In point of fact, which she did not deny nor refute, she cheated and gave Hillary Clinton the questions to the debates with Bernie Sanders, thus betraying all Democrats and, I suppose, all Americans. Where was her sense of Patriotism, of basic morality and fairness? Where? She should be ashamed to show her face on national television, but is not, and instead trumpets herself in the hopes of future rewards, and thus is exposed on the spiritual level, which is all that really matters. At least she is easy to see through, and there is gratitude for that. She is no great shakes, just a roach feeding upon the detritus of similar creatures. Hillary, too, deserves blame for accepting the cheats, and much is exposed about her as well. The Trump fiasco is, in no small part, their fault, on their conscience, such as that tattered creature may be.
Rather than pointing the finger right and left, Hillary Clinton should focus on spiritual purification, and specifically upon improving her modus operandi. Shortcuts are not the way. Sometimes the harder way is best. To lose to Bernie Sanders was right, if Trump were then defeated, but out of myopic selfishness, Hillary chose the path of cheating, which speaks volumes about her previous actions and lends credence to unsubstantiated claims against her from long ago. Bernie may have placed her in his administration, had she fought with honor. If a cretin like Trump beat her, clearly she is not a good candidate for public office and never will be.