Thursday, February 2, 2017

Trump the Grump

The trouble with Trump is he is an intellectual lightweight. He surrounds himself with sycophants because he is insecure. Such a narcissistic man as Trump has a fragile ego, always harassed by enemies, real or perceived. His ideology may even have some good points, but flawed execution dooms his Presidency, like his raid in Yemen based upon "inadequate intelligence" (such an apt phrase). I am not sure how much damage Trump will do to the U.S. economy. It all depends on whether he starts a war and with whom. His Republican predecessors all waged war, so I suppose he feels obliged to follow through to "Stand Tall" and "Show Strength" ([C]opyright G.O.P.) If he picks Iran, there is going to be a strong feeling of deja vu in this country. If he picks China, then I suspect the U.S. will be in for a rude awakening on many fronts.

The U.S. needs about ten years to recover from its addiction to crack cocaine outsourcing. All those jobs and factories left the U.S. for China, and now China really has more manufacturing capacity. My bets are on China winning any kind of war in the long run, although the U.S. would likely score some short-term victories. Trump needs to stop talking and get to work. He spends all his time criticizing the media, and that is not going to produce any results.

Probably Trump is going to wage war in Yemen, because that would please Saudi Arabia, an old Republican ally, and seems a safe bet and a way to get back at Iran.

I am parking money in a money market fund, because although inflation is cranking back up as I expected, Trump seems unfocused, unprepared and unprofessional, and he has hatched some major goofballs. Amateur hour all around with Trump in office. He is still campaigning. I don't think he ever stopped being a candidate. He does not know how to be President. I keep wondering when he is going to shut up and start thinking things through before he acts.

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