McCain may be right about intervening in Syria. Iran and Syria are the main supporters of terrorism in the world today, so anything we can do to exterminate their leadership may be in the self-interest of the U.S. It might save a lot of money in foreign aid in the long run if we don't have to endure Iran and Syria-sponsored terrorism and nuclear brinksmanship for years to come.
On the other hand, if we let the fanatical Muslim element take over in Syria, the situation there could go from bad to worse for gays, women, Christians, atheists, and anyone other than the Sunni Muslim majority.
I'm still undecided and don't really know which way would be best. It's really a gamble either way. A civil war may actually be preferable. I don't see why the United States has to pay to solve Syria's problems, only to get slapped in the face once the majority takes over and starts hanging people that believe something different from what they do.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Rush Limbaugh and His Big Mouth
Rush Limbaugh really stepped into it this time with his "slut" comment. That mistake indicates that he may be falling into old habits. Limbaugh would be better off with weed, but that is a therapy that people like Limbaugh never consider because of its old association with hippies. My advice is lay off the pills.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
I read a story today about a gambling proposal in Georgia. Some tycoon proposes building massive gambling complexes in several cities. The following lures are used: job creation, tax revenue, and college scholarships.
I consider gambling to be a tax on fools, who pay the tax voluntarily due to their superstitious beliefs and their inability to comprehend mathematical probability. I have even known many computer programmers who played the lottery. They may have been well-versed in a computer language, but they knew nothing about mathematical probability. To them, one chance in a million was the same as one chance in ten. "One in a million" means that you could live many, many lifetimes without witnessing the desired event. Most state lotteries have odds that are worse than one in a million. That is all I need to know to have no interest in gambling.
I am not opposed to legalized gambling. The government should not be in the business of vice prevention. I am in favor of permitting a gambling complex to be built only if the government stays out and does not grant any special favors to the business owners in the form of tax breaks or anything else. All too often, government hands over the assets of the public treasury to private business owners, who give little or nothing back in return. I expect that if any gambling enterprise is approved, taxpayers will be forced to pay for the construction costs, and the business will run tax-free for years. That seems to be the typical arrangement, after the business owner has corrupted all the necessary officials. Only for that reason would I oppose legalized gambling. Many times in the past, cities have paid millions of dollars to build stadiums that have enriched private owners with little or no benefit for the people that live in the city.
I consider gambling to be a tax on fools, who pay the tax voluntarily due to their superstitious beliefs and their inability to comprehend mathematical probability. I have even known many computer programmers who played the lottery. They may have been well-versed in a computer language, but they knew nothing about mathematical probability. To them, one chance in a million was the same as one chance in ten. "One in a million" means that you could live many, many lifetimes without witnessing the desired event. Most state lotteries have odds that are worse than one in a million. That is all I need to know to have no interest in gambling.
I am not opposed to legalized gambling. The government should not be in the business of vice prevention. I am in favor of permitting a gambling complex to be built only if the government stays out and does not grant any special favors to the business owners in the form of tax breaks or anything else. All too often, government hands over the assets of the public treasury to private business owners, who give little or nothing back in return. I expect that if any gambling enterprise is approved, taxpayers will be forced to pay for the construction costs, and the business will run tax-free for years. That seems to be the typical arrangement, after the business owner has corrupted all the necessary officials. Only for that reason would I oppose legalized gambling. Many times in the past, cities have paid millions of dollars to build stadiums that have enriched private owners with little or no benefit for the people that live in the city.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The shootings at schools, workplaces and elsewhere are disgusting. Worst are the random shootings, which imply contempt of the entire world. These I hate the most.
For my part, I'd rather be shot in cold blood and praised by those that survive than be the hated and condemned shooter. It is worse by far to live with the burden of a senseless crime than to die. I must say that in some cases, not all, I pity the condemned who must live with the knowledge and the dire consequences of their crimes.
I believe that the easy availability of guns is the clear and obvious reason that these shootings happen. Guns are too cheap, too easy to obtain and too simple to use. People have to take more training to drive a car than to shoot a gun, and the reverse should be true in all fairness. It would be an easy matter to install technology on firearms to render them inoperative without a password or other form of identification, such as a fingerprint. Only the United Nations has any hope of enforcing such a change on a global scale, and the change needs to be global. One day perhaps this may become a reality.
