Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hunstman > Paul

This article says it all.

Ron Paul is 76 years old, fer Chrissakes. I can understand why his handlers are protective. He's probably in better shape than the average 76 year-old, but he's still 76. That's a pretty big reason to support Huntsman over Paul.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

The Executive

I believe it is wise to let the Executive remain the final authority. By that I mean not allowing emotions to run away, not giving in to fancies, fictions and false aspirations. There comes a time when one must think in cold blood and in truth, one should be doing it all the time. In cold blood, one realizes what is important--loved ones, society, living creatures, self. In cold blood, one determines whether it is prudent to maintain or initiate contact with other individuals.

People get into trouble when they allow their desires and aspirations to dictate decisions. Cold blood is required to perceive the world as it is. Some find this too cold. They are mistaken, and their mistake will lead to other mistakes.


Building a splendid life is an engineering problem. It requires patience, thought and care. There is less luck involved than one might suppose. Life demands discarding what is bad and retaining what is good.


Sometimes the kindest thing that one can do for another person is to leave them alone entirely. There is the question of compatibility, after all. Not many people are really compatible. They may have different theories about the world, different personalities, different values.

I had an old friend of over twenty years' acquaintance, but I perceive that inside, all his affection and admiration has withered, and what is left is resentment and contempt. One must cut one's losses. Of course, it is a pity to do so. But it would be foolish to believe that the corpse of a dead friendship can claw its way out of the grave. It cannot. The friendship is over and done with, and what is left is the corpse of a friendship, not very becoming and beginning to smell bad. Being in the presence of the corpse only fills me with sorrow for what had been or what could have been. The Executive alone understands that this is a small thing and that it will pass and that it was inevitable, all things considered. I have experienced similar scenes often enough before. The final act has already passed, and we are even past the epilogue. I could have predicted everything. Sometimes I think it matters, but other times, I don't. I believe that in time, I will forget, and I am determined to do so.

May the river of forgetfulness run over me and erase all thoughts of the past that seems so inferior to the present.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Monday, January 9, 2012

Haley Barbour's SS

There's a Republican who might be building an SS. Looks like some recruits were made the other day. Wonder what secret tasks they are going to be made to do?
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Yoga is for Idiots

I hurt my back once before trying some stupid yoga positions and vowed never to do it again. I've been of the opinion that yoga is a bad idea for the vast majority of people, and now there's an article in the New York Times that concurs with my belief. Yoga has just as much basis as astrology and is popular for the same reason, because people want to believe.

If everybody believes something, then that is the clearest possible indication that it ain't so.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Our Heroine

Gabby Giffords is a real American heroine.

Nobody can write off politicians when there is one that is so true to the American ideal as she is. She sacrificed a great deal in service to this country.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Oh, The Places You'll Go

Cute Dr. Seuss-inspired video featuring performers at the Burning Man Festival.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Republicans on Marijuana

Here's a good look at the Republican candidates' positions on marijuana.

G'rinch wants to butcher pot dealers, which is in keeping with his general policy to kill off Americans in war or otherwise. He loved the Viet Nam war while doing everything in his power to avoid getting sent over there (that's why he's "Doctor G'rinch.") Viet Nam was great because 50,000 Americans died. G'rinch loved it! More! More!

Santorum wants to cut humanitarian aid to foreign nations and redirect it to bullets, bombs and chemical pollutants to kill off foreigners that might be growing things he doesn't like. Why save people, after all, when you can murder them? Santorum is all about the killing. The more people dead, the better in his book, because it serves "Satanorum."

Romney would put the terminally ill in prison for pot, moralizing to them about how they should be swigging legal whiskey like John Wayne instead of using bad, bad pot.

Basically all the Republican candidates are hypocritical, bloodthirsty Neanderthal meatheads with the exceptions of Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman, just as I expected.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Newt Gingrich & Viet Nam

During the Viet Nam War, where was Newt Gingrich?

Safe at home.

Boc - Boc - Boc - Baccaw!

He's the guy that wants to send our troops all over the world fighting wars. As long as other people die, war is okay in his book.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ron Paul and the Racist Video

It is unfortunate that a racist video surfaced from a Ron Paul supporter. Unfortunate because, as Cindy McCain hinted, Ron Paul does have somewhat of a history in regard to unpleasant and uncivilized rhetoric. Yes, the newsletters.

I'm opposed to videos. I hate the way videos are replacing the written word. Videos are stupid. But racist videos are even stupider than regular videos.

Definitely a candidate's children should be off-limits in any kind of campaign, unless the children insert themselves into the public eye. I'm not sure how I feel about Americans skipping American orphans and going overseas to import foreign kids. It does smack of anti-Americanism. Probably they are doing it in order to get dibs on the healthiest and youngest and most attractive kids they can get. But there are a lot of older orphans that could benefit from adoption. What about them? However I feel about this issue, it seems mean-spirited to bring it up during a political campaign.

Ironically, the video reminds me of my chief reservation regarding Ron Paul. I'm afraid he is a mean-spirited crank. I hate to say it because I'm disposed in his favor based on some of his positions on the issues. However, it seems like he's opposed to the rights of the individual, but in favor of the rights of big business. That's his brand of Libertarianism. He's against abortion rights, against gay marriage, and on the campaign trail, he never says anything about the drug war, whether he wants to end the DEA or not. The only thing I like about Ron Paul is that he has enough common sense not to want to meddle in the affairs of other countries. For this economy, especially, that is a wise policy. I say let the other countries start chipping in for their own defense. We don't need to be policeman of the world unless the world starts paying the policeman a salary. How many cops work for free? We do, and that's just stupid.

I like Ron Paul in Congress very much, but I'm not so sure about him in the Executive role. I'd much prefer Jon Huntsman, who is in favor of civil unions for gays and who seems to be a modern man in many ways, not a Neanderthal like the G'rinch.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Iowa was an I.Q. test for the Republican party. They performed about as I expected. My opinion of Republican intelligence remains unchanged.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments


So the latest Republican blowhard, Santorum, says liberals worship Self.

Translation: Santorum worships Self. Looks like Santorum took care of him Self.

Whenever a right-winger talks about "the opposition," inevitably he is exposing his own beliefs.

Santorum cares about nothing in this world save personal power. He is without ethics and does not understand the difference between right and wrong. His religious beliefs are a convenient cloak disguising his utter lack of any type of ethical compass. It is interesting how similar his name is to that of his actual Deity. He is an ugly, stupid, and vile piece of work, interested only in self-enrichment and personal power.

Google is correct in regard to the definition of Santorum.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

A Believer

The similarity between Iran's fundamentalists and our homegrown fundamentalists is striking:

Iran has put on a brave face. Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Thursday Iran would "weather the storm".

"Iran, with divine assistance, has always been ready to counter such hostile actions and we are not concerned at all about the sanctions," he told a news conference.

Divine assistance, huh?

The main difference with the Iranian believers is they tend to be crazier on the whole.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Poetic Irony

I love this story. What's not to like? Black church becomes legal owner of KKK store.

That would be like PFLAG becoming legal owner of Michele Bachmann's husband's psychotherapy practice.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Sunday, January 1, 2012

In America

In America, the corrupt and evil become powerful. Those that work hard, do what's right and represent what's best in America are shot, usually in the head. That is the conclusion that anyone would gather from following American history and American politics. Evil-doers are plentiful, prosperous, and entrenched in power, and they always have a love for guns and believe that, through guns, they will control what goes on in America. That is why the right-wingers, the Republicans and the social conservatives place guns before people whenever they can. People are expendable. People are difficult to understand. Guns are easy to understand. Bullets are cheap. That is why the right-wingers love guns and bullets. It is the only thing in this world that they truly understand backwards and forwards. Human beings remain a mystery. The world remains a mystery. Philosophy might as well be Egyptian hieroglyphics. But guns and bullets, oh my. Easy.

If all the liberals could escape the world for just a generation... in the meantime, while they are gone, there would be a blood bath on Earth. The right-wingers would turn on each other and there would be killing like no one has ever seen before. Liberals are the brakes. Without liberals, the killing starts, and once it starts, it snowballs.

But it would be a good thing if liberals could take a vacation from the Earth for just a single generation. By the time they returned to Earth after twenty or thirty years, the world population would be in the hundreds, rather than the billions.

There is really something wrong with a person who loves guns more than people. Gunslingers are stupid, stupid animals. This news article illustrates my point. One of my pet ambitions from long ago was to become a park ranger. Intelligent people all over the world are trying to live a decent life, and there are animals out there determined to cause misery and mayhem. I guess I can understand why some people choose to become cops, to try and rectify the situation of the world and clean up some of the detritus.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ron Paul May Be the Only One

Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman are the only Republican candidates that can plausibly defeat Obama in 2012.

Personally I'm willing to overlook the incendiary newsletters of the past and a great deal else in return for the magical words "reduce our overseas commitments."

The U.S. should not be giving billions in free money to countries like Pakistan. That we do means our leaders are morons.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Lesson of Iran

Iran's a key exhibit in my position against foreign intervention, also know by the crasser term, meddling. Iran would not be the freakazoid it is today if we hadn't gone in there and posed as buddy-buddy to the detested Shah. I'm afraid that was the old (30+ years') premise upon which a good portion of the current regime's hostility is based. The regime that replaced the Shah began with the assumption that the U.S. was the enemy, even though most Americans had never even heard of Iran nor could locate it on a map prior to the 1979 hostage crisis.

Left to their own devices, it is unlikely Iranians would care much about America, other than wanting to buy our products and travel to our country as tourists. Iran had little or no contact with the United States until relatively recently, possibly around WW2. Unfortunately, the dead hand of the past has dominion over the leaders of Iran, who can't seem to envision the mutual benefits that cooperation on various matters of contention would bring. It is very peculiar for Iran to blame the U.S., which is such a good oil customer, for so many things, many of which seem to have little basis in reality. Of course, no country is perfect but the U.S. probably behaves about as decently as any other country around the world, with the possible exception of those oddly pacifist nations in Northern Europe.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

By the Skin of My Teeth

I lost some material in this opening, a hybrid Marshall Defense, but it proved to be an extravagant gambit resulting in early victory. My best move was b5, on move 14, sacrificing a pawn in exchange for a devastating attack. Once I know my opponent is a pawn-grabber, then I will gladly feed them pawns. The object of chess is not to gather pawns, but to gather a King.

[White "anon"]
[Black "igor"]
[Result "0-1"]
[TimeControl "120+12"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d5 3. c4 Bf5 4. Nc3 e6 5. Bg5 Bb4 6. Qa4+ Nc6 7. Ne5 Bxc3+ 8. bxc3 O-O 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nd7 Qg6 11. Nxf8 Kxf8 12. Qa3+ Kg8 13. cxd5 exd5 14. O-O-O b5 15. Qc5 Rb8 16. a3 Na5 17. Qxd5 Bb1 18. Rd2 Nc4 19. Rb2 Nxb2 20. Kxb2 Qc2+ 21. Ka1 Qxc3+ 22. Kxb1 b4 23. e3 bxa3+ 24. Ka2 Qb2# 0-1
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Credit Card Companies

Credit card companies should be fined thousands of dollars every time they send an unsolicited credit card offer through the mail or via telephone or email. Their CEO's are unethical criminals, all of whom deserve to be shot. Their entire lives are dedicated to causing and then profiting from the financial harm and ruin of middle and lower-class Americans.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Monday, December 26, 2011

What Does OKIDATA Mean?

I discovered what OKIDATA means. The English translation is: "Service Call, Fatal Error."
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Doctors, and in particular surgeons, are sometimes truly amazing people, to be able to open up a living human body and fix what's broken. If I had my life to do over again, I'd have applied myself to the study of medicine, no question about it. There can be no greater purpose than saving lives. Of course, it may seem like doctors are overpaid, but they should be paid at least as much as the typical CEO, because unlike CEO's, doctors actually perform useful work. The fortunes of the average corporation would improve greatly without the useless bloat at the top. Most CEO's do not know their hind end from their head.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions