Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another Hothead Goes Down in Flames

Out of curiosity, because he had made headlines for so many days, and because it is seldom that a major news outlet publishes a manifesto, I skimmed the manifesto of the renegade ex-cop, the rodent who deserves no name who turned on his own colleagues and killed innocent people. After five minutes reading, mental illness was my diagnosis, and to be specific, manic-depression, because the vermin had delusions of grandeur, cutting it the high and mighty, using pompous words like "utilize," as in "I will utilize my 'Mil-Int' training to wage asymmetrical warfare," which made him sound such an ass. I knew then that he would not escape nor even survive as he was a fool, but I didn't know he would be dead and burned in a matter of days. Fire was appropriate. Anger was his problem, a crippling problem that neutralized any supposed advantage from his "Mil-Int training," a rage that sought a focus in his delusions. Something internal irritating the mind, something biochemical, but the diseased mind believes the irritant is external--a person, say, an enemy, racists within the LAPD, for instance. Military training is all about defeating enemies--perhaps an unfortunate career choice for someone as disturbed as that fool, having access to powerful weaponry. He should never have been within ten feet of any firearm with such a diseased mind. Of course with moments of lucidity, he latched on to the lingering traces of a legitimate cause, the crusade against racism in the LAPD. But no one can trust any of his statements. He has discredited himself, to say the very least, by his insect acts, and everything in his manifesto has the stench of lies and bigotry. I do not even care to name him. To me he is a germ. The victims only should be named. They were human.

Although it may not suit every situation, there is still something to be said for the liberal Christian practice of turning the other cheek, because by doing so, one retains a claim to the moral high ground. I think that Jesus knew what he was about, there, and that Martin Luther King, Jr. had the right idea. When one stoops to deliver blows, or far worse, to waging "asymmetrical warfare" without any trace of chivalry, then the moral position is sunk. Bystanders and unaligned will sympathize with the victims of "asymmetrical warfare" rather than the heartless and evil perpetrator. The fool's calculus of killing one, two, three, a hundred or a thousand pales before the more numerous watchers who will form judgements based upon those deeds.Post a Comment
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments


Anonymous said...

He killed the daughter of the only guy who was in his corner. To me, that doomed the "morality" of his cause, whatever else it may be.
That said, he DID inflate his terms, which made me wonder if he had just gone nuts with the Thesaurus function of some word-processor.
Please remember, "Asymmetrical Warfare" nowadays is called "terrorism".

As to "racism" in the LAPD, some of the most brutal cops are minorities! Minorities can literally get away with murder if they whine about "racism" enough (OJ), and because of the "racist" label, we are expected to overlook that by and large, minorities DO commit more crimes, they DO take a more confrontational attitude with cops (Which sometimes results in them starting fights they are guaranteed to lose)
Arguably, minority criminals in LA are WHY the LAPD has to get so "brutal". Aggressiveness IS a force multiplier, and criminals are "humans" who have regressed to animal behavior, therefore since they can't--or won't--control themselves, they NEED someone to control them. In order to control a violent, strong animal, you have to be stronger.
When criminals fear honest people, you have justice.
When honest people fear criminals, you have terror(ism).

igor said...

Racism has no particular color, sure.

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