Weak-minded men are drawn to firearms because firearms are simple, and it is the only thing that they understand, the simple arithmetic of subtracting a human life. In a better world, a world with a god, these men would all be grouped together on a remote island where these walking and talking problems would find solutions for one another.
Of course, if it were not for guns, men would still find ways to butcher other men, but they wouldn't be as efficient at it.
For my part, I'd rather be shot in cold blood and praised by those that survive than be the hated and condemned shooter. It is worse by far to live with the burden of a senseless crime than to die. I must say that in some cases, not all, I pity the condemned who must live with the knowledge and the dire consequences of their crimes.
I believe that the easy availability of guns is the clear and obvious reason that these shootings happen. Guns are too cheap, too easy to obtain and too simple to use. People have to take more training to drive a car than to shoot a gun, and the reverse should be true in all fairness. It would be an easy matter to install technology on firearms to render them inoperative without a password or other form of identification, such as a fingerprint. Only the United Nations has any hope of enforcing such a change on a global scale, and the change needs to be global. One day perhaps this may become a reality.
Weak-minded men are drawn to firearms because firearms are simple, and it is the only thing that they understand, the simple arithmetic of subtracting a human life. In a better world, a world with a god, these men would all be grouped together on a remote island where these walking and talking problems would find solutions for one another.
Of course, if it were not for guns, men would still find ways to butcher other men, but they wouldn't be as efficient at it.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Monday, February 27, 2012
Maureen Dowd on Santorum
I'm always surprised at just how good Maureen Dowd is. In the case of Santorum, she nailed it.
I don't think there's another political writer in America that I like as much as Dowd.
I don't think there's another political writer in America that I like as much as Dowd.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Windows XP for HTPC
Windows XP is the best choice for low-cost and simple HTPC. I spent a lot of time trying to breathe life into various flavors of Linux, but Linux wants people to commit a lot of time in order to iron out all the hardware and software problems that arise with Linux. These problems are not fun and not interesting, and I don't have that much time to burn, so Windows XP is the only viable choice for me.
Windows 7 is nicer, but completely unnecessary except for hardcore gamers. Windows XP works just fine for those on a budget. I like games produced between 2001 and 2005, so I may never need to upgrade to Windows 7.
I found a great web site the other day for optimizing Win XP for HTPC.
By using many of that gentleman's recommendations for disabling unnecessary Windows services and by making educated deductions based upon his excellent information, I was able to cut the boot time of my HTPC from 3 minutes to 30 seconds.
Windows 7 is nicer, but completely unnecessary except for hardcore gamers. Windows XP works just fine for those on a budget. I like games produced between 2001 and 2005, so I may never need to upgrade to Windows 7.
I found a great web site the other day for optimizing Win XP for HTPC.
By using many of that gentleman's recommendations for disabling unnecessary Windows services and by making educated deductions based upon his excellent information, I was able to cut the boot time of my HTPC from 3 minutes to 30 seconds.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Sunday, February 26, 2012
That Old Dishtowel Santorum
Today I read an editorial in the Wall Street Journal dismissing Satanorum. If the WSJ is against Satanorum, he doesn't stand a chance. Satanorum is a disgusting old dishtowel. Apparently, many Republicans think so too.
Ron Paul called Satanorum "fake" in a debate, and I thought to myself that there is no better adjective to describe Satanorum, although "malicious" and "deceitful" are two other apt descriptions.
I may not agree with Ron Paul on some issues, but in many areas I think he is an enlightened man, ahead of his time. I will vote in the Republican primary, and I plan to vote for Ron Paul since he is the only candidate with any resemblance whatsoever to my own beliefs. If my vote can reduce the support for Satanorum by even 1/1,000,000, then it is worth my time and energy. I would crawl for five miles to the voting booth in the pouring rain if I had to in order to vote against that disgusting old dishtowel Satanorum.
Ron Paul called Satanorum "fake" in a debate, and I thought to myself that there is no better adjective to describe Satanorum, although "malicious" and "deceitful" are two other apt descriptions.
I may not agree with Ron Paul on some issues, but in many areas I think he is an enlightened man, ahead of his time. I will vote in the Republican primary, and I plan to vote for Ron Paul since he is the only candidate with any resemblance whatsoever to my own beliefs. If my vote can reduce the support for Satanorum by even 1/1,000,000, then it is worth my time and energy. I would crawl for five miles to the voting booth in the pouring rain if I had to in order to vote against that disgusting old dishtowel Satanorum.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The only politician that really surprised me was Gorbachev. He was a lot better than he had to be. I remember reading articles about peristroika [SP?] and wondering just what had possessed the Soviet leader to come around to our general point of view about government. The longer Gorbachev served as leader, the more surprises he gave us. The net result is that now Russia is viewed as more of a neutral nation than any kind of enemy. The enemy is perceived to be Iran. That is definitely a worthwhile feat to accomplish--getting off the radar of the most powerful military on earth. Russia doesn't have to squander so much on military budgets anymore, if it doesn't want to do so. I think that when one considers the costs of war, then peace is preferable, and one might be willing to pay any price for peace. Besides, the old U.S.S.R. had a lousy economic model, and continuation in the old system would have been absurd.
I believe that Gorbachev was one of the few leaders who really thought like a chessplayer. He dropped ideas with dispassion when they were proven false. He adopted new ideas with rapidity when they were calculated to give benefits. In such a manner does a chessplayer consider his moves.
I believe that Gorbachev was one of the few leaders who really thought like a chessplayer. He dropped ideas with dispassion when they were proven false. He adopted new ideas with rapidity when they were calculated to give benefits. In such a manner does a chessplayer consider his moves.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Good News out of Russia
About the only good news out of Russia these days concerns its continuing scientific research. At least Russia has not abandoned science altogether, unlike Iran, which only has an interest in weapons.
These scientists had better be careful, though, because they could revive a super-bug that might spread into the human population.
These scientists had better be careful, though, because they could revive a super-bug that might spread into the human population.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Santorum thinks Obama elevates the Earth above Man? I'm not quite as powerful. I can only elevate a pebble above Man. I tried two pebbles once, but juggling is not my forte.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
The New Gods in Dungeon Crawl
Of the new gods in Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, my favorite is Ashenzari, followed a distant second by Cheirobidos. I don't see much advantage in Fedhas. Ashenzari requires little of his followers, little more than a minor inconvenience involving cursed items, but the payoff to a devout follower can be huge.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
We're Lucky to be Human
I look at my cat sometimes and think that I read envy. We are so powerful, compared to them. The things that we do, such as having mastery over sound, images, smells, light and darkness, often seem like magic to their eyes. In some ways, we seem god-like.
I think every human is lucky to be human, because humans rule the Earth. We are even seeking to acquire the Moon and the other planets. Unsatisfied with our blessed estate, we even seek to conquer mortality itself and live forever. Humans have always been unsatisfied. That may be the one curse to intelligence. We always crave more. We always seek to modify our environment in order to enjoy a better standard of living. Cats don't strive. They may seek a more comfortable cushion, but they build nothing and they gather nothing except the occasional toy.
So the human being is fortunate, but does not know that he is fortunate. He is the luckiest form of life, enjoying a self-awareness greater than any other life form. He is the flower of creation. It should be our lot to create beautiful things with art and music. I think that is the ultimate direction. There are more beautiful things as the human race matures and grows more powerful. There are more possibilities.
Our existence is changing, our environment is changing far faster than our genes. We have left behind the conditions that made our physical traits expedient. Modern people spend hours in a seated position. Little musculature is required in today's world. The car takes us places, not the feet. Almost all but the easiest physical labor is performed by machines. Even talking is often unnecessary due to electronic communication. The body is really more of a hindrance than an aid. We would be better-suited to the modern world without a body. It is unnecessary; we could be happier and more permanent as a collection of bits and bytes within a computer.
I think every human is lucky to be human, because humans rule the Earth. We are even seeking to acquire the Moon and the other planets. Unsatisfied with our blessed estate, we even seek to conquer mortality itself and live forever. Humans have always been unsatisfied. That may be the one curse to intelligence. We always crave more. We always seek to modify our environment in order to enjoy a better standard of living. Cats don't strive. They may seek a more comfortable cushion, but they build nothing and they gather nothing except the occasional toy.
So the human being is fortunate, but does not know that he is fortunate. He is the luckiest form of life, enjoying a self-awareness greater than any other life form. He is the flower of creation. It should be our lot to create beautiful things with art and music. I think that is the ultimate direction. There are more beautiful things as the human race matures and grows more powerful. There are more possibilities.
