Tuesday, January 8, 2013

AIG's Ingrates

The Federal government bailed out AIG, and as thanks, AIG is going to sue the government because it didn't like every aspect of the bailout terms. Can you remember the last loan agreement that you liked in every detail?

The leadership of AIG notes, "Our duty isn't to the country, it is to the shareholder."

Come to think of it, maybe we should all sue the government, because it ain't doing for us just what we want, when we want it.

I've got a solid case. Instead of my education at the public school, I preferred my education to have been on a beach in Hawaii, two hours a day, with six hours a day recess, because play is so important, as pediatricians have discovered.

Instead of the old battle-axes I had for teachers, my teacher should have been a good-looking young college graduate that wore shorts and a tee shirt, with the tee shirt being entirely optional.

For lunch, instead of the abominable cafeteria food they fed us--leathery soybean burgers with greasy tater tots as "vegetables"--replace that with chocolate milk and a choice of fresh lobster, rib eye steak, ribs, scallops, or fried chicken every day.

I doubt my legal case would get very far, because I can't afford fancy lawyers like AIG's ingrates. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you-- AIG! --AGH! --I think they bit the middle finger I was giving them.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, January 7, 2013

My Chess Book

Over the years, I've developed offbeat chess openings to break my opponents out of book early, because I haven't the patience or desire to book up on the Ruy Lopez, Queen's Gambit or Sicilian, and would much rather play my own game using my own ideas.

As White, I play either 1. c4, b4, g4, or e4. I like b4 and g4, these textbook illustrations if not exaggerations of hypermodern theory. The more the masters and Wikipedia criticize the flank openings, the more determined I am to play them. But I also like to revive ancient Classical openings that have fallen out of fashion in the modern chess scene to the extent that no one even remembers that they are actually sound openings rather than mere blunders. I am talking about Chigorin's Defense and Bishop's Defense, two of my favorites, but I also like the Brooklyn Defense, an obscure variation of Alekhine's 1. .. Nf6 which I think has merit if for no other reason than because nobody seems to know what to do against it.

If e4, then if Black responds e5, I play d4 for its novelty value, because few people recall the antique Center Game. Quite often players will try to hang on to the pawn after capture, which is a mistake due to the devastating c3. If on the other hand, my Queen is permitted to occupy d4, then that is often a slight advantage, and I follow up with Bc4 and rapid castling unless another opportunity presents itself. At any rate the Center Game avoids all bookish nonsense from Black, because no one analyzes nor often plays the Center Game anymore in the modern era. Inaccurate play by Black can be dangerous to his longevity in the Center Game. However, if both sides play correctly, the Center Game is your quick and easy passport to the middle game. This is why the masters dislike it, because there is a feeling that White should strive for an advantage in the opening. A Queen on d4 is only a slight advantage, if indeed it is any advantage at all. The novelty value is my angle, along with breaking out of book. I don't play in the upper echelons of the chess world, far from it, so I don't have the same concerns as the masters. That is also why I pay no heed to chess authorities that dismiss the Grob. For the record, there's a chess authority that endorses the Grob, an International Master by the name of Michael Basman. So there, chess snobs.

If Black attempts the Sicilian, then I have another obscure novelty, Na3, which stupefies every player, but is quite sound. The ideas are to break out of book early while avoiding committing to any specific plan and get the Queen's knight developed to a square that is well-suited against the Sicilian, while leaving open the possibility of c3. Note that with Black's pawn at c5, there is little danger of the knight being captured by Black's bishop before it relocates to an advantageous square. Those who play the Sicilian must be broken out of book early, I find, because their book knowledge tends to be deep. I have never found anyone to refute Na3, though I do lose due to my own middle game blunders. Changing one seemingly trivial move in the opening really does throw many players for a loop, forcing them to consume more time and energy in the opening than would otherwise be the case. Their instincts urge them to refute my stupid move, but how?

If Black attempts the French, then I'll play along for a few moves, with an eye toward placing my Queen on g5 before laying my knight down on f3. This was Nimzovich's idea, and it seems logical, as the kingside is Black's weakness in the French. Most French players don't seem to have prepared for this, and I don't like bothering with a laborious defense of the pawn on d4. I'd rather go straight for the kill if at all possible. I will be the first to admit that I have had the most difficulty against the French Defense of all openings. The Sicilian I enjoy playing against, but with the French, I really have to think.

If g4, I am playing the positional Grob, to be followed by h3 if need be to protect the spike. The tactical Grob that sacrifices the Spike is not to be countenanced, for a refutation has been published on Wikipedia, whose authors despise anything new, and want all players to open with e4, d4, or c4 only. Opening snobs like to sneer at the Grob, which is why it must be played against them. Breaking snobs of their prejudices is a civic duty that must be performed by every conscientious player.

If c4, I have no mind of the English, but instead intend a delayed Grob with g4 and Bg2, breaking out of Wikipedia's cozy lines, with the added advantage that Black is often reacting as if to the English, and is startled by a novelty, and d5 may no longer be an easy option for him. If however Black responds Nf6, then White can play h3 prior to g4, or else transpose to the Queen's Gambit.

If b4, I'm aiming for the Polish, a positional slow opening that gives about equal chances to both sides, but White has the advantage if Black is ignorant of it. White may achieve a slight positional advantage from his advanced Queenside pawns, but exploiting this is no small task. White must avoid leaving a hole at e4 that may be occupied by Black's knight.

As Black, against e4, I play either Nf6, g5, e5, c6, or d5.

d5 is the Center Counter of course, and I will attempt to capture with the knight rather than the Queen, because that is common sense. I seldom play this anymore, though it is good once in a while against your defensive players.

If Nf6, I'm aiming for the Brooklyn Defense, an obscure opening scorned by everyone except those I defeat. If e5, then I replace the knight to its former position on g8, leaving White astounded. This wins some of my games, I swear, on time alone, White staring in disbelief for longer than is prudent, either on this move or on the ones that follow. Many White players think they can obtain an advantage building a pawn wall on f4, e5, and d4, but they are mistaken, though the game gets sharp for Black, and I am known to make costly mistakes. To d4, Black replies d3. To f4, Black replies g5, which gains time, because White is not apt to take the offered pawn, which can advance to g5 to drive White's knight away on the following move. Then I am in familiar Grob territory, while White is lost at sea, apt to lose on time or perish on some rash attack.

If White declines e5 against Nf6, then I do not permit easy transposition to familiar lines, but instead maintain our journey into the chess wilderness. I like to respond to Nc3 with d5 every time, and e5 can then be met by either Ne4 or d5 with good results.

Against anything except d4 or Nf3, g5 heralds the Macho Grob, seldom seen, which is as sound as the day is long, yet many players will launch a rash attack against it for no good reason, giving me free tempos or even losing their Queen as a result. The idea is to shift to a Kingside attack at some point in time, with the advanced pawns providing a head start on that line.

I like to play an occasional e5 against e4, which is standard, but if White pulls the King's Gambit, I default to Fischer's reply, d3, which quite neutralizes all his thunder. I have no desire to learn all the nonsense in the King's Gambit, which is just pure memorized tactics all the way to the end game. If Nf3, then I will reply Nc6, and if he initiates the Ruy Lopez with Bb5, I will play Bishop's Defense, Nd5, which not many people know about, but often gives me a good game. Otherwise, I will play a boring conservative game following classic principles.

Against d4, I like d5, and against the Queen's Gambit, I like Chigorin's Defense, Nc6, because Chigorin knew what he was about, and many White players don't know what to do against it. Another good answer is b5, the Polish.

Against your aggressive young prodigy, nothing answers like the Caro-Kann, c3 to his e4, against which he is liable to break himself. It is a solid defense, and flexible enough to react to anything White may have in store. I have had good luck with it, but it almost never leads to a quick victory, and has less novelty value than other answers. Most players have stock replies to the Caro-Kann and need not think for the first several moves. I like to play Caro-Kann most of all when I am under the weather or tired, because it is the one opening in chess that holds your hand and leads you along a safe path, since almost all the opening moves are intuitive, requiring little effort on the part of Black. The only thing I dislike about the Caro-Kann is that many players know it through and through, so the novelty value is limited.

I never play the Sicilian or the French, because it is against my religion, but I don't hold anything against those that do. As a matter of fact, I have an easy time against the Sicilian, because 2. Na3 befuddles most of 'em. Against the French, I have not yet found a good, solid yet obscure line to counter with, but old Nimzovich had some good thoughts along the lines of a kingside attack, and I also like to play f4 on occasion, to give Black something else to think about. I believe the main thing against the French is to develop rapidly, sacrifice a few pawns if necessary on the Queenside, and hammer Black on the kingside.

The Pirc, Benko's Opening, and other modern systems involving a fianchetto I find unambitious, preferring aggressive openings like g4 or b4, which seize more territory from the get-go and give the opponent something else to worry about besides just a bishop. I always play the Macho Grob against Benko's and the English, without fail, to illustrate my belief.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Here's for the Death Penalty

I'll be pleased when the cinema shooter in Colorado gets the Executioner's Axe, if for no other reason than I won't have to look at his ugly-as-sin, wide-eyed and crazy mug shot on the front page of Google News every other day. Liberal I may be, but my heart won't bleed for that vermin, nor for anyone who slays people at random without any rational motive. Whether the murderer is crazy or not matters not. A life has been taken, indeed, many lives, and in reading the account of the massacre, many of those slain were heroes, who should serve as subjects for U.S. Postage Stamps, as they sacrificed their lives to preserve the lives of their loved ones. For the sake of civilization, an example must be set: a life for a life. It is the way, it is the law, and has served since civilization began. Cut off his head and be done with it, and let us read about more interesting things than a worthless scumbag murderer. I am for beheading, when it comes to methods of capital punishment, because it is simple, foolproof, fast, and humane, though in truth the guillotine is superior to the Executioner's Axe. The French Revolutionaries knew what they were doing when it came to execution methodology, if not juriprudence and prudence. Harvest his bodily organs without consent, so that his body might serve a purpose, if his actions in life did not. Give sight to those that lack it, and kidneys to those that need it.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Probtheme, Vampirestat, Zombiestat, Villainstat, Ontimemarketing

Dear fellow bloggers -- if your blog keeps getting traffic from probtheme, ontimemarketing, adsensewatchdog, uglystat, villainstat, vampirestat, or zombiestat web sites, just ignore all of that, as it is the product of worthless scumbag referrer spam-bots. Automated, unattended software programs generate these supposed "hits" on your site. They do not represent any human visitors and are not of any interest whatsoever. Do not visit the referring sites, because there is a high probability of malware. Do not link to the sites anywhere online. In other words, do not do the sort of things that the scumbags want you to do. The reason that some malicious hacker is running these bots is to generate traffic on the above-mentioned web sites and quite possibly to entrap, identify, or infect the personal computers of blog owners. End of story. Don't fall for it!


It has come to my attention that some blog owners may have been posting the url of vampirestat, et al, on their blogs.

You will notice I was careful not to specify the url to any of the above sites when I was discussing them. Linking to a site means typing the basic URL in a message, post, or comment.

Let me be clear: Do not EVER link to a bad site like vampirestat, even if you only mean to complain about them or shame them. Do not even post a link in a forum! Search engine bots cannot yet distinguish between favorable comments and unfavorable. Search engine bots investigate each and every link they detect and determine associations between sites. If you link to a site, even if you hate it, you are helping it; you are associated with that site. Always remember that! If you have anything resembling the actual url of a malware site anywhere in your blog, then you are assisting their prevalence in search engines, and Google will evaluate your site as being associated with malicious hackers. Your site's Google ranking may decline, and your site may even be flagged as a malware site.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, January 4, 2013

Microsoft Networking

Whenever you install Windows 7, be sure to set aside 100 hours to struggle with network configuration. Microsoft thinks that everyone wants to pay Microsoft Technical Support $99.95 an hour to connect two computers via ethernet.

Windows 7 has to be the WORST operating system in existence today for home networking. I wouldn't use it if I didn't have to for my answering machine. I intend to use it for nothing but an answering machine. What a tremendous piece of garbage it is. Nice, fancy GUI that can do absolutely nothing; networking wizard that can't find its own behind; share permissions that share to everyone and yet no one. I'm glad to see that Microsoft is providing employment to the mentally handicapped, but I wish they would have them doing something other than programming Windows.

Post Scriptum:

I plan  to sell my Windows 7 install DVD on ebay since it hasn't activated yet. It is just too difficult to connect Windows 7 to other computers in the home network. I plugged the old Windows XP hard drive back in and presto, the network was working again. Windows 7 as far as I am concerned is just a mistake. If I need modern capabilities then I will use Linux, not anything by Microsoft. I feel sorry for people who feel like they have to use Windows 7. They are really setting themselves up for punishment.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Anita Baker

I can't imagine why anyone talks about Whitney Houston. I've never found a Houston song I like, but Anita Baker has produced some real jewels, classics that will be played long after we are dust, restorative & soothing to the soul.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Windows Seven: Still Stupid After All These Years

Microsoft clearly has been hiring intellectually handicapped programmers for years. Try to install Windows 7 updates, and Windows falls flat on its face. Can't find the internet. D'oh? Any modern Linux distro finds the Internet without a hitch. Microsoft requires nursemaiding to guide it along. "Right this way, dear. No, don't go potty in the trash can. To your left, dear. The commode. Yes, that's it. Now, now."

Estimated time of installation for Windows: ten hours.

Estimated time of installation for Linux: ten minutes.

Windows 7 should be renamed Windows .07 alpha trialware. Because it will be a trial getting anything done in Windows. Windows 7 is such an obvious kludge: it crashed three times just installing updates--and installing updates took hours and hours. Most of the updates concerned security holes that Microsoft's doofuses left in their code.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Obama Gives a Good Interview

A big part of being President is knowing what to say and how to say it. Of all our recent Presidents, Obama stands out as the one that gives a great interview. Bush was a buffoon with a dim understanding of the world. By contrast, Obama is a very intelligent man. Too bad the Republicans set their #1 goal as making sure nothing moves forward in this country. The Republicans place party above country every time.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Avast the Booze

God preserve me from the temptations of the booze good and generous and well-meaning friends laid upon me as Christmas presents. I've succumbed to most of the temptation, four-fifths of the Bailey's and the keg of Heineken's, so maybe I can abstain from the last few dregs in that Bailey's, the last several bottles of wine or whatever it is, I don't want to look at them; vipers, rattlesnakes.

My head felt pins and needles today. Darkness washed over me. I was not myself, not exactly, not my good self. I will remember the darkness. I am reinforced in my conviction: I believe alcohol is poison. Sometimes I forget, but not this year. Inoculated with a booster, I should remain sober through 2013.

Just tea for me now. Good, wholesome tea.

What a mercy it is for me that I do abstain--outside the Christmas holiday--if friends don't lay bottles on me--if I don't feel obligated--if the old habit of scores of Christmases don't come back--I'm such a creature of habit.

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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, December 28, 2012

Isy Suttie of Peep Show

Isy Suttie, Mark's girlfriend in the unique UK comedy Peep Show, is an atypical beauty. Her expressive face and gorgeous blue eyes in season 8 episode 3 are not to be missed by anyone that is open to the concept of feminine beauty. Although her role isn't demanding, she brings an uncommon authenticity to it and can't improve, having already achieved perfection. Half her charm lies in her demerit, her deviation from the popular notion of beauty, her uniqueness, hence her attainability. She's not thin, not like so many ambitious actresses today, nor very young--not some mere child, but thirtysomething--and she has a big nose, a beak in fact, larger than most men's noses--and we know that a big nose correlates with a big penis in men--and regular breasts, but she's fifty flavors of awesome somehow, and one wonders how she attracts, what is her secret? An inner joy, a light within, a mystery that must be studied further. Isy Suttie is the fun gal that geeks would like to get with and more to the point, that geeks think they actually could get with, the woman that wouldn't shoot them down or misuse them, a straight-shooting, plain-speaking, laughing, warm and sunny type of woman, with a Welsh accent that reveals itself at unexpected moments, adding to her mystery and allure, as when she says to Jez, "But is Mark fawn?"

I don't know why Peep Show hasn't caught on in America. It's about the best comedy there is on television. It's quirky and offbeat. My fellow Americans just don't know what they are missing. Peep Show is easily the coolest show on television. I have yet to interest any of my American friends in the show. It is an acquired taste. I think it grows on one, becoming funnier the more times it is watched. The first time, a viewer suffers from information overload. There's just too much narrative and too many things happening at once. Understand, this is both a weakness and a strength. The show makes extraordinary demands upon the viewer, indeed, and that is its weak point, if there is any weak point, reducing its popularity in the mainstream. By the second and third viewings, the viewer is prepared and has already absorbed much of the storyline, so the show increases in value over time, unlike most other shows, becoming funnier the more times it is watched. I cry foul to critics until they watch the show thrice. If by the third time they aren't laughing, then fair enough.
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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments


I changed my mind about China. China's probably more corrupt than Russia. They recently tightened the screws on Internet censorship, all because people are clamoring for democracy and exposing corruption. I bet what has been exposed is just the tip of the iceberg. Those who suffered under communism now suffer under kleptocracies, but I guess there was never much difference between the two systems in practice, whatever theory might have intended. Always the insiders, the elite get to have the best of everything, while everyone else is treated second-rate.

Here's a letter from a Chinese laborer working 15-hour days.

We in the West are just fooling ourselves about China, which is going to start the next world war, and at that time, future generations are going to be wondering why we let the suits export all the really important jobs over to China. Too late in the game to reboot the manufacturing sector once a hot war is on. Manufacturing is what won WW2, and ultimately it is what wins all wars. If you can replace a tank division, then you can lose a battle and still win the war.

Will we retain Alaska and Hawaii?

I'm puzzled the right-wingers ignored current events and replayed Viet Nam from 2001 - 2012, but they never could see farther than their own portfolios. A lot of time was squandered. Missed opportunities. Could have done something about the economy, alternative energy, and global warming. Now there are a lot of people unemployed or underemployed and there's no end in sight to that. The old cling to their cushy retirements and entitlements while casting aspersions on the young, who can't find good jobs in today's economy, and the politicians look to save money by cutting education and benefits (present and future) for the young. So the young have nothing to do and nothing to look forward to, while U.S. companies continue shipping jobs overseas to China, which one day is going stop playing nice and demand territorial concessions.
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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The State of the World

Thank goodness for the West, the source of all things that are good. A glance at Russia or China is all that is required to be thankful that one lives in a modern and civilized Republic. I feel sorry for people that live in Iran, Syria, Malaysia, or many of the other countries around the world where corruption is rife and tribal loyalties mean more than the rule of law.

The Romans were the ancient people that cultivated the rule of law as being sacrosanct, transcending tribalism. So we, the people of the West, have inherited that cultural and legal tradition, while the people of Russia and China must suffer under kleptocracies that benefit a few criminals at the expense of everyone. I read that China's Prime Minister has stolen over two billion dollars for the benefit of his family, while Russia's corruption is inestimable, probably far exceeding anything in China.

I think that Western countries are superior in every conceivable way to others, and I believe this is self-evident, needing no explanation at all. The only thing the West has to do is figure out a way to adjust to the modern economy, and get its people back to work before it is too late. Free trade was not a good idea, not a good idea at all, and now we are coping with the consequences of a devastated manufacturing sector. So what next? The other thing we need to do is keep electing Democrats who understand that the U.S. is not the policeman of the world, that our borders end in North America, and we need to look after our own, not go interfering where we don't belong and trying to help people who hate us.
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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, December 24, 2012

Puzzlement over the Pope

I was puzzled by the Pope railing against gay marriage during the Christmas season, but then I remembered, of course the Pope was a Nazi, after all. He's simply reverting to form.

There's a goofy-looking UK bishop who seems to have forgotten the Pope's ugly past. Had he remembered, he might have used different phrasing in his political speech sermon. By the way, why aren't these political lobbyists--priests--taxed? They should be paying taxes just like anybody else.

There's not the slightest possibility that these stupid ignoramuses could be the representatives of the Divine on earth.
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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Christmas Message

Surround yourself with people of the light: good, honest, kind, and wise, be they who they may, and let their light rekindle yours.

There is light even in the darkness, because the light spans Alpha and Omega. Is within and without. Was before, is, and will be. When all ends, then that end is a false ending, because all begins again, not as it was, but as it will be.
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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, December 21, 2012

Former Sen. Chuck Hagel

On the one hand, Former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel was a breath of fresh air during the Bush years, one of the few Republicans that was vocal in speaking out against the multi-trillion-dollar wars. On the other hand, his brain fossilized back in the 1950's with all its prejudices, leaving him "openly, aggressively" homophobic, which is too bad, because now is not the time for a homophobic Secretary of Defense.
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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Gay Marriage Pioneer Richard Adams

I read an interesting blog post today about Richard Adams, who the INS called a faggot back in 1975. That shows how bad the political climate was back then, that INS employees felt they could get away with vulgarity.

Well, times change. An employee at a government agency that wrote a letter like that today would be fired and rightfully so.

Haters that call other people unpleasant names die off and aren't always replaced by new haters. Incidentally, it's a good thing that they die off. I don't think the human race is ready for immortality yet. Maybe in a thousand years. We still have these problems with violence, intolerance, greed, dishonesty, stupidity, and insanity. I think whenever immortality does become an option, then it had better be joined with genetic engineering so that the immortals are as good and strong and most of all, kind as they can be. It's a scary thought to think about evil-doers living forever... like Sauron.

I don't like the fact of my mortality any more than anybody else. It is odd that we begin each day not thinking it could be our last, and yet for some people, it is their last, they don't even know. Life's a strange bird, ain't it? I can certainly sympathize with the folks that want to believe in an afterlife and everlasting rewards. That's a kind of fantasy that is most appealing and soothing, much more comforting than, "You will be gone forever and ever, and in time, all traces of you will be wiped out completely; you are to be forgotten and erased." That's not quite the thing to say, is it? Even if it is true. I wouldn't have the heart to say it to anybody on death's door. I'd just let them partake of their traditional remedy, be it final rites, shaman or priest, as long as the priest doesn't take advantage and try to bully the poor fellow into converting or doing something against his better judgment.

I'm reading a book by a devout Christian woman recounting her childhood. Every little thing she did, everything that happened, she imbued with drama and meaning from the Bible and from theology, so God and Jesus are everywhere, testing, sending signals and messages, guiding, exhorting, and sometimes punishing, like parents. It's quite unusual. I think she is simple, but I like reading her story because it is so different from the usual book I read. She's got a tremendous head trip going on. Jesus is sending her messages, signals. She reads the Bible for clues on how to respond to her wicked stepmother, who is always putting her down. I'm amused because I catch on to her game, as it is a familiar one I've observed many a time among the Christians. One can read the Bible any which way and find a passage in support of this or that. The Bible contradicts itself; it isn't logical and had no one author, but is a cacophony of voices, each with their own agendas. The authors were jotting down things that made sense in the context of contemporary politics of their times, but don't necessarily apply today. All that's obvious to everyone but the devout Christian, who thinks the Bible was written for them and applies to their own life. Well, that's fine, only trouble is, you can get the Bible to tell you anything, just flip to the right page and go, and it isn't necessarily so, anyway. I think there are better books to read, better books to profit from. I particularly like the Simarillion, in which Tolkien describes a beautiful theology in much more detail than the Bible, which is always vague about the Deity. Why be coy? Why not spell things out? Tolkien did. I like his theology better. At any rate I don't take her religion seriously but enjoy reading all of her thoughts about things. I do think she is a passable good writer, not one that could sell books, but good enough to keep me reading.

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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gun Control

The NRA has had things its own way for too long and it is far too liberal on gun laws. It is easier to get a gun than it is to drive, and there's something wrong about that to anybody that possesses a grain of common sense.

I think some sensible precautions need to be put into place and should have been done a long time ago. Only now, we see the urgency after so many senseless killings by suicidal maniacs. I'd rather face a suicidal maniac armed with a knife than a suicidal maniac armed with a gun, any day of the week. But you can argue this point until you're blue in the face with a lot of Republicans, and they just don't see it no matter how many people are buried. They think we're after their hunting pastime or trying to disarm everybody.

I don't consider myself well-versed on the issue of gun control, but I would support a ban on assault weapons, a ban on cartridges that have more than eight rounds, and a lot of other new precautions.
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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

ASUS Warranty & Support

The web site for ASUS is designed with one purpose in mind, to deter warranty/service/repairs. After navigating through their maze of a web site for an hour, I can testify that it is difficult at best to get service on warranty on any ASUS product. If you finally, after much searching, find the link to the web site that handles warranties (why couldn't they incorporate that into the main site?), then if you click on it, you will log on to the web site--and get a blank, white screen, with no text and nothing to click on. That's ASUS customer service for you.

Here's what happened when I tried to chat with one of their "helpful technicians." I should note that the screen also said that I had a 110-minute wait ahead of me, but the screen capture didn't get that part.

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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Europeans are Stupid

The rate of smoking in Europe is higher than anywhere else at 33%.

So Europe might be wiser in some ways, like socialized health care, but they are behind the curve when it comes to tobacco.

Smoking is unnecessary, even for someone addicted to nicotine. There are two alternative methods of nicotine consumption that are far less harmful--nicotine gum (expensive) and vaporization, which has been widely adopted by health-conscious marijuana consumers. Why would anyone smoke the old-fashioned way, when a vaporizer can be purchased for $40? To use a computer analogy, it is like remaining with MS-DOS instead of upgrading to Windows or Linux Mint. Smoking is more expensive, more harmful, and obnoxious to everyone around. Vaporizing is cheaper, tastes better, is much easier on the lungs, and causes minimal discomfort to others.

I've known intellectuals that smoked, highlighting the difference between book-smarts and common sense. I am glad I have enough common sense not to play Big Tobacco's game. I don't use any tobacco products, but you know what, if I did, it would either be through the medium of gum or vaporization. Common sense, if you please. Smoke ain't good for your lungs. Ask a conscientious pothead where to buy a quality vaporizer.

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by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, December 17, 2012

Read O'Brian and Despair

As for writing a novel, I'd better put a cork on that. I finished Patrick O'Brian's Master and Commander yesterday and observed I'd never write as well as he does, not even if I tried for a thousand years.

One thing about O'Brian is he's an artist, not your ordinary sort of writer. That is, he draws scenes, and the words serve as his paintbrush. As artists go, he's an impressionist. The reader must work to shake out what's going on. O'Brian won't pat your hand and say, "Now, now, we're getting up, dear old Sir, so please put your slippers on," none of that, he zips from point to point without very much in the way of transition. The reader's brain must work overtime, sometimes rereading to puzzle out what is going on in the story. One adjusts to this challenging style, because it has the advantage of compactness. O'Brian draws a scene in ten pages that would take another writer fifty, while imparting more nuance. He does not waste the reader's time and is never boring.

Of course O'Brian's a classic nerd, having devoured every single fact and legend concerning the British Navy of the 1700s-1800s, and he flaunts his knowledge until the reader is cowed into accepting the writer's indisputable authority. I don't know one sail from another, it's all Greek to me. I just marvel. I suppose that the gentleman must have spent a good chunk of his life reading naval histories and stories. I don't even like sailing, but I like Patrick O'Brian's novels about sailing. That's the mark of a great author, that he can hook landlubbers like me with his naval stories. I rank O'Brian up there with the best of the best, and I can only wonder why Gore Vidal never reviewed his books, but Vidal preferred dead authors to living competitors and probably found O'Brian reactionary, although I think O'Brian's personal views may be found in the speech of his character Stephen Maturin, who was liberal enough for me.

When I think of the times I wanted to write a historical novel, I blush in shame, because I know good and well my knowledge of times past is not one-tenth O'Brian's. My effort would turn out just like the ones of those historical novelists I read in the library and put down in contempt.

So read O'Brian and despair, ye budding writers!Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments
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