Thursday, December 14, 2017

Bad Decisons

Humans have a high error rate, when compared to machines. We see a lot of political leaders going down for what are simple errors of judgement, or "letting the little head think for the big head." But leaders make mistakes all the time, and the costs are high. There are a lot of problems in the world that could swiftly be fixed, if the leaders even cared about fixing them, but in reality, what most leaders want seems to be the satisfaction of their personal urges, petty desires and whatnot. They seem completely unconcerned about their moment in history. They don't aspire to anything greater than the slightly modified primates that they are.

Turn out we fought both sides of the Syrian conflict, supplying arms to both ISIS and their opponents, and fighting both Assad and his opponents (ISIS). War truly is a monumental waste of taxpayer money. Republicans cringe at the idea that, somewhere in the U.S., a child is getting medical care for free, yet they pour trillions into the war machine to kill babies around the world, and for what? How is the world any better or safer because we support one side or the other somewhere? I think ultimately 100% of all problems are caused by simple stupidity in our leaders. They are simply not intelligent enough to make the decisions that should be made. They fall for simple ruses and very easily deceived. Meanwhile, those that profit from war are laughing all the way to the bank.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

In Close Proximity to Another Person

I was sitting up in bed, late at night, and next to me was a woman, also sitting up and using a laptop for business. A television played across the room that I seemed to watch while actually lost in a daydream. Both of us were, at a minimum, naked from the waist up, with our lower halves concealed under the covers, and clearly we had a history together, possibly a long one. I felt comfortable, and then confused, because all at once I remembered that this was not my life, and I could not possibly be the person in the bed, and who were these people, anyway? Then I woke up.

Possible influences: last night, I watched two intense episodes of Mr. Robot. They are always intense, though. Mr. Robot may have been the conduit. Also, one beer with strong Hops content, decaffeinated tea, and Ramen noodles.

Most folks would, I imagine, brush off as a mere dream the above, but my eyes have been opened to the possibility of soul flight by a Mr. Donald Tyson, among others. It may be just possible, I think, that in a severely limited, weird, often ineffective manner, our minds are capable of visitation with other minds. This is not to be understood in the manner it is portrayed in film, but rather in a prosaic, and as I said, severely limited manner. It is like walking through the fog of war, and catching glimpses betimes of things, elusive, fleeting.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Can't Wait 'Til Amazon is Amagone

Amazon isn't the unstoppable juggernaut some know-nothings think it is. In reality, Amazon sucks, and I can't wait to jump to the next big retailer. In fact, I've replaced Amazon for lots of things that I buy. First, they can't handle purchase orders properly. That means, no Amazon for business or government, unless you have a full-time purchaser willing to spend 5 to 10 hours per month dealing with their incompetent Synchony Bank. Second, Amazon is impossible to use with any intelligence or efficiency for computer parts--or any part, for that matter, more complicated than a pencil. Their filtering mechanism is about 10 years behind the state of the art. Just try shopping for motherboards, cpus or RAM. Third, the reviews are both gamed and censored, and most are pretty worthless one-liners that should be thrown out right away.

All these things are on top of the fact that Amazon treats its workers like crap, so there is really a moral downside to patronizing Amazon, knowing that Amazon drivers are driving around with a piss jar in their lap, because Amazon won't give them time enough for bathroom breaks. One Amazon driver was caught on video defecating outside a suburban home. First time I saw that video, I blamed the driver, but now I know all their drivers are under the gun and are rushed to the point where there is simply no time for the necessaries. In reality, Amazon's CEO was taking a crap outside somebody's house, not the driver.

Not Even Looking at AMD's Ryzen

I always filter chips for Intel when I shop, because I know AMD chips don't play well with Linux.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

For Amor Fati, I am Grateful

For Amor Fati, I am grateful to the Deity, because without it, I would have been held by random souls I met along the way, distractions without any ultimate truth to show me; my energies diverted and wasted in pointless exercises in futility. To have a functioning Off switch is a grace for which I am immensely grateful. I have used the switch again and again, and it has never failed me.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Book of Enoch

I've been reading the Bible lately, or rather, the forbidden books, the Apocrypha, which are new to me. The Book of Enoch, specifically, which was canon until the Dark Ages. I am impressed by the similarity between Biblical tone and that of rap music. So much energy is expended establishing a mighty ego; I am the Lord Thy God, etc. I do not know why a powerful entity would need to descend to such theatrics. I am not impressed by rap music, either. I suspect most rap musicians would cry like a baby if they get stubbed their toe.

Many Spirits are named in Enoch, but it is, so far, difficult to take Enoch very seriously; I suspect it is a tome designed with an ancient, forgotten political agenda, rather than a spiritual one, like a goodly portion of religious scripture, if we are honest.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Christmas Spirit

Where's the Christmas spirit? Looking at cold statistics, you'd think most folks would be happy. Stock market up, inflation tame, jobs increasing. However, instead, what we have is a country that doesn't seem too hopeful to me. I don't really know all of the reasons for it. I think change probably hits people too fast and too soon, amid smartphones, the internet, and artificial intelligence. The first two, we can sort of handle, but the last, artificial intelligence, is a doozy. Already, computers beat us at chess, drive cars, guess what we are about to say or type. Computers have gotten awfully good at figuring us out. The scary part is, in case you haven't gotten the memo, computers can take all our jobs, from A to Z, and that future is not too far off.

People really do not know how to deal with all of that, at all, and probably won't figure it out. The trouble is, we are organisms which evolve to adapt to our environment. Well, we have not had nearly enough time to adapt. The reality is, we are all going to be obsolete. There is a sense of dread about that. I feel smug only because I don't have kids, but I do fear for my brethren, H. Sapiens. I have always wished H. Sapiens the optimal outcome in things, and I dislike feeling as though things are hopeless for my own species.

My hope, when I try to rationalize it, centers upon science rescuing us from science. Surely, in the end, couples will listen to a scientist prior to reproducing. They will consult with a laboratory, which will determine the optimal genetic outcome for their future offspring. Reproduction will occur in a petri dish. Sorry, romantics, but that's the way it has got to be. However, birth can take place as usual. Nothing needs to change about birth, although women may have a different viewpoint. My hunch is, I don't care about refining birth, because I'm a man, but a woman would say, let's change things, and make birth take place in the lab, too. If I were a woman, would I want to give birth? No, certainly not, if it were optional, if I could reproduce by some other method, while conveying my genetic code to the next generation. Although, I'm not really sure--I might change my mind, if there were advantages to gain by birth.

Also, in the short term, I am worried about Trump. Now, I also worried about other Republicans in the past, but Trump seems to be a worse rendition of Republicanism. He is the type of guy that plays to his base all the time and never extends an olive branch to the other side, never tries to expand his base. So, I don't think that the Republicans are going to do too well next election, and whatever nasty things that Trump does now is quite likely to be reversed in time. My chief fear is that Trump will start yet another war. We have had so much of war, and it is not good for the economy. Most of our debt is tied to all of these wars, great and small, and the preparations for war. An honest Republican will look at the budget and agree--"Sure, but we spend all that dough to keep the world safe. This era is the Pax Americana!" And there is some merit to that argument, that we are able to sway global outcomes, and that could be potentially positive. However, the outcomes in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq were far from optimal, and I don't think anyone can say that our investments over in those blighted lands was rewarded in any way. I would rather that we invest here, in the U.S. Imagine if we did that. Better highways, railways, shipping, high-speed internet from coast to coast, medical care for everyone. These are some of the things we could have had, if we had foregone the foreign adventures so pleasing to the pride of the well-to-do, who love power and control over others, and wish to extend their power and control to foreign lands.

Perhaps the corrupt, selfish elite of China are correct, in their cold realpolitik, that democracy is doomed, that the best governance is obtained by dictatorship or oligarchy, because democracy results in Mr. Average ascending to the levers of power, and Mr. Average just isn't very good at anything, as we see with Trump. I am philosophically opposed to dictatorship, because it can also turn very bad in a very short amount of time, but China has been lucky, so far, in some ways, although their leaders are playing with a stacked deck. China had been destined to rise for centuries, and merely needed mediocre governance in order to do so.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Nationalize the Cable Companies

Cable and DSL companies should be nationalized, because internet is only second in importance to water to a community. I see the whole net neutrality argument as a symptom of a larger problem, that just a few companies monopolize internet access. There is no free market in internet providers. Instead, I have to pay one company, if I want fast internet. The internet provider stinks, by 2017 standards, and overcharges, and engages in deceptive practices. Every American should be getting 10G speed right now, even in the most rural regions, for the exorbitant prices we are paying.

But the Trump supporters are elated, and why? Because they love to suffer, and poverty for them is the only path to Grace. Every dollar they earn, they want to give to a rich man. They want the cable companies to charge them a lot for slow internet, because they feel like no one deserves fast internet, and who needs it anyway, when you have FOX news to watch 24/7.

Friday, December 1, 2017

I Wonder

I had a millenial friend that didn't bother to vote, though he supported Bernie Sanders, because he feels the system is rigged, and there's no point in participating. I wonder how he feels now, with Trump in power, and Republicans doing just whatever they please, as though they had a mandate, which they do not, but they don't care. I expect he feels raped; welcome to the world of realpolitik, wherein one either uses the system or is used by it. The system is all-powerful, greater than any of us, and can reduce us. I pitied him then, for there was much he did not yet know, but I also perceived, I was once like him, just as unaware of the light, gray and dark forces in the world, just as self-assured, just as deluded. It is truly not necessary, I concede, but it is convenient, to observe the solemn formalities, accept the petty indignities, and display the expected piety in this world. He chose not to do so, and so chose the hard road. I say that, by all the gods, our ancestors died for the privilege, and it is better to vote. Rigged or not, fair weather or not, destined for loss or not, I will vote.

In 2020, we will see, won't we? We will see whether White Nationalism is where the nation wishes to go. I only hope that the Democrats can retire the old dead wood and bring in fresh new blood. Out with Pelosi, out with Franken, out with Schumer, in with young Turks that understand the age in which we live and feel comfortable with a computer in their hands. I am sorry to disparage gray heads, but they are fossils in a rapidly changing age, and we need people that are all over data, computers, and artificial intelligence. What we need are people that read science fiction for pleasure. We have always needed that, in truth.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Precious Metals are Preposterous

The prices of precious metals are preposterous and fueled by irrational chimerae. The popularity of role-playing and video games drives demand for gold, as millions have been trained to think of gold as highly desirable, and the only possible currency, within the gaming system. In reality, in jewelry, gold has been supplanted already by other shiny metals that can mimic its properties or indeed surpass them. Gold is not what anyone will want in an apocalypse; food and guns are what people will want. It is not at all likely that precious metals will ever again occupy the position of currency within any future civilization.

As for precious metals other than gold, similar logic applies. For what reason should a man pay $1000 an ounce for platinum and $16 an ounce for silver? Silver is destined for long-term decline, because it is no longer needed in film. Platinum is destined for $500/oz., because it will soon be no longer needed in catalytic converters. The temporary aberration that saw a spike in precious metal prices is destined to peter out as the oldsters that clung to the shiny metals die off, and their descendants take the metal and sell off.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Windows 10: An Interesting Toy

Windows 10 is an interesting toy for children, but it is inappropriate for any sort of business enterprise. When a professional needs to work, Windows seizes that time to perform unrequested updates. Microsoft believes it owns the computer, rather than the customer. I look forward to the day when our businesses and governments are free of Microsoft malware, and a new operating system is in place, based upon the principle that people need to get their work done without delay and without distractions.

Men & Women

What men don't get is that women don't have the same sex drive, about ninety-nine times out of a hundred. Women don't want it. Men acting as though they do (or should) is the cause of much scandal and now, the ending of careers of the offending men. I feel sad for the men getting scourged in the media without much chance to defend themselves before a disbelieving public. In a way, it seems unfair to be called to the carpet for something that happened ten or thirty years ago. In the first place, the offense is a distant memory, if remembered at all, and the person is a much different person, having aged and grown.

Probably the optimal adaptation, for an average man of modest income and average mental and physical endowments, is the obvious and simple expedient of self-pleasure. Complete reliance upon others for fulfillment of basic needs has pitfalls in today's society, where lawsuits can be filed, charges brought, careers ended overnight.

Technology in the form of Artificial Intelligence will come to the rescue of the many lonely, homely, uncouth men--and women--who seem incapable of finding fulfillment with eager, compliant sexual partners. Robot prostitutes will sell to a vast market, and the value of said market will easily exceed that of motor vehicles. This will arise faster than anyone thinks, because there is bound to be a bright fellow somewhere among the rich who will perceive the same things and pour the necessary investment into crafting an adequate robot-whore that can be sold, rented or borrowed by techno-pimps. Anticipate the next Microsoft.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Marijuana Edibles

Marijuana edibles are pure evil, and there is no valid reason that a person would transform an otherwise beneficial substance into a dangerous, concentrated, stealthy poison, which is what an edible is. Only demons in human form take what is good and twist it into something bad. The only way marijuana can harm H. Sapiens is if these demons concentrate it in the laboratory and concoct a THC liquor that they use to poison candy and other food.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Media's Fixation on the Death Penalty

I don't know why the media goes bonkers everytime a killer gets offed. In my opinion, this lethal injection business is ludicrous. What we need is a nationwide return to hanging as the sole method of execution. Simple, effective, humane, and low-cost. Those with some kind of rare medical condition that aren't suitable for hanging can experience the guillotine, also a humane method of execution. Playing around with injections has always seem bizarre, risky, stupid and expensive to me. Whether the death penalty is right or wrong is a separate matter, but the optimal method of execution quite obviously exploits the primary weakness on the human body, the neck.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Tax Bill Should Please Trump Supporters

There's an article on how the Republicans' tax bill will screw the poor and middle class in order to help the rich. Some in the media seem to think these facts will disenchant folks from voting Republican. Not a chance. Trump supporters love this sort of thing. Deep down inside, they don't really value themselves or their own families very much. Take away their health care, and they feel happy. They want Washington to bring down Judgement on them, because they feel like they deserve it, being worthless sinners and all of that. The folks that matter, they feel, are those blessed by God--the rich, like Trump, who ought to be idolized and worshiped, for those with big bank accounts sit at the right hand of the Father. Welcome to the Cult of the Rich, a modern heresy.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Republicans, Craft What Will Endure

A bit o' turbulence in the stock market of late, due to dawning realization that the Republicans cannot accomplish Jack, due to being incapable of compromise with their Democratic colleagues. The proper way forward is straight-forward, simple and elegant: ensure long-term success, not just now but twenty years from now, by incorporating the Democrats into any plan, any bill, because why? Because gerrymandering and voter-suppression tactics aside, the Democrats represent over half the country is why. That is enough reason. America is Democrats, period, end of discussion, we are the country. You go against the Democrat on every bill, and guess what? Whatever you do won't last. It will be reversed next election cycle. So compromise, and why not? Do something intelligent for once. Listen to wonks, listen to policy experts, listen to the voice of experience. Learn, grow, gather intel, and act based upon what is optimal, not based upon your base base. It is entirely possible to craft a Republican-slanted bill, with a good Conservative color, and get Democratic sign-on, maybe not all Democrats, but some, and the goal should be, what can endure, not what is politically expedient for the current election cycle.

Fanatical buttheads is the problem with the world today, terrorists, fanatics, people convinced that the only way is their way or the highway. Refusal to listen to the other side once in a while, or at least take other people's feelings into consideration. Any man in a marriage of more than twenty years knows that compromise is key.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Trump Has Some Good Ideas

I recall a smart writer opining that "even a stopped clock is right twice a day," and that applies to Trump. I like some of the things he says. For instance, on trade. Yes, the U.S. is getting raped by China, among other nations, and that's a big concern of mine. Yes, we need to curtail some of the immigration coming in from the Middle East, and we need to end the refugee program. The damn refugees can go live in Africa or Russia, where there is plenty of space for them. We don't need a massive influx of Muslims coming to change our ways and build mosques in every village and holler out a call to prayer five times a day where people kneel in the middle of business, pointing their turban-covered head toward Mecca. No, we don't need that.

The trouble with Trump is he grew up rich and spoiled, having had everything handed to him on a silver platter, because Daddy gave him millions. He dodged the Viet Nam war because of Daddy's money. So the man has never really worked for a living and doesn't care about people who aren't millionaires. He pretends to care and does a good job at pretending, but you know, it is not really that difficult to see through him, if you have eyes that can see. A lot of people just go through life with blinders on. They can't see past their tribal allegiance to white supremacy. The only thing Trump cares about is helping the rich get richer, and pushing the poor to the boneyard.

Whereas Obama, on the other hand, had nothing handed to him. He worked and struggled and succeeded on merit. He found a way. That is the reason to vote Democrat, because the Democrats know what it is to work for a living. They have worked a full-time job in their day and know what it is to pay bills.

My, My, Roy Moore

Next time Alabama's Roy Moore goes off about "the homosexuals," he'll invite a sharp rebuttal. Worse than Clinton, by any measure one might care to apply. So all those long tedious tirades the right launched against Bill Clinton ring false now, as they beat the drum for Chester.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Interest Rates Artificially Low

Interest rates are artificially held down by the Fed's policies and by oldsters auto-investing in low return bonds and CDs. There are a lot of retirees right now, and their money is doing diddly-squat in bond funds and CDs, and they are scared to move into stocks because they haven't the time remaining to recover from any downturn.

So, the right investment right now, for those with a ten-to-twenty year investment horizon, remains stocks, particularly seeing as how a good value stock fund returns just as much, if not more than, a typical short-term or intermediate-term bond fund.

Interest rates have nowhere to go but up. Ironically, bonds now seem the "high-risk" investment, due to the threat of inflation and rising interest rates. I'll talk to long-term bonds when they bust the five per cent ceiling, but not before.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Robots Taking Our Jobs

Once again, I'm glad to be old, after reading this article in Mother Jones about machines taking our jobs.

Right-wingers, of course, never worry about the future, either global warming or the threat of automation. They still grind old horses, abortion, gays, marijuana, blacks, Jews, and other religions. All important issues, no doubt, but what about a world that is too hot? What about a world where there are no jobs?

I'll be dead before robots take over, I think. So, this is something the younger people will have to deal with. I really doubt they are capable of rising to the challenge, because they let Trump get in and don't seem to really be doing much of anything to take control of the country. I see young people as doing just what they are told, meandering about, going with the flow just like their elders, and hoping against hope things get better on their own, although things won't. They are not wired to do what is needed to change anything. The elite have bred a global population that just goes along with the tides of change created by the elite and by technology. For better or worse, that is the way of the world.

First to go will be the drivers. No more uber, no more truckers, no more taxi, no more chauffeur, no more delivery, no more airline pilots or train drivers. Robot cars will drive everything. That is huge in itself, but then, no more receptionists, secretaries, clerks, and so on. There will be a ton of people jobless and incapable of ever getting a job in the first place, no matter how much training.

Mother Jones agonizes over what to do, what to do. A social program, they think, to give benefits and money to the jobless, a permanent and persistent class of jobless, mind you, simply for doing nothing? Oh yeah? How long will that last? I just don't see that happening. There is no free lunch.

Meanwhile, the right-wingers don't care. They don't care about anything, seems like, except ghosts from the past, old axes to grind, against the gays, or marijuana, or women. I imagine they'd like a war and lots of people to die.

It does seem likely that war will break out quite often in the future, as joblessness spans the globe and billions of people are left in poverty and even starvation. I think that robots will be unleashed to deal with the situation and exterminate vast numbers of rebels. The human population, one way or another, will have to decline by 90 to 99 per cent, in order to accommodate a jobless future, where there is no way to earn a living, and humans are simply obsolete.

The only survivors will be the smartest and, more importantly, the richest, who will use the new genetic technology to craft ever more-capable versions of H. Sapiens, disease-resistant, extremely intelligent, strong, thin, obesity-resistant, and longer-lived. Robots will be unleashed to deal with the unhappy, starving multitudes.

Perhaps this is why China refuses to embrace democracy. Their leaders foresee a future where most of the population must die. Not only must most people die, but the survivors must not reproduce. They must have the capability of reproduction removed altogether, in fact. Reproduction in the future will be a crime, punishable by death.

Any other solution runs into the problem of national diversity. If we try to craft a gentler world in the United States, say, other nations will go the more expedient route, and they will gain the advantage. There is no world government, so in the end, what is expedient will win. We see this now. Republicans know. The social safety net of the West is imperiled, and I see nothing but more suffering for ordinary citizens in the future, which will be darker and crueler, with much pain, disease and misery. The reason is that all our jobs can be exported to China for cheap labor or else replaced by robots, so the Western worker is of little value anymore and might as well let him suffer and die, is the brutal logic employed by the masters. There is really not a way of preventing this trend without giving a huge advantage to nations like China and Russia that just don't care about their own workers in the first place. The absence of a functioning world government means that whatever is expedient, wins. This was the chief failure of H. Sapiens, to come together as a single species. Perhaps the future species will possess more of a sense of community and belonging.

Unfortunately, there just isn't a place for people, at least our current species, in the future. People are just too lame. Computers are smarter than we are. Robots are faster, stronger, and longer-lasting. No one alive today can compete with a robot at a specific skill set, at least the robot of the future, after the technology has been refined. It is possible, with a ton of genetic engineering, that a faster, stronger, smarter human can be cooked up in the laboratory, but that's still a long way off, and even then, the future race will probably be an amalgam of both computer and organism.

Killing off the humans solves two problems: no more threat of nuclear war, because the ones remaining will be too smart to mess around with nukes--and no more climate change, because the ultimate cause of climate change is too many people. Although it is an evil to eliminate 99.9% of the human race, in the end, those that remain will have a paradise at their feet, with minimal pollution and endless potential. The main cause of problems in the world is simply too many human beings of little intelligence and little value. They cause trouble with terrorism, warfare, violent crime, corruption, pollution, cruelty to themselves and to the animals, and meanwhile they keep reproducing like mad, because that is all they know how to do, and in the end, they are like rabbits, no better, no worse. There really is no way of persuading people not to reproduce. The way to reduce the human population remains the time-honored, traditional method, through warfare. It may even be that nuclear war on a vast scale is deployed, with an end to preserving certain outposts below the surface of the earth that will allow the elite to survive. North Korea, in fact, already foresees this and invites it, as does Russia and the U.S. and very likely, China. In these nations, secret little headquarters stacked with supplies, weapons and technology exist where the elite can endure decades if need be until the threat of nuclear contamination subsides on the surface of the earth.

Already the future is foreshadowed by the deployment of drones against Islamic barbarians and the invention of the self-driving Tesla. In the future, automated robots will patrol the earth, seeking rebels to destroy. Had we drones in sufficient quantities, we could have taken care of Afghanistan within a year. Of course, drones will only get cheaper to produce over time, as their manufacture becomes increasingly automated. In the future, our soldiers will be robots. The first side to run out of robots, loses.
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions