolled, high-risk experiment, for funsies!

My best guess is that the super-rich, like Donald Trump, probably put their water through a lot of filtering which removes all the pollutants, including microscopic plastic fibers. I could be wrong, but that's what I would do, if I were super-rich. I'd also be nice and purchase filters for police and fire stations, to ensure they have clean, safe water. You don't want your heroes coming down with cancer or whatever it is.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Trump Believes

I wager Trump believes in global warming, because if there's anything he pays attention to, it is his own well-being. He says he doesn't, but he's a liar, so what he says doesn't matter. Often, the opposite of what he says is where the truth lies. Trump doesn't play around much with half-truths, he likes the whole hog, the complete and utter lie, because the more brazen the lie, the bigger the gonads of the liar, in his book.

The way the Republicans are going to solve global warming is simple. The world will mass-produce robots to replace every existing worker. Already, drivers are being replaced. That's huge, putting millions out of a job. Next, soldiers. Then, teachers. In the end, there will be no jobs, hence no need for all these people. So, with all these unemployed bums sitting around unhappy and miserable, there will be inevitable wars that serve the higher purpose of killing everyone off--that is, the people that don't matter, of which the majority consists--those making under, say, a million dollars a year, the middle-class and lower-class. I don't know, how many people do you need, in the end? One? A dozen? A thousand? That's subjective. There is no necessary number of human beings. If a human being is still in charge, then some extra humans will be retained as sex slaves and organ donation bags. You need a certain redundancy in kidneys, hearts, and parts like that. The rest are compost.

With no population to generate carbon dioxide or other pollutants, global warming will go into reverse, and plants will take over again. The whole Earth will be a beautiful, charming, luxurious amusement park for the super-wealthy, the elite, the chosen by God (as per Christianity's Prosperity Gospel). Must be nice, for those that live to see it.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

We Should Load Japan and S. Korea Up

Since Russia and China wanted N. Korea to have nukes so badly, it is high time the U.S. load every available inch of Japanese and S. Korean soil with nuclear warheads, preferably the largest and mightiest possible. We should also arm Australia, New Zealand, and any other decent, stable republic that wants to pay for the privilege. Instead of just giving countries protection, we should sell them nukes, and pay down the national debt. Japan can give us a couple trillion right away. S. Korea is probably good for at least a trillion. They can pay down our debt and make up for the horrible trade imbalance.

S. Korea should be buying nothing but American goods, and shunning China. No Chinese products should be purchased in any of the imperiled Asian countries, if they know what's good for them. What we need to tell the Asians is this. Want your hair to glow in the dark? No? Then buy American. Otherwise, eat North Korea's nukes. The day when the U.S. just accepts a horrible trade deal and then turns around and gives free protection is--hopefully--over, if the Trump man-child can only focus for a minute or two, instead of spending all night sitting on his golden toilet typing insults on Twitter.

Outcome of Lottery Number Divination Experiment

One thing's for sure, spirits ain't good with numbers.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Our Weakened Country

The U.S. has to tip-toe around the tulips until it rebuilds its manufacturing capacity. China does all the manufacturing now, so China will win any war in the long-term. Our leaders let all the factories go overseas, with the result that 99% of all our stuff is made in China. Let's face it, China holds all the cards. Every computer gadget we buy is made in China. China knows all the technological secrets by now, because security is just an after-thought to most governments and businesses. The reality is that China is THE world power. The U.S. is just a proud old lion, about ready to serve as vulture food.

Unfortunately, Trump is as stupid as the rest of them, or rather more so. All he thinks about is jabbing liberals in the eye with the transgender ban, the Wall and denying medical care to the poor. He never thinks about China eyeing Hawaii, Guam and Alaska as future Provinces. The inhabitants there would serve as slaves until the land is repopulated with Chinese...or North Koreans.

Rebuilding America is the last thing Trump cares about. Trump just cares about being the center of attention with his loud, nasty, ugly hyena-face with somebody else's hair pinned on top. Trump is a petulant child, not a man. If leaders like that waste of space would do something other than brood over real and imagined slights, things might move forward. More likely, the U.S. is destined for long-term decline. The people, unaware of history, bored with science, and only semi-literate with their gadgets and toys, plastic Jesuses and opiates, seem incapable of looking after their own interests and electing any kind of leader worth his salt.
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions