Friday, March 20, 2009

Investment Advice and a Retrospective

If I had remained entirely true to my principles, I would be a wealthier man today. Instead, I listened to all these financial advisers that told every worker in America to put their 401-K savings in aggressive growth funds full of risky stocks.

To be fair to myself, I held out for years, keeping my money in bonds, until just before the stock market crash. Now my 401-K is worth half what it once was, and I suspect that any recovery will be a long time in the making. I almost added a scary aside, if a recovery ever happens, but thought better of it. It seemed like bad luck to me. The financial news does not look good, though. American manufacturing is in the toilet, and China is coming on full steam, while our political leaders are just waking up to the fact that Iraq is not the 51st state of the Union. The Democrats, at least, understand that it makes more sense to invest money in those states that are part of the United States rather than the Middle East.

In the early aughts, there was an excellent investment overlooked by most during the stock market's heyday, the Inflation-protected Treasury bond, or I-bond. I loaded up on these babies because they give you a little interest over and above the inflation rate. Not a super return, but safer than any other investment, and guaranteed to beat inflation. We can quibble over whether the government's declared rate of inflation is the real rate or not. Personally, I find the declared rate rather conservative, not reflecting adequately the cost of groceries, gas, and other items. Things like the cost of computer hardware is what the government takes into account, and if a processor is twice as fast as last year's model, but costs the same price, the bean-counters reckon the actual price has dropped in half. And they're wrong, and that's complete nonsense.

I-bonds that I purchased in 2002 are earning 6.48% interest today. Compared to the stock market's performance, that does not seem too shabby. I just wish I had thought to place more of my short-term investments into I-bonds.

So, my astute reader asks, are I-bonds a good investment today?

Nope, sorry to say, but to make money investing, you have to be a bit of a contrarian and go against what's popular. When everybody gets into an asset, prices grow dear and the potential return collapses. Some recent I-bond issues have had an interest rate that merely matched, but did not exceed, the rate of inflation. That's not very attractive. I bought mine when the I-bonds were beating inflation by two percent or more.

Today, I would go against common sense and keep my long-term investments in stocks. The reason is that stock prices are beaten down, many scams exposed, and investor vigilance has risen. Also, I believe inflation is likely to present a threat to the value of bonds. I have felt for some time that the U.S. is due for a major surge in inflation. Finally, if you sell now, you are locking in a sizable loss. Unless you can use the tax write-off, why take a loss?

What the fat cats were getting away with under the Bush Administration is not quite as likely to occur under Obama. He's not going to stop every abuse, but he represents the potential for additional government oversight and regulation, which has been needed for ages. I'm willing to bet that Obama is right about the economy and that he will succeed. My intuition tells me that financials and technology might represent attractive investments today. This advice is based upon no research at all and no experience. Just plain horse sense or donkey sense if you prefer, as I am a Democrat. Heyaw!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Five Old Movies That Might Have Escaped Your Notice

I imagine you hear quite enough about the latest and greatest movies just released. The following films aren't as old as McCain, but they are off the radar so to speak, although in the case of TLOTR, just by a few years. This is my short list of the best films of all time, ranked in order of preference.

1. Impromptu, an Australian comedy/romance starring Judy Davis in her best performance as George Sand, wooing the classical composer Chopin.

2. The Princess and the Warrior - Besides the very moving scenes that will raise goosebumps on anybody with a pulse, what I love about this film is the originality and meticulous care and planning that went into every aspect. I have never seen a movie remotely like this. The language barrier (German) was rapidly overcome by the expressive acting, so universal that a person of any land can understand. The nurse (the same actress who played in "Run, Lola, Run", a good film also) is easily among the best actresses in the world.

3. The Lord of the Rings, 1-3, Extended Edition. The Extended Edition is better than the original and makes the whole series worth watching again. I still can't get over the fact that the bean counters cut so many worthwhile minutes of film from the theatrical release. The Extended Edition is the definitive version of TLOTR for me.

4. Maurice - this has to be one of the best gay historical dramas ever, portraying a novel by D.H. Lawrence.

5. Harold and Maude - a comedy from the 1970's about an odd friendship between a teenager and an elderly lady who believes in anarchy and free love.

Eight Shows That You Must Watch Before You Die

These shows are ranked in order of quality.

1. Daily Show with Jon Stewart - the first popular talk show ever that addresses real issues with a hard, smart, funny edge coming from the left wing with pride. An ongoing and much-needed critique of the mainstream television media--FOX news in particular, CNN, NBC, et cetera. Jon does something rare. He brings humor to liberal politics. I'm not sure anyone pulls it off as well as he does. He's better than Carson, Leno and all the rest. Those guys are good, but Jon hits on real topics and digs deep.

2. Mad Men - fans of retro will love this show about ad agencies in the 1960s. This is well-written drama at its finest, mildly subversive, and has plenty of sex appeal.

3. Peep Show - this comedy gets low ratings in the UK and is not well known in the USA. However, DVD sales are very high, which has resulted in the show's contract being renewed for a sixth season. Don't pay attention to ratings--this show features the best writing on television, period. I explained why here.

4. That Mitchell and Webb Look - featuring the same actors as in No. 3. A British variety show little known in the USA, this is one of the funniest comedy shows around.

5. Little Britain - a hilarious but decidedly unintellectual comedy that gets laughs on its abundance of humor concerning gays, fat people, old people, the handicapped and transvestites. Despite the potential for causing offense, this show comes across as light-hearted and not mean-spirited in any way and is very funny. However, it has received criticism from some in the media that may not discern the subtle messages in the humor. My advice? Lighten up. These guys are poking fun at themselves for the most part. Think about it. As for the criticism over the vulgarity, well, yes, the show is quite vulgar. Don't let your grandmother watch it unless she is down with that.

6. Torchwood - a science fiction fantasy drama based in Cardiff, Wales, concerning the heroic work of a group of independent agents invested with the task of defending Earth from aliens. I know what you're thinking. This is better than it sounds. For one thing, it's sexy, whether you're straight or gay. There's a little something for everyone, or rather a lot of something. Also, the writing is pretty good, and the lead character is a tough, bisexual, good-looking stud, John Barrowman. This show is closely related to the Doctor Who series and has co-opted much of the Doctor Who plotline. In fact, Doctor Who and related characters make occasional appearances in this show.

7. Beautiful People - here is an example of something I never thought I would see in my lifetime, a comedy about a gay thirteen year-old! I wish television had shows like this when I was growing up. It would have made my life about ten times easier, just knowing I wasn't the only one! The show is not perfect--its script isn't top-notch like Peep Show. But it's a refreshing novelty from the UK, where so many good shows originate.

8. Doctor Who - I rank this at the bottom only because of its inconsistency. Some shows are outstanding, while others, about 25%, are mediocre at best. This show is targeted to children, and the plot tends to be super-cheesy, whereas Torchwood's plot is merely cheesy. However, it's worthy of mention, and its relatedness to Torchwood merits a watch. I was disappointed when David Tennant replaced the former Doctor Who, Christopher Eccleston. Tennant's face, while prettier, seems to only be capable of one expression. I preferred Christopher Eccleston, a better actor by any measure. The departure of Billie Piper as the Doctor's companion was a major loss, because she injected much-needed sex appeal into the show.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What I Like About Obama - and What I Don't

My habit of reading the news each morning has changed fundamentally since Jan. 20th, 2009. Time was, I'd cringe at the policies originating from the White House. I'd cringe at the way Bush represented our nation abroad. The environment, civil rights for gays, the economy, the war, stem cell research, and military spending--on all of these issues, President Bush was dead wrong, but what compounded his errors was his personality and style of leadership. Instead of listening to his critics, he stonewalled, obfuscated and tried to punish his critics. President Bush is one of the few American leaders that actually sanctioned torture. All of this came from a man that made much noise about his religious beliefs and how they instilled him with a profound sense of morality. A more immoral Administration, it would be difficult to find in U.S. history. I can only imagine how embarrassing the Bush Administration must have been for devout Christians, to see a man that prayed in public, yet committed so many abuses, outright crimes, lapses of judgment and pure negligent behavior.

Now I look forward to reading the news in the morning. I feel something akin to euphoria when I read about all the good things that Obama is doing. There's something more to Obama, however, than his policies. He's a great representative of this nation.

Just to hear Obama speak is to be impressed by his maturity, eloquence and calm confidence, a confidence that is justified by his intellect and learning. Such was not the case with Bush, whose confidence came off as ignorant arrogance, because he was unskilled in language or speaking, and woefully ignorant of history, science, art, religion, geography, math, technology, economics, military strategy, and public relations.

Bush has a female clone in Sarah Palin, whose ignorance about geography and history is even more palpable than Bush's. Maybe people are conservative due to simple ignorance. Education results in people becoming liberal in their views. Even the right-wingers that produce South Park confess to being ignorant about almost everything except video games.

My point is this. Even if I disagreed with Obama across the board on every issue, I would still appreciate his skill in representing this nation abroad and in communicating with the American people. He is a good guy to have on television speaking about our common values and shared beliefs. When Obama talks, I have the feeling I'm listening to a man who deserves to be on our currency. However, the twenty dollar bill should be reserved for Barney Frank. I suggest putting Obama's visage upon the $1 bill, because it is the most used bill in our currency. I have nothing against George Washington, but maybe the time has come to relegate our first President's likeness to the $50 bill, displacing Ulysses Grant, whose administration was almost as immoral as that of George W. Bush.

As for those who say they want Obama to fail, that smacks of treason. Aren't these right-wingers the same ones who were quick to call us liberals "traitors?" I have had my patriotism called into question almost every time in my discussions with conservatives and resented it. Now it seems like patriotism is just a football to be played by the right wing. They don't care a fig about the country, just about their agenda. Think about it--if Obama fails, where does that leave the United States of America?

Recently, FOX News shot back with an article suggesting that Democrats wanted Bush to fail. That is absolutely false! I wanted Bush to be a rousing success! In fact, I half-expected Bush to be a good caretaker of the economy, at least, despite being conservative on important social issues. He wasn't even that. Most Democrats I know would have been pleased, not to mention better off financially, if Bush had been a success instead of the miserable failure that he was.

Getting back to the wonderful things Obama has done, I think we should begin with the Obama Administration's reversal of many of President Bush's narrow-minded policies, such as the one concerning stem-cell research. Anyone who has relatives that died of cancer or other diseases can appreciate the need to assist, rather than hinder scientists in their efforts to find treatments to combat the diseases that afflict all of our families.

Reducing the emphasis on abstinence in sex education removes religious dogma from the equation. Young people need to know what a condom is and how to use it. There are people even today coming down with AIDS due to having unprotected sex.

Obama lifted the prohibition of health care providers even mentioning information about abortion. This Bush-era policy did a disservice to poor women impregnated by abusive boyfriends.

I have a story to relate here. I was contacted once by a young woman from Africa, visiting this country, who asked me for a ride to the abortion clinic. She did not have a car, and the clinic was over ninety miles away. She was a young college student from a very conservative family. Her boyfriend had turned out to be a scoundrel, and they were no longer together. I gave her the ride, and she solved her problem without anyone being the wiser, not her parents, friends or anyone else that might have cast judgment upon her behavior. I certainly never told anyone, and even in this recounting of the story, I haven't mentioned which country she was from.

Young people make mistakes, especially in the area of sexual behavior, as we all should know. Think back to when you were young. Slick and smooth-talking seducers sometimes worm their way into the pants of young people, knock them up and then move on. Should these smooth-talkers be rewarded by having a poor young woman raise the kids on her own? Do we need a future generation of smooth-talkers? No, we don't. Abortion is often the best alternative in situations where the boyfriend is MIA and didn't possess any of the qualities that a young woman might want to see in her children.

I support the Obama Adminstration's decision to end the illegal DEA raids on medicinal marijuana clinics in California. Conservatives only talk about states' rights when it suits their agenda. When California voters passed a law allowing the prescription of medicinal marijuana, suddenly states' rights did not matter anymore. Under the Bush Administration, DEA thugs smashed the medicinal marijuana clinics, destroying computers, arresting everyone, seizing anything of value--loot and pillage, like barbarians, leaving sick and dying patients without their medicine. Under Obama, the DEA has been instructed to end these illegal raids.

On the subject of the war, I'm less pleased with Obama, who has put off returning our troops from Iraq. However, his hands may be tied. If the United States withdrew its troops now, and the situation in Iraq deteriorated, all of the armchair generals across the country would be in an uproar. Too many conservatives are under the impression that Iraq is the 51st state of the Union. Obama doesn't want to be judged as losing Iraq. My own opinion is there isn't any winning or losing to be had over in Iraq, just a continuous drain on resources that might be better invested here in the real United States.

As for the bailouts, I'll be honest, I have my doubts. I don't like handing over public resources to companies like AIG and the automakers, all of whom deserve to sink into the abyss where they belong for their incompetence, greed, and myopia. Isn't that what capitalism is supposed to be about? Weeding out the weaklings? Once again, in the United States we have welfare for the rich, and tough love for the poor.

However, unlike me, Obama is a consummate politician, and I think he recognizes that he has to do something about the economy. To do nothing would look too much like Bush. The people want action and they want it now. Bush neglected the country for eight long years, focusing upon Iraq instead of domestic concerns. The stimulus package addresses long-standing problems that went neglected under the Bush Administration. Without getting into specifics, I see good and bad in it as well, but here again I think Obama is reaching out to conservatives in both parties and trying to build a consensus rather than pushing a liberal agenda that would please people like me.

To date, I find Obama to be middle-of-the-road in his policies, not liberal at all, but moderate. I don't agree with everything his Administration does, but feel that he has good intentions. Many of the areas where I disagree are more than likely due to Obama trying to represent all of America, rather than just liberals. He's a gradualist in many ways, and perhaps that is what we need right now given the current situation with the economy.

The conservative pundits who claim that Obama is trying to do too much are quite mistaken. Bush did absolutely nothing to help the country, and consequently there is a backup of important projects that should have been tackled eight years ago. Obama is merely cleaning up the terrible mess left in his hands by the Republican Administration. He's also considerably further to the right than the Republican party would like to admit. Reaching out to Republicans and trying to appease them was doomed to failure, but by doing so, Obama scored political points, appearing conciliatory whereas the Republicans were partisan as usual. The very fanaticism that Republicans value so much in their moral and spiritual leader, Rush Limbaugh, is what will serve to alienate the American voter.

Obama is willing to rise above his own political agenda in order to broaden his appeal among Americans, an intelligent strategy that will reap dividends in the upcoming elections of 2010 and 2012, at which time I hope to see Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate that can withstand a filibuster. I also hope to see more Democrats in political offices throughout the country. The time has come to transform the country from a war-mongering bully to an economic powerhouse that produces goods and services that the rest of the world wants to buy. The world does not want our bombs and bullets.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Igor's Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup FAQ

First, a little warning. Like all of the DCSS information here, the following isn't official. It's just the ruminations of a guy named Igor.

If you do not know what Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is, read this and get yourself educated.

This a cool game for old school gamers. If you want to be cool, you have to play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. There aren't any exceptions to the rule.

Lately, I have been monitoring the search terms that lead folks to the wonderful world of Glorious Igor. Some people pose actual questions concerning Dungeon Crawl. I'm afraid they did not get their question answered by my blog in some cases. The following FAQ represents an attempt to remedy that deficiency. I may modify this entry in the future if I detect any broad axes, I mean broad areas, that have not been addressed. You can see I've been playing Crawl a lot.

Spoiler Alert! Intimate Details of the Game Revealed Here.

Q. What is the best weapon for the strong?
A. When you pick up a weapon, examine it. Press I for Inventory, then the letter next to the weapon. The description tells you if the weapon is better for the strong or the dexterous (or neither). The short answer is that there is no best weapon class, although we all have our preferences. In the beginning, I preferred weapons that inflicted a high amount of damage. Now, I prefer weapons that are fast and accurate. But that doesn't mean I'm right or that my strategy will work for every race/class combination. You will have to experiment to find out what works best for you.

Q. How do I acquire magic resistance?
A. I'm not really sure how this happens, but I notice that as my characters rise in level their magic resistance improves. You can boost MR by acquiring magical items that confer resistance to magic, such as rings and pieces of "armour" as it is spelled in Crawl.

Q. I'm tired of dying all the time! How do I cheat in Crawl?
A. You bastard! That's called save-scumming! How dare you? Here's how to do it. In case anyone didn't get my humor, I cheat all the time. I'm a cheating advocate. If the programmers ever devise safeguards to prevent cheating, then Igor will employ his advanced hacking methods and bust the game a new one. But for now, it is unnecessary, and Igor keeps his spellbook closed.

Q. There is a monster I encounter (hydra?) that always seems to kill me! What do I do?
A. Duh, avoid that monster, for one, until you can devise an effective strategy for assaulting it. Run away! Or if you're too slow to run away, then pop out that teleport scroll. I like to conserve magical items such as potions and scrolls, employing them only when facing a tough monster. If you are popping a potion of speed to slay a kobold, then you are not conserving at all. Save magical items for when you need them.

Q. Which is better, light armour or heavy armour?
A. Depends on whether your character's race/class combo favors Dodging or Armour. You really should examine the Table of Attributes (press ? followed by %). Until you do, you're shooting in the dark. In general, spellcasters do best with light armour. However, this is not always the case.

Q. Why do you spell "armor" using the Commonwealth spelling?
A. Because that's how it is in the game. I assume that Linley, the original creator, originated from a Commonwealth nation. You may find that I alternate the spelling of armor from one paragraph to the next. Sorry. There's a conflict between the way I spell "armor" and the way the game spells it. Can't we all just get along?

Q. I have too much inventory! What do I do?
A. Beginners tend to drag a bunch of junk around that they don't need. Carry no more than two weapons. One should have an edge so that you can skin dead monsters and eat them. This way, you can avoid running out of food. The best edged weapon for this purpose is a lightweight knife. Specialize in one weapon class. Dump stuff like enchanted staves that you don't intend to use. Be honest with yourself. Are you really going to use that brazier to summon a fire elemental? If so, when? And what if your skill isn't good enough to summon a friendly one?

Q. I keep getting killed on the first level.
A. Not all race/class combinations are created equal. Some are awfully tough to play, a challenge for the advanced player. An easy combo would be Demonspawn Beserker or Minotaur Beserker. Try one of those. In general, warriors are much easier than spellcasters. Many crawlers will disagree with me, but in my opinion, magic is not all it's cracked up to be. The most powerful of my wizards all still pale in comparison to my twenty-sixth level Minotaur Beserker, which could blast through just about anything in the dungeon.

Q. What are the benefits of the three attributes, Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence?
A. Good question. Part of the charm of the game is figuring out all of these details on your own. But you have elected to read a spoiler, haven't you? You are determined to avoid that charm! Bad!

Intelligence is only important for spellcasters. If you don't cast spells, forget about it. But for spellcasters, it is the single most important attribute.

If you are a warrior, the attribute to emphasize depends upon your weapon class and armour configuration. Do your weapons and armour emphasize Dexterity and Dodging? If so, increase your Dexterity whenever possible.

Here's another general rule for Dexterity, which enhances the evasion ability. I think it is a very good thing to maximize your EV score, whatever you may be. That will help you to survive. To maximize your evasion gain from dodging, your Dex should be: 19: batform, spiderform. 18: spriggan. 17: halfling, gnome, kobold. 16: all other races. 14: naga, centaur, troll, ogre[mage], ice form. 8: dragon form.

Strength helps you carry more and do more damage in combat. I have heard criticism that these abilities increase at a low rate per point of Strength. But any increase is, well, an increase. Remember those times when you quaffed a potion of Might? Blasted through the monsters, didn't you? That tells me that Strength does make a difference.

Q. Why does Trog hate spellcasting?
A. A wizard turned his sister into a toad. From that day forward, Trog vowed to be an enemy of all spellcasters and of spell magic in general. One day I hope to post an interview with Trog on my blog.

Q. What race should I choose?
A. Well, don't be a racist. Try them all. The one that suits your game-playing style the best will be the one for you. My preferences are defended here and there.

Q. My game crashed! Or I encountered a bug of some kind. What do I do?
A. Be a good Crawl citizen and report the problem at the web site suggested here, where you can also obtain the latest beta version. Before reporting, search the database to see whether the problem has already been reported. They are well-aware of most problems. If the problem already has been tagged, reply to it with any additional information you may have. You may want to install the newest version to see whether it fixes the problem.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Modern-Day American Hero: Rep. Barney Frank

Barney Frank came out as gay in 1987 and has been the only openly gay congressman in Washington for years. He was called "Barney Fag" by the House Majority leader at the time, Dick Armey, a conservative Republican.

Barney Frank is one of our most ethical, forthright and courageous leaders ever to serve in Washington, D.C.

Every time that I hear about Barney's doings in the media, I feel something unusual. Hope. Hope that things will get better. Barney Frank always seems to do the right thing. Early on, he opposed the war in Iraq and he has been vocal in his criticism of costly overseas interventions that do not benefit the United States in any way. This alone is enough to make me a huge fan of Barney. But wait, there's more.

In addition to his opposition to war, he wants to reduce military spending by 25 percent, a modest amount considering that we are not at war with any military power worth their weight in tin foil. However this represents a huge step forward and is very progressive for the U.S. Congress, which increases military spending year after year as though Adolf Hitler were never defeated.

Barney supports the rights of the individual across the board on every issue, not just civil rights for gays, although that is the single most important issue on the table today. He's even been known to partner with conservatives in Congress like Ron Paul on issues like online gambling. Barney believes American citizens should have the right to gamble online if they so desire. In addition, he is an ardent supporter of medical marijuana and abortion rights. Last year, he tried to pass the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008 (HR 5843), which would decriminalize small amounts.

Just the other day, he was in the news doing something else right. Namely, taking AIG to task for using government bailout money to give bonuses to the overpaid fat cats on their management team. The government has been doling out tax money to big businesses for years, but the recent bailout has been the most brazen example of welfare for the rich. The companies that benefit from our tax money should not be rubbing it in our faces by handing out bonus checks to their staff.

I have a suggestion for a new face on the $20 bill--Barney Frank, defender of freedom, decency and moderation. He would certainly represent a better choice than Andrew Jackson, the racist, war-mongering Indian killer.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Mouthful of Mercury by the Age of Ten

Is there any reason to put fillings into the teeth of children who have not grown adult teeth yet?

Absolutely not.

Dentists are the greediest child abusers in history.

I had a mouthful of metal by the time I was ten. Necessary? Nope. I never felt the slightest twinge of pain from any of the imaginary cavities my dentist fretted over.

With all these amalgams, I was exposed to mercury, which dentists say doesn't cause any harm. Of course they would say that. Do they know? Nope. They haven't a clue. Dentists know one thing: they will make money if you say "Yes, go right ahead."

Except in the case of a rare, genuine dental problem, children should not be taken to a dentist until they have their adult teeth. Will the American Dental Association ever say this? Never. It would put a crimp on all those dandy vacations in the Bahamas.

Institutionalized child abuse like dentistry is a plague on modern health care. Or should I say "plaque?"

My childhood dentist had a pattern. He would find cavities only every other visit. That way, we didn't get too suspicious. He had it all worked out. He'd come into the "operating room" with an X-ray and show me something that I didn't really understand. Sometimes, he'd show my mother too. Then he'd pull a long face and say, "Aw, looks like you need a filling."

The novacaine shots, performed with a large, thick steel hypodermic, were excruciating, causing involuntary tears. Often he had to repeat the shot twice, thrice, or even more in order to kill the nerve. The shots left my face paralyzed for many hours afterward. Often my mouth would be sore for days afterward.

After the operation was done, he'd give me a sugar-free lollipop and maybe a little plastic toy. My Mom would write the check and that was that.

My parents never once questioned the need, because everybody else was taking their children to the dentist--or at least, all of the "right" people, that is, the white people. I used to ask my mother why. She said that dentists were Respectable Professionals. They have more cachet than the priests, bishops and cardinals of old.

Educated these professionals may be, but morality is not taught in school. What does the university teach? How to be cunning and clever. The more education, the more cunning.

Question doctors. Question dentists. Don't believe what they tell you. Some of them may even feel they are doing the right thing, because many abuses are sanctioned by their entire professional class and the associations to which they belong.

They mislead, obfuscate and do anything in their power in order to separate their patients from their money and make an easy path for themselves. Why do you think they employ Latin and a messy handwriting, often using code? It's all intentional. They don't want their patients to know anything. Transparency and accountability is anathema to the medical profession. They are the new shaman, chanting spells in an obscure language to frighten and dazzle the ignorant. But like the shaman of old, their magic is weak, and they rely upon psychology.

The reality is that most medicine being doled out is unnecessary or ineffective. Some medicine being prescribed today causes harm and is without benefit. Double-check what the "professionals" tell you. It's easy to do nowadays online. Doctors hate the Internet, because now their patients tend to be better informed and to ask questions. They hate having to defend their lame prescriptions. They hate being exposed in their deception. It's only natural. But you know what? Too bad. The Internet is here to stay. And every day, more people are waking up to the new requirement of the modern age. Studying and learning about science has become an absolute necessity. Otherwise, you will be taken for a ride by the charlatans of science.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Should I Join the Dark Side of the Force?

Today I received an offer to blog for pay, the secret dream of many bloggers with moderate or low income like myself.

Unfortunately for my ego, I wasn't chosen based upon merit. I had answered a call for bloggers posted on Craigslist. "Want to get paid for writing?" the ad copy said.

Quite tempting, you know.

I received an email today with additional information and a non-disclosure agreement, in .PDF format, that states in legalese that I must keep mum about all the shady things I will be paid to do.

I am faced with an ethical dilemma. Do I really want to be paid to lie?

The company boasts of being a "reputation management firm for the Internet" with the goal of "neutralizing bad publicity" by so-called "liars and cranks" in the blogosphere.

I happen to think much of that bad publicity is well-deserved.

Dear Mr. Business Criminal, if you do not want someone to write something bad about you, then don't harm people. Don't mislead. Don't lie, cheat or steal. Simple, huh? Know what this is called? Ethics. Try it some day. You might like it. You might even find that people like you because you're ethical.

- - -

I spent much of my life designing technological solutions for people. It saddens me to see technology misused for lies and distortion, as if we weren't already deluged with deceptive propaganda from radio, TV, books, newspapers and magazines.

The Internet was supposed to be an anarchic realm where average Joes could speak their piece and even--wonder of wonders--be heard from time to time. Instead of accepting this new paradigm, the business community is up in arms against it and taking steps to shut people up and clamp down upon this dangerous free speech. Business owners enlist lawyers and Internet reputation management firms to shut the little guy up.

So much for freedom of speech, eh? It was a good idea while it lasted, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and the rest of you elegant aristocrats.

- - -

For about five minutes, I really considered doing it, which in retrospect is embarrassing. Yeah, I could use the cashola. No lie. To date, my ad revenue has amounted to $1.10, which translates into about two cents per blog entry. Is that union scale? Somehow I doubt it.

In the end, though, I found out something about myself. I'd rather die than lie.

I don't want to be another one of these well-paid liars I read all across the Internet and the mainstream media.

Sorry, Darth. I just can't join the Dark Side of the Force. Sorry. I'd rather die.

If life means anything, anything at all, then ethics has to play a role. There has to be a higher purpose to this existence. If truth doesn't matter, and money is the only goal, then we are all better off dead. Let's clear off and let another species evolve intelligence on this planet.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do Sports Suck?

Where do professional and collegiate sports fall into the liberal view of the world? Nowhere, it seems. Welfare, health care, gender, race, and sexuality are all widely discussed. Sports, however, remains an open question mark. Sports represents one of the many areas where conservatives and liberals can come together and agree.

Not every student is designed to excel in academia. Some are awfully good at throwing a football, running, swimming, or golf. These students should have a right to compete for scholarships on the basis of athletic merit. Sports are a perennial popular attraction at universities, drawing many fans. If this is what the people want, what's wrong with that?

If we abandon the ideal of athleticism altogether, where does that leave us? Are we to become a society of effete intellectuals? Is there no place for physical fitness anymore?

Athleticism was an integral part of the Ancient Greco-Roman ideal from which the modern university derived. Surely push-ups, jogging, running and hopscotch all have a place on the menu at a university.

To me, it's all a question of emphasis, or to put it in blunt terms, how much money we spend on sports. Too often, city governments bend over backwards to encourage the construction of stadiums, because, the argument goes, stadiums draw tourist dollars. City governments even float municipal bonds to pay for the cost of construction. They grant decade-long tax breaks to teams willing to relocate. Does this seem excessive to you? To me, it sounds like a boon for the private owners of teams, but a big black eye for the public, which is deprived of its fair share of tax revenue and burdened with debt, adding insult to injury. Whenever government officials cut a sweet deal for big business, always ask one question. Who was bribed?

Professional teams, like other big businesses, participate in a practice known in the United States as "welfare for the rich." Public resources are stolen and handed over to private owners with the cooperation of public officials. This isn't right whether the beneficiary is a sports team or a paper mill.

I'm not in favor of any concrete policy with regard to sports. I think journalists have a duty to report on the costs involved with the excessive emphasis on sports, professional or amateur, but government does not have a stake in it. This is an area where voters should have the information that they need to make better decisions. Leave any policy questions concerning sports up to the voters. If the voters decide to go in debt to the tune of many millions of dollars to finance a football stadium, so be it. If they decide the football stadium is more important than repairing roads, so be it.

Any of my visitors who are interested in viewing all of the arguments against sports are welcome to visit Sports Suck, which offers a forum where you can argue your opinion on the matter. As for the arguments in favor of sports, never fear. The entire mainstream media has already signed up as perennial cheerleaders.

Release Muntadhar al-Zeidi now!

I had to copy and paste the name of the journalist who threw two shoes at former President Bush. He is a foreigner and a Muslim, which may make it difficult for some Americans to relate with him.

Pardon my ignorance, but I don't know enough about Muslim names to know whether to address him by his first name or his last. Pardon me if I make a social blunder here, but Muntadhar, I would have given you my own shoes to throw. All of them. Maybe Bush wrecked your country, but he wrecked the U.S. economy. We have common cause insofar as Bush is concerned, although I suspect that Muntadhar probably wouldn't care much for my liberal beliefs.

Today, I read that an Iraqi court has sentenced him to serve three years. This is what Iraqi "freedom" really means. Do anything other than what's on the script and you will be tortured and imprisoned. (Muntadhar al-Zeidi was beaten by guards after he was apprehended.) Three years in prison, after he had signed an apology for the incident. Is this "freedom?"

If Bush had any scruples at all, he would have seen to it that his "assailant" was released. After all, no harm was done, save to President Bush's sense of dignity. The shoes missed. But even if the shoes had struck, would they have hurt? Would they have hurt as much as all the bullets and bombs exploding in that cesspool that Bush calls a beacon of democracy in the Middle East?

Three years will change Muntadhar al-Zeidi.

They will improve al-Zeidi's standing from the hero that he is today into a martyr of freedom. Al-Zeidi will go down in history as a victim of the lies, corruption and malice which was the Bush Administration, the most incompetent Administration in the history of the United States. Bush may have gotten away with his crimes, but as he said, let history be the judge. If not a hanging judge, then a damning one.

Asthma Bothering You? Move.

A major cause of asthma problems is close proximity to traffic. If you carry the genes for asthma and live next to a highway or busy street, you're at risk.

View a recent article on this subject in the Chicago Tribune.

I know this from personal experience, although I have been following the research on asthma in Discover and several other publications.

Our old home was less than twenty feet away from a major artery in town, where there was constant traffic. Asthma became such a problem that my boyfriend had difficulty sleeping at night and required prescription inhalers such as albuterol, which is not without side effects.

Our new home was located just a mile away, but on a site that is over a hundred feet removed from traffic. It made a huge difference. When we moved, my boyfriend's asthma problem disappeared. Problem solved.

This points to yet another reason that U.S. auto manufacturers should focus upon producing clean/green cars that are the most fuel-efficient in the world. This will reduce the health problems caused by car exhaust.

Of course, the car manufacturers should have been doing the right thing years ago instead of designing new monster trucks and SUVs with low fuel economy standards. If they had done the right thing, they would not now be in the situation that they are in, begging Congress for money to stay afloat. But you can't ask a CEO to take five minutes out of his busy day to think about such a thing as ethics. He's too busy following the latest gyrations of the stock market and devising new ways to downsize his workers.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Demonspawn, Trust in Yredelemnul

When I recommended playing Demonspawn Beserkers in an earlier blog about the rogue-like game Dungeon Crawl, I neglected an important trait unique to Demonspawns. No race is better at Invocations. None! It behooves a Demonspawn, therefore, to enlist as a Priest of Yredelemnul. To see what I mean, press ? to access the Help menu, then % to visit the Table of Attributes, an important table that all players should study if they wish to gain an advantage.

By using the powers of a god, one can cede all spell-magic, which conserves experience points for other skills, like fighting, armor, and dodging. Contrast the Demonspawn Priest's ease with Invocations to the lot of the spellcaster, who must draw upon up to four different skills with every casting of a spell.

Yredelemnul's invocations grant powers over the dead, which comes in useful in all parts of the dungeon. Yredelemnul asks nothing of a player save that he raise the dead and kill monsters. One of the awesome powers Yredelemnul grants is the ability to drain the life force from all visible monsters. This is among the most powerful abilities in the game.

Yredelemnul priests begin with a staff and experience in staves. I have mixed feelings about this, because later in the game a Demonspawn might come across a demon blade, demon whip, or demon trident, all of which confer racial bonuses. Also, a staff is reduced in effectiveness by the use of a shield. However, sometimes an excellent staff compensates for not using a shield. Take for instance a staff of poison that grants resistance to poison, poisons those struck by it, and increases the effectiveness of poison magic. As a priest, you probably won't care about the last benefit, since you won't be casting many spells. But resistance to poison is nothing to sneeze at. The downside is, however, that an enchanted staff cannot be improved by Enchant Weapon scrolls. That's a huge downside, considering many weapons in the hands of experienced players are improved close to +8, +8. Besides this, many monsters, notably the undead, have resistance to poison, negative energy or cold. I recommend that all Demonspawn of whatever class train in Maces and Flails, because they are weapons commonly found throughout the dungeon and the weapon class of the most commonly discovered hell-forged weapon, the Demon Whip, the choice of all Balrogs. Another neat little bonus is that Maces and Flails are more effective than any edged weapon against Hydras.

Demonspawn Priests with mediocre intelligence should eschew magic and concentrate upon fighting skills. Demonspawns just are not that gifted in magical abilities with the exception of Summoning and Necromancy, and you could spend much of your experience trying to build mediocre talent in magic. That experience is better invested in fighting skills and in Invocations. Yredelemnul's gifts offer more than enough in the way of necromancy, to the point where learning Necromantic magic is redundant. The chief advantage to exercising Spellcasting would be to acquire additional Magical Points, which are used with each Invocation.

Turn off training (to do so, press m to visit the Abilities menu) in the specific weapon you wield until such time as you discover a superior weapon in the dungeon, preferably one that permits the use of a shield, but be flexible. There isn't a hard and fast rule on what constitutes a superior weapon. This is a judgment call on the part of the player. If you fall in love with a weapon, turn on training in it and stick with it until the end of the game.

On Running Amok

From Malaysia, the English language borrowed a word that describes the many shootings in the United States. The word is amok, as in running amok, without rhyme or reason, intent upon violence. This strange tendency has percolated up from ancient times and is by no means a modern novelty. People run amok for reasons having to do with long-repressed anger and rage, often aggravated by mental illness, especially depression.

What is modern is the widespread availability and popularity of firearms. Guns have changed the equation of running amok for the worse, from society's viewpoint, although for the killer, the gun is a godsend. If you run amok with a scimitar, your victims can at least run away if they see you coming. There is no adequate defense against a stranger with a loaded gun. Every one of us is vulnerable, from rich to poor, unless one chooses to live in a fortress for life.

Should we make guns illegal? No, because making things illegal just creates a huge black market, as we can see today where drugs and prostitution are concerned. Guns have permeated so far and so deeply into the U.S. population that it seems unlikely they can ever be removed. There's also the risk of the government being taken over by a military coup. The availability of guns to the people helps to safeguard liberty. Liberals who favor making guns illegal should bear in mind that freedom is not guaranteed. There could come a time when the homegrown Taliban here in the U.S., the religious right, takes over and begins building concentration camps for all the people that they hate. At such a time, guns may be the only thing standing between you and becoming a statistic to their religious fanaticism.

The answer to gun violence is to remove the "cool" factor and reduce the prevalence of violence in the American psyche. Instead of movies that glorify gun violence and recommend killing as the solution to all problems, we should watch movies that better reflect our ethics and social values. This is a recommendation for people to make informed choices about their entertainment, not a prescription for censorship.

Raising awareness is key. Media sources that exaggerate the severity and prevalence of crime, like FOX news, tend to make people afraid for their safety and to think that they need firearms for self-defense. Right-wing outlets also tend to glorify war, and if war is acceptable, murder cannot be half-bad--as long as you're murdering the "right" victims.

If you want to reduce gun violence, turn off FOX news and quit subscribing to right-wing media outlets like USN&WR. Turn to media sources that place a value upon peace and thoughtful and mature behavior. Choose entertainment that reflects your values, instead of mindless militarism.

Wars Profit Us Nothing

I can't think why the United States is focused upon Iran, other than myopia from lingering in Iraq too long. China has taken many of our jobs with our explicit consent and the connivance of our leaders. China threatens Taiwan with war and holds Tibet in thralldom. Toward its own people, it is one of the most repressive states in the world, without the personal freedoms that we take for granted in the United States. In China, the media and even the Internet is tightly controlled. The government is so corrupt that it bears a close resemblance to organized crime. In such a society, starting a war would be easy, very easy. The Chinese are a highly indoctrinated people. Only one thing stops the fascists over there, and that's the presence of the United States.

Should we challenge China now? No. But we should be aware that economic strength, including manufacturing capability, is more important in the long run than short-term military superiority. How will we supply our military twenty years from now?

Recall World War Two. What was the deciding factor in the victory of the Allies over the Axis forces? Could it have been our superior manufacturing capability? We supplied our allies with so many tanks, bombers, fighters, guns, bombs, and ships that the Axis powers were overwhelmed in the end.

We are being worn down in a slow and methodical fashion by our own strategic blunders. The United States has been grinding its nose in the Middle East and Afghanistan for no apparent reason other than pride. While the U.S. bleeds billions of dollars a month in various cesspools around the world, within the U.S., jobs are being lost, particularly manufacturing jobs.

People have lost confidence in the ability of this country to lead. That is because George W. Bush was a poor leader, a puppet for Republican criminals that hoped to gain wealth through his myopic policies. If any of them became rich, they should share their gain with the rest of us, who profited nothing from the war. But I wouldn't hold your breath on that one.

Right-wingers feel that their money makes them morally superior to the rest of us. After all, Ayn Rand provides a philosophical justification with her Objectivist philosophy, which holds that money equals morality. The more money you have, the more ethical you are as a person. Another way of putting this is that money is all that matters, a common Republican mantra. Those who have less money are worth less. The only possible reason that the poor are poor is laziness, immorality or stupidity. Their blood is cheap. Let's send them off to die in a war. That way, government spending will go toward the companies we have invested in. Our shares will rise in value. Don't you believe in evolution? Survival of the fittest. What defines "the fittest?" Simple. The amount of money you have. This is the repulsive Republican philosophy in a nutshell.

Many private companies have proved themselves to be mismanaged by CEO's who only thought about short-term gain for shareholders rather than long-term strategy. These CEO's waged class war upon working people. They were rewarded for cutting jobs, benefits, and wages. That is the ultimate limit of skill among American CEO's. They are only good when it comes to harming workers. For this peculiar skill, they are the highest compensated CEO's in the entire world. Problem is, they just don't know how to manage a business. For that, they need outside consultants, market wisdom, and finally when all of that fails, taxpayer money. Those who are paid the highest contribute the least and cause the most harm.

Who should be paid the most? Those with the most skill. The engineers, scientists, and workers whose skills truly are irreplaceable. You could replace most CEO's with an 8-ball and get better results for less cost.


Any politician who does not appreciate the need to cut military spending and redirect it toward domestic concerns is a politician that needs to be sent back home in the next election. The era of invading little dunghills around the world for little or no reason is over.

Concentrate upon building up the United States economy through a focus upon research and development and job creation. Business as usual under too many Administrations has meant excessive military spending upon fancy gadgets in a time of peace. The U.S. needs big ideas and big dreams, not business as usual.

Stupid wars waged by stupid men has run up much of the eleven trillion dollar debt that Republicans now pretend to be concerned about. Debt can be incurred for good or bad reasons. If you incur debt in order to buy a car that will take you to work, debt is good. If you incur debt just to buy a gun and shoot people at random, then debt is counter-productive.

Let other nations go about the dreadful business of starting wars. If we ever engage in an overseas conflict again, we should be recognized as the white knight, with the support of the international community--including their financial support.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dumbed-Down Journalism

US News & World Report is a hard-right magazine that appeals to the Rush Limbaugh crowd. They are pretty consistent in supporting all of the religious-right and conservative Republican causes.

USA Today is a nationwide newspaper that tries to be as apolitical and inoffensive as possible, covering more than just one perspective on their editorial page.

Compare these two recent headlines covering the same bit of news:

"Study: Hospice patients feel abandoned by doctors" - USA Today

"Dying Feel Abandoned by Docs in the End" - US News & World Report

The USN&WR writer feared that most of his readers would not know what the word "hospice" means, and had to replace it with a weird substitution, "dying". Certainly hospice patients are in a bad way, but they are not going to die this very day, are they?

Abbreviating doctors as "docs" adds a weird levity to the situation, as if it's all a big joke, like Bugs Bunny saying, "What's up, Doc?" To me, this betrays the emotional disconnect within the thought processes of right-wingers. They simply don't care about people, and it shows in their choice of words.

Why should the "dying," as USN&WR puts it, feel abandoned just in the end? Why not in the beginning or the middle? In the end, hospice patients feel nothing at all. Think about it.

Should we be surprised that conservatives digest the dumbed-down journalism of USN&WR? I am. Maybe I shouldn't be, but I am. I don't know how they can stand it.

Warning Signs from Your Service Provider

When your service provider acts in a nervous fashion, sending you dozens of mailings pleading with you to buy more or tell your friends to buy more, then you know something is amiss with their finances. The last refuge of a CEO is to make a ton of mass-mailings, cross his fingers and pray that the suckers bite.

I subscribed at one time to Vonage, an excellent VOIP (Voice Over Internet Provider), through which unlimited long distance calls are made in exchange for a low monthly fee. Back in 2007, they began flooding me with offers through the mail. Ugly shiny decals to put on my car, and ugly cards to hand out to all of my friends. If I recruited a new customer, I would receive something like two months free. Well, I tried, I really did, but most people just don't make that many long distance calls to begin with, and those who do feel like they can just use their cell phone.

Upon receiving my fifth mailing containing marketing spam from Vonage, I became suspicious. It's that horse sense of mine. Something was just not right. I did a search on Google news and there was my answer. Vonage was in big trouble! In fact, many financial analysts predicted that it would fold in the first half of 2008! That did not turn out to be the case, as far as I know. At any rate, I called up Vonage to cancel my service, because it turns out I didn't make many long distance calls myself. The Customer Service Representative was such a nice lady with a pleasant sounding voice that I changed my mind. She had quite a way with words. I remember her saying, "If you keep the service, we will cut your bill in half!" Swayed by her feminine charms, I stayed with Vonage another six months.

The moral of this story is, negotiation sometimes works even with corporations, particularly when they are bleeding customers. They will do anything to stop the bleeding, including chopping your bill with a cleaver. Vonage may still be a good service today. I did not follow what happened to them after I quit subscribing. I think they are still around, because I got an email from them a month ago. Maybe they found a sugar daddy to help them through the difficult times. Most of their troubles stemmed from a lawsuit inflicted upon them by a larger corporation that seemed intent upon destroying them altogether. Vonage was actually a cute and feisty little dog of a company, and I wish them all the best.

Years ago, I used Charter Communications, a cable provider, as my Internet Service Provider. I wasn't terribly happy with them. The #1 problem was reliability. The Internet would go down and stay down for anywhere from ten minutes to TEN DAYS. No explanation would be given, and no refund credited to my account. Is that fair? Of course not. Sometimes, I called their technical department on the phone, but no one knew anything. Other times, I got in my car and drove to the local office for Charter and asked, "Why is my Internet down?" Their local office tells more about Charter than anything else. The employees are all behind bullet-proof windows. They pointed to a red telephone located in the lobby and told me the telephone would answer all of my questions. I picked it up, and a voice on the other end said, "Sorry Sir, we are working on the problem right now." This is about the time I decided to cancel Charter.

Charter then began sending me offers, at the rate of one per week, to come back to their ever-loving arms and embrace mediocrity once again. They were willing, not to reduce my bill, but to increase the services and give me a sweet package deal. They offered internet, VOIP, and basic cable television for $69. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? If I hadn't experienced numerous occasions without any Internet, I would think so, too.

Charter liked to brag about how fast cable was compared to DSL. This misses the point entirely. As with electricity, the main issue with any ISP is reliability. The Internet must be up 99.99% of the time. As for speed, DSL technology has progressed until the speed gap is not what it once was. As for the package deals offered by a cable provider, who cares about television? Passive entertainment is the way of the past. Interactive entertainment--the Internet--is the way of the future. I would rather save $1 than pay anything additional for television. At any rate, the cable provider makes money off the content providers. Why do they need to also hit the customer up for fees? They're lucky anyone subscribes to them anymore. Most of the channels on cable TV are loaded with irritating commercials, and the content itself is abysmal just as it always has been. Cable providers brag about having a hundred channels, but how many of those channels are worth anything?

What ever happened to Charter? Bankruptcy! Am I surprised? Not in the slightest. Their Internet service was lousy, and for me, that is enough reason.

When you start receiving desperate offers in the mail, that's a strong signal that something is amiss. Do a search on Google and find out whether the company is suffering financial difficulties. You should not sign up for services with a company that is about to get flushed down the toilet. It's actually quite irresponsible and selfish for such a company to entice unsuspecting people to sign up with them. They're trying to recruit suckers to take down with the sinking ship.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Know a Scam When I Apply for One

I answered a craigslist posting offering $25/hr for "testing links to make sure that they work, troubleshooting web pages, etc."

I was just curious. Here's what I received.


From: SEO Developers INC.
To: Glorious Igor
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2009 12:28:46 AM
Subject: Re: job offer

Hi, and thank you for your interest in the link tester position.

To qualify for this position we have a simple screening procedure that we use to find the right candidate.

1. Go to

2. Pick out 5 free offers that interests you and sign up for them. You will need to go all the way to the 'Thank you' page for each offer. Please indicate which ones you've signed up for in your follow up email.

3. Answer the following questions for each offer that you've signed up for:

a. What is the url you are directed to when you have clicked *LINK* after the offer?
b. Were there any errors on the way to the ‘Thank You’ page? Please take screenshots of how you got to the errors if there are any.
c. How long does it take for you to go from one page to the next? (Approximate time in seconds and indicate your connection type)

4. Email me the stats of each offer in the following form:
Name of offer
b. No errors
c. pg 1-2 (1 sec) pg 2-3 (2 sec) on cable modem

Once the screening procedure is complete we will send you the W2 form to fill out. You will be testing about 20-40 offers like this an hour. The list of questions that we will ask you to answer will be much longer once we hire you. Also, different offers will require different sets of questions to be answered. Sometimes you will need to write a mini review for the offer itself. The wage will start at 25$/Hr.

Thank you for your interest, we look forward to working with you.

Arnold Gray
Resource Manager
SEO Developers Inc.
115 N 34th St, New York, NY


My readers may be wondering to themselves, "But Igor, this could be legit! Why do you think it is a scam?"

Here's why. What exactly is "SEO Developers Inc.?" That is a rather generic name for a company, isn't it? Located in New York, New York, the city of strangers. Who knows whether they exist or not? Strangest of all, there is no web site listed for them, so I can't really verify their existence, now can I? A search for "SEO Developers" on Google will turn up tons of references, but no company. "Arnold Gray" sounds like a fictional name of a character in a story if I ever heard one. "Resource Manager," indeed.

Worst of all, they expect you to bust your tail doing work for them even before you get paid a skinny dime. Now imagine if they have hundreds of people applying for the position. Why hire anyone? Just let the applicant-slaves do all the work for free. Post new ads when you have more work. Easy!

More sinister is the little info about sending this carrot cake your W2 form, with your Social Security number and all the other personally identifiable info. Can you say Identity Theft, Grandma? I thought you could.

Beware of Craigslist. I see all kinds of scams and fraud on there all the time. If you post a message about a real blog like mine, your message is likely to get taken down within 24 hours. If you post a message about a scam intended to defraud people, your message will survive for eternity. Why? Maybe you should ask the folks at Craigslist that interesting question. Personally I think they are lazy and just don't look into things at all. Posts get banned because some yahoo doesn't like something about the post. My blog being mostly about politics, the right-wing nuts will flag it in a heartbeat.

I'll tell you why I intermingle politics with tech lore on this blog. I don't want to help the right-wingers. I realize they're not going to read me. The liberals will, and those are the ones that will get the other, non-political information stored in my noggin. Those right-wingers that have an open mind and are willing to read the other side, they are also welcome to whatever advice I may have to offer. But the close-minded racists, fascists or Rush Limbaugh fans can go ahead and hit their "Back" button right away. I won't shed a solitary tear. Maybe they can apply for this great job testing links for $25/hr.

On Flag-Waving

I always began with the assumption that anyone who talked with me and spent time with me was a potential friend, which was rather naive. In the corporate world, friendship is a rarity, neutral indifference is the general rule, and hostility quite common. This should not be the way of things, because it's anti-human, but it is. The reason is that, in most offices, people are in direct competition with one another. There is little to be gained by teamwork. If someone looks bad, then you look good by comparison. You could gain approval from management.

Now the right-wingers think that all of this competition is always a good thing. They don't scrutinize it. I disagree and feel that teamwork and cooperation have far more advantages, but that's because I'm a liberal Democrat. I dislike working in a cutthroat environment, despite the fact that I have been rather successful at it. I do not gain any satisfaction in watching others fail. I also don't find any pleasure in pointless conflict that has no basis other than this irrational competitive nonsense. By working together as a team, where there is trust between people, much more can be accomplished than alone.

At work, I was pretty good at my job. There wasn't much that could be said about me other than I worked quietly in solitude and got the job done. However, the minute I let slide that I had any liberal sympathies, Old Man Judgment came a-callin', except she was wearing a skirt. One day, an erstwhile friend began dumping phone books in my cubicle. I asked her why she was doing that, because I honestly thought that she had lost her mind. Up until this point, I had thought of her as a friend. She said, "So you can go recycle them. You're for the environment, right?" She grinned with malice and waited for my response.

When I put the phone books in the aisle for the janitor to pick up, she walked off to tell others what a hypocrite I was. I saw that it was all a ploy she had planned in advance. She wasn't really my friend or anyone's friend. The people she cozied up to were the ones that had power or popularity--the senior ones in line for promotion, and the lesser bosses, who were within reach of her attempts to socialize. I had no power and not many connections in the department. The only way for her to gain was to make me look bad somehow. She couldn't make me look bad based upon my work. Instead, she focused upon other things, like my minority political beliefs. This was back in the day when being conservative Republican was cool.

People like that, engaged in petty competition over petty rewards, are so transparent that once you recognize them for what they are, you're safe. You know what their motivation will be in any given situation. What they care about is personal advancement and personal gain. Anything else does not have much substance for them.

She was the same one that complained because I didn't put a flag on my car or cubicle wall. "What's wrong with you? Why don't you have a flag too?" Of course, she went away to complain to others about my not having a flag on my cubicle wall. I expected that and was not in the least surprised. Actually, this is the only thing she ever said to me that made me reflect. I think she brought up an interesting issue, although I'd never discuss it with her.

In the past, I hadn't bought flags, despite their being fashionable following 9-11, but I hadn't really considered why that was. I'm not the type to follow fashions, for one, and seldom buy anything, because I dislike shopping. I'd rather write or read than shop. But there seems a philosophical reason not to buy a flag and plant it on one's car, cubicle wall, face, et cetera. I just hadn't thought of all the reasons before.

To my understanding, there are not separate nations within the territory of the United States. The entire land area is U.S. soil. Everyone already understands what country we are standing in. Therefore, sticking a flag on my cubicle wall is rather redundant.

What are the possible reasons someone might stick a flag on a cubicle wall? Does this show patriotism? Is patriotism a good thing? It says more about your desire for approval than about who you are as a person. What about waving a flag that says, "Solve World Hunger Now!" I don't see anyone doing that. It just wouldn't be popular, for whatever reason.

What's wrong about flag-waving is that it's part of an "us-versus-them" mentality that leads to war. If they lose, we win. If we win, they have to lose. What about a scenario where both can win? All countries can win. This is the ideal scenario.

One day, the world is going to have to move past the idea that we have to harm other nations in order to be a stronger nation. But that day probably won't arrive until after my time on this earth is over.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Why Can't Republicans Say Four Simple Words?

I have an idea for a great bumper sticker for Republicans, certainly more descriptive of Republican philosophy than "W" ever was. While I'm impressed that Republicans have mastered one of the letters of the alphabet, there are so many more, twenty-five in fact. Better is a slogan that describes their philosophy in a nutshell. "I do not care." This is the ultimate reason behind all positions espoused by the Grand Old Party.

In the weekly Republican radio address, Representative Roy Blunt of Missouri spoke about Obama's plans for the U.S. health care system:

"Some people are spending a lot of time talking about how to spend more of your money on bigger government run programs. I'm concerned that if the government steps in it will eventually push out the private health care plans millions of Americans enjoy today."

What he means is, "I do not care."

He doesn't care about the millions who are uninsured. He doesn't care about the millions who suffer under inadequate and stingy private health care plans. He doesn't care about the way that private insurers squeeze money out of the old, the sick, and the dying.

Private health care is designed to do one thing: make a huge profit for the private company. If people ever get medicine out of a private health care plan, that annoys the private insurer, because it may reduce their profit margin by a thousandth of a percentile.

What's that? You need an operation? That will cost too much. Get a fourth opinion. See another doctor. You're don't really need it. Alright, maybe you need it, but you can put it off for the time being. Save money. Die. You're better off dead.

Capitalism has no place in health care, where people's lives are at stake. If Republicans want to wage war on the old and the infirm, they need to find the courage to tell them the truth. Republicans, find the courage to tell the sick and the dying: "I do not care if you die. In fact, I want you to die. If you die, my shares will be worth a little bit more. What I care about is my money, not about people like you. You're better off dead." Republicans are great when it comes to that peculiar kind of courage. They are great when it comes to war, conflict, and any situation where people are very likely to be harmed. Does this say anything about the moral character of their party?

Friday, March 6, 2009

People Love Simple Answers

A nineteen year-old on Craigslist posted an ad seeking platonic friends in which he bared his dismal situation in life for all to judge:

1. I have no job.
2. I have no car.
3. I have no friends.
4. I like to smoke weed.

Doesn't sound very appealing, does it? My attention was drawn to this ad because I was browsing the "rants and raves" section, where someone had posted a message entitled, "oh, weed is harmless...OH YEAH?" The message contained a link to this guy's plea for friends. The implication is that weed has devastated this guy's life to the point where he is unemployed, without a car, and without friends.

I thought about that, and how the ad plays into the stereotype that many people have concerning pot smokers, an image popularized by Cheech and Chong in their hilarious movies from the 1970's. I'm not sure I would find those movies funny today, but when I watched them as a young man, it was under a thick haze of marijuana smoke, and they seemed funny enough at the time.

The unemployed guy was just nineteen years old, and I didn't find it all that surprising that he had no job and no car. Maybe he is attending college, or maybe he can't find work in today's economy, where few employers are hiring. Is marijuana the cause of his troubles? Certainly not, no more than beer would be.

People use marijuana for a variety of reasons, and no two people are the same. The nineteen year-old could be an addictive personality that uses a variety of substances, where marijuana is likely the least of the chemical cornucopia. He might drink, smoke tobacco, and smoke pot as well. The question then becomes, what causes his problems? Is it the alcohol, the tobacco, or the pot? Maybe it is none of the above. Maybe his problems are even deeper than the substances that he chooses to imbibe. I prefer the last answer, because I have some experience with substance use myself. Marijuana does not alter a person that much, no more than beer. Anyone who has smoked it before can testify to this, and should, in order to counter the misinformation so prevalent in the world.

Besides an addictive personality, what are the other reasons that people choose to smoke pot? Most, I suspect, merely desire inebriation. Thrill-seeking behavior is what this is about. People smoke pot for much the same reason that they visit an amusement park or masturbate--activities that George Castanza's mother (from Seinfeld) associated with each other. It's interesting to note that many forms of thrill-seeking behavior, such as masturbation, firearms, horror movies and video games, receive some level of disapproval from society. Is society becoming boring, a nervous nanny that frowns on fun?

Other marijuana consumers may be self-medicating their depression or anxiety. Actually, marijuana is not a bad choice for that type of thing. I know, because when I smoked pot as a teenager, it was because I was suffering from depression. It's pretty easy for someone who is not suffering from depression or anxiety to look down at the pot smoker and exclaim, "Aha! The marijuana made you that way! If only you quit smoking pot, you would be a better person!" That's the easy answer, and people like easy answers. In reality, if you take their medicine away, pot smokers will simply become more anxious. They may turn to drinking. They will definitely find an alternative of some sort, because human beings are nothing if not resourceful. What needs to be addressed is not their choice of medicine, but the causes of the underlying distress. Heal the wound, don't just rip off the band-aid.

It takes effort and energy to look deeper into the nature of things. Who is willing to take the time to sort out the truth? Many people put their faith in right-wing politicians and die in pointless foreign wars because of a toxic preference for easy answers.

Remember this easy answer from the 1960's? "We have to stop the spread of communism! Let's spend a trillion dollars fighting in the jungles of Viet Nam."

Here's a more recent example. "We have to stop the evil dictator of Iraq! Let's spend another trillion in the Middle East."

Simple reasoning was used in each of these cases. Who will take the time to explore all of the facts? Who will stop in the middle of an angry nation's march to war? It's not easy to stand against the madness of crowds, to be the lone dissenter. You may be called a traitor.

Truth-seeking is the search for the difficult answers, the ones that may be inconvenient. The truth is almost never cast in black and white, good versus evil, and beware of those who claim that it is. Instead, truth often remains obscured in shades of grey. The mystic Osho said, "Nothing is good, nothing is bad." We project those values upon the world in order to simplify reality. We can never have the entire truth with the limitation of two eyes and one brain. The truth is vast and complicated, and we are small and simple. We should try to see as much as we can and never give up searching for answers, because the minute we think we have all of the truth, new information may arise that contradicts old information.

Due to the uncertainty over the truth, we should be reluctant to take life. In "The Lord of the Rings," Frodo expressed a desire to kill the creature Gollum. He asked the wizard Gandalf, does Gollum not deserve death? For indeed, Gollum was an evil creature that had murdered in the past, and he was observed to be spying upon them. Gandalf replied, "There are many who deserve life. Can you give it to them? Be not eager to deal out death. Even the Wise cannot see all ends."

I advise that people question things and never cease gathering knowledge and information. Education is called The Way, because through it, we can understand many things about the world. But remember that there is a difference between real education and indoctrination. Not everything that one reads in a book will be true. Much that we see upon television is false. In school, we were taught to paraphrase what we read. The emphasis was upon memorization. More important than that is critical thinking. Much information must be rejected, because it is false or only half-true. Learning to develop critical thinking is the highest goal of education. Memorization is the lowest, and only fools will stop learning at that level.

Legalize Prostitution

My understanding of crime is that there should be a perpetrator and a victim. In the case of prostitution, there is no victim. Many sex workers seem quite content in their chosen trade and are determined to keep at it. Some are paying for college with their sex work. Others support their families. What happens when the sex worker reaches retirement age? They are neither covered by Social Security nor paying into it. This should change. We should welcome sex workers into the system and treat them in a mature fashion rather than as social outcasts.

Decades have passed since the Sexual Revolution, and the laws still condemn sex workers and their clients. Society needs to get over it. Prostitution has existed since recorded history, and there is no evidence that it causes any harm to society, save those harms that the legal situation brings about. Because prostitution is illegal, sex workers are often subjected to violence from customers and their pimps on the street. Both sex workers and their clients are exposed to the threat of blackmail. These harms can be reduced if society gathers up enough moral courage to legalize it once and for all.

Prostitution can be taxed and transformed into an asset for the state, rather than an unnecessary diversion for law enforcement. Sex workers can find redress for grievances in the court system and in the media. Those who exploit and abuse sex workers will be exposed, as should be the case. Right now, the abusers are being protected by the legal environment. Sex workers are afraid to complain because they could be arrested. The industry hides in the shadows, where many abuses are concealed.

Instead of entrapping sex workers, police departments should be focused upon real crimes. Going after sex workers is one of the easiest ways to increase the number of arrests, a statistic used to judge the effectiveness of police departments. On paper, it looks like the police chief is doing a great job. But take a closer look. Does arresting a sex worker help anyone at all? The customers do not want him or her arrested. In reality, no one receives any benefit. The actual outcome is a needless harm inflicted upon the sex worker and an inconvenience upon the customers.

Why are working people the law's favorite target? Because they are easy to harm. They can seldom hire a fancy lawyer, don't have connections to people in power, and if you hurt them, who's going to know--or care? If you are rich, you are left untouched in your golden palace. The police will take every measure to protect you. If they must trouble you in any way, you will be addressed in the tones of utmost civility, respect and fear. If you are poor, then you are more likely to get arrested for one thing or the other. The police will beat the hell out of you, maybe because of something you said or maybe for no reason at all. There is no health insurance for you. You cannot afford to attend university. The state would actually prefer you to die and get out of the way of the rich people. What are you doing breathing their air? This is the actual conservative Republican viewpoint denuded of all its disguises.

For the record, I've never visited a prostitute, not because I think there is anything wrong with it, but because I didn't want to pay for sex. The very fact that I feel the need to set the record straight on this point says something. People with a tolerant viewpoint are uncomfortable talking about prostitution. They fear being judged either as a frequenter of prostitutes or a prostitute themselves. This is why a majority of the public remains silent upon this and many other issues. Who talks with impunity about prostitution? The hypocrites who condemn prostitution, who want to see more people arrested for it. These hypocrites pretend to be morally pure saints condemning the vices of other people.

Generation after generation, supposed vices continue to be treated like crimes, and otherwise law-abiding people sent to jail. We need to expose all of the fake crimes and remove the bad laws from the books. The net effect of these fake crimes is to sow division, confusion and misery among working people. Respect for the law is diminished. How can the laws be respected when they are wrong in so many ways? Instead of focusing upon real problems, law enforcement spins its wheels pursuing imaginary crimes, and the media spins its wheels reporting upon them. Who benefits? The rich business criminals, who like the idea of the media's attention being consumed upon irrelevant non-issues like sex.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why Did I Put Ads on my Blog?

The short answer--this blog is an experiment and a learning experience for me. Online advertising is a new development over the past decade. I wanted to experience it from the perspective of the content provider. That's what I am--a content provider. Wow.

Do I provide any content that people want? Questionable. In reality, my blog receives less than five visits per day. Certainly not enough to turn any profit via advertising. In fact, after 617 visits, I have earned exactly zero dollars and zero cents. Why, then, should I trouble myself with ads?

There are certain aspects I like about the ads. For one thing, they are inoffensive, not at all like the "Smash a Monkey Game" that occupied ad banners years ago. If I saw stupid ads like that, I would discontinue the service. Ads seem to give my site a more professional look, as though I'm already successful and commercial, although I'm far from it.

Ads give me subtle feedback on my content. If I see ads for conservative web sites, then I know I've been using words like "conservative" and "Republican" often. I like to guess at the reasoning that the AdSense robot employed to match my site with certain kinds of ads. I also have a suspicion that advertising may increase my ranking on the search engines, although this has not been the case so far.

I relish the stark contrast between my content and the horse crap offered by online advertising. Whereas I make the assumption that my reader is intelligent and educated, advertisers assume the opposite. I use whatever skills I may have in logic and writing. Advertisers rely upon slogans, and--on ads with graphical images--the faces of attractive models. They are appealing to the lower level of the human consciousness, while I am appealing to the higher, I would expect.

Mainly, I'm simply curious about advertising and how it works. At some point, I may tire of hosting ads for free and discontinue the service. If I receive any feedback from people who dislike the ads, then I would be inclined to act sooner.

I only get paid when, and if, people actually click on an ad, and no one in their right mind ever clicks on an internet ad. The only people who might click on an ad would be people new to the Internet who do not understand the ways of the beast. This is why many people, after installing the Firefox browser, add the "Adblock Plus" add-on in order to filter out all of the advertising from the internet. Does this deprive hard-working content providers of income? Not really, because elite users do not click on ads to begin with. Only clueless novices do, for the most part. Yet I have read tirades against Adblock Plus by webmasters who think it will evaporate their precious income.

Who is making money from online advertising? Mainly, people running scams, whereby their associates click on the ads on purpose. This is the main group. The other group consists of people running extremely popular sites that receive tens of thousands of hits per day. I suppose that there is a chance you might somehow click an ad by accident, not meaning to, and this will result in income accruing to the cunning webmaster. There may actually be some users in the world that may click on an ad because they want to.

I don't feel the payment schedule for advertising is very fair to content providers, because if an ad appears at all, it has some influence upon the end user. Brand familiarity is established. Expecting a user to click on an ad to learn more is asking quite a lot. Content providers should be paid by the impression, instead of by the click-thru-rate, which rewards those who market their sites to novices, such as children, who I would expect to click on more ads than adults, especially if they see their favorite cartoon character or television actor.

Does this help to explain why you see ads on a left-wing political blog? I'm not against capitalism, by the way, although I am against laissez-faire. There is only one entity that can stand up to a multi-billion dollar corporation, and that's the federal government. State and local governments can be easily bought or bullied.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What about the Bailouts?

Although a liberal in politics, in matters of personal finance, I am very conservative. I only use one form of credit in my life and that is the home mortgage. I am not in favor of people defaulting on credit or taking on more credit than their budget can handle.

However, over the last ten years, banks overstepped all bounds of prudence and reason, as is now obvious by a survey of today's headlines, where so many banks are now filing for bankruptcy or pleading for a government handout. Why are banks in trouble? Because their top management behaved in a foolish and irresponsible manner, the same trait that conservative Republicans associate with poor and needy people. According to Republicans, the poor remain poor because they are morally corrupt--lazy in some way. The rich are rich because they have some sort of virtue. As the facts now show, the wealthy are just as bad as the poor, only better connected to power and privilege.

Notice those credit offers you get in your mail? I have been receiving them on the order of two per week for the last decade. That is correct, I have received over 500 offers for such things as refinancing my mortgage, car loan, credit card, home improvement, education loan, and probably a few other things that escape my memory. While many of us, like myself, have never responded to such offers, some of us did succumb to temptation. I don't blame the victims and neither should the Republicans. The banks should never engage in aggressive marketing of loans, because loans are a bad idea. Where was the government to stop the banks from making pitches to people who otherwise wouldn't even think of using credit?

The most obscene excess in modern capitalism has been the way the government has stepped back from the fray and let businesses inflict all manner of scams upon the consumer. This is because government was run by conservative Republicans who believed in laissez-faire capitalism. Industry after industry was deregulated, because government interference was always bad, and "the free market" was holy and sacred. We now see the disastrous consequences of Republican economic policy. The solution is simple. Never again vote for a conservative Republican. Only vote for liberal Democrats with a strong sense of ethics.

Many of the corporations, such as AIG, now begging for a handout from the government, I am personally familiar with. I happen to know that AIG is among the worst offenders and that they aggressively market loans to people who do not need them. In addition, the insurance policies that they underwrite are not handled in a fair or equitable manner. Like many corporations today, they are beehives working upon the evil exploitation of the poor, machines of social Darwinism that seek to take advantage of unsuspecting people. My views upon economics have been altered by my experiences with businesses like AIG. Not because I had debt with them, but because one of their insurance customers destroyed my car, and they low-balled me on the compensation for weeks until I recruited my agent to negotiate with them. After that miserable experience, they had the gall to send me loan offers through the mail at the rate of one per month, as if we were best buddies. They even called me on the phone telemarketing their loans to me at dinnertime. As I explained to their telemarketer, I would not touch AIG with a ten-foot pole. They are as crooked as the day is long.

Instead of favoring laissez-faire capitalism, as I did in my unenlightened youth, I now understand that government is the only way to reign in the evil practices of selfish businessmen who care about nothing in this world save themselves and their personal bank accounts. Many CEO's are so devoid of a basic sense of ethics that they would sell their own country out if it meant that they could be richer than their neighbor. This is why so many companies have laid off American workers and moved overseas to exploit cheaper labor in countries lacking environmental protections. It is also the reason the economy is in the shape it is today. Without extensive and pervasive government regulation, unchecked selfishness eventually suffocates in its own poisons.

In my lifetime, I have exchanged about a hundred words with an actual CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation, and in that brief conversation over lunch, I learned that he had cheated in college by paying another student to do his writing. What astounded me was not that he had cheated, but that he was willing to tell me, as though it were quite minor in comparison to all the thievery he had engaged in since then.

Too many people in the financial system are parasites leeching blood from the workers and contributing nothing at all to society. These people can be given an alternative career--farming potatoes. In that role, at least society would get something out of their activity. I suggest that many of these CEO's now begging for money from the taxpayer should be given, instead of money, pamphlets on potato-farming and a plot of land not to exceed one acre in which they can learn the art of subsistence farming. With the skill set they have demonstrated thus far, in all likelihood they would starve to death, but I would not let them starve. I'd be more than willing to share my potatoes with them--although not my money.

What about the bailouts and the economic stimulus? I'm not sure. I believe in Mr. Obama and suspect he is correct that the country needs a powerful stimulus. He has already provided one on a spiritual level and that may be the most important of all. As to the financial stimulus, I would prefer that it send resources to the people in the form of education, mass transit and health care. That would be fairer and help to resolve long-term problems in society. However, helping people is a left-wing concept, and the reality is that right-wingers can stop such a plan through a filibuster, if not an actual vote. Right-wingers hate it when the government does anything for anybody except the rich. Obama, the consummate politician, more than likely had to make compromises in order to win any bipartisan support at all and to carry the conservative Democrats. Therefore, a qualified "maybe."

Stop Harassing Phone Calls

As a liberal, I believe you own your phone number, just like you own the front door to your home. Maybe you're renting an apartment, just like you're renting the phone number--but it's still yours, while you live there. This is why I think the phone company needs to provide better service to customers in the area of controlling harassing phone calls.

No, I don't have enemies calling me, although some of you may have experienced that form of harassment before, only to discover there is little or nothing you can do about it besides complain to your phone company, which will promptly tell you to contact your local police, who have better things to do with their time.

Worse is when the harassment targets your cell phone, because you pay for those minutes. I am fortunate that my victimization occurs only on a land-line phone, where the minutes cost me nothing, although the aggravation remains the same.

Whenever you sign up for new service with phone company, you are playing the lottery. You may get a more or less "virgin" number that no one has ever used, but that is quite unlikely these days with the U.S. population exceeding 300 million people! Expect to answer calls from people looking for John, Jake, Mary, Anita, Todd and so on. If you're very unlucky, like me, you may get a phone number that belonged to a royal turkey with all the fixings.

My phone number used to belong to a person who was heavily in debt. I have received so many calls for this guy, that I now know his name and have begun learning other details about him, such as the various businesses he defrauded. I know that his debt was sold at a discounted rate to collection agencies. These agencies buy large chunks of debt for a huge discount, and anything they collect is theirs to keep. The suckers who pay these companies may, or may not, eliminate the harassing phone calls, and their credit record may, or may not, be improved by payment. At any rate, several of these agencies are absolutely convinced that this individual dwells at my phone number, despite my frequent denials and ignoring my requests that they stop calling me. Debt collection agencies believe everyone is a liar. They do not understand the concept of someone changing their phone number and getting a new one. I can't easily change my number at this point, having given it out to family and friends, nor should I have to do so.

What I think every phone customer should have available to them is a complete list, accessible either by phone or online, of all numbers that have called, along with the owners, complete addresses and business title, if any. Just as no one can be anonymous when they knock on your front door (unless disguised), no one should be anonymous when they call your home. Many of these debt collectors have disabled CallerID on their number. I can't reject such calls, because there are friends who call me from long distance exchanges that also disable CallerID. The misguided debt collectors calling my number do not identify themselves, call early in the morning (a wake-up call), and call on random days throughout the year. Lest you suppose these calls will peter out, this has been going on for over two years and shows no sign of abating.

There should be a method of registering a complaint with a U.S. government entity, such as federal court, when a caller continues making unwanted calls. The harassing caller should be arrested, and the case submitted for criminal prosecution. The owners and upper management of most debt collection agencies belong in prison. Their companies should be liquidated. Whatever financial assets they have obtained may be sold at auction, with the proceeds used to compensate their many victims throughout the country.

Protecting ordinary people against predatory businesses is a left-wing political concern. Right-wingers prefer to focus on ways that poor and middle-class people can be punished. Conservative Republicans want to ban abortion, ban gay marriage, put pot smokers in prison, drug-test the urine of all workers, imprison immigrants, and reduce VISA's to legal immigrants. All of these measures hurt poor people in one way or the other, whereas rich people are completely unscathed by such laws. A rich woman can fly to Mexico for an abortion. The ban on gay marriage troubles a rich man less than a poor one, because the rich man doesn't need insurance or the financial and social benefits of marriage. The last bit explains why there are some gay Republicans--they care more about money than about their fellow gays.

We need to elect more liberals into public office, because they have the right priorities. The time has come to reign in the businesses that exist only to defraud, intimidate and harass consumers. The government should prosecute telemarketers, debt collection agencies, and other businesses that harass people by using the telephone as a weapon. When election time comes, you can fight back against the telemarketers by voting for a liberal Democrat, Independent or Republican (I am told that liberal Republicans still exist in some areas, like the mythological unicorn).
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions