Showing posts with label predictions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label predictions. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Trusting China with Capital Investments

One day, the captains of industry may regret exporting middle-class careers over to China. However expensive his labor may seem, a U.S. citizen best serves the interests of his country, because his destiny is intertwined with it. Dismantling the middle class, underfunding education, and letting the infrastructure rot will have consequences not only for workers, but also for the owners, who have the most to lose. Do the owners intend to relocate to China to oversee their investments, and are the tyrants of that nation amenable to sharing power, as Saruman expected of Sauron?
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Grim Economic Outlook

Our Republican-controlled state legislature keeps dropping massive turds on the working class. They're tightening the screws to torture folks that aren't rich. The business community has become mighty picky about who the hire, and why should they not be, because tons of jobs have gone overseas forever. Educational institutions extract $$$tuition$$$ out of the pockets of unemployed people to create highly educated unemployed people, which seems like a scam to me, because nobody pursues higher education merely to learn. I suppose Socrates & Co. offer the consolation of Philosophy to those who can't afford a house.

It's not nearly enough to be smart, educated, honest, hard-working and law-abiding these days. Maybe our civilization is gradually coming to an end. Maybe this blog is destined to be a letter in a bottle from a long-gone voice. Maybe so. The thought doesn't faze me. I think I've already come out better in the game of life than some. If the job market proves too tight for me, then I can think of plenty of other folks that are in for serious hardship. The boat's gonna rock, and it's gonna roll. This old turtle may sink, but I think there's plenty sinking with me, and those that stay aboard aren't safe forever, either, because the captains are quite mad.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Religion's Utility

Religion was probably a powerful and effective coping mechanism in the days when people were dying younger and more often from violence, accidents, starvation and most of all from diseases that we now know to be caused by microorganisms. Its utility should not be underestimated. It attempts to frame the human existence within a sweeping cosmic drama, giving meaning to otherwise mundane events of everyday life.

How can "everything's random" beat intelligent design, from an aesthetic point of view? I think atheism has more potential for an imaginative person, because admitting the mystery surrounding creation, rather than having a pat answer, encourages a different hypothesis to be considered at any time.

One of my fantasies (not elevated to the status of a theology yet) is that human life is an experiment conducted by greater beings who wish to determine, through the scientific process, the answers to certain questions. True scientists, they are not content with just one specimen, but require a large number, for the purpose of statistical accuracy. In part, maybe the most important part, they want to know what is good and what is evil and why. To this end, human beings play upon the stage. We live, breed, talk, fight, and die. In the ongoing debate over this and that, sometimes one side holds sway, sometimes another.

If that system were real, then scientists would be the ones closest to God in a manner of speaking. They would be the new priests.

Another fantasy I have is that we are the creators. That is, we created the Universe and everything. Not in the past, but in the future; we are progressing towards our divinity. Those alive today are the primitive ancestors of the future gods, just as primordial slime were our ancestors. Time in this system must be viewed as a circle, rather than a straight line. I am not sure how to conceive of time. Upon achieving divinity, time no longer represents an obstacle, although the past cannot be changed.

Let me see whether I can explain this imaginary system better. In the distant future, let's assume we become god-like beings, immortal and almost omniscient (I can't even conceive of omnipotent). A problem remains. The Universe is finite, because the rate of expansion continues unchecked. Foreseeing the destruction and rebirth of the Universe, which dooms all life, even the life of an immortal, and wishing to preserve a vestige of themselves, future beings may encode some undetectable vestige within their constituent parts, as tiny as atomic particles, to our way of thinking non-living, which would endure however long it took for the universe to be reborn. Their advanced science would predict that on a small number of planets, life would evolve from organic molecules at some point in the distant future, and on an even smaller number of planets, intelligent life would develop, and through the process of evolution, some relic of themselves would reappear, maybe even a clone of themselves. This cycle of the rebirth and destruction may have occurred many times.

I've often wanted to write a good science fiction story, but my early attempts were lamentable, even embarrassing to the extent I can't even locate any backup copies. They are erased forever. Part of the reason are the rejection slips I received from publishers and the stony silence I received from others. Rejections are bad enough, but being simply ignored does not help a writer's self-esteem. The general financial outlook for writers is terrible, so my decision not to pursue writing seems pragmatic. I'm dazzled by creative superpowers like Tolkien, Anne Rice and many lesser writers who have the ability to transport a reader to a fascinating supernatural universe where anything can happen, unlimited by the laws of physics. I can't imagine how such writers get as good as they do. I am also dazzled by the writers for television shows like True Blood, Downton Abbey, Beautiful People, Peep Show and Mad Men. I think they are absolutely brilliant.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Monday, May 16, 2011

Best Picture of 2011

This is the best picture I've found all year. It expresses what's on my mind. I want the misnamed, unconstitutional, bigoted Defense of Marriage Act struck down by the courts*. I want the Republicans who support it ousted in the next election. I want those empty suits replaced by Democrats and Libertarians. That means I plan to do something this year and every year: vote.

It doesn't take much of a prognosticator to imagine that DOMA's days are numbered. But I'd rather it go the way of the Jim Crow laws sooner rather than later. Something tells me that civil unions on the federal level are three years away.

* - Guess who else is against DOMA? None other than the original sponsor, Bob Barr. He realized years ago it was a bad policy. What the world needs is more love, not more hate. There's enough hate to go around.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Made in China

This is what Made in China is all about. One day, the U.S. may wish to challenge China, a fascist state made strong by our purchases of its exports. Our good-paying jobs and the jobs of our children were sacrificed in exchange for goods of short duration that are sometimes toxic. Long ago, western leaders succumbed to the siren song of free trade with slave nations in order to satisfy businessmen that saw a potential for short-term profits.

Greed is the main problem with suits. They don't fully appreciate objectives outside of their own personal enrichment. There needs to be a counter-balance coexisting along with the capitalists, a wise governor at the helm that looks ahead twenty years from now. Where was that wise man? He was missing. Instead there was another suit at the helm playing golf with the other suits and doing their bidding.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy 4/20

Here's wishing a happy 4/20 to all those who appreciate cannabis. One day, the herb will be accepted again for all of its many uses, as it was for thousands of years.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Unwelcome Mr. Reaper

The Grim Reaper is an entity never far from my thoughts. I often imagine what it will be like to die, what will happen afterward to this collection of cells, and what will happen to the ones that I care about, who are few in number, and the ones that I'm acquainted with, a much greater number, and the human race as a whole, which encompasses everyone now living and those yet to arrive.

The physical aspect of death is scary enough. I imagine the worst pain I've ever experienced and multiply it tenfold. The thought of such pain is terrifying. Fear is enough for most people to avoid potentially fatal situations such as playing "chicken" with speeding cars. Worse is knowing, right before the end, that there will be no second chances, that the change is irreversible. I am reminded of the sad look on my Grandmother's face when she was in the hospital. She knew she was going to die and said little. But I have no doubt she would have liked to get better, even if it meant giving up the use of an arm or leg, or even both arms and both legs, anything to live a bit longer. She would very much have liked to have relocated her consciousness to another body, not displacing anyone, but cohabiting. I would gladly have hosted her consciousness, although radical adjustments would have been necessary on both sides. Perhaps the technology for such an arrangement will become available in the future, too late for my readers and me.

As for physical remains, it is humbling to accept that this body that one has taken such pains to keep clean, whole and fortified will become food for microorganisms and insects or else burnt to ashes. There is an insane fear that one might regain consciousness at a late state of decomposition to discover that one's nose, mouth or eyeballs are being devoured by worms. It is distressing to imagine other people coming upon one's corpse and being grossed out, even nauseated by the sight or smell. How embarrassing! But then, where will the embarrassment originate?

As for my dear friends, which is to say, my family and partner, the "leave" is all-important. That is, the manner and state in which I departed would be the essential thing. I would want to feel like I did well, not leaving things undone that needed to be done, and not doing things that should not be done. One does not wish to be despised, with people pissing on one's grave, but mourned truly as a genuine loss and recognized, if not as a hero, then as a basically good fellow no worse than any other sort. That is why no one should envy such villains as Khadaffy, who though rich and well-known, will not be mourned by anyone in possession of a conscience.

As for my acquaintances, those that knew me at a distance, I like to imagine what might be said in confidence. I doubt much would be said at all, because I do not think I made a great impression on anyone really. People tend not to remember the things that I said or did, but to ignore me for the most part, as though I were already a ghost. I expect that after uttering a general platitude, most would dismiss every thought of me from their mind. Thus, I would be forgotten, just as most of the dead are. Only the best and the worst of people are remembered, and I'm neither, but somewhere in the middle ranks. Even the best and the worst, they too will be forgotten if there's truth in the precognition below.

For the human race as a whole, I'm pessimistic, because I believe that man's mastery of technology overwhelms his feeble moral compass, and I also believe that this disparity will result in the annihilation of intelligent life on earth. Surviving will be microorganisms, plants and small creatures. Perhaps there is time remaining in our solar system for another process of evolution on this planet. But it may be billions of years before another intelligent species arises. Traces of humankind will linger in outer space, perhaps, and in certain areas of the earth. Another intelligent species with an appreciation for archeology may unearth our bones one day.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Soured on Wikileaks

The more I think about Wikileaks, the less I like it. I'm uncomfortable with the readiness that the founder has to reveal the private diplomatic communication of the United States. One can argue over whether the United States should be involved in certain areas of the world. But regardless of the disclosure, the United States will remain involved in those areas, for better or worse. The disclosure will have none of the results that Julian predicts.

Freedom of speech is a fragile liberty, new in human history. The powers-that-be will use Wikileaks as a pretext to stifle free speech elsewhere on the Internet, now and in the future. They are refining their censorship strategies and capabilities. The world will be a less free place as a result. I believe it is Julian who was short-sighted. He should have refused to publish the documents uploaded by the traitor at least for ten years, by which time their information would have grown stale, and current politicians replaced by new ones. The documents were mostly irrelevant, but moreover, his intellect was incapable of determining their relevance. Julian is a stupid man who thinks himself intelligent. Such men are among the most dangerous.

He has not been arrested yet because the powers are cunning and do not wish to make a martyr. They are playing for the hearts and minds, same as Julian. In the end, they will win. They are good at what they do. Julian is not. "Grab the headlines at any cost" strikes me as a poor strategy.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What is the Situation?

Reading the headlines of the day, it does seem like retardation is the lamentable situation around the globe. Folks are fooled by flimsy lies, whether from gossip, the media, religion, pseudoscience, or ideology. Wanting to believe something is a good enough reason to believe something. Wanting to be like so-and-so is a good enough reason to believe the same way so-and-so does. Advertisers and pundits exploit this vulnerability to their advantage.

Retardation is the situation. The question is, will the human race be able to survive long-term? The answer is unclear. I suppose it depends upon who controls the levers that run human society. If they number among the retards, then no, the human race can't possibly survive, due to the potency of our technologies, which are capable of destroying us in countless different ways.

I do hope the elite really are so in every way, not just in their fortunes. I wonder how much wisdom they have and whether they try to use their fortunes in the service of good. Certainly, some elites make a public attempt via philanthropy, trumpeted throughout the media, to make the world a better place.

If disaster looms, let it be in the future, after I am gone. I would not want to see it. If disaster looms, how sweet it was to live during a time of relative peace and prosperity. Ours might be a rare flowering of an endangered species that endangers itself.

Intelligence is common among life forms, but our superb excellence certainly is unique. It remains unclear whether intelligence will prove to be an advantage in the long term. The problem is that tool-making and tool-using is not enough. Sooner or later, one fashions tools or weapons that can destroy the entire species. Intelligence must be joined in lock-step with empathy and wisdom, or else it is a very dangerous thing indeed.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, November 27, 2010

North Korea

The shelling of the island of Yeonpyeong by North Korea, resulting in civilian deaths, was an act of incompetence combined with evil. Evil and incompetence often go hand-in-hand. However, just because incompetence guided the deed does not mean the deed should go unpunished. There should be tangible consequences.

North Korea presents a serious and realistic nuclear threat, whereas Afghanistan does not. North Korea is devoid of any shred of ethics or indeed basic comprehension of the outside world. Their nuclear technology will be sold or given to any villain in the world.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Many People Believe the Craziness?

How many Americans believe the distortions of FOX News and other rabid right-wing media pundits, who do nothing but lie all the time? Judging by the recent election, plenty. Here's an article in the Irish Times on the subject. I know why the right has gotten into the habit of calling liberals "Nazis." They misapply the term because they fear its being used, with better accuracy, upon themselves. They torture, start wars, discriminate against minorities, and spy upon their fellow citizens.

If the Right is again installed into power in Washington, D.C. in 2012, then the number of calamities the United States must face will multiply. I expect more war, more pollution, more negligence, and more corruption. The poor will get poorer, and the middle class will continue its vanishing act.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Roman of the Late Empire

I used to wonder how a Roman of the Late Empire would feel about the decay and sense of loss all around him. I wonder no more. If the country is already in an economic quagmire, with two ongoing foreign wars and one domestic drug war, and the environment is showing signs of accelerating global warming, and the country, in its desperation, places conservative Republicans in charge, the authors of so many calamities, there does not seem much basis for hope.

Are we doomed as a world power? The thought would not disturb me if I thought China were a moral nation, but it has its own share of problems, which are greater than ours in many ways. It is possible, as some people have suggested to me, that the U.S. and China are headed for war at some future date, which would be catastrophic on many levels. China was once our ally.

I believe that FOX News is a danger to our country. That media source exaggerates and distorts with apparent impunity. There is a tribe of true believers that simply accept everything they hear. They are "Murdoch's Army." Although the lies are sometimes exposed on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," people just keep on watching. It is like an addiction. I wonder how long it will last.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Colonizing a Distant Planet

I wonder whether there is intelligent life on other planets or moons in the Universe. If so, what is the nature of the alien race? I also wonder whether there are planets conducive to supporting intelligent life that are as yet vacant. It would be beneficial to colonize another planet in order to hedge our bets in regards to the planet Earth, which could succumb to global warming, an asteroid strike, warfare among humans, or the explosion of the Sun.

The vast distances between planets seems like an insurmountable problem when it comes to the possibility of contacting an intelligent alien civilization. If we were ever to make contact with aliens, or if we detected a vacant but inhabitable planet, the distance may be so great that a visit from us would be high risk, though not impossible.

In the case of a planet located a thousand light-years away, a space craft could transport a human female, who could clone herself multiple times for as long as needed, each time producing a perfect copy to replace her when she reached retirement age. Imagine a continuous series of women, spanning hundreds of generations, maintaining and operating the spacecraft until such time as it arrives at the destination planet.

Sending only one human, rather than a proverbial Adam and Eve, reduces costs. Everything I have ever read about space travel leads me to believe that the smaller the craft, the faster and the farther it can go. Furthermore, sexual reproduction introduces the problem of inbreeding, unless there is a population the size of a village aboard the spacecraft. Also, it must be acknowledged that wherever humans come together as a group, there is a possibility of discord, a possibility that that would be increased over hundreds or thousands of years. The smaller the group, the more cohesive, and a solitary individual might stand the best chance of all. If these difficulties are overcome through various means, then the cloning procedure mentioned above may be discarded. Admittedly, I'm charmed by the idea of a single person cloning herself for hundreds or even thousands of years. But perhaps a solo flight would be unnecessary in a nuclear-powered spacecraft. Yet another possibility is that the flight could be unmanned, and the spacecraft could carry little more than a pod containing human DNA, which a robot would then clone upon landing. But that is a less interesting scenario. I prefer to return to the solitary female astronaut.

Upon landing, the woman would set up a base camp and expand the cloning program to generate large numbers. Bonus for a planet with a water supply and oxygen-rich, breathable air. The human race could then establish itself upon its first permanent extraterrestrial outpost.

Eventually, sexual reproduction would need to be reintroduced in order to add an element of variability, which offers many advantages, such as adaptability. Is it possible to freeze sperm in a way that allows it to remain viable for thousands of years? I don't think so. Some method may be found to reintroduce the Y chromosome. Another possibility is that the cloning technique could be altered to introduce mutations on its own without the need for sexual reproduction.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

"I want Obama to fail." -- Rush Limbaugh

This sentiment, repeated by conservative commentators, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy so far in 2010. Rush Limbaugh spoke for all of his constituency. Rich right-wing business owners want the President to fail. They want the Democrats to fail. They are doing whatever is in their power to ensure a lackluster economy. Even those owners who are neutral have been persuaded by a climate of doubt and uncertainty. The right-wing media distorts and exaggerates to achieve political ends. Faux News is nothing but a continuous negative ad aimed at Democrats. Repeated on a continual basis are charges that Obama is socialist, Muslim, or racist. Due to the efforts of Faux News, a surprising percentage of Americans believe that Obama is Muslim. Meanwhile, the Republicans in Congress block measures that would provide relief to American workers. Some Republican governors spurn Federal relief money for the sake of partisan politics. It is considered acceptable to inflict suffering upon the middle and lower classes in order to score partisan points.

Economists dwell upon numbers, but hearts and minds are just as important. If the racist and reactionary owners want the economy to be bad, just for the satisfaction of seeing Obama portrayed as wrong, then the economy will be bad.

Faux News is the enemy, a fair-seeming villain that speaks with a forked tongue. It may defeat America by exploiting the weakness that Americans have for superficial forms, such as patriotism and prayer. A cunning villain will not wear a black hat, but will wear the garb of a preacher and wave the flag, borrowing some of the dignity and authority of God and Country.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Labor Strikes in China?

What's that? You didn't know that workers had strikes in China? I didn't, either, before today. Officially tolerated strikes, at that. The Chinese workers are fed up with a wage freeze that has lasted two years. So they walked.

My reaction: good for them! Nothing could make me feel better about China than a sign of democratic activity, especially if it is met by official toleration. I think that world leaders should commend China for its respect of worker's rights in those instances where strikes occur that are organized by the workers themselves.

Not everyone feels the way I do, of course. In recent talks, the Japanese government scolded China's Premier for permitting the strikes. Japan has called for "transparent labor policies in China." Translation: no strikes should ever be tolerated for any reason, and workers who strike should be sent to China's version of the Gulag.

I read about this in a recent news article from the Associated Press, which was strangely altered in The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal, because all news regarding workers' rights is ignored, whenever media sources calculate that they can get away with it. Other media outlets chose to focus on China's position regarding North Korea or China's export of rare metals, topics that seem boring by comparison.

Democracy in China would be like a dream come true for the entire world. No greater guarantee of world peace could ever arise than a genuine Chinese Republic--with representatives from Tibet and Taiwan. (Taiwan would probably unify with China, if China evolved into a Republic.) I would like to see the Dalai Lama serving as Speaker of the House in the first Chinese Congress.

The substance of the Associated Press article: "Premier Wen Jiabao told a visiting Japanese delegation Sunday that Japanese companies operating in China should address workers' unhappiness over low wages that he says led to labor disputes this year."

I feel no sympathy for companies that have exported American, Japanese and European jobs over to China, throwing millions of their fellow citizens out of work, all in the name of cheaper labor costs and feeble environmental regulations. Outsourcing to China is an obvious attempt at exploitation, either of our shared planetary environment or of the Chinese.

Our government has permitted the exportation of middle class jobs due to the influence of money in American politics. All the Republicans and many of the Democrats have sold out to wealthy interests. However, the consequences of global warming will harm not only the poor, but the rich robber barons as well, whose descendants will inherit a much different planet Earth from the one that I grew up in. America will be a much different place, as well, with many poor, few rich, and just a tiny middle class.

The rich thought they could dispense with the middle class, but as it turns out, their own destiny is intertwined with that of the professional classes. The wealthy classes, too, will find their privileged lifestyles exported to China or eliminated altogether, although the process is likely to take longer than a single generation.

The biggest problem confronting H. Sapiens at this time regards the inability to appreciate and evaluate very long-term consequences of actions. It is rare to encounter an individual who can plan twenty years in ahead; how much rarer to encounter an individual that can forecast a century ahead. It is clear that many of the rich owners lack the capacity to foresee the long-term consequences of their business decisions. Hence, the problem with global warming and with the reduction of the middle class, which has been historically important in maintaining social order. The appeal of extremes, either communism or fascism, has always been greater to those without much property than to those with vested interests, such as a house, a car, and a college education.

H. Sapiens never needed to see far into the future before, because the environment took care of itself for the most part, barring the occasional flood, drought, earthquake or volcanic explosion. But the times, they are a-changing.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Iran's Barbarism

Iran's barbarism knows no bounds. They are preparing to stone a woman to death.

The manner in which Iran treats an innocent woman gives an indication as to how Iran will behave once in possession of nuclear weapons. If Iran shows no mercy, justice, or wisdom in its treatment of its own citizens, how much forbearance can the citizens of foreign countries expect?

Here is a description of how the sentence is to be carried out:

The Islamic Penal Code of Iran is very specific regarding the details of how stoning should be executed. Article 102 states that men shall be buried up to their waists and women up to their breasts for the execution. Article 104 states, referring to the penalty for adultery, that the stones used should “not be large enough to kill the person by one or two strikes; nor should they be so small that they could not be defined as stones (pebbles).” In some cases, if a victim can escape from the ditch during the stoning, they will be freed. However, because women are buried up to their breasts and men only at their waists, women will have a smaller chance of escaping than men.

-from The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women.

It is the radical Muslims who discredit Islam. Not the U.S., Israel, or any other Western country. Incidents such as this explain the distaste that many Westerners have for Islam, including the so-called "far-right" political parties in Europe, who have no desire to see this kind of barbarism introduced into their own society. It is high time for Islamic countries to emerge from the Middle Ages and respect the rights of women, gays, and minorities. Abandoning torture as a punishment would be a good first step. Freedom of speech would be a second.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How the Republicans Might Win in November

If the Republicans do pick up seats in November, it will be due to the combined propaganda of The Christian Science Monitor, FOX News, and The Wall Street Journal. These media sources are dedicated propaganda factories. They are always on the side of the rich against the poor. However, not everyone is aware of their agenda. They may confuse enough voters from the lower and middle classes to vote against their self-interests. If that is the case, then the standard of living for most Americans will continue its long and steady decline.

I used to imagine that Republicans, who often talk about job growth and economic expansion, were competent stewards of the economy, even if I did not agree with them on social issues. For this reason, I invested much of my 401(k) savings in stocks, rather than bonds. All such illusions vanished during the Bush Presidency, when the Republicans created the conditions that resulted in the economic meltdown. America has a short memory indeed if it runs straight back to the party that abused her. The Republicans have changed nothing. They think and behave in the exact same ways that they did while they were making catastrophic blunders. They have not learned anything from previous errors. Blind faith in free market capitalism is not a formula for success. Government regulation and oversight of the markets is necessary in order to prevent "boom-and-bust" cycles.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Encompass the Whole World"

The dictator of Iran threatens the entire world. For the moment, his threats are idle boasts from a madman, reminiscent of Mussolini. I wonder what will be the case when his words are backed up with nuclear missiles? Perhaps the U.S. invaded the wrong country. I would have preferred to see Ah-madman dangling at the end of a noose, although Saddam's head-popping was popcorn-worthy. Whatever one feels about the Iraqi war, the end of a tyrant can only be applauded.

Ah-madman has suppressed moderate Iranians, denied the Holocaust, spoken in favor of the obliteration of Israel, supported terrorism, and is now pursuing nuclear weapons with a single-minded mania. I believe that, should he acquire nuclear weapons, he will use them. He discounts the suffering of others in order to pursue a narrow agenda of egoism.
by igor 04:20 4 replies by igor 09:32 0 comments

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Human Nature

One of my beliefs, which no one I have ever met agrees with, is that the human intelligence is software that evolved over time. It is nothing but software. Our brains are compilations of code, object-oriented subroutines. We are nothing but an elegant and elephantine C++ program. The creator was evolution.

Evolution is not particularly moral. Nor are we. Evolution should never guide our philosophy. Some people, Republicans, think evolution is the answer. It is not. Evolution will lead us to self-destruction. If you slay me, you will be slain in turn. My vengeance is assured, because the willingness to slay will follow your descendants. This is clear to anyone that studies history. What promotes dominance is not necessarily good. Sometimes death is preferable. There are moral imperatives that are higher than survival. We should want what is really good to prevail in the world. Our own lives are not as important as the greater good.

For my part, I think compassion should prevail, not just toward other humans, but toward all life and toward beauty and knowledge. Survival is not everything, and if it were, it would be a ridiculous philosophy, because we are dust, gone in the blink of an eye. I often sense a cosmic smile, as from a god, upon all the vanity of the world and upon my own vanity, because I am just a temporary spark put into being for a brief period of time. It will not be long before I am long gone, and then there will be many others, too many to count, and I will be completely forgotten as though I never existed. Everyone will be forgotten, and that thought may startle the rich and the powerful, whose energies are consumed in getting and fighting with others. They are dust. No one will even know their names.

As I have studied human anatomy, it is clearer to me now that we are like the programs I created during my career. Our scientific knowledge has progressed farther than I anticipated. Everyone knows about DNA. That is old news. What else? We now know what happens in the human body down to the atomic level. Our lives are based upon the interaction of calcium, phosphate, sodium, and other atoms and molecules. We exist because we have to exist. We do what we do because we have no other choice. We are mechanical, not spirits, not elegant entities derived from the Word--or perhaps all is derived from the Word, and I am mistaken. That could be as well. When studying the intricacies of our design, it is difficult to believe that the beautiful and fantastic design could arise through the survival of the fitness. There is a desire to believe that we are the product of a grand scheme. It is difficult to know. Sometimes I believe there is a great Power, a personality, and sometimes I believe instead that everything, good and bad, is a manifestation of the One.

Perhaps the human race is the flower of all these atoms and molecules, produced by a stormy season upon a wet planet. Perhaps love and truth derive from calcium, sodium and phosphate. I do not know. By the way, I think those are the most beautiful words in the English language, "I do not know," because so many people think that they do know, when they do not. Arrogance is uncomely. I will not be like that. To say things about God and portray him as an ignorant, backwoods prude--I think such people know nothing about God and are far away from the creative impulse of the universe. Such religious people, or so they call themselves, have embraced Chaos, which is to say evil, and they do not know what is good. Their punishment is gullibility, because those who cannot discern good from evil will fall prey to the con artists of the world, who are great in number.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hopes for the Future

Assuming there is a future, a civilized one not much worse than the present, I have several items on my wish list:

1. A cheaper, more efficient, and non-polluting replacement for fossil fuels to reduce global warming and pollution. Many fascist regimes devote their oil money toward evil ends, such as war, oppression of their own people, and terrorism. Their level of morality is low, while their income is high. The primary focus of scientific research should be to replace fossil fuels as an energy source.

2. An end to the wars, and the flourishing of peace everywhere, so that the competing tribes can communicate without the interference of violence, which interrupts communication and creates an atmosphere of paranoia and hostility. This goal may be the most difficult to accomplish. But it is possible. In the past, there was more war, not less. Today, the wars are limited in scope.

3. An overthrow of the fascist regime in Iran, which seems bent upon the brutalization of its own people. Iran is an important nation with great potential. Change should come from within, though, not from without. The intervention of outside powers has proved counter-productive in the past.

4. Socialized medicine in America, so that the cost of health care declines, while reaching the poor, who need medicine as much or even more than the affluent. If other countries such as Cuba and Mexico can do it, then surely the United States can.

5. Legal civil unions for gays in America. It is a measure that has no costs, but has many benefits for society as a whole. Assimilation of minorities is the way to make society more cohesive. Many gays want to be seamless members of the community. Today, gays must devote their energies and resources to coping with a variety of injustices that afflict them on a personal level, rather than working upon other social issues. If society is to receive the full measure of their talents, it must recognize their personal relationships.

6. An end to the prohibition of marijuana. It is safer than alcohol. Prohibition laws are designed to make marijuana users felons, unemployed, unemployable, alienated, isolated, imprisoned, traumatized, brutalized, and dead. The laws create far more harm than the substance.

7. The replacement of the menu of fast-food restaurants with healthier choices that have higher amounts of vitamins and fiber, and lower amounts of fat, salt, and sugar. Good food can be healthy, tasty, and popular. The only reason fast food restaurants have not tried good food yet is due to stodginess.

8. A reduction in the use of cars, and an increase in pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Physical exercise has many benefits, both psychological and physical. Too many people dread using their feet. But feet want to be used. It is their function.

9. An end to the "Don't Ask / Don't Tell" policy in the U.S. military that results in the discharge of gay service members through no fault of their own other than honesty.
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions