Razor hire[dot]com promotes itself by spamming job seekers. I have received unsolicited email from some idiot at Razorhire on a regular basis. Today I kill-filed razorhire.
Companies and web site owners need to think before spamming. It is not a prudent method of promoting a web site or a product. The most likely response of the recipient to unsolicited email from an unknown source will be hostile.
CameronCraig[dot]com is another spammy outfit that sends out deceptive emails trying to drum up traffic.
I don't want to be emailed by robots about other sites to look for jobs. If the site was not good enough for me to find it on my own, then it is a waste of my time.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Good Judgment
In life, one has disappointments, such as not being the smartest, the tallest, the handsomest, the wisest, the most eloquent, the most charming, or the richest. Our qualities serve to counterbalance these things. We should recognize our qualities. It is not fair to find only fault in one's self. What is that cliched saying? Be good to yourself. Often a clause is added: because/if/when nobody else will. Everyone has certain aspects about themselves that are admirable when placed in contrast to a less fortunate soul. We should all count our blessings.
I'm pleased about my good judgment in regards to people and animals. I am surrounded by good, kind and polite beings. I drew them to me and keep them about me. They are valuable. One of the purposes of life is to cultivate and nourish such a circle of friends. There is a kind of power and goodness in that. Each friend is a resource with strengths and abilities of their own, and they offer advice, insight, and companionship. It is far better to be together than alone.
I'm pleased about my good judgment in regards to people and animals. I am surrounded by good, kind and polite beings. I drew them to me and keep them about me. They are valuable. One of the purposes of life is to cultivate and nourish such a circle of friends. There is a kind of power and goodness in that. Each friend is a resource with strengths and abilities of their own, and they offer advice, insight, and companionship. It is far better to be together than alone.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Monday, August 8, 2011
Anything Republicans set their hand to is almost guaranteed to fail. Not long ago, Republicans came up with a half-assed plan to make everyone half-assed. They called the plan No Child Left Behind. Check out some of the results from a red state.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
A Weaker Country, Thanks to Bush
There's no doubt in my mind that this is a weaker country than it was when G.W. Bush had the bright idea to invade two faraway countries. It's an error of historic proportions and combined with the general neglect, incompetence and inefficiency will cast a long shadow over U.S. history. I had the optimistic hope that he'd show half a brain at least where the economy was concerned, but in that hope I was mistaken. Not half a brain. No brain. The future went down the drain.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence does seem to be a much bigger problem in the heterosexual community. It is unheard of among gay men. I think that, instead of interfering in the lives of gay couples, the straight opponents of gay marriage should concentrate on eliminating the sordid problems in their own community. Domestic violence is a real problem in the heterosexual community, rather than an imaginary problem, like gay marriage. But some people on the conservative right wing prefer to sit around worrying about imaginary problems because they are disconnected from the reality that is all around them.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Rick Perry's College Transcript
You know, when I was in college, I did something that must be hard to fathom for a Republican. I studied. I worked hard. Republicans scoff at such naivety.
Look at Republican Rick Perry's college transcript.
He didn't study, he didn't work hard, but he sold out, becoming a tool of the rich and powerful. By doing so, he was promoted far above his natural station.
Look at Republican Rick Perry's college transcript.
He didn't study, he didn't work hard, but he sold out, becoming a tool of the rich and powerful. By doing so, he was promoted far above his natural station.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Libya & U.S.
I remember reading about the situation in Libya where people were forbidden to work. That seemed strange to me, but upon reflection, it is similar to the situation here, where people can't find work, and employers won't hire those that don't already have a job. So you can't get a job unless you don't really need one. What are the unemployed supposed to do? Starve to death? There aren't many people who are willing to starve to death, as Khadaffy is learning. The lower a man is reduced, the less he has to lose. Freedom means nothing left to lose.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
I watched two documentaries about gangs in various countries. I have to say I found them boring. Rather than inspire trepidation, gang members arouse contempt. They are just a bunch of clowns, neither brave nor intelligent and certainly not attractive in any way, and their stupid claim to fame comes from victimizing weak and often defenseless members of society. Anyone can pull a trigger or swing a club. Boasts that one is tough or ruthless are childish. Plenty of people can be tough. It is not difficult. That gangsters assume it is difficult reveals that they are not tough at all. Why gangsters think they have a monopoly on ruthlessness is also strange.
Computer hacker gangs seem to be of the same ilk. They seize low-hanging fruit. I do not see the wisdom in attacking U.S. targets, when the U.S. has a better ethical record than countries like North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iran, and China. The reason they attack Western targets is that they lack ideals.
The recent so-called "protesters" in Tottenham are similar--barbarians, clowns, wastes of oxygen. They should fall down upon their knees and thank their lucky stars that they live in a modern Western Republic where their savagery was not met by even greater savagery.
Computer hacker gangs seem to be of the same ilk. They seize low-hanging fruit. I do not see the wisdom in attacking U.S. targets, when the U.S. has a better ethical record than countries like North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iran, and China. The reason they attack Western targets is that they lack ideals.
The recent so-called "protesters" in Tottenham are similar--barbarians, clowns, wastes of oxygen. They should fall down upon their knees and thank their lucky stars that they live in a modern Western Republic where their savagery was not met by even greater savagery.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Is My Play That Good?
On occasion, particularly when I'm just plain lucky or passing through one of my keener moments, I'm accused of cheating in online Scrabble or Chess. Players suppose that I must be using a computer program to assist my play. They persist in their accusations with bitterness and a sense of moral outrage. Sometimes they even quit the game. I should not take it amiss. It is a great compliment. I receive my most sincere compliments from my enemies. Only my enemies can fully appreciate my strength. With friends, I am soft and pliable. Friends are not in a position to observe my strength.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Apocalypse Dream
Last night I dreamed that I was exploring a city empty of people. It was like many movies I had seen before. I didn't know why the people were missing and was trying to find the reason. After small adventures that seemed unimportant and are now forgotten, I met with a person or a group of people or a videotaped news program or a written document that told me that the entire area was blanketed with toxic levels of radiation. My own exposure meant I would not survive for more than a year at best. I was not too surprised by news of the nuclear apocalypse, as it was what many books and movies predicted, and based on human history it seemed the most likely outcome of our technological advances. Too many chimpanzees are in power, and there are not enough bonobos.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Friday, August 5, 2011
I've decided to stand firm against the winds of the times and insist upon long games in both Chess and Scrabble. I'd rather not play at all than be slave to a ticking clock that tells me to stop thinking.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Hitler Working at Big Lots
I probably should not watch WW2 documentaries just before bedtime. I dreamed that Hitler was working outside Big Lots with a bullhorn in his hand, yelling to people in the parking lot about 5% off bubble gum, a fresh new inventory of underarm deodorant, and discount toilet paper. He seemed a bit embarrassed to be doing so. I decided I could not tolerate Hitler working at Big Lots, so I went up to him and said in a loud voice, "I'm not going to shop here anymore, because you're a monster, and I can't believe that this store hired you!" Hitler stared at his feet and did not say anything in reply. I continued, "You need to clear out this minute! I can't believe you got a job here. Is the management insane like you?"
The unlikely character of the situation dawned upon me. I thought I might be witnessing a scene in Hell, where Hitler must forever work as a two-bit promoter at Big Lots, while encountering at frequent intervals individuals that recognize and confront him due to his deeds on Earth.
The unlikely character of the situation dawned upon me. I thought I might be witnessing a scene in Hell, where Hitler must forever work as a two-bit promoter at Big Lots, while encountering at frequent intervals individuals that recognize and confront him due to his deeds on Earth.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
In regards to WW2, I don't find fault with the Allied actions against Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. I think that those who do should reevaluate the nature of the Japanese and German regimes and reconsider their judgment. If the Axis powers had won, I would not be alive to write this post, and few if any of my readers would be alive to read it, and it is likely that the Internet as we know it would not exist. My uncle volunteered for WW2 and died in a bomber performing a mission over France. I have no doubt I would have volunteered if I had been alive at the time. If life is to have meaning, and if human life is better than the life of a cockroach, then to sacrifice one's life in a measured way against absolute evil can only be a positive good, and death should not be feared in all cases, but accepted in some.
A hundred Dresdens would not bother me, nor a hundred Hiroshimas. WW2 was a terrible crisis manufactured by the Axis powers, which by doing so, signed a blank check and handed it to the leaders of the Allied powers. Sometimes a patient needs harsh medicine to eliminate a cancer. Anyone who feels resentment should ask themselves whether they would prefer to live under Hitler or under the present-day Republics. If their answer is Hitler, then they should relocate to Iran and experience the closest approximation the modern world has to offer.
A hundred Dresdens would not bother me, nor a hundred Hiroshimas. WW2 was a terrible crisis manufactured by the Axis powers, which by doing so, signed a blank check and handed it to the leaders of the Allied powers. Sometimes a patient needs harsh medicine to eliminate a cancer. Anyone who feels resentment should ask themselves whether they would prefer to live under Hitler or under the present-day Republics. If their answer is Hitler, then they should relocate to Iran and experience the closest approximation the modern world has to offer.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Top Four Interview Mistakes
There's nothing I hate more than working my tail off to score an interview, only to feel like I didn't perform to my utmost. All the work I put into my cover letter, resume, and in some cases questionnaire and I.Q. Test goes down the drain if the interview hits a road bump. Here are some lessons I've learned the hard way.
- Decide right away whether you are a morning person or an evening person. If you're not a morning person, then do NOT schedule an interview in the morning. I was so eager to please the HR rep that I agreed to a 10 AM interview. I was so excited the night before that I didn't sleep a wink. My wits weren't what they could have been. If I had only scheduled a 3 PM interview, I'd have been better off, and the interviewers more relaxed as well, because in general I've noticed that people tend to become more relaxed as the day wears on.
- The HR rear ends were taught in business school to always ask the interviewee whether he has any questions, on the theory that applicants are too scared to volunteer a question without being asked for one. I seldom have had any good questions, because I research the company beforehand and can adapt to just about any situation anyway. However, this looks bad in the HR rep's eyes. Here's a great question: Do you have any questions or concerns that you haven't mentioned yet? Here's another: Can you think of any reason that I wouldn't be a great candidate for this position? The goal is to shake out the pebble in their shoe, that lingering doubt or concern that they have observed, but not revealed. That secret doubt is your enemy, and it is best to bring it out into the open, where it can be addressed head on.
- Remember that most HR questions are complete B.S. designed to trick the interviewee into badmouthing former employers or sharing unflattering things about himself. Never utter anything that does not portray you in a positive light when viewed from any possible angle, because it will then be taken out of context and magnified tenfold. Strive to be cheerfully boring.
- Faulty memory is not a valid excuse. Always have a few canned anecdotes about your past experiences to share with the interviewer. These must all portray you in a positive light.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Charity's Heart Contracted
Here's a line from the novel Summer by Edith Wharton: "Charity's heart contracted." The first thought that came to my mind was, I certainly hope so, because otherwise, she'd soon be dead.
One can count on Tolkien not to drop a howler like that in his prose. Did any of my English professors teach Tolkien? No. Tolkien is belittled in academia because he is popular and for no other reason than that.
One can count on Tolkien not to drop a howler like that in his prose. Did any of my English professors teach Tolkien? No. Tolkien is belittled in academia because he is popular and for no other reason than that.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Gen. Mark Clark
I don't have a favorable opinion of the military skills of WW2-era Gen. Mark Clark. If he were a chessplayer, he's the type I could defeat within twenty moves on any given night, even if I offered pawn and move.
In his latter years, he retired to a cushy job at The Citadel, the military college of Charleston, South Carolina. Some of the soldiers he commanded were not so fortunate.
In ancient times--and let us all be thankful that we are not in ancient times--his prognosis would not have been optimal. Let's just leave it at that. Sometimes understatement is best.
In his latter years, he retired to a cushy job at The Citadel, the military college of Charleston, South Carolina. Some of the soldiers he commanded were not so fortunate.
In ancient times--and let us all be thankful that we are not in ancient times--his prognosis would not have been optimal. Let's just leave it at that. Sometimes understatement is best.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Monday, August 1, 2011
New York Times Needs a Proofreader
I was surprised today to see a goof in The New York Times:
The writer meant to write "unencumbered," although that's not the best word to use. There's no need for a hyphen, either. Also, feelings in a group or an individual can be influenced, but cannot be changed by an outside entity. The entire paragraph is flawed.
Many elections that Republicans win are the result of a weak candidate or a candidate that was so far to the right, he might as well have been a Republican. I don't think the Democrats need to change anything except, in some cases, their delivery and salesmanship. The practice in which candidates are selected based upon their connections must be ended. Democratic candidates should be more combative and angry, in tune with the zeitgeist. Democrats need to move further to the left and own it. The people don't care which label is used. They will listen to any catchy tune.
End the overseas interventions, end the drug war, end foreign aid, cut out welfare for the rich, cut back outdated farm and factory subsidies, invest in America's working class, invest in American manufacturing, build new power plants, build mass transit in all American cities, slap tariffs on goods from slave nations, put America back to work, offer inexpensive health care and college education, and invest in scientific research.
This is all obvious. It isn't rocket science. The problem with some our leaders (not all) is that they have never created or fixed anything. They're not engineers. They don't understand how things work or how to make them work. And the only thing the Republicans care about is scoring political points. As far as the G.O.P. is concerned, America could burn, and that's fine as long as the G.O.P. gets to bite the ankle of Obama.
In analyzing these polls in the United States, I see clearly that voters feel ever more estranged from government — and that they associate Democrats with government. If Democrats are going to be encumbered by that link, they need to change voters’ feelings about government.
The writer meant to write "unencumbered," although that's not the best word to use. There's no need for a hyphen, either. Also, feelings in a group or an individual can be influenced, but cannot be changed by an outside entity. The entire paragraph is flawed.
Many elections that Republicans win are the result of a weak candidate or a candidate that was so far to the right, he might as well have been a Republican. I don't think the Democrats need to change anything except, in some cases, their delivery and salesmanship. The practice in which candidates are selected based upon their connections must be ended. Democratic candidates should be more combative and angry, in tune with the zeitgeist. Democrats need to move further to the left and own it. The people don't care which label is used. They will listen to any catchy tune.
End the overseas interventions, end the drug war, end foreign aid, cut out welfare for the rich, cut back outdated farm and factory subsidies, invest in America's working class, invest in American manufacturing, build new power plants, build mass transit in all American cities, slap tariffs on goods from slave nations, put America back to work, offer inexpensive health care and college education, and invest in scientific research.
This is all obvious. It isn't rocket science. The problem with some our leaders (not all) is that they have never created or fixed anything. They're not engineers. They don't understand how things work or how to make them work. And the only thing the Republicans care about is scoring political points. As far as the G.O.P. is concerned, America could burn, and that's fine as long as the G.O.P. gets to bite the ankle of Obama.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Iran, a Force for Evil
Iran is a real force for evil in the world. They are the real enemy of freedom. Forget about Afghanistan. Why the U.S. elected to invade a country with no real power or influence, Afghanistan, is a question that tempts me to doubt the intelligence of our leaders. We go in there with our bombs and our bullets, but there is nothing to destroy in that undeveloped cesspool, and the enemy is easily replaceable due to widespread ignorance, lack of birth control, and financial support from the U.S. and from the drug trade. I do not understand why our leaders learned nothing from Viet Nam.
by igor 04:20 8 replies by igor 09:32 6 comments
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