Not a year goes by that Muslims aren't killing a bunch of Americans, usually young people with their whole lives ahead of them. The Boston Marathon. Now the gay bar. The targets are calculated, always young people with a lot of promise and potential. The Muslims take our technology, which they never could have invented on their own, and use it to harm Westerners. Go back to Saudi Arabia, go back to Syria, go back to wherever in the hell you came from if you don't like it here. See how many rights Saudi Arabia grants you. I understand Saudi Arabia sentenced a liberal blogger to 1,000 lashes. That is the Islamic ideal, Saudi Arabia. Go back there and live the Islamic life, if all this Western stuff rubs you the wrong way. Why do they come to America, if it is so bad? They want to create trouble for us is why.
Trump is right about closing our borders to these people. The number of Muslims that should be allowed into the U.S. per year is zero. There should be a net outflow of Muslims, not an influx. We need to encourage departure, rather than making things so easy that they have the time and resources to plan attacks. They need to learn that U.S. citizenship is a privilege. Other people from other countries work hard, obey the laws, and do what is right in order to become a U.S. citizen. These refugees come over, get made citizen just because of their refugee status, and then hate and kill Americans. Something is wrong with the immigration policy. Instead of coming over to the U.S., these people need to stay in their own country and make it better. Why is it that the U.S. has to bleed in Iraq and Afghanistan? These refugees need to stay and fight for their own countries, instead of coming over here. We do not need more terrorists and criminals. Go back to Afghanistan, go back to Saudi Arabia.
first .. excuse my weak english .. it is not my native language ..
second ..
what do you know about Islam ?
what is the meanning of salah , athan , hij , zakah , jihad .. do you know the meanning of those words ?
did you read the Qur'an ? .. do you know the meanning of it's words ?
what you know about "Mohamad" .. did you read , watch or listen any thing about him ?
third .. short questions :
from which country came the Communism .. was it an islamic country or christian one ?
from which country came the Nazism .. was it an islamic country or christian one ?
from which country came the Fascism.. was it an islamic country or christian one ?
who made world war 1 .. muslims ?
who made world war 2 .. muslims ?
who invaded vitenam , afghanistan , iraq , kept silence with syria ?
abu gharib , guantanamo , CIA secret prisons , torture flighhts .. etc .. do you know those words or you wany an explanation ?
and you ask why we hate u ?
do you belive that isis and those terrorists are muslims .. were Ku Klux Klan and the nazis christians ?
if you don't know .. read about what happened to muslims and still hapeens in Bosnia , chechnya , Cosova , Middle Africa , china " the igor muslims "
, the rohingya muslims in myanmar and u will know wll who is the barbarian .
Guilty on all charges, the rest of the world (Europe - U.S. - Burma/Myanmar - China). Certainly Christians are not blameless, if you open up a history book, but right at the moment, at this point in time, it is the Muslims going around killing in the name of God, whereas the Christians living in the Middle East, who have been there for centuries, are on the receiving end. Dial back to 1940, and I'd be down on the Germans and the Italians.
I can't be down on everyone all the time, I have to pick who to criticize. Depends on the time that I am living in. Dial me back to the Crusades, a thousand years ago, and sure, I will blame the Christians, but before then, I have to blame the Muslims for taking over the Holy Land in the first place and taking over Jerusalem.
The blame game goes on and on, the main thing is to avoid the killing and the terrorism.
As for immigration policy, there have been high-profile incidents where people from the Middle East have blown up Americans. It does not take many such incidents to get people here to want the border closed. And there's a big question mark why folk in the Middle East need to hop on a plane and travel thousands of miles over to the U.S. when there are plenty of countries closer by that they could go to without even getting on a plane. We have enough folks trying to get in here from Mexico and Central and South America without letting in people from the Middle East, and the Middle East is just a big quagmire with hotheads running around killing folks anyway.
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