Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Unknown Dungeon Crawl Bug

I have profited from an unknown bug in the latest Dungeon Crawl that transforms formicids into truly awesome beings. Of course, I see no reason to inform the devs. They read my blog anyway and seem to clip away those parts of the game I happen to be using to my advantage. So, perhaps ten years from now I may mention my precise exploit...or not. But wait, now. Am I really using formicids? Perhaps I'm using felids instead. Or orcs. My memory isn't very precise on these matters of exploitable information.

I alone in the world, apparently, am aware of a bug that is immediately evident from the very start of the game and has survived many a version. I think it will be safe from detection for quite some time, well-hidden as it is, for the devs cannot find it without divining my secret, although there is always the danger they will stumble upon it by accident, as I did.


Unknown said...

can u tell me what it is? im ccertainly NOT a dev

igor said...

They stumbled upon it by accident long ago and fixed it, curse their efficiency.

techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions