Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How the Republicans Might Win in November

If the Republicans do pick up seats in November, it will be due to the combined propaganda of The Christian Science Monitor, FOX News, and The Wall Street Journal. These media sources are dedicated propaganda factories. They are always on the side of the rich against the poor. However, not everyone is aware of their agenda. They may confuse enough voters from the lower and middle classes to vote against their self-interests. If that is the case, then the standard of living for most Americans will continue its long and steady decline.

I used to imagine that Republicans, who often talk about job growth and economic expansion, were competent stewards of the economy, even if I did not agree with them on social issues. For this reason, I invested much of my 401(k) savings in stocks, rather than bonds. All such illusions vanished during the Bush Presidency, when the Republicans created the conditions that resulted in the economic meltdown. America has a short memory indeed if it runs straight back to the party that abused her. The Republicans have changed nothing. They think and behave in the exact same ways that they did while they were making catastrophic blunders. They have not learned anything from previous errors. Blind faith in free market capitalism is not a formula for success. Government regulation and oversight of the markets is necessary in order to prevent "boom-and-bust" cycles.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, August 23, 2010


The professor told several students today that I upset the grade average curve, which makes her less likely to award the class bonus points. My buddy turned to me and said he was glad he wasn't taking any more classes with me, because I did so well on the tests. I said I didn't blame him.

I treat studying and test-taking like a game. I like taking tests. I find it exciting. One student called me an overachiever. I want to score higher than anyone else. I look at it as evidence that I've still got "it," and will be able to handle whatever comes my way in the future. I feel more confident about the future, because I am doing so well. I thrive on the validation that I receive from others. To observe people nodding when I speak and to see admiration in other people's eyes is pleasant.

I was pleased by the way I handled the rude guy in class. After several students and I got together and told him the law of the land, he shut up during the lectures and let the professor speak. I thought he would carry resentment and bitterness, but I was mistaken. He too wants validation from others. He feels a constant need to talk and receive feedback from others. He talks incessantly only due to his craving for continual stimulation. Perhaps that is also the reason he is a chain smoker. He is friendly, though, and has learned to respect the boundaries of others as best he can.

My policy is to ignore him whenever possible, without ever seeming obviously rude. I respond to his questions in order to avoid any appearance of hostility, but my answers tend to be brief, without followup questions, and certainly without suggesting any new topics for discussion. In time, he gets distracted and begins rattling off to a less discreet student, and I am left in peace.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Spam-Free Since May

My blog has been spam-free since the end of May. My secret is not dumb luck or even my obscurity, though it is true this is a rather obscure blog, receiving twenty hits per day, half of which are robots. (I'm amused by webmasters that brag about their number of hits, unaware that many are robots rather than human beings.) I am not prepared to believe that hits from Russia, Estonia, China, Japan, or Brazil represent human beings.

I have modified the default behavior of Blogger in order to deceive and ensnare spambots. Spammers continue in their attempts to post on my blog, but such attempts fail. Their posts disappear into cyberspace without my being aware of them, while the IP addresses are captured and exposed. My efforts have bagged over sixty different IP addresses so far.

The only comments I ever have to moderate are the ones from human beings, and I do appreciate the vast majority of them. Since disabling the "Anonymous Comment" feature, there have been no more idiots.

Anthony Cea over at Forum Poster's Union suggested that two percent of spammers might be able to defeat my anti-spam defense. That may be so. However, I have not observed any breach so far. I think that spammers don't bother trying to defeat unusual defenses. They move on to easier and more common varieties of prey. Penetrating the defense of this blog would be like invading Sealand. What would be the point?
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Where has the Sense of Adventure Gone?

From Dutch Teenager Sets Sail, "in April she won a court case against Dutch social services, who had argued that the voyage could harm her emotional and social development."

It sounds to me like the Dutch social services have much to learn concerning emotional and social development.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

I Would Definitely Join the Green Party

I love Australian politics. The five profiled in that article are not representative of the whole of Australia's Parliament, but they sound like a breath of fresh air, compared to American politics. Perhaps the allure is based on nothing more than the novelty to me. We do not have a viable Green Party in the U.S., due to our winner-takes-all electoral system, which prevents candidates from minority parties from winning any seats in Congress.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

"Encompass the Whole World"

The dictator of Iran threatens the entire world. For the moment, his threats are idle boasts from a madman, reminiscent of Mussolini. I wonder what will be the case when his words are backed up with nuclear missiles? Perhaps the U.S. invaded the wrong country. I would have preferred to see Ah-madman dangling at the end of a noose, although Saddam's head-popping was popcorn-worthy. Whatever one feels about the Iraqi war, the end of a tyrant can only be applauded.

Ah-madman has suppressed moderate Iranians, denied the Holocaust, spoken in favor of the obliteration of Israel, supported terrorism, and is now pursuing nuclear weapons with a single-minded mania. I believe that, should he acquire nuclear weapons, he will use them. He discounts the suffering of others in order to pursue a narrow agenda of egoism.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, August 20, 2010

Junk Science

How can a scientist who fudges research retain his job, let alone a publishing contract for yet another book? Moral minds, indeed.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

The Boy That Drank Tea

I drank milk substitutes, such as soybean milk, as a child. I don't remember the reason why. It may have been thought that milk gave me a sore throat or caused a rash under my chin. My father was indeed lactose-intolerant and still is. Lactose intolerance is common among non-European peoples, and in particular sub-Saharan Africa and the Far East. Milk was a daily and required complement to our school cafeteria lunches. Due to my note from my doctor, I was allowed to drink tea instead of milk, which engendered envy and hate from a few of my peers. I remember that there was one boy who believed the whole milk-allergy was a scam. One day at the end of the school year, he pointed his finger at me and screamed, "Ya lie about the milk! Ya lie! And ya lie all the time! Motherf--er!" I thought he had lost his mind. He was voted most popular boy in school, so apparently he did not scream at everybody, just the boy that drank tea.

I had not been aware of conducting any scam. If anyone had concocted a scam, it was my pediatrician. He probably did the best he could under the circumstances. It was the 1970s. How much did doctors really know back then? They were telling people not to eat eggs because of the cholesterol. They were telling people margarine was healthier than butter. I remember eating margarine on toast all the time. Now we know that butter is better, and eggs are OK, because they have equal amounts of the "good" cholesterol and the "bad" cholesterol, and plenty of nutritious protein as well.

After that incident, I stopped drinking tea, and found that I liked milk and even preferred chocolate milk to tea. Today, I drink milk without any concern. I can drink as much milk as I please. A Chinese friend of my acquaintance is also able to drink milk, despite statistics showing that 95% of the inhabitants of China are lactose-intolerant. I think that exposing oneself to milk products is the best way to cure lactose intolerance, at least for those with a mild aversion such as I had. The wikipedia article on lactose intolerance notes that Japan has a high incidence of genetically-determined lactose intolerance, yet milk is becoming more popular and lactose intolerance is declining. This observation suggests behavior can modify the body's innate problems with lactose. It may be that certain bacteria in the intestines can take care of lactose after they have had a chance to colonize the intestine.

In a similar way, the best way to avoid allergies is to expose oneself to the maximum number of allergens on a regular basis and also to germs. I believe that most people are far too concerned about germs. Germs are good practice for the immune system. I eat food that has fallen to the floor, and I do not bother with bandaging or disinfecting minor cuts. If the immune system does not get any practice, then it will go a-gunning for the body and start destroying bodily tissue. Besides, I want my immune system to have a long and comprehensive memory about all the pathogens in my environment. When the day comes that I really do suffer a serious infection, I hope my immune system remembers the bug and swats it with just the right flyswatter.

It is an unwise experiment to attempt to live a sterile existence. We are not individuals, but teams, and the human component is outnumbered by the microbial component by about a billion to one. Bacteria produce vitamin K and several B vitamins in our large intestine. Mitochondria in our cells have their own DNA, separate and distinct from our own, and are thought to derive from an ancient microbe. I quote from the wikipedia article: "they are believed to be originally derived from endosymbiotic prokaryotes." Mitochondria are essential for life. A fascinating wikipedia article on the origin of the relationship between mitochondria and ourselves is found here. Some bacteria act as our allies and fight the truly harmful bacteria. I do not know of any instances where viruses benefit humankind, but perhaps one day viruses will be used to replace defective gene sequences.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Possible Cause for Hyperactivity

Pesticides have hidden costs that seem to be borne by random individuals of the population.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Good Riddance to the Shock Doc

It is with pleasure that I observe Dr. Laura's on-air implosion. For decades, she has been a minor voice of arrogant ignorance, doing discredit to her academic credentials. Once again, she has been exposed for what she really is--only this time, everyone is paying attention.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Beg to Differ with LA Times

A recent L.A. Times editorial laments the boycott of Target by MoveOn.org, describing it as "distasteful."

Since the Supreme Court ruled that corporations can give as much as they please to political campaigns, the only way that ordinary citizens can counter the influence of money is through collective action. To pretend otherwise is to live in La-La Land, which may be where the L.A. Times writer lives. Could the L.A. Times, which receives significant advertising revenue from Target Corp., be biased? Heavens, no! Perish the thought!

As to whether the boycott will be effective, I think anyone connected to the gay community has a good idea that it will be. I know that my partner and I have steered several people to "Tar-gay" over the years and praised it, acting as free advertisers for the company. Will I praise Target in the future? No. Will gays continue to shop there? Yes, but the boycott will have an impact as word about it spreads through the community. The $150,000 contribution to the bigot in Minnesota will have a $15,000,000 price tag attached to it before it is over. If I need something, I can buy it at Old Navy or Home Depot, which have better systems of inventory control. The last two times I went to Target, they did not even have what I was looking for--common items such as colored pencils and rechargeable batteries. Target either has a poor system of inventory control or the local store has an incompetent manager.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

A Weird Dream

I had a vivid dream last week, but hesitated to blog about it, because it seemed strange. But dreams are strange. The rational mind takes a break, and the irrational mind takes charge. When I was in first grade, I was plagued by nightmares. I used to dream that my teacher was a fire-breathing human, or what in Dungeon Crawl is termed a Draconian--half-man, half-dragon. Night terrors scared me until I told my father about them, and he gave me advice. He said that nothing in the world could touch me. He and my mother would protect me, no matter what. Anything imagined was just that, imagination. It was not real. The junk on television or in books was not real. They were just ideas. Somehow, I learned how to sleep without having any nightmares. If something scary arose during a dream, I would smile in my dream and say, "Ha-ha, you're not real! And I get to choose what I dream, so I'm not going to dream about you!" However, this did have an undesirable side-effect--I began to forget most of my dreams. Today, a remembered dream is a rare event that happens once a year at most.

As a young man in my twenties, I had a handful of remembered dreams. Due to reading many of Anne Rice's earlier books, I dreamed a fair amount about vampires, and had dreams where a monster or killer was getting ready to do me in. Sometimes I tried to move, but found that I was paralyzed, and wondered why I could not move. I remember trying to shout for help and not being able to talk. I even tried whispering, but could not even do that. I tried to run or hide, but my body would not obey my commands. My paralysis frightened and confused me even more. I read later that during the REM stage, many of the muscles are in fact paralyzed, with the exception of the pupils and the involuntary muscles. I still do not understand why I could not move inside the dream, however. In dreams, one should be able to do anything one wants.

Last week, I dreamed that I was a guest in a friend's house. A married couple was lodged just down the hall from me. The wife discovered that I was a medical professional and decided she needed my assistance. She told me she was infected by a rare African virus that caused chronic constipation. Would I be so kind as to perform an enema? I refused, out of concern for what her husband might say. Besides, enemas are not the first line of treatment for constipation anymore. They were more common in the past, but today, revised notions of modesty have made the practice unpopular. A superior treatment would be a laxative of some kind, I advised. Besides, I've never performed an enema.

She left my room, "undeterred" in more ways than one. A few minutes later, she returned with her husband in tow. He repeated the request and insisted it was OK by him, because he was tired of performing the procedure himself, and felt like I would do a more professional job. Without further ado, the wife stripped off her dress and panties and prostrated herself on a couch, awaiting treatment. The husband handed me the enema kit and said, "Go to it, sport."
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Like a Diamond in a Dumpster

The difference between a good and a bad teacher is like the difference between night and day. At my college, I've seen the good and the bad. Half of my professors have been poor, doing little more than reciting the notes to the Powerpoint slides given to them by the textbook publisher. They do not teach, but function as wardens, taking attendance and marking grades. This is probably due to the low wages paid to the professors. Competent people expect to earn more money. It is as simple as that. Those who settle for less expect to work less.

Half of my teachers have been good. One of these left to work at another college, which did not surprise me. Another of my teachers is making an extra effort to be accurate and informative. She does not rely solely upon notes given to her by others, but offers relevant anecdotes from her career as a nurse. She remembers the names of all of the students, smiles, answers questions in a simple and straightforward manner, and actually teaches, which is rare and unusual. Finding her in my college was like finding a diamond in a dumpster. I do what I can to let her know that she is appreciated and that the students are glad she is around. I plan to write a glowing review on the evaluation form as soon as it becomes available.

Bad teachers are the result of systemic problems in a school. Time and money must be budgeted to ensure quality in the teaching profession, but college administrators lack both in today's depressed economy. New teachers should be mentored and monitored by experienced teachers. At my college, there is none of that. The experienced teachers do not sit in and listen to the lectures of the new teachers. Therefore, some of the new teachers fall into bad habits, which become reinforced over time. There is a disease making the rounds among these professors known as "Lazybones," characterized by lack of effort and enthusiasm.

Bad teachers are not detected unless a student complains. I complained about one bad apple a few months ago in a letter to the Dean. The subject of my complaint has not been seen on campus again. A fishy excuse has been circulating about his leaving the country for a "vacation," so it would seem my letter was effective. However, it should not be incumbent upon students like me to weed out the bad apples. I am not always motivated to write a letter to the Dean. In fact, that was the first time I had ever done so in my life. As long as a professor is not insulting, I am inclined to do nothing, because no one is paying me for consultation, and I have other things to do with my time. I can overlook incompetence, but not arrogant incompetence.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, August 16, 2010


I thought about AIDS this morning. My memory was jogged by a recent media story about a German pop star who had sex with men without telling them she was HIV-positive. In Germany, knowingly having sex while infected with HIV without informing one's partner is a crime. I believe it should be. The only downside to criminalization is that some people may choose not to get tested.

AIDS changed the trajectory of my own life. When I first came out, I indulged in the bar scene, although I avoided high-risk activities. I always used condoms. My policy was that every person in the world is to be considered infected with HIV until proven otherwise by a laboratory test conducted on the same day. This is the policy that guided my actions and resulted in my remaining HIV negative. The basic rules are that condoms must always be used, inebriation avoided, and oral is a thousand times safer than anal. It is easy to become infected with HIV through anal sex, because the rectum is only one cell thick in some places and is poorly lubricated. Microscopic tears can occur through which the HIV virus can enter the body. The proper use of a latex condom and the internal application of a water-soluble lubricant, such as K-Y Jelly, can reduce risk substantially. It is possible to contract HIV through vaginal sex as well. Many who become infected may not perceive the symptoms of AIDS until several years later, unless they are tested. Some of the best-looking people are carriers, functioning as Angels of Death.

There are lesser diseases as well, such as herpes and warts. Just because people prefer not to talk about certain things does not mean they are not there. Silence is the enemy. If people are not aware of things that can harm them, they are more likely to fall victim. It is better to know all the risks and all the precautions one might take to avoid those risks.

Apprehension over the prevalence of HIV in the gay community steered me away from the bar scene and towards abstinence, then monogamy. Monogamy is a good plan for long-term stability and happiness for many people, which is why gays like me want the right to marry.

Some of my friends and acquaintances took more risks. At least one is dead now, a man who invited me to his thirtieth birthday party, only to die four years later of pneumonia aggravated by his untreated AIDS. I remember asking him whether he had been tested, and he replied he did not want to know. I chided him for that, but he said when the good Lord wants him, he will be taken. He read the Bible, although he would have profited more from reading medical literature. I used to ask all of my gay friends whether they had been tested. For my part, I was tested three or four times at free health clinics. The mere fact of getting tested was viewed as proof of promiscuity by the ignorant, including my one girlfriend, but in fact I was super-vigilant. Besides, the clinics gave free condoms, which I shared with friends. Visiting the clinics served to reinforce my opinions about the importance of safe sex and the risks of casual sex.

A dear friend of mine had unprotected sex with his boyfriend at the age of seventeen. I don't understand why anyone would not use a condom. Condoms are cheap and easy to use. They are sold everywhere. It does not make sense to risk an incurable disease for a little bit more sensation during a sexual act. He was head-over-heels in love and believed his boyfriend's vows of monogamy. ("He swore to God, and we were blood brothers.") Little did he know that the boyfriend was sleeping with another man on the side. Both became infected with HIV. I felt angry at the stranger who had infected them and wanted to know who it was, but the identity was unknown. Gays who infect other gays do more harm to the gay community than all the homophobes combined. The gay community has ways of dealing with such individuals. In the gay bars, sometimes a stranger would take me aside and whisper in my ear that a man that I was with had the plague and was sleeping with men without telling them. If I asked him, and he denied it, then I determined whether he was lying, and if he was, I would have nothing more to do with him. In all cases, the people sharing information with me were honest. They were not malicious rumor-mongers, but were trying to protect fellow members of the community. It boggles the mind that an HIV-positive individual would risk infecting another human being just for sex. That is why I support the German law that criminalizes such behavior.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Legalize Suicide

I think that suicide should be legal and that the State should assist it in certain situations, although I would not want to provide examples, as it would be insensitive to the surviving family and friends.

If life seems an unbearable burden, then an individual should be instructed in methods of securing a painless and clean exit that will not cause undue distress to anyone else. An emphasis should be placed upon getting one's financial affairs in order and informing friends and family of the fatal decision, so as to lessen the shock and trauma of survivors.

There are many parallels between the laws against suicide and the laws against drugs. In each case, the State presumes to know more than the individual about how to manage his own body. The State claims to have an extraordinary interest in what is consumed by the individual's body. Yet the State is unwilling to provide nutritious food or shelter, resulting in many people being homeless or not eating a proper diet. Although the State is gravely concerned if a person smokes a joint or attempts suicide, malnutrition is not an issue of any concern, nor obesity, high-fat, or high-sugar diets. The State is therefore a two-faced hypocrite.

Is it the role of government to ensure that an individual makes the "right" personal choices from the government's point of view? How is it the prerogative of the State to forbid the ingestion of certain substances or to dictate an individual must continue living?

There is one area where the parallels between suicide and drug use disappear. Enormous resources--billions of dollars--are devoted to apprehending marijuana users, but tiny sums are devoted to suicide prevention. Firing up a joint is deemed of vital concern, but terminating a life is not. There are no undercover operations underway to detect and apprehend the many suicidal individuals. The underlying subtext is, "go for it." Anyone interested in suicide can research a variety of methods on the Internet, and no one is capable of stopping them. Even in prison, it is a simple matter to commit suicide by using a sharpened object to slash a wrist or any length of fiber suitable for a noose.

The reason people do not commit suicide is that most people enjoy life or think that it is necessary, which is similar to the reason most people remain sober. If heroin, meth, or crack were legal, and everyone were given free samples, usage among most Americans would not increase over what it is today. People are not quite as stupid as predicted by our draconian laws. However, in the case of an addict, he will find his poison, whatever the law says. Addicts need treatment to address their addiction. Prison time simply introduces them to different varieties of criminals.

There are certain life situations that make suicide an appealing choice. Incurable medical conditions are one such scenario, but there are others. If freedom is a societal value, and if it is what distinguishes our country from others, then we should permit individuals the ultimate freedom to decide the destiny of their own body.

However, suicide in response to depression should be minimized, although it cannot be prevented. Depression goes untreated too often. Men believe that depression, and in particular visible manifestations such as crying, are a sign of weakness. In reality, depression is a physical, medical condition involving the brain. The brain suffers from problems just like any other organ. Some problems are minor, while others are quite severe. Yet a person with diabetes suffers from less stigma than a person with depression.

To recover from depression, people treat themselves, using food, exercise, booze, pills, pot, or other substances. I have listed the remedies in order of their estimated popularity. Exercise may be one of the more effective remedies. Some people resort to substances, however. Hence the drug problem that the Republicans want to answer with assault rifles, draconian prison terms, and other punitive measures. The result? Over two million Americans are behind bars. Our prison population is larger than that of any other country on the planet Earth. Yet the rates of drug use have remained fairly constant.

A more realistic method must be adopted to tackle mental health issues. More psychologists are needed to treat depressed individuals. Those who contemplate suicide based upon a depressed state should be offered free mental health counseling and free medication. This should be given free of charge, because it is in the interest of society for people to get better. Rather than funding a Drug Enforcement Agency to vandalize state-licensed marijuana clinics, the government should fund a Mental Health Agency to counsel people that are suffering from depression.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

True Blood and Being Human

True Blood is the best show on television now, although that is not saying much. I do find faults in the show, but all are overcome by the generally good writing, camera work, and acting. It is a quality American show about vampires that is as good as Being Human, a British series about vampires that may be sadly defunct. Being Human was more sophisticated with better character development and more dialogue. Of the two, I prefer Being Human, and I hope the series comes back to life as do vampires. However, True Blood is sexier and intoxicating, with the same appeal as The Sopranos. An underground society is envisioned in which the laws and customs of mainstream society no longer apply, and characters do as they please in a state of anarchy due to their extraordinary personal power. There are many parallels between The Sopranos and True Blood, such as the hierarchy of vampires and the mafia hierarchy, and Eric the vampire, who owns a strip club like Tony Soprano's Ba-Da-Boom.

The dramatic scenes involving Bill and Sookie do not sound right to me. Bill seems like a twit rather than a romantic figure. However, the action scenes are good, and the catchy theme song became my ear worm. Anna Paquin, who plays Sookie, seems genuine in every scene, although she receives little support from Bill, who reminds me of Anne Rice's Louis, a somber vampire.

Why would shapeshifters bother with illegal pitbull fighting to make money? A shapeshifter could get away with almost anything by assuming the form of an animal. Shapeshifters can assume the form of birds and take to the air, or assume the form of a fish and swim in water. Why are vampires not capable of entering a house without invitation? That implies that vampires are supernatural beings, and an antagonistic supernatural force is protecting humans. What is the nature of said force? The True Blood Universe is not exclusively Christian, because a Maenad appeared in Season 2.

My predictions are that Sooki Stackhouse is a fairy, and Lafayette is a witch capable of magic. His lover is also a witch, but a better-educated one that knows how to use magic.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

How Not to Quit a Job

I can't condone the behavior of a flight attendant who quit his job in a spectacular fashion, but at least it was nonviolent. I am sick of reading about men who carry a handgun to work and kill people, followed by themselves. That was one of the things I dreaded when working in the corporate world, that one of our people might snap and begin shooting for no apparent reason. At least the FA displayed a sense of humor, although inappropriate.

I never created such a scene out at work. In every case that I quit, I did not cuss anybody out, but gave two weeks' notice, and shook hands with my former boss at the end of the day. My feelings and opinions I kept to myself, because no one was paying me for consultation. There is little to be gained by drama. It is better to save the dramatic flair for personal endeavors, such as writing, theater, or story-telling. Employers tend to be rather cold and calculating, and workers should be as well.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, August 9, 2010


The Ancient Romans could have pacified Afghanistan as they pacified most of Britain. The reason why they could succeed, and we cannot, is ruthlessness. We cannot be ruthless, due to the nature of our position in the modern world and our ethical sensibility. I would not want to wake up in the morning and read headlines about massacres, crucifixions, and slave labor camps. Such wartime atrocities are not acceptable in the modern era, where the population is educated and sensitive to ethical matters. But that is how the Romans would handle the Taliban. In villages where the Taliban hid among the civilian inhabitants, the Romans would have massacred the adult males and sold the women and children into slavery. Prisoners would have been enslaved to work the mines of Afghanistan. Instead of being a drain on the treasury, Afghanistan would prove extremely lucrative, a profit-making center. The culture of the indigenous peoples would have been replaced to a large degree with the culture of the occupier. Taliban who were captured would have been crucified, their writhing bodies left upon the side of the road as an example to others. Lucius Accius wrote, "Let them hate, as long as they fear."

Due to political and ethical reasons, the U.S. cannot sink to the level of Romans and do what is necessary in order to secure victory. The same problem arose in Viet Nam. In a nutshell, this is why we should not be in Afghanistan, and why we opted to withdraw from Viet Nam. The inhabitants, in particular the leaders, seek to profit at our expense until such time as our inevitable withdrawal from their blighted land. Generations would be required to produce a population capable of arming itself against the Taliban and the fanaticism and ignorance associated with them. It is not cost-effective. Our money is better invested among our people than upon them. They are not grateful. They take our gifts of medicine, education, and roads, and return to us corruption, betrayal, and death. Such has been the way of Afghanistan for a long time. Republicans, who claim to oppose a welfare state, have created one in Afghanistan.

I do not know what can be salvaged out of the mess in Afghanistan. Possibly a small number of military outposts could be maintained to harass and spy upon any enemies in the area. In a secured area devoid of local and thus untrustworthy inhabitants, it might be possible to operate mines to obtain certain rare and useful metals for our nation. This might help to compensate our nation for its costly investment in Afghanistan. American miners could find work in Afghanistan, which would help to reduce the numbers of our unemployed. Of course, this is tantamount to colonization, which could result in the same political and ethical problems encountered by the British in the previous century. Any hint of a profit being made would be used to portray the U.S. as an occupier, an imperial power.

That is why I am for immediate withdrawal, because it is simpler and results in a cessation of further loss. Any other strategy results in continued loss. It is difficult for some to admit and then to embrace defeat. However, sometimes a refusal to admit defeat can lead to a temporary problem becoming a permanent one. Also, small problems have ways of snowballing into greater ones.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Kenku

In Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, I have seldom played a Kenku. I am unfamiliar with any stories concerning the Kenku race and have only encountered it in Dungeon Crawl, although I have a vague recollection of an obscure bird-race in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. (At one time, I knew by heart most of the monsters and their hit dice, armour class, and so on.) It was high time I gave one of the old birds a try.

Here is Burny the Fire Elementalist at my favorite location, the stairway leading to level eight of the Vaults, where he usually dies.

Upon reaching a certain level, the Kenku may take to the air--permanently, at no apparent cost in food. This means there is no danger posed by lava or water, no need to carry potions of levitation, and no need to memorize any flying spells. The downside is that the Kenku are a bit frail in terms of hit points, though more robust than Spriggans. I found that the Kenku's beak packed (pecked?) an impressive wallop during melee combat. It is advisable to practice Unarmed Combat until such time that a useful staff is found. I chose a staff of poison because it grants immunity to poison, poisons those struck by it, and the Kenku happen to be the most proficient race at Staves. Eventually, I seek a Staff of Air (resistance to electricity) or even better, a Staff of Conjurations or Fire (extra power when casting related spells).

My Kenku was handicapped by his failure to locate the Ecumenical Temple. He would have worshipped Sif Muna if he had found his altar. But a part of me wanted to see whether an atheist character could win the Orb. Also, if cast into the Abyss, my character could appeal to Logunu for a quick exit.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rude People

Most irritants are distractions. They are nothing more than that. The trick is to avoid overreacting to a minor distraction. Do not allow trivia to assume any real importance. Ignoring slights is a virtue. Not every insult merits a response. Pride is a vice if it requires active defense against every assault. Does one swat every mosquito? There are legions. Some must be ignored. There is more to life than mosquitoes.

Anger is one of the more difficult emotions. Once it arises, it must be lived. The storm must spend itself. While angry, avoid others. Let the anger play itself out. Afterward, it may be observed as a past event. When anger is observed in the past tense, one may decide whether it was merited or not. If the past anger seems ridiculous, then the anger was pointless and should be forgotten. If the past anger seems justified, then there may be steps that need to be taken, such as avoiding the person or thing that caused the anger.

Some people lack a filter. They share whatever offensive thought that pops into their consciousness without any concern for its effects upon others. This vice limits the social success they will achieve in their lifetime. It defeats many of their plans. This is their problem, not the problem of anyone else. A rude person might as well have CRIPPLE tattooed upon their forehead in bold red letters. The superior man thinks before he speaks.

Rude people create noise. There will always be noise. To be preoccupied with noise betrays a lack of clarity. Decide what is important. Focus upon what is important.

Irritations recede in time. The rude people will not become permanent friends; or once having been a friend, will not remain a friend. They are ghosts, and time is the only requirement for their extinction. Soon they are forgotten, irrelevant figures in the distant past.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments
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