Thursday, December 1, 2016

Charleston Church Shooting

The insect who committed the senseless atrocity of the good people in Charleston should be given a speedy trial, lasting no more than a week, and then hanged, his corpse cremated, and ashes flushed down the toilet, all expenses to be paid by whatever is left of his estate. I don't see any reason, save one, not to favor the death penalty in mass murder cases. The murderers themselves, obviously, believe in the death penalty, so they certainly can't complain. And there is something satisfying about making a killer swing.

The one argument I could make against the death penalty is utilitarian. A murderer does possess something of value--a human body. It is not worthless. Yet the death penalty wastes it. There are organs that could be harvested, blood that could be donated, medical experimentation that could be performed. Clinical drugs could be tested. If a murderer consented to these things, then perhaps there might be value in granting temporary clemency of one or two months. However, even a murderer has absolute domain over their own body. I do not condone forced donation of organs or blood. Donations must be on a voluntary basis, or else humankind is reduced to cattle.

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