Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Splendid Serenity of the Dead

My little familiar, Fra, is angry whenever I drink. But she doesn't understand. Thinking's overrated. We drink so as not to think. Or to think less. That is all.

I think, today, people think far too much, and that is why there are problems in the world. Most problems are the result of people over-thinking.

Now, tell me, what problems do rocks have? Trees? Water? Fish? Perhaps trees and fish do have problems, after all, but the problems only result from thinking--aspiring to survival, to prosperity, to reproduction, and so forth.

Were living things to emulate the dead, and not think, then they would be equals of the dead and share in the splendid serenity of the dead.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Suffer & Die

After reading about the fraud and corruption in the new Republican tax bill, I'm persuaded the ultimate objective of the Republicans is to gut Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and basically every other government program out there. It's a rifle-butt to the teeth of the lower and middle classes, a removal of the social safety net, and a return to the way things were in the 1880's, but the change is set in slow motion, not taking effect immediately. In other words, the government is being set up for inevitable bankruptcy and failure to meet all its obligations, because not enough tax will be collected to finance everything. The giveaways to big business will just result in CEO's and investors pocketing the difference and taking it home.

All of this must delight Trump supporters, who want Evolution to take its course and weed out the weak, even if that means grandpa, aunt Suzy or their best friend, Annabelle down the street. Either they love Evolution and the bones that produces, or they don't understand the simple math, in which case, Evolution again, upon the thinker that failed to think. I asked a poor Republican once why he supported the Republicans, and he said it was because of the Abortion issue, and that that was the main, possibly the only, issue for him. Well, abortion in this case is abortion of the sick, elderly, and the marginal types. Basically, society will have a harder edge, with suffering and death being more likely outcomes, without Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid around. When folks get too old or sick to work, and don't have enough money, they will just buy a gun at the corner store, and blow out their brains. Republican Heaven!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Trump the Grump

Trump called a grieving war widow to tell her that hubby knew what he signed up for. That may be the single stupidest thing he has ever said, although there is tough competition from among the many stupid things he has said. One day a book will be published, just a list of all the stupid comments Trump made over the years. If he's the best this nation can put forward, we are in big trouble ahead. Young people look at him and think what's the bother, don't work too hard, don't study, don't care, just lie, cheat and steal, and as long as you don't get caught, you're fine, you can be President.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Republican Tax Bill

I've been reading a pretty good article on the final version of the tax bill. The BBC is really an under-rated news source for Americans. I often find it superior to anything America has to offer. WaPo comes off as too biased, as does FOX. The other television channels just do television well, but don't write anything worth reading, and their articles frequently contain spelling, grammatical and logical and factual errors. I think they let the high-school interns pen the articles. BBC is different.

To my surprise, I like the tax bill, as it effects me. I am less sure about the parts that effect others, like corporations and wealthy people. I don't feel qualified to judge. All of that is out of my league. But I will benefit, because I do not itemize on my taxes. I pay my taxes in a simple and straight-forward way, and I may miss a couple loopholes here and there, but I have never been audited, either. The Republican tax bill doubles the personal exemption, which will help me a great deal.

I support drilling for oil in ANWR, because I'm a realist. We have to get oil somewhere. Period. If not ANWR, then the Middle East, which supports terrorism. I would rather inconvenience the deer up in ANWR then give a bunch of money to Al Qaeda and ISIS. Those raghead idiots over in the Middle East do not deserve a skinny dime, all of that money should be kept here in the United States, which should always be self-sufficient where energy is concerned. The U.S. has so much going against us, due to the stupidity of our leaders, so let us at least gather together what advantages the land offers, in order to offset their stupidity a little bit.

Friday, December 15, 2017


I do feel let down by the system, because so much of our peoples treasure was squandered on meaningless, pointless gonad-waving exercises overseas, from Viet Nam in the 1960s and 1970s all the way to Syria, resulting in our national debt, some twenty trillion last I heard, which will crimp U.S. prosperity in the future.

All that dough could have found a cure for Alzheimer's by now, along with cancer and other things, and maybe folks wouldn't be suffering so from horrible diseases. If only our leaders spent one minute of their time thinking about what could be truly awesome and wonderful and inspiring, instead of listening to their generals and the arrogant millionaires, who want to control everything, everywhere, even though they can't, and even though, deep down, they know they can't, and yet they still try, because they're morons with no philosophy in their vapid souls.

Scientific education, research and development is not prioritized in the United States, which is why our people will become organ bags for the Chinese, and nothing else. There won't be jobs, work, or good living going on over here, just prison-farms where people live their whole lives until their organs are needed for harvesting for a rich foreigner. That is my prediction for the U.S. and other declining countries.

I think the Mr. Robot television series is quite prophetic, and that the entire political class should be watching it on a nightly basis, before they go to bed. Indeed, China. So, tell me, how many trillions of dollars has China wasted on invading other countries? How many dams, roads, factories, and universities have they built instead?

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Bad Decisons

Humans have a high error rate, when compared to machines. We see a lot of political leaders going down for what are simple errors of judgement, or "letting the little head think for the big head." But leaders make mistakes all the time, and the costs are high. There are a lot of problems in the world that could swiftly be fixed, if the leaders even cared about fixing them, but in reality, what most leaders want seems to be the satisfaction of their personal urges, petty desires and whatnot. They seem completely unconcerned about their moment in history. They don't aspire to anything greater than the slightly modified primates that they are.

Turn out we fought both sides of the Syrian conflict, supplying arms to both ISIS and their opponents, and fighting both Assad and his opponents (ISIS). War truly is a monumental waste of taxpayer money. Republicans cringe at the idea that, somewhere in the U.S., a child is getting medical care for free, yet they pour trillions into the war machine to kill babies around the world, and for what? How is the world any better or safer because we support one side or the other somewhere? I think ultimately 100% of all problems are caused by simple stupidity in our leaders. They are simply not intelligent enough to make the decisions that should be made. They fall for simple ruses and very easily deceived. Meanwhile, those that profit from war are laughing all the way to the bank.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

In Close Proximity to Another Person

I was sitting up in bed, late at night, and next to me was a woman, also sitting up and using a laptop for business. A television played across the room that I seemed to watch while actually lost in a daydream. Both of us were, at a minimum, naked from the waist up, with our lower halves concealed under the covers, and clearly we had a history together, possibly a long one. I felt comfortable, and then confused, because all at once I remembered that this was not my life, and I could not possibly be the person in the bed, and who were these people, anyway? Then I woke up.

Possible influences: last night, I watched two intense episodes of Mr. Robot. They are always intense, though. Mr. Robot may have been the conduit. Also, one beer with strong Hops content, decaffeinated tea, and Ramen noodles.

Most folks would, I imagine, brush off as a mere dream the above, but my eyes have been opened to the possibility of soul flight by a Mr. Donald Tyson, among others. It may be just possible, I think, that in a severely limited, weird, often ineffective manner, our minds are capable of visitation with other minds. This is not to be understood in the manner it is portrayed in film, but rather in a prosaic, and as I said, severely limited manner. It is like walking through the fog of war, and catching glimpses betimes of things, elusive, fleeting.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Can't Wait 'Til Amazon is Amagone

Amazon isn't the unstoppable juggernaut some know-nothings think it is. In reality, Amazon sucks, and I can't wait to jump to the next big retailer. In fact, I've replaced Amazon for lots of things that I buy. First, they can't handle purchase orders properly. That means, no Amazon for business or government, unless you have a full-time purchaser willing to spend 5 to 10 hours per month dealing with their incompetent Synchony Bank. Second, Amazon is impossible to use with any intelligence or efficiency for computer parts--or any part, for that matter, more complicated than a pencil. Their filtering mechanism is about 10 years behind the state of the art. Just try shopping for motherboards, cpus or RAM. Third, the reviews are both gamed and censored, and most are pretty worthless one-liners that should be thrown out right away.

All these things are on top of the fact that Amazon treats its workers like crap, so there is really a moral downside to patronizing Amazon, knowing that Amazon drivers are driving around with a piss jar in their lap, because Amazon won't give them time enough for bathroom breaks. One Amazon driver was caught on video defecating outside a suburban home. First time I saw that video, I blamed the driver, but now I know all their drivers are under the gun and are rushed to the point where there is simply no time for the necessaries. In reality, Amazon's CEO was taking a crap outside somebody's house, not the driver.
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions