Sunday, September 21, 2014

Lack of Class Consciousness

The paradox observed in the U.S., where working people continue to vote Republican, reminds me of domestic violence victims that continue to live with their attacker/rapist, and refuse to assist police in any arrest or testify against them, should the police arrest their attacker without their consent. Some people want to be poor and feel deep down that they deserve it. They feel that rich people are better than they are, and they gain a peculiar satisfaction from knowing their place, and the place of their children, who they feel, deep down, do not deserve good governance or any hope for a better future. That is why people vote Republican--it is an embrace of the powerful dark force of Thanatos, the inner desire to suffer and to die and be one with annihilation, the destructive force of the Universe. I think Thanatos explains much human behavior and is the primary counter-force opposing Reason.

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