Sunday, March 18, 2012

So-Called Terrorist Bombings in Syria

I wouldn't put it past the Assad regime to stage the so-called terrorist bombings in Damascus and Aleppo. The fact of the matter is that the regime is an expert in those sort of bombings and finances them around the world. No one is better at it than Assad's regime. If some other actor is responsible, then the Syrian regime can hardly complain, because the chickens are coming home to roost. A dose of their own medicine might do them some good.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Saturday, March 17, 2012


The billions we spent in Iraq have resulted in a pro-Iran, anti-American government that allowed the Iranians to use Iraqi airspace to send Iranian troops and war material over to Syria to assist Assad's regime.

Republican leaders must hate the American people, because they want to spend taxpayer money on hostile or indifferent foreigners, but begrudge every penny spent on unemployment insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, Social Security, or any other program that helps ordinary Americans.

Friday, March 16, 2012

An Obvious Injustice

The outrageous case of Mr. Zimmerman, self-appointed vigilante who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, is bad news for everybody, because it will inflame racial tensions and foster a sense of injustice. The harm is compounded by the inaction of the local police department.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Assad's Personal Emails

A bit of black humor is on display in the exposure of Assad's personal emails, which reveal a shallow, self-absorbed man detached from the horror and brutality all around him and focused only upon personal pleasure. Then again, I suppose most criminal psychopaths are the same. There seem to be plenty of similar types right here in the U.S.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Wall Street Banks

If perfect justice were done, the big Wall Street banks (like Goldman Sachs) that are responsible for the economic crisis and that took billions of dollars in government bailout money and used it to buy T-bills would be nationalized, and the executives put to work doing something productive for a change, such as shoveling coal. If that sounds communist, then maybe it is. Corrupt capitalists are the entire reason that communism ever existed in the first place. A little taste of communism might be just the right medicine for these Wall Street types.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Scott Deathly

Scott "Deathly" traveled to small undeveloped countries around the globe spreading an ideology of hate. Seems like Deathly was persuasive in Uganda, because that country is once again considering legislation to murder gays. A number of innocent people in Uganda have already been butchered by vigilantes. I hope that the lawsuit against Deathly succeeds where moral arguments and media attention have not.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

(I know, that's a dated expression, ain't it? I'm from the 19th century, how are you doing?)

Malawi is complaining because Madonna has spent only 3 million of a promised 11 million in charity so far. Sounds like corrupt officials are upset because they can't get their greedy little paws on the rest of the stash.

One thing about me is that I do *NOT* look a gift horse in the mouth. If someone does something for me, I keep a ledger in my head that shows their debits and credits. I remember good deeds and seek to pay them back in whatever way I can. In the case of bad deeds, I may avenge, forgive, wait or may decide to sever contact, depending upon the situation. But I know that if I were Malawi, I would not be complaining about 3 million dollars in free money and more to come. Let Madonna build those schools wherever the hell she wants. They are FREE!
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Arab Dependency

A likely reason the Arabs have done little to assist the Syrian people is that they have come to view the United States as the policeman of the world, scrambling to do the bidding of any oppressed people anywhere in the world free of charge. The problem with that scenario is that we are an unpaid policeman, and meanwhile, our national debt is enormous and growing. Arab newspapers blame the U.S. for everything wrong in the world, even the crackdown by the Syrian regime, which is our fault because we have not donated billions of dollars to the Syrian opposition yet and because at one time in the past, before the recent crackdown, Hillary Clinton offered some words of praise for Assad. If a dog sneezes in the Arab world, it is the fault of the United States. They have nothing but blame and criticism for the U.S. on a regular basis.

I think the U.S. should not intervene in Syria. It is the Sunni Muslim Arabs who are suffering. If their brothers of the faith in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt don't give a damn about them, then maybe they aren't worth a damn to begin with. If those countries want to contribute financially toward a rescue operation, then the U.S. should sell its military services, but only if the price is right.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Monday, March 12, 2012


Our leaders may have attended college, but they learned absolutely nothing from the Viet Nam experience. I don't know whether they were paying off their professors for grades or just skimming by with a barely passing grade, but they definitely did not take the lessons of history to heart. Afghanistan is the modern-day Viet Nam. A big, fat, stinkin' waste o' money to be paid for by you and me, with the outcome that an entire nation hates our guts and will rejoice to hear any bad news befalling us.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

I Don't Mind Gingrich as Much

Out of morbid curiosity, I checked out the campaign web sites of both Gingrich and Santorum tonight, and without a doubt it was Gingrich's I preferred. He does not go out of his way to offend gay people like Santorum does. Santorum is a real bigot, the worse I've seen running for President since Jerry Falwell. I think Gingrich is a little bit smarter than Santorum to say the least.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Not Surprised

I'm not surprised by research showing that cats can't taste sweetness. The only time my cats have shown interest in sweet food has been when it contained dairy, fish or meat.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

The Washington Times

I never expected I'd have a reason to read something on the Washington Times web site, much less that I'd enjoy it. Here's an interesting article about the beliefs of voters in Mississippi and Alabama.

Let us not generalize about ignorant Southerners, now.

These are Republican primary voters, who obviously are more likely to be conservative. A majority of them don't believe in evolution, they love Rush Limbaugh, and they think Obama is a Muslim. They must be amazingly happy, because I hear that ignorance is bliss.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Consolation for the Middle-Aged

Turns out the over-40's are the pinnacle of evolution!
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Sunday, March 11, 2012

NJ Gov. Chris Christie, a Typical Republican

Gov. Chris Christie had harsh words for a former Navy SEAL.

What a typical Republican!
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Just Like My Dad

This article about drunken celebrity actor picking a fight with his pot-smoking son reminds me of my Dad.

Those who drink tend to seek out conflict with others. They are trapped in a cycle of violence and anger, which alcohol reinforces. There is a great contrast between the alcoholic and the pot smoker. The pot smoker prefers peace and quiet. That is the fundamental difference between the alcoholic and the pot-smoker. Booze promotes violence, while weed promotes peace.

The fact that marijuana is illegal demonstrates the primitive nature of our legal system. Man has not fully applied his reasoning capacity toward the law. Many laws remain on the books due to tradition, prejudice, paranoia, ignorance and superstition.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

An Excellent Point

A retired public school worker in Seattle, who voted for McCain in 2008, summarized my viewpoint on Santorum, Gingrich & Romney in this superb article in the New York Times:
“They’re nothing but hatemongers trying to control everyone, saying, ‘Live as I live.’ ”
That is why I vote for Democrats, Libertarians, Independents--or not at all. Republican is not even an option for me, because Republicans want to get up on their high horse and tell me they know what's best for my personal life.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments


Our leaders aren't mentally retarded, one might hope, and so the only plausible explanation for our perpetual investment in Afghanistan is that the "right" people are making a massive profit off the war. Afghanistan is another one of the many mechanisms used to transfer wealth from the middle class to the rich.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Losers Shop at Wal-Mart

Losers shop at Wal-Mart. That would include myself, as of yesterday. I went there to pick up a few things, none of which I found. Wal-Mart does not carry good brands, such as King Arthur Flour, but instead carries inferior garbage, which tends to be popular. I could not find my favorite brand of gum, UP2U, at a reasonable price, nor Terra, my favorite brand of vegetable chips.

The shopping experience at Wal-Mart has been specially designed, and I admire the designer, to be the most unpleasant experience I have ever had in a store. I admire the designer because it really takes a lot of effort and imagination to make the shopping experience as intensely unpleasant as Wal-Mart's. The noise level, traffic congestion both inside and outside the store, lighting, store layout, and everything is just horrible, which guarantees that each and every customer will feel worse after they shop at Wal-Mart.

Instead of shopping at any big store, the smart way to gather necessary household items is to comparison shop online and then buy them in bulk via Amazon, WEBstaurant, and other web-based wholesalers. The United States Postal Service, derided by some but never by me, will ship goods to your front porch at a very low rate and with surprising speed. (They will also pick up packages from your front porch if you ship via USPS Priority Mail, something inconceivable from a private shipper.) By buying as many goods as possible in bulk online, I have managed to save 20 to 50% on costs and have had a much better experience overall.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Friday, March 9, 2012

Gun Violence

Seems like every time I read the national news, there is a story about gun violence somewhere in the United States. Usually some man (always a man) gets angry at someone else and shoots them or just shoots random people that happen to be in his path. This is really a disgusting scene that gets replayed, it seems, on a daily basis, judging by the headlines.

There does seem to be a problem with anger management in our country, and that problem is compounded by the easy availability of guns. Instead of working through disagreements, people just want to pull a trigger and solve their immediate problem, as though the gun is the remote control to a TV and pressing a button will change the channel to a better show. In reality, pressing that trigger changes everybody's life for the worse. Fools lack the imagination to forecast what the world will be like after they pull that trigger.

One small step to reducing the amount of anger in this country would be to switch the national recreational drug of choice from alcohol to marijuana. It is self-evident based upon even a cursory glance at the data that alcohol promotes violence, whereas marijuana reduces it. But the conservative Republicans are engaged in a jihad against marijuana, which they think is the spawn of Satan. They think that marijuana is the stepping stone to meth or heroin. In reality, alcohol is the stepping stone to meth or heroin, and before that, sugar and tobacco.

Republicans hate freedom with a passion only rivaled by their hatred of minorities, so they pass laws that force workers to urinate into a cup in order to get or keep a job. Republicans delight in humiliating people and reducing them to the state of animals. Republicans understand that urinalysis is heavily biased against marijuana, more so than any other drug. Pot is detectable for up to a month after use. The same is not true of any other drug. Thus, one can better avoid detection by using meth, alcohol, heroin, or crack. One of the factors, certainly not the only one, that increases the amount of anger and violence in this country is that people feel it necessary to avoid marijuana in order to get or keep their jobs, but then they resort to things like alcohol and other substances. I know a lot of people who drink simply because they are afraid to smoke marijuana due to the threat of urinalysis.

Some people think that urinalysis is a good idea because drinking is safer than marijuana. The reality is that drinking is not better. Drinking is far worse. What happens when people drink and get angry is that violent reactions are more likely to occur. Sometimes gun are used. Two contributing factors to the high death toll from gun violence in this country are the prevalence of alcohol and the prohibition of marijuana.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments

Thursday, March 8, 2012

This Editorial on Iran Makes Sense

Of all the opinion pieces I've read concerning Iran--and I did read some from conservative Republicans (for balance)--this one by the Lake County Bee makes the most sense to me.

Let Iran produce nukes. If Iran strikes Israel, or if any terrorist group in the world gets any radioactive material whatsoever, then Iran will no longer exist as a territory inhabitable by human beings. Iran is giving an insurance policy that no one will use nukes, because if anyone in the world uses nukes, then it is Iran's fault by default.

In the meantime, Iran can learn all about suffering with never-ending sanctions as an educational experience.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
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