Thursday, April 25, 2013

Kubuntu 13.04

With anticipation, I have been monitoring Distro Watch on a daily an hourly basis, awaiting the release of Ubuntu 13.04, and specifically its handsomer brother, Kubuntu 13.04, which has the elegant KDE desktop. No Gnome for me, thank you very much. I'll pass on Unity, as well. I suspect the lion's share of Ubuntu development since 12.10 has been squandered on Unity, which means nothing to me, but I have other reasons to want 13.04.

The latest development version of Wesnoth, my favorite game nowadays, won't run on my Linux Mint Nadia KDE without segfaulting, and nobody seems to know why. I expect Kubuntu 13.04 will be more compatible with the development version of the game. Also, although I've upgraded KDE to 4.10.2 on my desktop, various KDE apps remain at old versions, such as Ktorrent, and I expect 13.04 to have all the latest versions. If it doesn't have Ktorrent 2.3.1 by now, then that will be a serious demerit indeed. I'm torrenting the 64-bit version of Kubuntu 13.04 right now and aim to install it today.

My desktop is the only computer I plan to upgrade at this time. My laptop works great with Linux Mint Nadia KDE, and I compiled Ktorrent 2.3.1 myself from source and installed KDE 4.10.2 without a hitch, so there is no rationale in favor of overwriting such a perfect install with anything else. My htpc runs Linux Mint Nadia Xfce, which I've upgraded to Xfce 4.10.2 (weird how Xfce and KDE share the same version numbers). It runs well too, and I don't plan to touch it other than to install Linux kernel 3.9 when it comes out. I may even wait until a later edition of kernel 3.9, because it is rather cumbersome upgrading the kernel in a ubuntu-based distro--command-line all the way and much wgetting.


Scott said...

I think I shall wait until the Linux mint kde comes out unless you can convince me otherwise. Running Mint kde 14 now and not completely happy, but it is pretty stable. Does a few weird things sometimes like my gimp toolbar disappearing. Let us know the verdict.


igor said...

I am in the process of installing Kubuntu 13.04 right now. Already torrented the .iso, burned the dvd, and have backed up my files; now for the install!

I am moving to Kubuntu mainly for one reason, Wesnoth. It's such an awesome Linux game, and I want to be able to play the latest and greatest version.

Greg Zeng said...

google - "Upgrade to Linux Kernel 3.8.3 in Ubuntu"


Linux Kernel 3.8.3 Installation

Open the terminal and enter these commands:

cd /tmp
wget -O kernel-3.8.3
chmod +x kernel-3.8.3
sudo sh kernel-3.8.3
sudo reboot

Work for most buntu-based distros. On those where it not works, it does no harm.

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