Friday, October 16, 2009

Life & Death

Every individual is the center of his own personal Universe. He perceives through his senses. If he knows pain, the Universe is terrible. If he knows contentment, then all is right with the Universe.

If he is wise, and if he is willing to make an effort, he can try to view the world in objective terms. He sets aside whatever he has been taught. Nothing is good. Nothing is bad. Everything just is. It is possible to see many things that are otherwise hidden. A human can approach objectivity, but it remains elusive and unsustainable. The senses always call us back into our personal and individual consciousness.

Have you ever wondered: what will the world will be like after your passing? Was it all just a dream? Are you real or could you be virtual, an imagined being in the mind of God? Some people believe that there are multiple realities.

I believe there is just one reality. When one consciousness fades, the world keeps on keeping on, just as it was. It is good at that.

I believe that the soul is temporal. It exists during a lifetime. When a person transforms from life into meat, then the soul is destroyed. The atoms are recycled by nature into new things.

Most of the matter we see on earth originated from stars. We ourselves are star dust. Our atoms will be recycled, just as they have been since the beginning. We derived from the same source. The Universe is one. We are all one, just as we were in the beginning. Individualism is an illusion. In death, the illusion is exposed. The dead revert back to the earth. The earth provides nourishment which then becomes new life, completing the cycle. Life and death are not serious alternatives. They are points on the wheel of destiny.

When the Universe ends, as it is said must happen in the future, then perhaps that will set the stage for a new beginning. Who can say how many Universes came before this one and how many Universes will come after this one?

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