Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012


The prostitute at the center of the Secret Service scandal savors something that is quite rare in this world for working people: revenge, sweet revenge. I had a chuckle this morning reading her blast against the men who refused to pay her. That blast was trumpeted around the world on television and throughout the media. She spoke on behalf of every worker that has been stiffed, in a manner of speaking, by her employer. She really is quite pretty with oriental features. She is probably right about what she says. She reminds me of a modern-day Boudica.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Applicant Tests

I've taken tons of applicant tests and aced them and gotten nothing for all my time and effort. Finally I figured out why companies give applicants skills tests. The reason is not to assess skills, but to disqualify all applicants, because the boss man has a buddy in line for the job and does not want to hire anybody else. The skills tests cover his behind from a legal and political standpoint. He will claim to his superiors and colleagues that everybody else failed the tests except for his buddy. I've changed my policy on tests and refuse to take them anymore because they are just a giant waste of time and energy. It is a more efficient use of time to clip coupons.

Human Rights Issues

Recently, Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo defended China's human rights record. "On this issue, we still have differences," he said. "Human rights issues … should not be used as an excuse to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries."

I believe human rights issues absolutely should be a reason to "interfere" in the internal affairs of other countries. It is the very best of all reasons, because it subscribes to the moral and universal interest. Those who feel that human rights are not a legitimate issue lack morality and cannot be trusted to behave in an ethical manner. That would include many in the Chinese government, who feel like lying, stealing, and committing acts of violence are perfectly okay.

You might remember that China is the place where all the jobs were sent by the traitors American CEO's, who were looking to save a nickel or two.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yahoo CEO Lied About Tech Credentials

The CEO of Yahoo lied about having a bachelor's degree in computer science. That's not surprising, because it's tough to earn a bachelor's degree in computer science, and CEO's are as stupid as the day is long. The only reason they become CEO is because they are part of the good old boys club. I can't imagine any CEO actually sitting down and learning how things work. They pay other people to do all the thinking for them. The job of a CEO is simply to have lunch with other CEOs, schmooze, booze, and take all the credit for all the work done by the workers, prior to downsizing the workers and shipping the jobs off to China.

Tanning Salons

Yes, kids should be banned from tanning salons. I don't understand why anyone would want to use a tanning salon. Tanned skin is damaged skin. It is not healthy, and the result of tanning is wrinkles later in life. I meet a lot of older people, and I can tell right away if they were the tanning kind or if they exercised a little common sense by taking measures to protect their skin.

There is nothing wrong with being white.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a hidden gem among computer games. I suppose many modern game players would eschew it for its relative lack of 3D graphics or sound effects, but for an older gamer, imagination supplies whatever is lacking in visual and auditory representation. I particularly like the fact that the game is being actively developed with new features being added all the time. I have yet to find fault with any of the changes that have been made, although many changes have resulted in making the game more difficult by eliminating various dodges and workarounds I had learned over the years.

What I like most about Crawl is its variety. One can play a Spriggan Enchanter in one game or an Ogre Hunter in the next, using completely different strategies for each character. Lately I have found Ogre Hunters to be great fun, especially when equipped with a giant spiked club of piercing. A few thumps with that club are enough to vanquish just about anything. The high amount of damage a giant spiked club metes out is worth foregoing the protection of a shield; however, it is no easy feat to keep an ogre alive without the protection of a shield.

Cops Gone Bad

This article points out a number of ways that law enforcement in the U.S. is seriously out of control.

I wish the writer had not resorted to coarse language in order to make his points, however.  By doing so, he will alienate many people he could have hoped to persuade. Jon Stewart on the Daily Show commits the same error on a regular basis in order to ingratiate himself with young people who don't know any better. I think that many on the left fail to appreciate the value of civil language. Profanity gains nothing, but discredits the user in the eyes of those who are inclined to hold a different view.

I think many of the abuses cited by the writer are the direct result of people voting right-wing Republicans into office. Republicans tend to be very naive and gullible. I don't think the Republic will last if people keep voting Republicans into office, gradually eroding our liberties. Eventually the time will come when a tyrant will use all of the powers granted to him by previous Republican office-holders. He will abolish elections and use the police as his own personal force to silence all of his opponents.

I think it conceivable that the U.S. may one day resemble Syria. We seem to moving toward a Syrian-style state, where individual liberty is curtailed and the people in power simply take whatever they want for themselves and their buddies, while passing new laws to make life more difficult for the working class. Congress seems extremely concerned about how to make rich people richer, but not at all concerned about how to help the working class.