Our existence is changing, our environment is changing far faster than our genes. We have left behind the conditions that made our physical traits expedient. Modern people spend hours in a seated position. Little musculature is required in today's world. The car takes us places, not the feet. Almost all but the easiest physical labor is performed by machines. Even talking is often unnecessary due to electronic communication. The body is really more of a hindrance than an aid. We would be better-suited to the modern world without a body. It is unnecessary; we could be happier and more permanent as a collection of bits and bytes within a computer.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Trouble in the World
Actually, I don't think there is much trouble in the world. The media amplifies relatively minor problems--"relative" to the number of people affected out of a global population. I believe most human beings alive today are generally happy and contented with their lot in life.
However bad things may be in a certain area, one must remind oneself of history. In the past, things were far worse than they are now. There was more war. More injustice. More poverty. More of everything, in fact, except those things that are good. If I were alive in ancient Rome, at my age, I'd probably lack teeth by now. I'd have a good chance of being a slave. I'd have to be on my guard at all times against criminals. Disease would likely have ravaged my body. I'd probably suffer from malnutrition. That is the truth.
The modern world also seems clear of crime for the most part, except in some bad neighborhoods. Many gun enthusiasts believe otherwise, and their rationale defends their interest in guns. They need guns to protect themselves, or so they think. But in the past, there was more crime, and more criminals that got away with their crimes. Today, the number of tools in the hands of law enforcement are dazzling to behold and quite beyond the resources of any common criminal acting alone.
However bad things may be in a certain area, one must remind oneself of history. In the past, things were far worse than they are now. There was more war. More injustice. More poverty. More of everything, in fact, except those things that are good. If I were alive in ancient Rome, at my age, I'd probably lack teeth by now. I'd have a good chance of being a slave. I'd have to be on my guard at all times against criminals. Disease would likely have ravaged my body. I'd probably suffer from malnutrition. That is the truth.
The modern world also seems clear of crime for the most part, except in some bad neighborhoods. Many gun enthusiasts believe otherwise, and their rationale defends their interest in guns. They need guns to protect themselves, or so they think. But in the past, there was more crime, and more criminals that got away with their crimes. Today, the number of tools in the hands of law enforcement are dazzling to behold and quite beyond the resources of any common criminal acting alone.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Iran's Savages
The savages in Iran are about to execute a Canadian web programmer.
Iran is ruled by ignorant savages intent upon furthering the cause of evil in the world.
I look forward to the day when Iran receives severe punishments for its many crimes, past and present.
Iran is ruled by ignorant savages intent upon furthering the cause of evil in the world.
I look forward to the day when Iran receives severe punishments for its many crimes, past and present.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
I have never purchased a Foxconn product knowingly, and after reading this article, never will.
I'm amused by those who purchase Apple I-junk (produced by Foxconn). There is no functionality offered on those overpriced gadgets that is worth their price.
Cellphone-addicted airheads have even spawned a new neurosis, nomophobia.
I think those morons should pick up a book once in a while.
I'm amused by those who purchase Apple I-junk (produced by Foxconn). There is no functionality offered on those overpriced gadgets that is worth their price.
Cellphone-addicted airheads have even spawned a new neurosis, nomophobia.
I think those morons should pick up a book once in a while.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Gullible Media
CNN is gullible, to say the least. The idea that ruthless dictators had a soft side is just a joke. How about an alternative explanation--ghost writers? These thugs had other men do all their work for them. Why would that not be the case with love letters, too?
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Santorum and Oblivion
I think the words Santorum and oblivion are synonyms. He will be quickly forgotten once his fifteen minutes are over with. He was defeated in his last election, but although he is a natural loser, I really hope that he wins the Republican nomination, because nothing would go further towards ensuring a Republican defeat in 2012. Google is correct in regard to the definition of Santorum.
I do regret that there is not a decent challenger to Obama for the 2012 election. Obama could be challenged successfully--and defeated--but only by a candidate from the left, not the right, because Obama is a right-wing Republican conservative, no matter how Republicans pretend otherwise.
I do regret that there is not a decent challenger to Obama for the 2012 election. Obama could be challenged successfully--and defeated--but only by a candidate from the left, not the right, because Obama is a right-wing Republican conservative, no matter how Republicans pretend otherwise.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
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