Showing posts with label celebrities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrities. Show all posts

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rick Santorum

The truth is I don't feel threatened by Rick Santorum or his notions. His ideas are ridiculous, and he is a worm. It is a sad commentary on Pennsylvania that a worm such as Santorum was able to attain power for a time in our Republic. Santorum reflects poorly upon the people of Pennsylvania.

His thoughts, ideas, and rhetoric require no rebuttal, only silence.

Silence is the proper response to Rick Santorum.

In the presence of fools, silence is best.

He is nothing more than a distorted mirror that makes the people of Pennsylvania look like a bunch of morons.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Gore Vidal

The more I read Gore Vidal, the more I'm convinced he'd hate me*.

Well, maybe hate is too strong a word. He'd disapprove.

He disapproves of so many who are smarter, wiser and more industrious than me, that I can't imagine any circumstance in which he'd accept me or anyone else not at his exalted I.Q. level which I'm sure he feels is predestined at birth.

So, my admiration for Gore Vidal is tempered by Dr. Reality.

He's very much the elitist who wants everyone in their place, that is, below himself.

I continue reading his essays in order to learn about people, places, and ideas. But I have a cold feeling toward Gore Vidal. I can readily understand Hillary Clinton's ambivalence towards him. He's a bit of a lizard, really, licking his lips thinking about the next fly. A writer I really like and would have wished to meet is Mary Renault, because her prose seems magical and also reveals a thumping good human heart, something I'd like to see in the hyper-analytical spellchecker and proofreader, Gore Vidal, who delights in pointing out the petty errors of others, though he has bestsellers to his overexposed name.

I am almost half through his collected essays, 1952-1992, a thousand-plus page book which I dearly love, although I know the love ain't reciprocal. It's the collected thoughts of an unattainable beauty who was too good-looking for all the boys and just couldn't be touched by anyone.

I pity his unauthorized biographer who received the cane for his labors! He should have known better than to offer obeisance to an ungrateful god. Yet I have done similar things in the past. Unrequited love is a mental disease and it is contagious through songs, stories and movies.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Friday, October 14, 2011

Frank Kameny

I was most impressed by the obituary of Frank Kameny, a gay astronomer who lost his job due to his sexual orientation. It made me wish I had been in a position to help or assist him at some point. I am glad that he lived to see his justified complaints addressed by those in authority. The integration of the armed forces probably meant a great deal to him, more than anyone can imagine.

Injustice certainly does motivate people to divert their energies to social change. It is a form of inefficiency in a society. Instead of doing astronomy, one may find oneself doing activism, but that is what is needed in an unjust society. Likewise, in the human body, when an infection is raging, the body marshals its resources to manufacture more antibodies, instead of using its resources for growth*.

Injustice is wasteful, like an infectious microbe.

Activism is the ethical response to injustice. It serves future generations and is selfless in that respect.

I wonder if, in my blog, I am sometimes unjust to hostile regimes or nations that threaten the security of my homeland, the United States. Perhaps. However, one cannot be expected to remain objective when one's own fate, and the fate of loved ones, is at stake. I think it is a vain ambition to hope for pure philosophical objectivity in such circumstances. Even Socrates and even Buddha would break before the wheel. We are not that far advanced as a species, I think.

* - a possible weight-loss regimen is suggested. Some people ingest tapeworms to lose weight. I would not recommend getting infected by anything solely for the purpose of losing weight. One cannot always predict the consequences. Viruses are treacherous!
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Michael Moore and the Case of Troy Davis

Some celebrities clamor for attention. They say outrageous things for the sole purpose of garnering the public's eye. That's a mistake.

Case in point, Michael Moore. Boycott all of Georgia because of the execution of Troy Davis? Withdraw his books from the bookstore in Little Five Points?

Am I the only one to think that a bit too much? I don't think his boycott will catch on, anyhow.

I'm not a hater of Michael Moore, either, but a fan. I like his documentaries and defend them when I can. I agree with him. But he does tend to be a bit of a drama queen, yes Sir. And by doing so he inspires the other side to call him an idiot. I admire him for his idiocy, though, because other celebrities are too cunning by far. Michael Moore has something rare. Idiot, maybe. He has a heart. No one can deny that. Even his detractors, they must concede it. He says what he feels. He doesn't parse words. There is a refreshing dose of candor in his words.

So, no, I don't support a boycott of Georgia over an execution of a convicted murderer.

As to the case of Troy Davis, I am neutral over his guilt or innocence, because I have not reviewed all of the evidence. I am ignorant, so I do not hold to an opinion. If other people, ignorant on certain issues, would at least remain neutral on them, the world would be a better place, don't you think?

I will say I'm impressed that former President Jimmy Carter supported the struggle of Troy Davis, and on that basis alone, I'd have been in favor of a commutation to a life sentence. Jimmy Carter is a good man, and if he believes something, then there may be some truth in it, certainly enough to merit further consideration.

The death penalty should be used sparingly, and when there is great public outcry, even if the outcry may be without merit, then it should be commuted to a life sentence. Supporters of the death penalty should remember that the primary purpose is not to punish, but to heal the wounds of the community; and if the death penalty creates additional wounds, then that purpose is defeated. I don't see Jimmy Carter signing his name onto the cases of every evil scumbag that walked the earth. He picked Troy Davis, so that must have meant something.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jon Stewart is a Genius

I don't know how many people realize that Jon Stewart is a genius. He's the best talking head on television hands down ever. He has bad days here and there, like anyone else. Maybe one in twenty shows is sub-par for him. Jon Stewart on a bad day is better than most talking heads on a good day. He's electric.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Like George Lopez and Kathy Griffin

Celebrity motormouths Kathy Griffin and George Lopez are adorable. I think the two of them would make super-babies.

It's a pity Kathy is past the child-bearing years. The world will be deprived of her progeny. So much worse for the poor old world. I would like to ask her why she didn't. It is the only question that occurs to me when I watch her.

She is a rare flower that only blooms once in a hundred years. The nineteenth century had George Sand. Perhaps Kathy is the spiritual sister of George Sand. Or maybe she is not quite as deep. Sand laid Chopin.

Griffin is quick and as cunning as the best of them. I also believe she is good, although it is a choice; she could have been wicked if she had wished to be so. There is genuine goodness in her heart, a warmth that makes her attractive to those who value such a thing.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Betty Ford, R.I.P.

Betty Ford's tenure as wife of President Ford was before my time, or rather at the very beginning of it, and I can't say I recall much about her, but from what I've read, she sounds like an interesting, forthright and candid person, who preferred the unvarnished truth over the lie.

I sometimes find that I prefer the wives of Republicans to their husbands, because even if the wives are Republicans themselves, they may have unexpected enlightened views on various subjects. It may be due to their being women. In general, I agree with women more often than men. The trouble with some men is that they have a tendency to think in cold blood without heeding the impulses of their heart. They lack a certain amount of compassion, moderation, and most of all, a desire to cooperate with others rather than compete with others. In any society, the desire to cooperate is very beneficial to all.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mitch Hedburg

I saw a video of a standup act with the comedian Mitch Hedburg tonight. He's unique among standups. He delivers without eye contact, staring at the floor or hiding his eyes behind his long (for a man) blonde hair. One can't decide whether he's witty or crazy; smart or moronic. His deadpan delivery in a rhythmic sing-song voice makes him funny. He expresses nonchalance, weariness with the world and irony. I think we've all known a Mitch Hedburg or else posed as one in high school or college.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, March 28, 2011

Alan Carr & Graham Norton

Alan Carr and Graham Norton occupy the same niche, that of an openly gay talk show host that interviews celebrities to discuss frivolous matters, often touching upon sexual or humorous topics. The celebrities seek to further their own career, while the host seeks to extract entertaining nuggets from the discussion. I know that these two shows are not educational, but they are liberating, lighthearted fare. I enjoy both shows immensely, but of the two, Alan Carr's seems better, because he is almost never mean, whereas Graham Norton has a condescending attitude toward "the little people," that is, his non-celebrity audience. Also, Alan Carr introduces novelty performances into his show. After the interview, a guest is likely to get up and dance with him or act out a skit. I have a smile on my face the whole time I watch Alan Carr--he's that good.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, March 21, 2011

More Reflections on Renault

David Sweetman's biography of Mary Renault was charming, humorous and enlightening. He was a kind and sensitive biographer for a woman that he did not always agree with. She was about as quirky and nerdy as I am, which helped me relate, but had gobs more talent. I'm one of the countless invisible people whose biography won't get written or, if I were to trouble myself with publishing one, it would either remain unread or be rejected due to its irrelevance. At one time that displeased, but I'm not sure it matters to me now. There has been a reduction of ambition and sober reevaluation of possibilities. In life, one finds doors that are opened, and many that are closed.

Mary Renault wanted to be an actor, I think (not an actress), but lacked talent for public speaking. She was no Catherine Tate, but was a serious, sober intellectual scholar. Her life prior to the publication of her bestsellers was impoverished and difficult. She had her partner, Julie, a wonderful and loyal companion, but couldn't count on anyone else.

Her elevated status in later life had everything to do with the indisputable merit of her books. To a large extent, she relied upon her celebrity to attract and maintain friends and acquaintances, and as she got older became pickier about who she chose to spend time with. People would be cut off for one reason or another. On her deathbed, the list of those admitted for an audience with Renault reduced to a handful of intimates. Even those people she still liked were refused an audience, if she didn't like them quite enough. I think Julie admitted this to the biographer as a kind of confession in the hope of salving the wounded feelings of old friends that were still alive.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mary Renault, Heroine

My personal heroine is Mary Renault, an acclaimed historical novelist, now deceased. Her biography by David Sweetman has been an inspiration to me. I don't know of any living writers or celebrities that I admire to quite the same extent. Part of the attraction of Renault is that she came from humble origins, but managed through hard work and talent to achieve success as a writer. All of her success was due to merit, something that is extremely rare. She was also a lesbian, although she didn't like to use the word. She had her share of hard knocks, including a near-fatal car crash, but managed to survive and even prosper.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, November 26, 2010

Alanis Morissette

Who knew that the music industry would offer up a Bodhisattva?

Do you derive joy when someone else succeeds?
Do you not play dirty when engaged in competition?
Do you have a big intellectual capacity but know
that it alone does not equate to wisdom?
Do you see everything as an illusion
but enjoy it even though you are not of it?
Are you both masculine and feminine, politically aware, and don't believe in capital punishment?

These are 21 things that I want in a lover
Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer

Do you derive joy from diving in and seeing that
loving someone can actually feel like freedom?
Are you funny and self-deprecating, like adventure, and have many formed opinions?

These are 21 things that I want in a lover
Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer
I figure I can describe it since I have a choice in the matter
These are 21 things I choose to choose in a lover

I'm in no hurry; I could wait forever
I'm in no rush cause I like being solo
There are no worries and certainly no pressure
In the meantime I'll live like there's no tomorrow

Are you uninhibited in bed, more than three times a week, up for being experimental?
Are you athletic?
Are you thriving in a job that helps your brother?
Are you not addicted?

These are 21 things that I want in a lover
Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer
I figure I can describe it since I have a choice in the matter
These are 21 things I choose to choose in a lover

--Alanis Morissette, "21 Things I Want in a Lover"
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Always Love

I love the song by Nada Surf, "Always Love."

Half the charm lies in the lyrics.

To make a mountain of your life
is just a choice.
But I never learned enough
to listen to the voice that told me,
"Always love.
Hate will get you every time.
Always love.
Don't wait til the finish line."

I cannot make out the rest, because the guitar swallows the words.

No one seems to know about Nada Surf.

They are just the best band ever.

There is great power in their music--transforming power.

Also listen to "Blonde on Blonde."

Cats and dogs are coming down.
Fourteenth street is gonna drown.
Everyone else rushing around.
I've got Blonde on Blonde
on my portable stereo.
It's a lullaby
from a giant golden radio.
I've got no time I want to lose
To people with something to prove.
What can you do but let them talk,
and make your way down the block.
I've got Blonde on Blonde
on my portable stereo.
It's a lullaby
from a giant golden radio.
I've got Blonde on Blonde
on my portable stereo.
It's a lullaby
from a giant golden radio.
I've got Blonde on Blonde
on my portable stereo.
It's a lullaby
from a giant golden radio.
It's a lullaby
from a giant golden radio.
It's a lullaby
from Wonder Woman's radio.
It's a lullaby
from Wonder Woman's radio.
It's a lullaby.
It's a lullaby.
It's a lullaby.
It's a lullaby.
It's a lullaby.
It's a lullaby.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bravo for Zuckerberg

Bravo to Mark Zuckerberg for pledging $100 million dollars to the Newark public school system in New Jersey.

I don't care what the movie says about him. I think that with philanthropy, no one should look a gift horse in the mouth. It a fine thing when a wealthy person gives back to the community. I think it is a good way of polishing one's legacy.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, September 12, 2010

50 Cent: Talentless Airhead

I saw 50 Cent on The Graham Norton Show and thought him a talentless, egotistical know-nothing. Now he has proven himself beyond doubt to be exactly what I thought he was.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Laura Linney on The Daily Show

The August 11th, 2010 episode of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart surpassed my expectations. It was my first glimpse of actress Laura Linney, who gave a thoughtful meditation on the cultural and philosophical significance of humor. No Hollywood airhead there. She actually dominated the tone and substance of the conversation, which is rare on Jon's show. It is always refreshing to listen to someone intelligent speak on television.

I do agree with her thesis that Jon Stewart is indispensable to the American political scene. Nobody expresses the liberal and left-wing point of view better than he. I am not sure anyone could replace him at this time. His presence helps to counterbalance the pernicious influence of Faux News. Although he has less air time than the entire Faux News lineup, it is a case of quality versus quantity.

The only problem I see with his show is consistency. Some shows are better than others. The quality depends upon the material provided to him by right-wingers. If the opposition has done something particularly hypocritical or self-serving, then his show profits. If the Republicans have only committed minor transgressions, then his show suffers. Sometimes Jon is forced to look outside the political sphere, on occasions when the Republicans have not done anything particularly bad. Times were easier for his show when Bush was in the White House.

A key difference between Faux News and Jon Stewart is that Jon is willing to criticize Democrats, liberals, and the Obama Administration whenever warranted. He is not completely partisan. Faux News, however, is completely partisan.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Friday, June 25, 2010

Rosalyn Carter on "The Daily Show"

One of my favorite guests in recent memory on "The Daily Show" was Rosalyn Carter, who appeared in the May 4th, 2010 episode. She is a stalwart advocate of the mentally ill and tried to persuade Jon to become involved as an investigative journalist on behalf of mental health issues. Her biography on Wikipedia is impressive. She sat in on Cabinet Meetings in the White House.

by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Favorite Celebs

Among celebrities on television, I like Jon Stewart, Graham Norton, Kathy Griffin, and Catherine Tate. I cannot imagine how they do what they do. I don't envy them at all. I wouldn't want to do their jobs. But they are entertaining to watch.

The gay community is lucky that Graham Norton is around. He's an out gay man with his own talk show, which is rare to say the least and a refreshing change from the hetero-hosted talk shows, which used to have a monopoly. I like his hilarious, witty, vulgar, juvenile show, which definitely has a camp flavor. Graham gets great guests from all over the English-speaking world, including Catherine Tate, which I think was a pretty big "get". His guests are always entertainers--comedians, musicians, performers that pose as musicians, directors, and film stars.

Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" (Comedy Central) has the best talk show on television, covering contemporary news from a humorous angle, often sarcastic and witty. I've never seen anyone as good as he is. His material is really the best. And he has a big heart as well. Jon is an inspiration to us all, on many levels: ethical, humorous, philosophical, political and strategic. Whenever he challenges the nitwits on FOX, he comes out on top every time, which isn't too surprising, all things considered.

Kathy Griffin is someone I never thought I would see on television: a declared atheist, moreover a female one, and a hilarious comedienne as well. She makes me laugh. I really like her. She works hard at annoying the rich and famous.

Catherine Tate is versatile as an actress. She has so much talent that it feels like a gift just to be able to watch her perform. My American friends like her. Television executives should sign her for an American television show. She makes me think as well as laugh. Her humor is universal in appeal, making commentary about the human condition. She appeared on season 6, episode 10 of the Graham Norton show, where she seemed by far the most likable of the three guests, which included 50 Cent and David Carr*.

I detected a subtext of tension between 50 Cent and Graham. I was not impressed by my first glimpse of the rapper. After listening to him perform, I do not see how it is possible that he should have sold so much music. It is a strange thing indeed. Consumers are paying for an image to which they aspire, which is often the case in the music biz.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Favorite Living Celebrity

There is at least one living celebrity that I would like to know, assuming I had a magic wish granted to me by a genii: Ian McKellen, the actor who played Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings. I don't really know much about the Shakespearean actor, other than he is one of the few out gay men in Hollywood and has had a great career. That he played Macbeth implies depth and profundity, which no doubt came in useful during his LOTR gig.

Gandalf is one of my favorite characters of all time. I can't but think of him as a role model for what I would like to become, if I could. The magic helps, naturally, but he is always saying wise things that speak to the heart.

Tolkien was a great writer. I don't know why literary critics put him down, but perhaps it is because they come from an academic environment, where the analytical faculties are favored to the exclusion of all else. They judge literature using left-brain criteria. Such critics miss the point of art. They would be better off as proofreaders. Being a good critic means knowing the human animal--what he is and what he can be. There must be a bias favoring writers that really get it, whether or not their prose conforms in every respect to established conventions. An analyst concerns himself with details, but the details of the parts are inferior to the sum of the whole. Critics need to get off their high horse once in a while. Just because something is wildly popular does not make it bad.
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions