Sunday, August 26, 2018

What I'd Change about the Democrats

The Democrats should borrow some pages from Trump's playbook:

-no foreign aid (or reduced aid) to America's enemies or frenemies, such as the Palestinians, who have made it pretty clear they don't like us, and aren't willing to accept Israel.
-no foreign aid for all these countries around the world that don't really do anything for the United States. What are we, the charity bank?
-Europe, Japan, and other countries either need to pay for their OWN defense, or pay us the true cost of our U.S. military, instead of the taxpayer getting the shaft year after year.
-We need a trade war! I am all in favor. All in. Kick the behinds of countries like China that slap tariffs and other hidden or not-so-hidden barriers on U.S. goods. We need jobs!
-We do NOT need to get involved overseas in foreign wars. Although Trump lacks the courage to withdraw from Afghanistan, his successor should do it forthwith and be done with it.

I disagree with Trump on a lot of other issues, but the above makes sense to me. Less money on defense, does not mean a weaker U.S. military. It can mean we get our so-called allies to cough up the funds that they should have been providing all along. If they do not want to pay for it, withdraw all troops and materiel. I think that in about five seconds, the leaders of those countries would find the funds to pay the U.S. what it is owed. We are owed arrears! Europe can pay the U.S. national debt. All they need to do is cancel their vacations, pensions and health care. If they are not willing to do that, then I guess they know best, and our military can return to the United States.

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