All of his family should be immediately arrested and confined in Guantanamo Bay until such time a prisoner exchange is arranged for the return of U.S. captives, now or fifty years from now. That would wipe the smirk off the scumbag's face.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Why was an Uzbeki Terrorist in the U.S.?
All of his family should be immediately arrested and confined in Guantanamo Bay until such time a prisoner exchange is arranged for the return of U.S. captives, now or fifty years from now. That would wipe the smirk off the scumbag's face.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Homophobic Crackdowns No Worry
It is useful for repressive regimes and corrupt politicians to scapegoat a minority--preferably an unpopular minority--and gays fit the bill, having a sexuality outside the norm. So that's the reason. The right-winger Satanists over in the U.S. (those charlatans that claim to be Christians) are delighted, and do everything they can to finance/enhance/support any homophobic laws or brutality that they possibly can. The more killings, the better, in their book.
Question--Will all those tortures and murders result in fewer gays? Well, with an eye to history, my answer is a firm No. In the past, gays had it far, far worse. About every country killed a gay, as soon as he was known. That policy obviously did not result in fewer gays, but in more gays, because the gays kept in the closet, and then tended to get with women and reproduce, thus producing, ironically, more gays. This is known as "poetic justice."
In the end, there will be half the world, the West, that is good to gays, and another half, the evil side, Islamic, Russian and African, that is wicked. I think that the good side will have the advantage of a vast hidden network of sympathizers, who will want to help the good side of the world, whereas the bad side of the world is never really going to know who is gay and who is not, and is going to make a lot of false assumptions and false arrests in their frenzy to detect and apprehend the harmless gays. In any event, going around punishing people for being gay is not a profitable use of time and resources. Meanwhile, the wicked side of the world falls further into corruption, vice and ignorance, as is the case with evil-doers.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Alternative to Organ Donation is Rot
A Spoonful of Tussin Shuts Up Your Fussin

Stocks are in Wacka-Wacka Land
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Roy Moore
Monday, October 16, 2017
Take Some Bufferin to Ease Your Sufferin
Sunday, October 15, 2017
The Arab's Women
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Sadistic Religion
Friday, October 13, 2017
Trump is the President Some Americans Deserve
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Treatment of Animals is the Ultimate Moral Litmus Test
How can it be that the "Conservative Christians" that are all for Trump can turn a blind eye to the needless suffering of animals, committed out of pure callousness? The question must be posed: if their god would approve callous cruelty against animals, then what sort of god is it?
We may one day by judged, if not by God, than by an alien race, based upon how we treat other life forms on the planet, and if that day comes any time soon, then I certainly hope we are judged individually, rather than collectively.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Trump the Motivator
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Emotional Support Pets
Those morons that insist upon bringing animals into public spaces due, not to blindness, but to the supposed "emotional support" should be required to complete Army Basic Training as a condition of release from a psychiatric labor camp. If they fail to complete Basic training, they should stay in the labor camp to work out all of those emotional issues and help clean toilets, garbage cans and ditches in public spaces. I think, after either Army Basic Training or twenty years cleaning toilets, they may not have a need for an emotional support pet any longer. Of course, at either facility, pets would not be allowed.
Friday, October 6, 2017
Iran's Reparations
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
With Age Should Come Dignity
Sunday, October 1, 2017
How to Live in France
This is the consequence of letting in all those Muslims that hate democracy and hate the West. You have to arm everyone in society and be ready to kill in an instant. Basically, the Middle East is exporting itself, its instability, craziness and senseless violence.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Sonic Warfare on U.S. Diplomats in Cuba
Trump is Right about Puerto Rico
As for the debt, default. Wall Street should have known better. Maybe they can recycle whatever is left on that island or sell the land to carnival ships, who can use it as a tourist destination until it disappears.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Stocks and Bonds Ain't Hard
My advice is simple. Choose a low-cost mutual fund family like, oh, say, Vanguard. I do not know of any other. Vanguard is by no means perfect, but they are reasonably good and low-cost, allowing them to beat the performance of most mutual fund families, because let's face it, the stock market mainly moves in unison. There is not a whole lot of advantage to be had in stock-pickers, although there is a whole lot of risk to be had. That 1 or 2 per cent expense ratio on your darling mutual fund is probably being used for massage therapy and new luxury cars for the mutual fund manager, who is ultimately using a computer to pick stocks, anyway. To think you pay a guy more, and he picks better stocks, is a charming little fantasy.
With stock funds, all one needs to know are the fundamentals. One must know what a P/E ratio is, and bear in mind that in today's environment, 17 is not too shabby, but over 20, it's time to bail. One must pay attention to earnings growth. Anything in the double-digits is dandy. That implies red-hot growth. Right now, large-caps stink, but mid-caps and small-caps excel, and that's why investors are buying 'em. The smart money always looks at the fundamentals.
With bonds, one must keep in mind that bonds suck and have sucked for a very, very long time. Any interest rate under 5 per cent really is not worth the time of day. It is extremely high-risk, and there is a possibility one could encounter double-digit losses, depending on the bond fund, due to rising interest rates, defaults, or even inflation. All bonds these days are junk bonds. They are garbage. There is little to no protection against inflation, little to no protection against rising interest rates. That is why people are moving the lion's share of their money into stocks right now, because what's the alternative? There is no alternative to stocks, unless you want to stash your cash under your mattress.
I keep an eye on bonds, however, because if interest rates do recover, then bonds will become very attractive, especially in today's market, where the P/E ratios are through the roof, judged on a historical basis. Bear in mind, P/E ratios used to be in the neighborhood of 11 or 12, for about a hundred years or so. It is only in today's environment that a P/E of 17 or 18 has become "the new normal."
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
The only way a spoiled, know-nothing corporate executive earns his keep is this: he figures out a way to pay the workers less for more work. Uber is no exception to the rule that pervades all industry and all commerce.
People working for Uber need to ask themselves, why did I wind up working as a temp scab for a company that pays next to nothing and will fire me just as soon as self-driving cars become a thing?
Going back to the land may be a good adaptation in today's economy, where so many manufacturing and service jobs are getting replaced by automation. Farm, as our ancestors did. At least by farming, one is assured of having enough to eat and enough land to dwell in.
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