Saturday, April 8, 2017


The incident in Stockholm, where a man from Uzbekistan used a heavy truck to murder random Swedes, reminds me of the Muslim problem. The politicians that let them come over need to reconsider. Why is it the duty of Europe? How about the wide open spaces in Africa? Why is Africa not good enough for all these refugees? Why do the crowded cities of the West need to take on more people that do not share the language, culture or history? Certainly, the right in Europe is enjoying a resurgence due to the idiocy of the left's open door policy when it comes to all these Islamists that hate the West and want to kill the maximum possible number of Westerners. Every incident like this plays into the hands of the right and the nationalists. A single incident is enough to sway hundreds of thousands of voters, depending on the proximity of the election.

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