Sunday, August 6, 2017

Climate Change

I imagine all those Trump supporters are the ones most riled up about Climate Change.

For those Trump supporters, this must be the number one issue for them, if they read much or pay attention to what's going on.

If not--crocodile smile. Am I afeared? Nay. I'll be gone, and I've no kin to carry on. 'T'will be Thee & Thine that drink the wine from that vine. I predict--disaster. Thus I mark this with the predictions category.

Looks to me like Trump is preparing us for a big old bankruptcy of an environmental variety.

That's all Trump was ever good for in business--bankruptcy. He was really clever, when it came to taking advantage of suckers. About 47% of the electorate fit that category, according to the last election. I bet they don't fasten their seatbelts, either.

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