Saturday, August 31, 2019

Conditions Where I'd Vote for Trump

I'd vote for Trump if the Democratic nominee came out against the Trade War and against tariffs or against Trump's immigration reforms.

Trump did a lot of housecleaning that was overdue. When he came into office, immigration policy was foolish and just basically sat back and waved people in all day long. There were a lot of ne'er-do-wells and opportunists from all kinds of countries flooding in, taking the jobs and driving wages lower. The reason wages are going higher is that that floodgate has been partially closed. There is no other reason of any importance. The mainstream media won't say so because the mainstream media has an agenda set by corporate America. Common sense dictates that an illegal from Guatemala is going to work a lot cheaper than an American born and raised here. Anyone who denies this or minimizes the importance obviously does not care about lower wage workers and prefers their elite friends and elite mindset. I really have a hard time wrapping my head around putting a bunch of Syrians, Iraqis, or whoever on a plane, and flying them all the way across half the world to the U.S., then granting them asylum based on, well, things are tough where you live. Why can't they go next door? Why is it they have to come to the U.S.? Because we are considered a rich country, that is why, and economic opportunism is the motive.

As for the trade war, China is getting too powerful, and that's not a negative in itself until you consider it is not a republic, not interested in peace and coexistence, but an authoritarian dictatorship and not all that much better than other authoritarian dictatorships in history. A world dominated by China will be very different and a lot closer to George Orwell's 1984 dystopian vision. Chinese leaders have no ethics, they are ruled completely by fear and greed and nothing else. For that matter, Russia is no better, and rather worse.

In the first place, Americans have been relying on cheap Chinese goods, often slave-made, for decades, and it's time to stop. Americans lost good factory jobs, and now we have the opioid criss and meth crisis. Opioids were never such a problem until Americans began having hopeless lives with low-wage jobs and no benefits, then you might as well get strung out on something because there is no hope and no future. Pop a pill, get a thrill, why not? Because there's nothing to look forward to. We need tariffs on a permanent basis, and 100% tariffs sounds like a great idea, until American companies get a clue about the cost of betraying the homeland. Companies like Apple should be taxed punitively, assets seized to compensate the homeland for all the jobs they stole from the American working class in order to reward China's dictators for slavery. All these American companies profit off slave labor in China, they try to hide it but the truth gets out.

Biden to me seems like a fool, I would definitely support Trump over Biden.

Warren, I would give a second thought to. I'd like to hear what she has to say about the trade war and immigration. If she is against all Trump's policies, then I go for Trump. I am afraid Warren, like any Democratic nominee, will be compelled to tow the line and support all the stupid and thoughtless policies that have deprived the U.S. of jobs, driven down wages, and let in just whoever, whenever. I don't see how she can buck the Democratic party and still make it as a candidate. Only someone like Trump can buck his own party. All the Democrats have to do what they are told to do by their corporate sponsors, or else the Democratic Party disposes of them, just like it disposed of Bernie Sanders back in 2016.

One thing I never liked about Obama is every foreign policy seemed to the detriment of the U.S., and it seemed like our country had to pay financially for everything. And for what? Gratitude? From whom?

Trump is right to point out to the European countries that they need to cough up more for defense. The only reason Europe has the big social safety net is that America pays for their defense. You know who ultimately pays? The American worker, that's who, the American worker that has no health insurance or crappy and confusing health insurance. It is time we withdrew all our troops from Europe and let them face Russia on their own. I bet the merest hint of that, and suddenly the European governments would be eliminating all the tariffs against American products, and subsidizing American products. They would pay 25% for their people to buy American. They would pay the U.S. hundreds of billions of dollars every year. Better than Russian troops invading, eh? At any rate, there is no reason or need for the U.S. to foot the bill for Europe's security or for that matter, security anywhere else. There needs to be more focus on the homeland and on providing health care to the U.S. voter, who is going to consistently vote for the person who has his interests in mind.

All too often, the Democrats just play the race card, but there is no racial law remaining on the books. America is pretty fair to people of color, about as fair as it can possibly be. You can point to unpleasant incidents that happen every day, but they will always happen in a country of three hundred million people due to human nature. You can't legislate every remaining trace of racial preference away without coming across as oppressive and ridiculous and spawning a whole new generation of political opposition. The only thing that is real is classism, the way that the poor are treated. Life is hard for the poor. The most ethical way to achieve less poverty is provide lots of good-paying jobs with benefits such as vacation and sick leave.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Donations to NORML

I donate to NORML indirectly, or rather I influence others to donate, namely AMAZON. I received this note this morning:
This is your quarterly AmazonSmile donation notification. Your charity, The NORML Foundation, recently received a quarterly donation of $2,535.56 thanks to customers shopping at To date, AmazonSmile has donated a total of: $43,812.06 to The NORML Foundation $134,890,393.33 to all charities Thank you for supporting The NORML Foundation by shopping at
Perhaps it is ironic that I do not now use marijuana and tend to associate with those that do not use it either. Indeed, I have grown to like and respect several narcotics officers on the local police force. But in my view, and this is an important distinction to make, the narcotics officer is just doing his job. He is told what to do by the boss, that is, our elected representatives. It is not as though he has a choice--he does not. If he does not enforce the law, there will be somebody else who will. And the truth is, there may be some good that derives from Prohibition, even of marijuana, if it takes hardened criminals or hopeless addicts off the street, if it manages somehow to also bite into crime, although that is all debatable I suppose. There are many fools that drive around while smoking weed--they need to be put in prison. Driving while stoned is rather more common than I ever expected. Those who do so, need to go to jail before they kill someone.

Yet, if our elected officials were to legalize marijuana, then I feel that would make the narcotics officer's job easier in many ways, by narrowing the scope of what they do, and removing much of the general public from suspicion. You see, marijuana is and always will be popular, whereas the other, harder drugs--people will cooperate and collaborate to see such things as meth and heroin eradicated. Marijuana gains the sympathy of the reasonable person, but addictive hard drugs, in general, do not.

In my view, marijuana should never have been made illegal in the first place, by virtue of the fact it is less harmful than alcohol by any measure one might care to apply. NORML seeks to amend that historical injustice, and I will always support NORML for doing so. People should have a right to grow their own, smoke their own in the privacy of their own homes, and generally live their lives the way they want to. They should not be fired or lose custody of their children by mere association with marijuana.

I am not at all fond of the surging commercial interests in marijuana. I think it is loathsome and base, all of these merchants rushing late to the scene to profiteer by inflating the price of an easily grown weed. Sadly, our elected officials that have chosen to legalize marijuana were motivated less by the civil justice aspect and more by the prospect for profit and taxation, because human beings are ruled by fear and greed, and have precious little in the way of virtue in them.

Now we see the ugly aspects of commercialization of marijuana, the over-pricing, the crime, the taxation, the regulation, the competition pushing smaller business owners out, and so on. It is because people always want things easy. They do not want to grow their own, but instead buy a finished product in a nice shiny wrapper. Everything is a shiny product these days. That, to me, makes marijuana less appealing, not more. I liked pot when it had outlaw status. Now that is it becoming an item found in a store--bleh.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Humans tend to be quite poor influences upon each other, actually. They lead one another, not to wisdom, but to materialism and its brothers, anger and greed. That is the main problem with socializing. Recovery time is needed after exposure to some humans, who are toxic. Even the mere sight or sound of some of them can be toxic. Drinkers, addicts, full of arrogance, anger, contempt, greed, lust, and cool indifference to anything except triggers for greed or anger. One creates buffer zones, shelters away from others. Facebook, et al are not very interesting because they inflict people upon one another, when people are already getting more than enough of each other. Who really wants or needs instant updates of every Joe, Dick, and Harry, or chat mode for that matter? What is lost to people of this era is communication with that which is eternal, and it is best expressed in silence.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


As I complete my first full year of abstinence, I have been struck by the prevalence and tenacity of drinkers. Everyone I know drinks, friends, acquaintances, family, co-workers--and they are quite aggressive about drinking, as though it is a tribal rite, a custom enshrined in religion, and indeed it is in the Holy Eucharist.

I perceive among them the psychic force that enslaved me for so many decades of my life, to my detriment. It is black magic, demonic in nature, although few accept this, because the world views alcohol in a benign light, as it does many forms of evil. Evil approacheth with a fair face and speaketh with a silver tongue, laying an arm around thy back as if in friendship, while clutching a poisoned dagger.

As the months have passed, and many friends have offered me free drinks that used to be my favorites, I wondered whether I would fold. Not even. I am not even tempted. I smile.

No one knows my secret. Almost a year ago, I performed an I.O.B., half-thinking "what am I even doing?", but it worked just as certainly as the earth keeps me on her surface. Of course the groundwork was already laid down. There had been a welling of resistance to alcohol building up in me for many years. Read this blog and there are numerous posts against alcohol.

It should not bother me that other people are trapped in the clutches of this old ugly demon, but they are, and it is a cold satisfaction knowing I enjoy the better way. I would prefer they be better, too, and be stronger and brighter. I will be dead before too long, and the people I observe are the ones who must carry on. England's whole problem is drink, nothing but drink, and they drink because they lost their spirituality, as all people do. Those who reject Spirit embrace spirits to fill the void inside them. In doing so, they open up a gateway into their lives for demons to talk through them and to use them for purposes of malice. Is this so very hard to see?

Of courses, atheists aren't alone in tipping the bottle, although they are the lion's share. Have never known any atheist to remain sober for any great length of time, certainly not more than a month. As to Christians and Jews who drink, I have to wonder what kind of relationship they have with religion, what kind of understanding. Diminishing the Will and inviting any and all comers to enter does not seem like a very wise move for one who professes to believe in the Unseen. The Muslims have it right on this issue, I regret to say. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Darkness. It's a Good Thing.

I'm back for one simple reason. Blogspot allows my Firefox plug-in to render the background black, as I prefer. Wordpress, on the other hand, forces, compels the user to accept a bright, blinding white background. No one in their right mind should stare into the bright lamps of a modern monitor for longer than 2 seconds. I can only conclude that the Wordpress developers are complete buffoons. At any rate, I'm no longer a Wordpress cheerleader. Their editor is excessively complicated and their software is just not easy to use, not well-designed at all. Maybe for 2008, not for 2018.
techlorebyigor is my personal journal for ideas & opinions