Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I read a story today about a gambling proposal in Georgia. Some tycoon proposes building massive gambling complexes in several cities. The following lures are used: job creation, tax revenue, and college scholarships.

I consider gambling to be a tax on fools, who pay the tax voluntarily due to their superstitious beliefs and their inability to comprehend mathematical probability. I have even known many computer programmers who played the lottery. They may have been well-versed in a computer language, but they knew nothing about mathematical probability. To them, one chance in a million was the same as one chance in ten. "One in a million" means that you could live many, many lifetimes without witnessing the desired event. Most state lotteries have odds that are worse than one in a million. That is all I need to know to have no interest in gambling.

I am not opposed to legalized gambling. The government should not be in the business of vice prevention. I am in favor of permitting a gambling complex to be built only if the government stays out and does not grant any special favors to the business owners in the form of tax breaks or anything else. All too often, government hands over the assets of the public treasury to private business owners, who give little or nothing back in return. I expect that if any gambling enterprise is approved, taxpayers will be forced to pay for the construction costs, and the business will run tax-free for years. That seems to be the typical arrangement, after the business owner has corrupted all the necessary officials. Only for that reason would I oppose legalized gambling. Many times in the past, cities have paid millions of dollars to build stadiums that have enriched private owners with little or no benefit for the people that live in the city.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

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