Torture by the DEA

The Drug Enforcement Agency tortured a person in San Diego, denying him access to food, water, light, or even a toilet for several days. They even fed him methamphetamine, demonstrating their moral hypocrisy. I hope that the inevitable lawsuit, when it comes, is taken directly out of the agents' salaries rather than the taxpayers having to foot the bill for the malicious incompetence of the DEA. There are some agents at the DEA that are psychopathic criminals and belong behind bars. Who could believe for one second that agents "forgot" about someone they brought into their building? Faced with discovery of their malicious torture, the agents concocted a story in order to protect their careers. Every single person connected with the arrest should be fired immediately, top to bottom, and then arrested on charges of attempted premeditated, first-degree murder. Had the suspect died, then first-degree murder should have been the charge. An example needs to be made so that the DEA begins to learn about the rule of law. There seem to be a psychopathic crew of sadists in San Diego.

Chat with a Pakistani

I had a brief chat with a Pakistani discussing the situation in Syria, where I expressed hope that Assad's regime would fall and that Syria would get some kind of republic. He seemed cool overall to that idea and said, "Yes, but it's their land," as if to remind the American not to think of Syria as another invasion opportunity.

I think that the perception of America is that we interfere in other people's lands and tend to think of the world as ours to govern. There is a concern in other countries that America will interfere in this or that area, even in Syria, though I don't think it is likely. In Pakistan, I think a more humble viewpoint prevails that there is no point interfering around the world.

Afghanistan was never more than a punitive invasion intended to punish Al Qaeda and the Taliban for harboring Al Qaeda. Rich people got all in a lather about their fancy towers getting blown up, so they decided to drop a trillion dollars worth of bombs and bullets on the faraway country where their enemies were hidden. Revenge is damned expensive, and the people paying for the rich people's revenge are ordinary Americans who can't find any decent jobs in today's economy.

Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng exposed nothing less than a crude eugenics program operated by Steve Jobs' buddies the Chinese tyrants. Forced abortions and sterilizations in a poor rural village--what else can that be but eugenics of the style that was implemented in several European countries prior to WW2?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Violence Won't Work in the U.S.

I'm opposed to any political violence in the U.S. for several reasons, chief among them being that that any such deed would backfire in a major way. Anyone who engages in violence will immediately attract negative media attention to their cause. In fact, there is a real risk that the opposition could frame a movement by pretending to carry out violent acts in its name.

These Cleveland anarchists simply provided fodder for the right wing and justified the salaries of the agents of our enormous security apparatus.

It is also a fact, an indisputable fact, that the security apparatus by and large operates in general adherence to a set of rules put in place by the political authority, and that these rules make sufficient allowance for human rights. A few pepper-spraying incidents here and there do not constitute a police state, nor does the busting up of a couple medical marijuana collectives, lamentable though these cases may be.

Although there may be various injustices and indignities perpetrated against minorities or the working class, that has always been the case throughout history, as anyone who has studied history knows. I have to wonder whether the Cleveland anarchists ever cracked open a history book. There are many cases in history where political violence has backfired or failed to achieve any worthwhile objective, and a few cases where political violence has succeeded in some degree, but those cases tend to be ones where there is already widespread popular support for the objectives behind the political violence.

I would endorse political violence in Iran and Syria, and possibly a few other countries in the world that I haven't heard much about. In China, although the authorities are far more corrupt and there is less regard for human rights, there is also a real risk of violence backfiring against the perpetrators. There may be cases in China where political violence is justified, but not in every instance.

We are blessed in the U.S. with a system that is amenable to gradual change. It may not work very well in all cases, but when and where does a governmental system work very well in all cases? I think the current system is probably better than the system of a hundred years ago, and the American system is certainly better than that in Malaysia or China. I think that if anyone feels like political violence is the answer, they should move over to China and see what life is like in that country, before leaping to any ill-founded conclusion about their own country.

I think that some men have a real problem with a cycle of hatred and brooding that gets out of hand, in part because they tend to associate with others that reinforce that manner of thinking. It is very important to associate with people that are good and to avoid the company of fools and people that are filled with negative emotions. Good people exert a powerfully positive influence upon the mind, and their company is a gift in itself, in many ways superior to therapy or medication.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Good Guys

One thing we can be thankful for in the U.S. is that our police tend to be "the good guys" protecting us from "the bad guys," crazy criminals that commit every manner of mayhem. In other countries, such as China, the police are "the bad guys," controlled by corrupt politicians. I like the fact that I can rest at night without worrying about a home invasion, burglary or other crime visiting my household. There's always a slight chance, of course, but the odds are slim in this country that one will be the victim of a violent crime or even a property crime, and property crimes tend to be minor for the most part. The most I've ever lost to crime has been a bicycle. I lost two or three bicycles, as a matter of fact, but one was recovered by the police after the perpetrator was arrested on other charges.

China's Abyssmal Human Rights Record

The more we hear about persecution, corruption and human rights violations in China, the more China resembles Mao's old Red China. The Communist Party is a bunch of barbarians with no regard for their own laws, determined to steal the maximum amount of money from the State for self-enrichment and having no regard for human life or freedom.

I think that American CEO's like Steve "Jobs" (so-called) who have transferred jobs from the U.S. to China should be recognized for what they are: traitors, pure and simple, who stabbed their countrymen in the back. They demand protection from the U.S. government and the U.S. military for their property and their precious business interests, but they're not willing to give back in the form of jobs for Americans or even sufficient taxes. They are just like their compatriots in Red China: determined to steal the maximum amount they can get away with while doing the minimum amount of work required to fulfill that narrow objective.

 Meanwhile, Malaysia isn't looking too good, either. Malaysia still has not learned how to hold a fair election. Chalk that up to the corrupt and inept Muslim-dominated government. Wherever there is Islam, there is tyranny.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Sopranos Guide to Crane Accidents in New York City

Anyone who has watched The Sopranos before knows what happened in the case of the judge who found a construction company owner not guilty in a recent trial.

I find more sympathy for a defendant like Zimmerman than for yet another greedy and incompetent business criminal who is willing to sacrifice human lives in his quest for quick and easy profits. At least Zimmerman can say he acted in the heat of the moment and made a mistake based on real fear. The business owner made a cold and calculated decision placing money above human lives with fatal and tragic consequences.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Walking Dead Misogynistic?

Seems to me like all the female characters in The Walking Dead are major buzzkills, good for nothing save weeping, screaming and carrying on. I'd give the show a C- on the writing. The main reason I watch it is because I like movies featuring the undead. I also find almost all the characters attractive--yet not too attractive. Yes, it is actually important for characters in a show to not be too attractive, because then the audience can relate with them better.

Most women are not half as weepy as television makes them out to be.

Homeowners Associations = Communism

I couldn't have said it better myself. A home owner in one of these god-forsaken Homeowners Associations has described life in that community as the equivalent of living under communism. That's exactly my sentiment.

Homeowners Associations are just a bunch of uptight, paranoid, money-grubbing morons intent on making everyone as miserable and uptight as they are.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Today was the final day that Namecheap dragged its feet before transferring my domain over to a competent registrar and web host. I have no further dealings with Namecreep, and I guarantee it will be a cold day in Hell before I ever do business with Namecreep again. A more incompetent host would be difficult to imagine. Their entire outfit is just a bunch of clowns.

The Walking Dead

I have watched the first season of "The Walking Dead" and like it save for gaping holes in the head plot. The show is illogical. A single human being such as myself could fend off an entire world populated by zombies, even if I had no access to firearms, even if every bullet in existence were already spent. The simple fact is that, at least in season one, zombies are stupid. They are not even as cunning as animals. Therefore, all one has to do is secure a building, hilltop, or other point that is difficult to access, such as an island, and then cultivate a source of food via gardening or herding. Zombies could not storm a castle because they do not know how to construct ladders, ballista, catapults or any other device or tool. They know nothing of siege weapons or indeed of any weapons. Therefore the premise of the show, that zombies have overwhelmed all the world's armies, is laughable. Another problem is that zombies do not reproduce. Therefore, their numbers would quickly dwindle along with any reduction in the human population.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Heroin and Euthanasia

What I would like to see in the future is more progress in gay rights and also the legalization of most drugs, with the possible exception of horrible things like meth or crack, which have no legitimate purpose. I was going to add heroin to the list, but heroin may indeed have a legitimate purpose for those that have reached the end of their life and are suffering from intense pain or depression. I see no reason to deny heroin to the terminally ill. Heroin was used for medicinal purposes in the past, and in the case of the terminally ill, anything that might ease their passage should be provided to them without interference.

I think euthanasia should be allowed to those of sound mind who want it. There must be a comfort and a consolation to know the precise hour of one's passing. If this luxury is afforded to those condemned by the legal system, then surely it can be permitted to those who have harmed no one.

One envisions a hospice where the dying are high on smack and gleefully marking down the days to their carbon monoxide-assisted demise. Most strange it would be, to be sure, but I think it might be a better and more civilized method of passing from this world.
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions